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Dr. Wakefield News related items

Over 300 pages of evidence from the CDC show that vaccines cause autism
     Steve Kirsch, Nov 17, 2024
Recently, I received a treasure trove of documents from a source inside the CDC showing they've known for over 20 years that Wakefield was right: vaccines cause autism.

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File# 6438sciwakaut.php

Film Review: "Protocol 7"
     John Leake, Jun 10, 2024
Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake

IMDB’s tagline for Protocol 7 succinctly convey’s the film’s two major dramatic elements.
With the catastrophic regression of her adopted son, Lexi, a small-town lawyer, is confronted with the reality of corporate fraud at the highest level. Will she hold a massive corporation accountable in this true whistleblower story?
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File# 6557wak.php

It's Time You Read the Truth About Dr. Andrew Wakefield

A Thorough Analysis of the Case Against Dr. Andrew Wakefield by Mary Holland, JD
     James Lyons-Weiler, Jul 24, 2023
If you’ve heard Dr. Wakefield’s name — and you probably have — you’ve heard two tales. You’ve heard that Dr. Wakefield is a charlatan, an unethical researcher, and a huckster who was “erased” from the British medical registry and whose 1998 article on autism and gastrointestinal disease was “retracted” by a leading medical journal. You’ve also heard a very different story, that Dr. Wakefield is a brilliant and courageous scientist, a compassionate physician beloved by his patients, and a champion for families with autism and vaccine injury. What’s the truth?

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File# 6733sciautwak.php

Documentaries that Include 100’s of Health Professionals WARNING The Public About The Dangers of Vaccination

[34 links to videos on vaccines. And a list of 110 Books about the dangers of medical injections.]

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File# 7436sciautrigleggarsbsfluwak.php

Wakefield New Angle / Old Story
by Jim West
The word "antibiotic" is mentioned early, yet only once in the entire study.

   [Subject four] developed recurrent antibiotic-resistant [middle ear infections] and the first behavioural symptoms...

This is revealing.

Wakefield is bent on avoiding toxicology!

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File# 7944autsciwak <.php

New Published Study Verifies Andrew Wakefield’s Research on Autism – Again (MMR Vaccine Causes Autism)
Published June 21, 2013, filed under HEALTH
Controversial Doctor and Autism Media Channel Director proven right – MMR Vaccine Causes Autism & Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Two landmark events – a government concession in the US Vaccine Court, and a groundbreaking scientific paper – confirm that physician, scientist, and Autism Media Channel [AMC] Director, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and the parents were right all along.

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Lancet Refuses to Reinstate 1998 Royal Free Paper Despite Its Reasons Being Overturned in Court
May 12, 2014
The following has been published by Jake Crosby under the title: Lancet Keeps Wakefield et al. Retracted in Contempt of Court. CHS points out that in the strictly legal sense what Jake Crosby describes in ordinary terms appears contemptuous of the legal process but is not per se a Contempt of Court in the legal sense. However, that contempt for due process and formal fact-finding demonstrates how little any of this has to do with medical science and how much it has to do with medical politics and the protection from criticism of vaccines which have been proven dangerous and the people who wrongfully allowed their use in the United Kingdom.

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OPEN LETTER to the Sponsors of Brian Deer’s Lectures at The University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, October 2012
Friday, 26 October 2012
My name is Jennifer VanDerHorst-Larson, and my open letter to university officials was singled out by Brian Deer for response. As you know, Mr. Deer recently lectured at the university about the Wakefield/MMR vaccine controversy. On his website, Mr. Deer referred to my letter as a form of “abuse.” (Please judge for yourself if it’s abusive.) My letter here. Mr. Deer’s response.

I am the mother of a boy with autism who developed normally – exceeding his milestones - until he received his Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) and other vaccinations at 15 months. He reacted immediately and showed clear evidence of regression the day after his 15-month shots. By 18 months, he had lost all of his skills. By 19 months, all he did was cry, bang his head and say “go” – his only remaining word. I was told to consider an institution for him, and he wasn’t even two.

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High Court orders two sisters must receive MMR vaccine
11 October 2013
A judge has ruled that sisters aged 15 and 11 must have the MMR vaccine even though they and their mother do not want it, BBC Newsnight has learned.

The High Court decision, made last month, came after the girls' father brought a case seeking vaccination.

The parents, now divorced, had agreed when married not to vaccinate the girls in the wake of the MMR controversy.

But the discrediting of concerns about an MMR autism link and recent measles outbreaks changed the father's view.

This is the third time this issue has come before the court.

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Nearly two dozen medical studies prove that vaccines can cause autism
October 01, 2013
(NaturalNews) Mainstream doctors and media pundits are notorious for claiming that the vaccine-autism debate is over and that no legitimate scientific evidence exists to suggest even a possible link between vaccinations and autism spectrum disorders (ASD): case closed. But a thoroughly-researched report recently published by Arjun Walia over at Activist Post reveals that there are at least 22 published scientific studies that show a link between vaccines and autism and that there are many more out there with similar findings.

Much of the original controversy stems from Dr. Andrew Wakefield's study back in the late 1990s, which exposed gastrointestinal inflammation as an obvious side effect of vaccination with the combination measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Dr. Wakefield obviously struck a major nerve with his research, which was quickly torn apart by the establishment and maliciously paraded around as being fraudulent, even though his groundbreaking findings have repeatedly been validated and replicated by many other studies.

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Malicious Defamation of Dr. Andrew Wakefield by Autism Science Foundation
August 20, 2013
I am writing to you in light of false and highly misleading, reckless, and defamatory statements made about me on the website of the Autism Science Foundation of which, according to your website, you are a Director. These statements have been brought to my attention today, August 20, 2013.

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Was the Whooping Cough Epidemic Caused By Unvaccinated Kids?

Now’s the time to consider protecting yourself and your kids with a vaccine from the next whooping cough epidemic…. Or is it?

Pertussis (a.k.a. whooping cough) is nasty cough from bacterial infection of the respiratory tract that spreads by coughing and sneezing. It often starts out like the common cold but can become a life-threatening infection, particularly for infants under the age of one.

The vaccination for pertussis (included in the DTaP vaccine with tetanus and diptheria and the booster known as TDaP) has gotten a good deal of press in light of the recent ‘epidemics’.

Last year’s whooping cough outbreak (2012) was reported as the worst since 1955 – blamed by much of the media on the growing number of children who haven’t received vaccinations, especially in California.

As a Californian mom and holistic health practitioner that works with kids, these allegations concerned me – so I decided to do some research of my own.

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The Time Has Come … To Restore the Lancet Paper
F Edward Yazbak MD
It would be safe to say that we never had a circus in the United States that remotely resembled the three-year-long hearings of the General Medical Council in London that decided the “fitness to practice medicine” of Drs. Murch, Walker-Smith and Wakefield.

Thanks to frequent reports by John Stone and remarkably detailed analyses by Martin Hewitt most of us in the United States began to understand the wild and crazy happenings at the GMC and the role of freelance journalist Brian Deer who seemed to have started the whole saga.

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Controversial Doctor and Autism Media Channel Director proven right – MMR Vaccine Causes Autism & Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Posted on March 10, 2013 by ChildHealthSafety
Two landmark events – a government concession in the US Vaccine Court, and a groundbreaking scientific paper – confirm that physician, scientist, and Autism Media Channel [AMC] Director, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and the parents were right all along.

In a recently published December 13, 2012 vaccine court ruling, hundreds of thousands of dollars were awarded to Ryan Mojabi, [i] whose parents described how “MMR vaccinations,” caused a “severe and debilitating injury to his brain, diagnosed as Autism Spectrum Disorder (‘ASD’).”

Later the same month, the government suffered a second major defeat when young Emily Moller from Houston won compensation following vaccine-related brain injury that, once again, involved MMR and resulted in autism. The cases follow similar successful petitions in the Italian and US courts (including Hannah Poling [ii], Bailey Banks [iii], Misty Hyatt [iv], Kienan Freeman [v], Valentino Bocca [vi], and Julia Grimes [vii]) in which the governments conceded or the court ruled that vaccines had caused brain injury. In turn, this injury led to an ASD diagnosis. MMR vaccine was the common denominator in these cases.

And today, scientists and physicians from Wake Forest University, New York, and Venezuela, reported findings that not only confirm the presence of intestinal disease in children with autism and intestinal symptoms, but also indicate that this disease may be novel. [viii] Using sophisticated laboratory methods Dr. Steve Walker and his colleagues endorsed Wakefield’s original findings by showing molecular changes in the children’s intestinal tissues that were highly distinctive and clearly abnormal.

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The Deer Crusade and Collateral Damage
by F. Edward Yazbak MD

Four years ago, on February 16, 2009 to be exact, Ms. Melanie Phillips wrote a long exposé in The Spectator titled “A deer in the headlights” that started with the following paragraph:

“Eleven days ago, Brian Deer renewed his onslaught against Andrew Wakefield in the Sunday Times. I wrote about it here1 and made the point that, since Deer’s allegations sparked the General Medical Council case against Wakefield which would not have occurred without his involvement, he was effectively a principal player in the story he was reporting — a clear conflict of interest and breach of journalistic standards”

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See also

Dr. Andrew Wakefield Exclusive on American Investigator: Autism Numbers Likely far Higher than One in 88
April 17, 2012
Speaking in an exclusive interview with Richard Moore on the American Investigator and for The Lakeland Times, internationally renowned and controversial autism researcher Dr. Andrew Wakefield says recently announced numbers on the prevalence of autism – which showed a two-year spike from one in 110 children diagnosed with ASD to one in 88 – are likely understated and by a dramatic order.

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Andrew Wakefield sues BMJ for claiming MMR study was fraudulent
Thursday 5 January 2012
Andrew Wakefield, the doctor who was struck off the medical register after triggering a health scare linking autism to the MMR vaccine, is suing the editor-in-chief of the British Medical Journal for defamation.

In a complaint filed to a district court in Texas, lawyers acting for Wakefield claim that articles, editorials and other statements that appeared in the BMJ were "false and make defamatory allegations" about the doctor.

The lawsuit names Fiona Godlee, the BMJ's editor-in-chief, and the British investigative journalist Brian Deer, who has covered the controversy over the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, which led to a drop in MMR vaccination rates to dangerous levels.

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Whistleblower Scientist Accuses British Medical Journal of Institutional Research Misconduct
Jan. 9, 2012
Actions of BMJ Editor and Reporter “More Tabloid News than Science” According to Dr. David Lewis, and “a Genuine Threat to Public Health”

WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 9, 2012 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. David Lewis, internationally known whistleblower and respected expert on institutional fraud, released a report today calling for a formal investigation into the practices of the British Medical Journal (BMJ), and specifically into the actions of its editor, Dr. Fiona Godlee, and Brian Deer, a reporter she hired to write a series of articles which appeared in the journal beginning on January 4, 2011.

The BMJ articles accuse Dr. Andrew Wakefield of committing scientific fraud in a 1998 Lancet publication he co-authored that brought global attention to a link many parents and physicians suspect may exist between autism and children who are genetically predisposed to adverse reactions from the Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) vaccine.

The BMJ, Deer, and Godlee alleged that Wakefield fabricated a diagnosis of colitis in most of the 12 children described in The Lancet article — calling Wakefield’s work an "elaborate fraud" intended to create an "MMR scare" — so Wakefield could profit from a patent related to his research.

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Andrew Wakefield sues Brian Deer, the BMJ, and Fiona Godlee
Dr Wakefield has lodged a court case against Deer and BMJ.

Wakefield’s Autism Research Is Cited by Researchers Who Say They Can’t Replicate It
26 September 2011
Something rather strange is going on in autism research. Andrew Wakefield was smeared, his reputation trashed, his career torched, and his work labeled every negative thing conceivable—including fraud. The Lancet pulled his work off their site; they disappeared it. Everything conceivable was done to discredit Wakefield’s work and make it disappear. So why are researchers who have disavowed Wakefield and his work, and who have stated that it isn’t replicable, now citing his papers extensively? The only thing they don’t do is use the initials M, M, and R in one breath.

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Why Age of Autism Left British Medical Journal and Brian Deer High and Dry Over Their Fraud Claims
April 22, 2011
“The case we presented against Andrew Wakefield that the 1998 Lancet paper was intended to mislead is not critically reliant on GP records.” So wrote Fiona Godlee (Editor-in-Chief, BMJ) in February, in effect conceding that Brian Deer’s scrutiny of GP notes which had apparently formed the main s basis of his and BMJ’s fraud allegations could not be used to support such a claim.

Back in February Age of Autism and its readers scored a great victory with it letter writing campaign, forcing editor-in-chief of British Medical Journal, Fiona Godlee, to respond to our criticisms both in our columns (HERE) and in the on-line columns of BMJ itself (HERE ). Remarkable though this was we have perhaps not analysed carefully enough how desperate the defence she presented was.

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Measles in the United Kingdom - The “Wakefield Factor”
December 09, 2010
Here is an exceprt from Dr. Ed Yazbak's "Measles in The UK - The Wakfield Factor." Read the full article at Vaccination News. ...In the UK, the government withdrew the importation license for single vaccines a few months after Dr Wakefield’s 1998 press conference. Well worth noting is the fact that Merck ceased supplying the single measles, mumps and rubella vaccines in the United States over ten years later, in October 2009[4].

Because of inconsistent testing results and non-availability of pre-1998 data, it is near impossible to define a trend or to draw conclusions regarding confirmed measles cases; yet the relatively few confirmed cases of measles in the UK received an inordinate amount of publicity that always included extensive blame of Dr. Wakefield, particularly as his GMC hearing approached.

While this was happening in England, multiple measles outbreaks were being reported worldwide, sometimes in highly vaccinated populations.

Official statistics from the United Kingdom Health Protection Agency show that:

The number of reported measles cases kept dropping after1998 and only exceeded the 1998 figures ten years later, when there were outbreaks worldwide There were strikingly far fewer reported measles cases in the UK in the 10 years that followed Wakefield’s paper than in the 10 years that preceded its publication

The reporting of measles cases in the United Kingdom was not affected by Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s research...

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