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Hib Index
Haemophilus Influenzae Type B
  • Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) is a bacteria. Diseases are usually defined by their symptoms rather than by a virus or bacteria.

  • Meningitis is one of many diseases associated with the Hib bacteria. Statistics for "invasive Hib disease" in the USA will include meningitis, pneumonia, epiglottitis, blood poisoning, arthritis, ear infections and others.

  • The vast majority of people are exposed to Hib bacteria and carry it but experience no symptoms of disease.
    Most patients with Hib disease have not had contact with a person who had invasive [Hib] disease.
    Thus, it is doubtful that diseases with the Hib label (Hib Meningitis, etc) are actually caused by the Hib bacteria.

  • Diseases associated with Hib bacteria are actually caused by imbalances in cell chemistry which create conditions (terrain) where the bacteria may grow.
    Risk factors that increase the rate of Hib associated disease include:
    Vaccination, exposure to smoke and air pollution, poor nutrition, excessive antibiotics, chemical poisons and poor sanitation.

  • Breast feeding, good nutrition, adequate sanitation, clean air and avoiding vaccinations reduces risk.

^The Perilous Haemophilus
or is it.....pneumonia

By Hilary Butler

See below for selected quotes from above web page

CDC graph of Hib disease 1991-1997 [Archived on VacLib]

^ Changing Disease Epidemiology Via Vaccines - Are We "Robbing Peter To Pay Paul"?
occurs primarily among children under 5 (although breastfeeding is an effective preventative).
we really don't know all that much about the incidence of haemophilus influenzae b, particularly prior to vaccine licensure. According to the CDC, "haemophilus influenzae infections became nationally reportable in 1991"

HIB Vaccine - Excellent Resource
Index page of links at
Vaccination Information and Choice Network

Quote from Meryl Dorey


    - Archived below

Know Your Vaccine Facts
Two Condensed Data Tables for Hib and Hib/HebB

View Hib table at bottom of this page
Download HIB file in MS .DOC format to print
Download Hib-HepB in PDF format to print
View Hib-HepB table at bottom of this page
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Download Hib-HepB in PDF format to print

^ Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Chapter (Pink Book) [PDF download] [CDC document]

Archive of Hib Chapter above on VacLib site:
Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Chapter (Pink Book) [PDF download] [CDC document]

Package Inserts
sanofi pasteur ActHIB Package Insert
PedvaxHIB Merck
Package Insert for HibTITER ® Wyeth-Ayerst

At Vacccination Liberation we believe that "The Informed Do NOT Consent." However, if you are intent on giving your child Hib vaccine, then see the standard indications which call for delay or contra-indication:
Pro Vaccine -
Haemophilus Influenzae type b Vaccine (Hib)

Selected Quotes on Hib

Quotes in this section were found at:

The Perilous Haemophilus
or is it.....pneumonia

By Hilary Butler

July 1996


[New Zealand]
Headline: "COT DEATH INCREASE ‘APPALLING’" The cot deaths [SIDS] increase occurred THREE MONTHS after the introduction of the nationwide blanket administration of the first Hepatitis B vaccine immediately after birth.

...Public Health nurses who had had the vaccine [HepB] and the following winter had had health problems never previously experienced.

...from the beginning of July 1994 to the end of October 1995, there was a 23% increase in youngsters being brought into hospital and a 15% increase in admissions. This occurred just over one year after the introduction of TETRAMUNE [DTP and Hib] in this country and two years after the introduction of ProHIBit (Hib vaccine for 18 month children and older), and in the year when the Health Department had flooded the media with reports of how the cases of Hib had fallen to rock bottom. We were told that this vaccine would ease the total work load of the paediatric staff but here we see more, sicker children than ever before.

In the latest article: "Doctors are noticing that the proportion of very young children admitted is getting higher and that generally, children seem to be sicker when they arrive."

Interestingly they mentioned an increase in cases of pneumonia, asthma, meningococcal disease, fevers and bronchiolitis….that the reasons weren’t clear, but "lack of money to pay doctor’s bills could be a factor."

What is the evidence linking pneumonia in the NZ Herald article heading with the Haemophilus vaccine?

The Kaiser study (Arch Ped. Adol. Med. Jan 1994 pg. 54) did admit that the rates of Haemophilus had been falling in the two, four and six month age group, previously unvaccinated, for some time before its introduction...yet it was amongst this very group of babies that the study was done for the safety of TETRAMUNE – the same vaccine we use in New Zealand.

Bells started ringing in my head. Some years ago, the first Swedish study of the Japanese acellular pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine was abruptly stopped because a larger number of serious infections and deaths were occurring in the vaccinated group than the unvaccinated. The raw data repeatedly came up with PNEUMONIA and MENINGOCOCCAL MENINGITIS.

August 1992 JPID:
Kaiser study 130,000 children. "Only six vaccinated children developed invasive Haemophilus disease, five of whom had received only one dose. In a Letter to the Editors in the October issue, Leggiadro and colleagues will show a substantial reduction in cases of invasive Haemophilus disease admitted to LeBonheur Children’s Hospital, Memphis, TN from 1982 – 1991. OF CONCERN WAS A TWOFOLD INCREASE IN THE RATE OF PNEUMOCOCCAL DISEASE IN 1991." (emphasis mine)

Note the year – 1991, which was in the 12 – 24 month period after the introduction of this vaccine. Just like in Auckland.

...article in The Lancet, 11 March 1995, Volume 345, p661, from Finland, the first country to use the Hib vaccine in a widespread fashion.



"For comparison, the figure shows the declining occurrence of bacteraemic Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) infections in the coverage area of the hospital. Hib vaccinations started in Finland in 1986, and the last case of invasive disease in our hospital was seen in 1991. Thus our results suggest that following the disappearance of invasive Hib disease in children bacteraemic pneumococcal infections have increased. A similar, although less striking increase has been reported in Philadelphia." [Kaiser]

The medical literature makes it quite clear, with studies done on healthy people showing that:

"Other organisms will be found in throat swabs. In general these have no relevance to clinical illness, and the laboratory should not report other organisms, including staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, and the meningococcus." (NEW ETHICALS JUNE 1994.)

An even better study in Acta Paediatr 1995; 84:566-4 found that when tracheal and laryngeal aspiration were performed on healthy children it was found the majority carry potentially pathogenic bacteria, and: "we conclude that aspirates from the larynx and the trachea are of limited value in the diagnosis of bacterial PNEUMONIA in children."

Source for these selected quotes:,
from an Article by Meryl Dorey - Australian Vaccination Network

... When the Hib vaccine was introduced, it is claimed that it caused an immediate 90% reduction in the incidence of Hib meningitis. A few curious facts that have been overlooked by the medical community should lay to rest once and for all the claims that the vaccine was responsible for this supposed decline.

1- whilst the vaccine was originally introduced for those aged 18 months and over, the decline was largest in those under this age group - in other words, there were fewer cases in the unvaccinated infants - not necessarily in the vaccinated toddlers.

2- the vaccine is only supposed to "protect" against the capsular form of Hib and it is true that there was a decline in this form after the vaccine was introduced, but the non-capsular form of Hib actually increased in incidence and the incidence of meningococcal and pneumococcal meningitis - both of which are multi-drug resistant - increased exponentially after the introduction of this vaccine. Two reasons have been given. Something called transferrance (sp?) where when one disease is prevented, others come in to take their place - in this case, 2 that are much worse than the original one. And another is, that because Hib, like all bacteria that can cause meningitis, is an invasive infection, the further weakening of the immune system by the introduction of more vaccines, will always lead to more infections.

The suppression of the immune system following vaccination is so well known in the medical literature that it is even given a name - a 90 day window of opportunity. It is known by researchers that people who recieve a vaccine are much more likely, for a period of 90 days following - to be subject to invasive infections.

They know it, but most doctors don't and almost no parents do. It is criminal.

Source for the included article below:

© What Doctors Don't Tell You (Volume 10, Issue 9)

Children who receive multiple doses of the Haemophilus influenzae b (Hib) vaccine are at increased risk of developing type I juvenile-onset diabetes, according to new American research.

When researchers in Baltimore compared children who had received four, one and no doses of the vaccine, the cumulative incidence of diabetes per 100,000 in the three groups was 261, 237 and 207 at age 7 and 398, 376 and 340 at age 10, respectively. This works out to be that the greatest increased risk is among children who receive the full quotient of the vaccine.

The incidence of diabetes among US children aged five to 10 had been stable in the 10 years prior the introduction of the vaccine.

The increased risk of diabetes - which is just one of the potential adverse effects of the Hib jab - certainly exceeds the benefits of the vaccine, say the Baltimore research team. The Hib vaccine has been estimated to prevent approximately seven deaths, and between seven and 26 cases of severe disability per 100,000 children who have been immunised (BMJ, 1999; 319: 1133).

* In another study, scientists have found that the routine vaccination of newborns with the hepatitis B vaccine increases the risk of fever (Arch Dis Child, Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 1999; 81: F206-7). A before-and-after study showed a link between the launch of the vaccination programme in Israel and the number of babies with unexplained fever in the first three days of life. As yet, the scientists do not know what significance this finding has for the short- or long-term health of the infants.

Copyright © 1999 What Doctors Don't Tell You (Volume 10, Issue 9)
Hib Vaccines	Diabetes by Age 7	Diabetes by Age 10
0		207			340			
1		237			376
4		261			398



HibTiter (LC), ActHib (AP) , LiqPedvaxHib (M)


Diphtheria Toxoid, Tetanus Toxoid, Haemophilus influenza type b antigen, Neisseria meningitides serogroup B, Ammonia Sulfate, Aluminum, Thimerosal (Mercury derivative), Dry natural latex rubber

Adverse Reactions

Anaphylactic Shock/Anaphylactoid, Seizures /infantile spasms, SIDS and or Deaths reported, Guillain-Barre Syndrome / Bell's Palsy, Aseptic Menningitis/ Transverse myelitis, Arthritis/Arthraigia, Thrombocytopenia, Diabetes Mellitus, Renal failure, Early onset of Hib Disease, Lymphadenopathy

Long-Term Studies have not been done for

Carcinogenic, mutagenic potential or fertility impairment, developmental malformation (animal reproduction studies), effects on pregnant woman, fetus, or transmission of toxins to human breast milk

Source: Vaccinations and the Physician's Desk Reference:
Who Will Tell the Parents? by Barbara Flynn, MBA
Used with permission. 



Comvax (M)


Hepatitis B virus gene / yeast protein, Haemophilus influenza type b antigen, Neisseria meningitides serogroup B, Aluminum, Formaldehyde

Adverse Reactions

Anaphylactic Shock, Guillain-Barre Syndrome/Bell's Palsy, Seizures /infantile spasms, Arthritis/Arthraglia, S-J, Erythema Multiforme, Diabetes Mellitus, Urticaria, Elevation of liver enzymes, Early onset of Hib Disease, Lymphadenopathy, Reflux esophagitis, Vitreous hemorrhage

Long-Term Studies have not been done for

Carcinogenic, mutagenic potential or fertility impairment, developmental malformation (animal reproduction studies), effects on pregnant woman, fetus, or transmission of toxins to human breast milk

Source: Vaccinations and the Physician's Desk Reference:
Who Will Tell the Parents? by Barbara Flynn, MBA
Used with permission. 

Know Your Vaccine Facts
Two Condensed Data Tables for Hib and Hib/HebB

View Hib table above
Download HIB file in MS .DOC format to print
Download Hib-HepB in PDF format to print
View Hib-HepB table above
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