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From the October 7, 2010 issueISMP Quarterly Action Agenda -july-september 2010 Key: — ISMP high-alert medication DTaP-Tdap mix-ups now affecting hundreds of patients (13) Problem: The ISMP Medication Errors Reporting Program (MERP) database contains hundreds of cases of mix-ups between adult and pediatric products used to immunize patients against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. These products are easy to confuse due to their similar names and abbreviations (DTaP-Tdap). An infant/child who receives Tdap instead of DTaP would receive an inadequate dose of antigen. Read rest of story here: Toxic Cancer Vaccine Being Developed Will Destroy Human Fertility
Dave Mihalovic, ND - July 14, 2010A vaccine being developed in conjunction with U.S. firm Celldex Therapeutics, claims to kill off the most deadly cancers including breast, bowel and cervical tumours. The problem is, it will also destroy a women’s ability to reproduce. Read rest of story here: Health bosses under fire over jabs
By Gillian Duncan Published: 27/09/2010 Lack of publicity about side-effects of cervical cancer vaccine branded ‘unacceptable’ Health chiefs have been accused of failing to properly publicise the side-effects of the cervical cancer vaccine. More than 400 pupils have suffered adverse reactions to the Cervarix jabs since the programme began in Scotland two years ago. About a fifth of the reactions were deemed “serious” – but a leaflet issued to parents along with the vaccine consent form states that the side-effects are “quite mild”. Jackie Fletcher, of Jabs, a support group for vaccine-damaged children, branded the lack of information “unacceptable”. She added: “A number of parents have been in touch citing health problems with their daughters shortly after this vaccine. These include seizures, fatigue and joint and muscle pain. The authorities need to be honest so parents can make an informed choice.” Read rest of story here: Rediscovering "Donald T.": John Donvan and Caren Zucker Steal a Story
September 21, 2010Last Tuesday, John Donvan and Caren Zucker wrote a beautiful article for The Atlantic, entitled, “Autism’s First Child”, accompanied by a video packet that ran on Good Morning America and followed by a lengthy interview on NPR, about the first patient ever diagnosed with autism. Donald Triplett. These intrepid reporters, share how they searched and found this man who had been lost to history, and share with the world what a successful life he turned out to have. Donald was raised in a small town, by parents who stuck by him despite the recommendation of professionals to institutionalize him, and alongside neighbors who loved, accepted and supported him. He went to college, joined a fraternity, worked at a bank, drives a car and plays golf. It is a story that, as a mother of an 8 year old boy with autism, gives me hope. But the problem is that it is not their story, the whole story, and the most newsworthy part of the story. You see, in 1943, Leo Kanner, a Johns Hopkins Child Psychologist, wrote a paper in which he described a rare disorder he found in 11 children. The disorder became known as “Autism” and Kanner referred to the first case he found as “Donald T.”, a boy who was indeed lost to history. And it was intrepid journalistic investigating that found that Donald was still alive and living well in Mississippi. But it wasn’t ABC’s Donvan and Zucker who found him in 2010. It was a UPI’s Dan Olmsted who found him in 2005. ... While Kanner’s other cases had poor outcomes, Donald did not. It turns out Donald received a medical treatment that Kanner never recorded when, as a boy, he fell victim to crippling juvenile arthritis. Donald was treated with gold salts and his brother reported that as a result, Donald not only recovered from the arthritis, but "The proclivity to excitability and extreme nervousness had all but cleared up”. Donald began to recover from “autism”. Read rest of story here: More Americans drowning in prescription drugs
September 04, 2010(NaturalNews) Nearly half of all Americans now use prescription drugs on a regular basis according to a CDC report that was just released (1). Nearly a third of Americans use two or more drugs, and more than one in ten use five or more prescription drugs regularly. The report also revealed that one in five children are being regularly given prescription drugs, and nine out of ten seniors are on drugs. Read rest of story here: Mercury As A Cause of Autism – More Denialist Junk “Science” from Pediatrics Journal
September 14, 2010The journal Pediatrics published yesterday amid media hype a paper claiming to show that mercury in vaccines cannot be associated with causing autistic conditions in children: Prenatal and Infant Exposure to Thimerosal From Vaccines and Immunoglobulins and Risk of Autism. The paper in fact provides no such evidence. The medical establishment and the drug industry continue to bury their heads – not in sand, but junk science, to cover over what they have been doing and continue to do to millions of children worldwide. Yet again, despite being documented in formally published papers, the authors failed to look in the right places. It is known that children with autistic conditions have difficulty excreting mercury [some references below]. The mercury accumulates in their body tissues including the brain, unlike their non autistic counterparts. Mercury is highly neurotoxic – in parts per billion. Only infinitesimally tiny amounts can do significant damage to a developing infant brain. Read rest of story here: 52% Concerned About Safety of Vaccines
August 20, 2010Vaccinations are common requirements for children all over the country in order to attend public school and college. However, half of American adults (52%) say they are concerned about the safety of vaccinations for children, including 27% who are Very Concerned. Read rest of story here: Pediatricians: Mandate flu shots
Sept 2010Group is the latest to support vaccinating all health workers The American Academy of Pediatrics plans to call for all health workers to get flu vaccinations, saying unvaccinated doctors, nurses and other medical staffers pose a threat to patients. The academy, which represents 60,000 pediatricians, is the latest of several organizations that now back mandatory flu shots for health workers. The groups include the National Patient Safety Foundation, the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the Society of Healthcare Epidemiologists. Read rest of story here: MMRV Doubles Risk for Febrile Seizures 7 to 10 Days After Vaccination
June 28, 2010 — Infants aged 12 to 23 months have about double the risk of developing a febrile seizure for 7 to 10 days after being vaccinated with the measles-mumps-rubella-varicella (MMRV) combination vaccine compared with those receiving separate MMR and varicella vaccines, according to a new study. Despite this increase, physicians and parents should understand that the overall risk for febrile seizures from either the MMR or MMRV vaccine is low, stressed lead study author Nicola P. Klein, MD, PhD, codirector of the Kaiser Permanente Vaccine Study Center in Oakland, California. "The risk is less than 1 per 1000 doses, but the risk is twice as much for febrile seizures for MMRV when you compare it with MMR and varicella," Dr. Klein said. "The MMRV will cause 1 additional febrile seizure for every 2300 doses of MMRV given instead of the separate vaccine.” The study appears in the July 2010 issue of Pediatrics and was published online June 28. Read rest of story here: S.A.N.E. VAX, Inc. Formed to Prevent Potential HPV Vaccine Induced Increased Risk of Cancer
North Hollywood, CA, August 16, 2010 SANE VAX Inc. will be offering Human papillomavirus (HPV) monitoring test for HPV vaccine users, and will be working in conjunction with Dr. Sin Hang Lee F.R.C.P. (C), FCAP. Dr. Lee has over 50 years’ experience in general/surgical pathology and clinical microbiology and is authorized to practice in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. Dr. Lee is particularly concerned about the health issues surrounding the HPV vaccines. There are 283 cases of post-vaccination abnormal pap smears reported to the Vaccine Event Reporting System (VAERS) with more reports of high-risk HPV, cervical lesions and cervical cancer beginning to surface in medical journals. According to Dr. Lee’s research, HPV 16, one of the two strains of the virus targeted by Gardasil, is not even prevalent in the U.S. HPV 32, 18 and 58 are common strains in some parts of the U.S., but this varies from one location to the next. Lee has also noted that it is a persistent infection with HPV strains that may lead to cervical cancer - not just a one time exposure. He is quick to emphasize that the virus usually passes through women’s bodies within four menstrual cycles. Pre-testing for HPV is crucial since the May 2008 FDA VRBPAC documents have noted that exposure to HPV prior to vaccination raises the risk of cervical cancer 44.6% for Gardasil and 32.5% for Cervarix. Post-vaccination testing is equally important for those who have suffered adverse reactions to the vaccine. “Pre and post HPV testing is crucial to identify whether a young woman has already been exposed to HPV - and to try and understand the mechanisms of action causing the injury and death of innocent girls after inoculation,” states Botha. Parents are already expressing interest in HPV testing which costs $50 per test throug Read rest of story here: The MPA investigates reports of narcolepsy in patients vaccinated with Pandemrix
August 18, 2010During summer 2010, the MPA has received in total six reports of narcolepsy, as an adverse reaction after Pandemrix vaccination. The reports concern children aged 12-16 years where symptoms compatible with narcolepsy, diagnosed after thorough medical investigation, have occurred one to two months after vaccination. Consumer reports describing similar symptoms have also been received. Read rest of story here: 'I was used as a guinea pig in child vaccine scandal'
20 August 2010A woman subjected to a controversial vaccine trial as a baby without her mother's consent broke her silence last night to reveal her traumatic decades-long fight for justice. Mari Steed (50) was effectively used as a guinea pig during the 'four-in-one' vaccine trials carried out on her between December 1960 and October 1961 when she was between nine and 18 months old. She was given up for adoption to a couple in the US shortly afterwards and is now preparing a class action in the US courts against the multinational drugs giant responsible for the medical tests, an Irish Independent investigation reveals. Read rest of story here: O.C. patent removes mercury in vaccines
Aug. 20, 2010 MGP Biotechnologies LLC, a four-year-old Irvine firm, has just received a patent for a device to remove thimerosol from medication. Thimerosol, which contains mercury, has been widely used since the 1930s as a preservative in vaccines, but some parents and health professionals are concerned about the potential damage to the brains and nervous systems of young children. On the other hand, if thimerosol isn't in the medication, bacteria might taint the batch.When I saw the description on patent attorney Bruce Itchkawitz's OCTechInnovation blog about patents issued to Orange County companies (you can sign up for updates), I knew MGP might be on to something big so I tracked down founder and President Roger Acey, a biochemistry professor at Cal State Long Beach.The potential for clean vaccines is just one use for technology Acey has been working on for 15 years and it may not be the most impactful. Other uses: * removing arsenic and heavy metals from drinking water * reclaiming gold, platinum and other precious metals products being thrown away * cleaning up industrial waste and contaminated sitesIt all started with Acey's study of the metabolism of brine shrimp. Read rest of story here: Walgreens announces flu shot gift card; give the "gift" of a vaccine (opinion)
August 18, 2010(NaturalNews) Summer isn't even over yet and the big push for the mass vaccination of the entire population is already under way. The CDC started the push by recently urging vaccine shots for everyone -- including infants, pregnant women and immune-compromised people. Adding to the vaccination hoopla, Walgreens has announced something quite bizarre: A flu shot gift card. Read rest of story here: New study: 85% of Big Pharma's new drugs are "lemons" and pose health risks to users
August 18, 2010Independent reviewers found that about 85 percent of new drugs offer few if any new benefits -- but they carry the risk of causing serious harm to users. According to Donald Light, Ph.D., a professor of comparative health policy at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey who authored the study, the pharmaceutical industry is a "market for lemons" and Big Pharma spends a fortune to sell those lemons to the public. Read rest of story here: Swine flu advisers' ties to drug firms: Five WHO experts linked with vaccine producers
13th August 2010A third of the experts advising the World Health Organisation about the swine flu pandemic had ties to drugs firms, it has emerged. Five of the 15 specialists who sat on the emergency committee had received funding from pharmaceutical giants, or were linked to them through their research. The revelation will prompt speculation that the 'pandemic' was wildly overestimated and largely fuelled by the drugs industry who stood to benefit from the panic. Read rest of story here: Brain Eating Vaccines to Some, Healthy Stress Reducers to Others
August 03, 2010 by:A Possible Vaccine Has Sparked a Debate Across the Health Establishment and Conspiracy Theorists There is a growing theory about brain eating vaccines spreading quickly across the Internet. The theory, as described by Paul Joseph Watson at Prison Planet, is that the "media establishment", in conjunction with various world governments is planning to promote a vaccine that reduce stress and produce a state of calm. A Stanford University neuroscience professor, Dr. Robert Sapolsky believes he is close to discovering a vaccine that would create, as he says, a state of 'focused calm', that would reduce stress, anger and anxiety. Read rest of story here: Health Fascism in Australia.
July 09, 2010By Martin Walker The sinister Skeptics group, agents of what used to be CSICOP now the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI) organised from the US and linked to the major corporate lobby groups, American Council on Science and Health (ACSH) and American Council Against Health Fraud (ACAHF), which is in turn linked to the Australian CAHF) are making ground in Australia. Supported by authoritarian ideological influences in government and Big Pharma, the Skeptics are running constant attacks on homeopathy, natural cancer treatments, those who question vaccination and those who support any form of alternative medicine. With the present world fiscal crisis, all those linked to Big Pharma and Science are fighting a bitter battle to preserve drug company competitiveness. But where fascist influences in government and health with most force come together is in attacking anyone who speaks out about freedom of choice and expression in relation to vaccination. Read rest of story here: Quack
Suzanne Humphries, MD [medical doctor], July 5, 2010Mainstream medicine has hit a new low in its war against physicians who have become alternative healers. The battle has been going on for decades, but lately, in bully-like fashion, pharma’s minions are ramping up the vilification. They’re now discrediting any healing method not based in their version of accepted science - excuse me, I meant their religion of pharmaceutical belief which has been misnamed as “science”. Physicians who see that the popular medical-pharmaceutical construct endangers its recipients with marginally tested drugs of questionable efficacy, but with well documented adverse effects, are labeled as quacks. A physician who recognizes the significant conflicts of interest, and resultant corruption in the circle of influence that comprises the nation’s government/public health officials, lobbyists for the pharmaceutical industry, and in many instances his or her own colleagues is considered a quack. Read rest of story here: News articles for year 2008 News articles for year 2009 News articles for year 2010 [Jan-June] Video: * Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (, has posted a YouTube video introducing the key evidence in the HPV vaccination fraud. This video is available for viewing at: Summary HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed: FDA Documents Reveal HPV "Not Associated with Cervical Cancer"
News articles for year 2008
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Why The Swine Flu Vaccines And Vaccines Are ILLEGAL Under International Laws
Dec. 25, 2009[6 page PDF Document] Informed Consent ... Consent given with full knowledge of the risks involved, probable consequences, and the alternatives. (In order for informed consent to be considered valid, the client must be competent and the consent should be given voluntarily). The Nuremberg Code 1947 ... takes precedence over any other laws by any country or government on this topic, or any policy requirement by any government or corporation. Nuremberg Code is recognized as everyone's inalienable right. That is why it was passed into law. Read rest of document here: Supreme Court interested in vaccine lawsuit shield
BLOOMBERG NEWS SERVICE • June 8, 2009The U.S. Supreme Court expressed interest in an appeal by Madison-based Wyeth and units of GlaxoSmithKline Plc that seeks to give the pharmaceutical industry a broader shield from lawsuits over injuries allegedly caused by vaccines. The justices sought the Obama administration’s views on a Georgia Supreme Court ruling that allowed a lawsuit by the family of an autistic boy injected with vaccines containing the mercury-based preservative thimerosal. The state court said a 1986 federal law that protects vaccine makers doesn’t preclude suits claiming that a manufacturer should have used a safer formulation. Study: Medical Bills Underlie 60 Percent of US Bankruptcies
Thursday 04 June 2009Washington - Medical bills are behind more than 60 percent of U.S. personal bankruptcies, U.S. researchers reported on Thursday in a report they said demonstrates that healthcare reform is on the wrong track. More than 75 percent of these bankrupt families had health insurance but still were overwhelmed by their medical debts, the team at Harvard Law School, Harvard Medical School and Ohio University reported in the American Journal of Medicine. TruthOut Arrest ordered for mom of boy, 13, resisting chemo
May 19, 2009NEW ULM, Minn. – A judge issued an arrest warrant Tuesday for the mother of a 13-year-old boy resisting chemotherapy after the pair missed a court hearing on his welfare. Brown County District Judge John Rodenberg also ordered that Daniel Hauser be placed in protective custody so he can get proper medical treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma. Judge rules family can't refuse chemo for boy
Fri May 15, 2009MINNEAPOLIS – A Minnesota judge ruled Friday that a 13-year-old cancer patient must be evaluated by a doctor to determine if the boy would benefit from restarting chemotherapy over his parents' objections. $22.5 million award ordered in polio case
NEW YORK, March 22 (UPI) -- A father whose daughter's oral vaccination resulted in him contracting paralytic polio 30 years ago should receive $22.5 million, a New York jury says.... Tenuto's daughter, Diana, received a Lederle vaccination called Orimune in May 1979 while she was an infant. Read story here: MMR/Autism Cases Win In US Vaccine Court
Robert F Kennedy Jr. writing in The Huffington Post reveals that 1322 hidden cases of vaccine caused brain damage including autism have been successful in the US Vaccine Court including MMR cases: School interrogates, rejects parents' religion
Subjects mom, dad to 'sincerity test' after filing vaccination exemption
Study completed on violation of informed consent Clinical Trials of NYC Foster Children - NYSDOH Coverup Continues
By James R. Marsh on January 28, 2009 11:21 AM... between 1986 and 2001 hundreds of NYC foster children were involuntarily enrolled in medical experiments. Soon after the story broke in the NYT, NYC commissioned a study by the widely respected Vera Institute for Justice. Almost four years later, that long awaited (forgotten?) study was finally released today. Couple can sue vaccine company, court says
Associated Press -Oct. 7, 2008 ATLANTA (AP) - An Atlanta couple's lawsuit that claims a vaccine manufacturer's product caused neurological damage to their son can go forward. The Georgia Supreme Court's unanimous decision Monday concluded that a 1986 federal law that has blocked other complaints against vaccine companies does not bar the lawsuit from Marcelo and Carolyn Ferrari from going to trial. The decision upheld a ruling by the Georgia Court of Appeals, which became the first appellate court in the nation to hold that the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Act does not pre-empt state law. Read article at:
Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court - Now What?
After years of insisting there is no evidence to link vaccines with the onset of autism spectrum
disorder (ASD), the US government has quietly conceded a vaccine-autism case in the Court of Federal Claims.
http://www.huffingtonpost.comAnother version:
Judge Opens "Manslaughter" Against Sanofi Aventis and Merck
Source: (Reuters) Feb 01 - French authorities have opened a formal investigation into two managers from drugs groups GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Pasteur over a vaccination campaign in the 1990s, a judicial source said late on Thursday. Judge Marie-Odile Bertella-Geffroy also opened an investigation for manslaughter against Sanofi Pasteur MSD, a joint venture between Sanofi Aventis and Merck, the same source said. The investigations follow allegations that the companies failed to fully disclose side effects from an anti-hepatitis B drug used in a vaccination campaign between 1994 and 1998. Some 30 plaintiffs have launched a civil action in the case, including the families of five people who died after vaccination. Ron Paul Speaks Out Against Dangerous Vaccines
Presidential candidate Ron Paul has spoken out against forced vaccination and the federal government's eagerness to dictate what Americans may and may not put into their bodies.
Ron Paul Speaks Out ... My Experience with the General Medical Council [UK]
Dr Jayne LM Donegan's WebsiteDr. Donegan's story illustrates why so few doctors are allowed in court as expert's for the non-vaccinators and what kind of harassment is given to those who dare tell the truth.
USA Summer 2007 Major Autism Legal Battle AUTISM FAMILIES KEEP CLOSE WATCH AS FIRST TEST CASE GOES TO VACCINE COURT UK Legal Battles - online reports plus links to transcripts Dr. Jayne Donegan case Dr. Andrew Wakefield case
Florida Vaccination Exemptions and proposed bill to add a Philosophical Exemption.
Troops Sue to Avoid Anthrax Vaccines Thu 15 Dec 2006 Members of the military sued on Wednesday to prevent the Pentagon from requiring anthrax vaccinations, the latest legal challenge over the vaccine’s possible health risks.
Senior NIH Researcher PLEADS GUILTY
Pearson "Trey" Sunderland III, former chief of the Geriatric Psychiatry Branch of the National Institute of Mental Health, pleaded guilty Friday (Dec. 8) to violating federal conflict of interest laws in connection with unapproved consulting for Pfizer Inc.
New Hampshire Libertarians Against Compulsory Vaccinations
Sign The Petition here and make your voice heard in New Hampshire for a philosophical objection to vaccinations. ^ WHO OWNS YOUR CHILD? Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, July 25, 2006, Doctors Against Research? by David Kirby on Huffington Post Bill authorizing $860 million for research into autism is opposed by AAP because vaccines, vaccine components and pharmaceutical products would be investigated. ^
March 2006. Important vaccine damage lawsuit launched in Toronto, Canada. See story of Plaintif, Lucia Morgan, here:
PETS: Potential class action lawsuit
"S. 3—The Protecting America in the War on Terror Act of 2005" IOWA FIRST TO BAN MERCURY FROM CHILDHOOD VACCINES
California is the second state -- after Iowa -- to limit the use of vaccines containing thimerosal ^ SafeMinds Critiques & Commentary MMR & Autism - Denmark
150 Irish Parents Sue MMR Makers Results of ACIP Survey from ChildScreen (on
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Vaccine Injury Alliance: 10August01 leading law firms and NVICP awareness.
How to Legally Avoid School Immunizations (2Aug00)
How to get exemption forms
links to all states exemption info:
Florida Case History on Religious Exemption
Idaho Daycare Requirements
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Shaken Baby Syndrome - Alan Yurko- Appeal and Offer (Update May01-2001)