General News (all news items)
Approximately 2015-2019 Concordia professor condemns HPV vaccine after winning $270K federal grant to study it
October 9, 2015A Montreal social scientist and the federal agency that awarded her almost $300,000 to study the HPV vaccine are facing criticism after the professor condemned the vaccine and called for a moratorium on its use. Concordia University’s Genevieve Rail also said there is no proof that the human papillomavirus directly causes cervical cancer, though a German scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize five years ago for discovering the link. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8000garsci.php
My Son Was Harmed by the DPT Shot | Barbara Loe Fisher
August 22, 2019I was a first-time mom. [I had] a little boy in 1980, when I took him in for a fourth DPT shot. And back then, parents hadn’t been told anything about vaccines, the fact that they could cause reactions, injuries, deaths. So he actually had DPT and oral polio vaccine that day, and within hours of that fourth DPT shot, in 1980 at age two and a half, I witnessed reactions and I didn’t know they were reactions. He had a convulsion, a collapse shock and a brain inflammation, but because I’d been told nothing by my pediatrician about how to recognize vaccine reactions, I didn’t understand what I was witnessing. I now know he could’ve died in his bed that night. ... Read/watch rest of original story/video here:
File# 8001.php
Google Joins the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Kate Raines, The Vaccine ReactionGoogle’s burgeoning ties to Big Pharma have been exposed with the disclosure of its new pharmaceutical division, which just happens to be led by the former head of GlaxoSmithKline’s global vaccine business. As cautioned by Progressive Radio Network journalists Gary Null, PhD and Richard Gale, “Google today is not only a weapon for promoting the pharmaceutical agenda but now also a drug company itself.”1 Read rest of original story here:
File# 8002.php
Bombshell new video exposes horrifying crime of vaccine mandates… help this video go viral on Facebook
August 22, 2019 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) Even as the evil tech giants and deceptive mainstream media desperately try to censor any truthful information about vaccine ingredients and their health risks, a new video has just been posted that may turn the tables and awaken people to the truth. [links to video (Your Children. Your Choice.) to Facebook and Brighteon are on page] Read rest of original story here:
File# 8003.php
RFK. Jr's Response to Criticism from his Family that Politico Would Not Publish: Americans can Handle an Open Discussion
August 16th 2019, Written By: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.CHD NOTE: In early May 2019, Politico Magazine published an article written by three of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s relatives, criticizing his advocacy for safe vaccines. After numerous requests, Politico magazine has refused to publish his response. Three of my Kennedy relatives recently published an article criticizing my advocacy for safe vaccines. Our contentious family dispute highlights the fierce national donnybrook over vaccinations that has divided communities and raised doubts about the Democratic Party's commitment to some of its defining values: abhorrence of censorship, wariness toward excessive corporate power, support for free speech, religious freedom, and personal sovereignty over our bodies, and the rights of citizens (codified in the Nuremberg Code and other treaties to which we are signatories) to decline unwanted government-mandated medical interventions. The debate has also raised questions about the independence of our press and its role as a champion of free speech, and First Amendment rights as a bulwark against overreaching by government and corporations. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8004rigsci.php
‘1 in 7 Kids In England Skip MMR Vaccine,’ According to New Report
Jim Satney August 20, 2019Public Health England is issuing warnings following the release of data suggesting that one in seven five-year-olds aren’t MMR vaccinated. With measles cases popping up all around Europe, the PHE believes that lack of vaccines is causing an uptick in the illness. In England, there have been 230 cases of measles. But many people in England are revolting against vaccines due to concerns over their safety. This has the PHE up in arms advising the public to get their children measles vaccinated. The World Health Organization recently pulled England’s status as a measles-free zone. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8005.php
Kansas Attorney Files Vaccine Lawsuit After State Attempts To Vaccinate Son
Jim Satney August 19, 2019A Kansas City lawyer and his wife have filed a lawsuit in Blue Valley, Kansas that calls out Kansas vaccine requirements as “unconstitutional and archaic.” For Linus and Terri Baker, this is not the first lawsuit filed over the issue of vaccines. In 2017, the couple sued the Kansas Department of Children and Families for proclaiming that the department would vaccinate their now 4-year-old son against their wishes. The department eventually backed down from the order. But a federal judge dismissed the Baker’s suit. Now that their son is nearly school age, the couple intends to reopen litigation. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8006legrig.php
A Humbling Exposé into the Creation of Mortality Rates and its Impact on Our Public Health Beliefs and Choices
Informed Choice Washington, July 12, 2019, Joy M. Fritz - The Untrivial Pursuit·Saturday, September 8, 2018I work with doctors, county coroners and the vital records registrars every day to create death records. It's what I do for a living and I wanted to share my thoughts on the mortality rates that are thrown around on mainstream and social media every year regarding the influenza epidemic. Please note: The information I am sharing is not limited to infectious disease reporting, but rather, serves as a case study of how the mortality rate recording system (mal)functions at large. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8007sci.php
Truth Will Prevail
August 20191200 Studies that refute vaccine claims Get Your FREE Copy of 1200 Studies [Revised] 718 page interactive eBook containing excerpts from well over 1,200 published PubMed studies, containing thousands of references. The science contradicts what we are being told by many medical doctors, the media, our government officials and the pharmaceutical industry about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8008sci.php
How the Florida Dept. of Health Is Violating Vaccine Exemption and Privacy Rights & What To Do About It
August 14th 2019, Written By:Sayer Ji, FounderA new presentation by Health Freedom Florida and the National Vaccine Information Center, two grassroots organizations dedicated to protecting your personal health sovereignty and preventing forced governmental mandates, reveals how the Florida Department of Health has been violating your rights, and what you can do about it. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8009legrig.php
The Disgusting Cow Stuff in Vaccines
by Dr. Sherri J Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM 08/03/2017Discussions regarding the cumulative amount of mercury and aluminum in vaccines have risen to the forefront of many discussions. I have been reviewing the package inserts of every US approved vaccine and adding up the total amount of foreign matter (by weight) being injected into humans. To do this, I created a spreadsheet to log every ingredient in every vaccine, including the amount of each substance listed as milligrams, micrograms or even nanograms. Believe me when I say, this has been a time-intensive, colossal undertaking. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8100.php
Illness and Fevers
by Dawn LorenzAs a parent, it’s hard to watch your children suffer through an illness, especially one that causes a high fever. Modern society has taught us to fear a fever, when in actuality, the fever is what means the body is working. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8101.php
How to Respond to Pro-Vaxxers
by Jeremy R. Hammond | Aug 10, 2019 |If public vaccine policy advocates sincerely wanted to understand why many parents choose not to vaccinate their children, they would listen for a change. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8102.php
Antibiotics can make flu deadly
July 22nd 2019 [WDDTY]Antibiotics aren't great for our gut, as we all know—but now researchers have discovered the drugs interfere with signals from the gut that make our lungs more vulnerable to a serious, even life-threatening, form of flu. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8103flusci.php
Vaccines and the Liberal Mind
June 12, 2018 by Common Dreams by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.Instead of demanding blue-ribbon safety science and encouraging honest, open and responsible debate on the science, too many online outlets are silencing critics and shutting down discussion on this key public health and civil rights issue Late last year, Slate published an investigative report detailing how pharmaceutical giant, Merck, used “flawed” and “unreliable” pre-licensing safety studies to push through approval of its multi-billion-dollar bonanza, the HPV vaccine. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8104.php
Germ Theory Versus Terrain: The Wrong Side Won the Day
July 30, 2019 By Merinda Teller, MPH, PhDWhereas most Americans probably have heard of Louis Pasteur (1822–1895), it is doubtful that many are familiar with the name and work of Antoine Béchamp (1816–1908). The two nineteenth-century researchers were scientific contemporaries, compatriots and fellow members of the French Academy of Science, but key differences in their views on biology and disease pathology led to a prolonged rivalry both within and outside of the Academy.1 Béchamp was the more brilliant thinker, but Pasteur had political connections, including Emperor Napoleon III. Reportedly not above “plagiarising and distorting Béchamp’s research,”2 Pasteur achieved fame and fortune largely because his views “were in tune with the science and the politics of his day.”1 Meanwhile, mainstream medical historians relegated Béchamp’s ideas—not as attractive to conventional thinkers—to the intellectual dustbin.3 Read rest of original story here:
File# 8105sci.php
ONA Wins Second Decision on “Unreasonable and Illogical” Vaccinate or Mask Influenza Policies
September 7, 2018The Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) has won a second decision on the controversial vaccinate or mask (VOM) policy, striking down the policy in effect at St. Michael’s Hospital and several other hospitals that form the Toronto Academic Health Science Network (TAHSN). These policies force nurses and other health-care workers to wear an unfitted surgical mask for the entirety of their shift if they choose not to receive the influenza vaccine. After reviewing extensive expert evidence submitted by both ONA and St. Michael’s Hospital, which was the lead case for the TAHSN group, Arbitrator William Kaplan, in his September 6 decision, found that St. Michael’s VOM policy is “illogical and makes no sense” and “is the exact opposite of being reasonable.” In reaching this conclusion, Arbitrator Kaplan rejected the hospital’s evidence. A copy of the full decision is available here. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8106legflu.php
During Dengue Outbreak, Philippines Rejects Dangerous Vaccine
By Charlene BollingerDespite an outbreak that has already killed hundreds, the Philippines continue to resist a dengue vaccine linked to the deaths of several children. The vaccine, developed by French pharmaceutical company Sanofi, was banned after several major health risks were found. Officials have considered its use despite ongoing criminal investigations. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8107.php
Terrifying Technofascist Acts Against Health Freedom You’ll Probably Never Learn About
August 7, 2019, Organic Consumers Association, by Maryam Henein... Your rights to be healthy without drugs and speak freely are being thwarted. Alas, a large swath of the general populace will never know their health choices are being eliminated. This is an uphill battle of Sisyphean proportions. A virtual witch hunt. A deletion reminiscent of the Library of Alexandria burning. A multi-tentacled greedy schema. Those of us who stand for health freedom and, who criticize Big Anything, are losing posting privileges, getting banned, being buried, finding ourselves deranked, and proverbially becoming imprisoned. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8108.php
Neville Raymond, Aug 29, 2018 · 10 min readIn the Middle Ages, the burning question of the day was how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Today, we don’t have to debate how many neurotoxins can float on the tip of a needle. We just flip open the vaccine insert and count them all. Mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, 2-phenoxyethanol, benzethonium chloride — the list goes on and on. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8109.php
"Antivaxxers Are Killers" Programmed Into Microsoft's BING Autosuggest - Is this Hate Speech?
August 3rd 2019, Written By: Sayer Ji, FounderBing search is neurolinguistically preprogramming its autosuggestions with specific phrases which target an increasingly marginalized group with what may amount to hate speech. Recently, Google was caught red-handed manipulating its search results to serve a not-so-hidden agenda, both by scrubbing its results clean of natural health and vaccine skeptical information, and by rigging its autocomplete keyword phrases to disparage complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and promote an exclusively pro-vaccine agenda. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8110.php
Marianne Williamson tells MSNBC ‘fewer vaccines’ mean ‘less chronic illness’
Jim Satney August 2, 20192020 Democratic Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson is coming under fire following comments made over the controversial vaccine issue. During an interview with MSNBC host Ari Melber, Williamson said that there were less chronic illnesses when she was growing up. The comment suggests that modern vaccine schedules increase illnesses. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8111.php
The Gospel Coalition & Vaccines: A Response to Joe Carter
Jordan Wilson July 29th, 2019This article is the intro to a 5-Part series on Vaccines. See the full list of (and links to) the rest in this series below. A recent article at the Gospel Coalition manifests one contributor's decision to wade into the debate regarding vaccines. Contributing Editor, Joe Carter, planted his flag firmly on one side of the debate. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8112.php
The Long-Term Risk of Epilepsy after Febrile Seizures in Susceptible Subgroups
American Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 165, Issue 8, 15 April 2007, Pages 911–918,
Abstract A family history of seizures, preexisting brain damage, or birth complications may modify the long-term risk of epilepsy after febrile seizures. The authors evaluated the association between febrile seizures and epilepsy in a population-based cohort of 1.54 million persons born in Denmark (1978–2002), including 49,857 persons with febrile seizures and 16,481 persons with epilepsy. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8113sci.php
THE State of Emergency
Posted by Zen Honeycutt 2722.40GS on July 16, 2019Our current administration has issued many executive orders and declared some situations in America as a State of Emergency. Troops have been mobilized, millions of emergency funding have been spent, and immediate actions have been taken in some situations to respond to a crisis. Though there are many urgent matters happening in our world today, our administration needs to see the state of emergency, happening everyday in almost every American home, is the state of our children's health. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8114.php
MoreChronic Illness and the State of Our Children’s Health Read story here. MMRV Contains 100 Chemical Contaminants and DNA of Male Human Being
July 24, 2019, VACCINEGATE - EN STAFF CORVELVA 21 APRIL 2019We want to take stock of the situation together with you. Eight months have passed since July 2018 and in these length of time we have achieved extremely satisfying results. We have presented a research program and regarding the vaccines analysis we are able to make a point of reference, with the objectives achieved, those being finalised and those only planned for now. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8115sci.php
Combining Childhood Vaccines at One Visit Is Not Safe
Neil Z. Miller, Summer 2016ABSTRACT Although health authorities including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claim that childhood vaccines are safe and recommend combining multiple vaccines during one visit, a review of data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) shows a dose-dependent association between the number of vaccines administered simultaneously and the likelihood of hospitalization or death for an adverse reaction. Additionally, younger age at the time of the adverse reaction is associated with a higher risk of hospitalization or death. PDF - Read rest of original story here:
File# 8116sci.php
Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated—Part 4
July 26, 2019 By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health DefenseFully Vaccinated Versus Unvaccinated—The Science is an on-going series summarizing the results of different studies comparing the health of fully vaccinated people versus unvaccinated people. Part four takes a look at Swine Flu, Tdap, Rotavirus, Measles and DPT vaccines and the higher rates/occurrences of Narcolepsy, Chorioamnionitis, Intussusception, Allergy and Asthma, plus Thimerosal exposure as a whole and its relationship to Motor Tics and Premature Puberty. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8117sci.php
See the complete Vaxxed-Unvaxxed presentation.PDF Full_Presentation. Fewer than 40% of adults support mandatory HPV vaccination
July 18, 2019 Saulsberry L, et al. Vaccine. 2019;doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.05.062.Findings published in Vaccine demonstrated that fewer than 40% of surveyed adults supported a policy requiring HPV vaccination for school entry. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8118gar.php
Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated — A Summary of the Research
July 18, 2019 By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health DefenseThe Institute of Medicine (IOM) has repeatedly asked CDC to create studies which explain, “How do child health outcomes compare between fully vaccinated and unvaccinated children?” During a November 2012 Congressional hearing on autism before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Dr. Coleen Boyle, the Director of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, gave evasive answers to lawmakers pressing her on this point. After considerable badgering, she finally stated, “We have not studied vaccinated versus unvaccinated [children].” That was perjury. "Verstraeten found a dramatic link between mercury-containing hepatitis B vaccines and several neurological injuries including autism and prepared the study for publication." Read rest of original story here:
File# 8119sci.php
July 26, 2019Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated—Part 4 Polio-like Guillain-Barré Syndrome on the Rise in Peru
June 27, 2019The government of Peru declared a 90-day health emergency earlier this month following an outbreak of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) that has killed at least four people in the country. According to the Institute of Neurological Sciences (INCN) in Lima, Peru, the emergency was declared because the cases “have unusual and atypical characteristics that require rapid or immediate initial treatment.”1 2 On June 9, 2019, Minister of Health Zulema Tomás, MD said that there were a total of 206 cases of GBS reported in Peru, mostly in the regions of Junin, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Lima, and Piura. Two of the deaths from the polio-like illness were reported in the region of Piura and the other two in the regions of La Libertad and Junin.1 3 Read rest of original story here:
File# 8120sci.php
"Anti-Vaxxer" Like Me on Your Side (Or Healing the American Macrocosm of Autoimmunity)
June 22nd 2019, Written By: Ann RosenAnti-Vaxxer. Conspiracy Theorist. Negligent Parent. Selfish. Stupid. Crazy. Dangerous. I have been called a lot of things since I started vocalizing some of my concerns about these massive attempts to remove philosophical, religious and even medical exemptions for mandated vaccinations across the country. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8121rigsci.php
What you need to know about the ‘science’ behind Gardasil
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 22, 2019* Merck has been accused of committing fraud in its Gardasil vaccine safety trials by using a neurotoxic ingredient in Gardasil as a bioactive placebo, and hiding a 2.3% incidence of autoimmune disease occurring within seven months of vaccination * Gardasil is said to protect against cervical cancer, a disease that in the U.S., has a relatively low mortality rate of 1 in 43,478 (2.3 per 100,000) * In “The Plaintiff’s Science Day Presentation on Gardasil,” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. reveals Merck data showing Gardasil increases the overall risk of death by 370%, risk of autoimmune disease by 2.3% and risk of a serious medical condition by 50% Read rest of original story here:
File# 8122garsci.php
Public Health Agencies Working to Keep Vaccine Dangers Secret – Report
June 11, 2019 However, while brazen, in-your-face censorship—and attacks on health freedom—have ratcheted up to an unprecedented degree, officialdom’s wish to keep vaccination’s unflattering track record out of the public eye is nothing new. There is a chasm between vaccine rhetoric and reality for most if not all vaccines, but four vaccines—varicella (chickenpox), rotavirus, human papillomavirus (HPV) and pertussis-containing vaccines—offer especially instructive before-and-after case studies Read rest of original story here:
File# 8123.php
More than 1 out of 4 children who get jabbed with measles vaccines still develop measles, study finds
June 19, 2019 by: Ethan Huff(Natural News) Did you know that China had more than 700 measles outbreaks between 2009 and 2012, despite the fact that more than 99 percent of the communist country’s population is fully vaccinated in compliance with government mandates? That’s because the measles-containing vaccine (MCV), in case you didn’t know, doesn’t actually work. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8124.php
Regaining Our Right to Refuse Vaccinations
By Laura Hayes Posted by Age of Autism on June 19, 2019* No one, including the government, has the right to insist that another person, or another person’s child, be injected with anything. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8125legrig.php
Facebook “Fact-Checker” Misinforms Users about Vaccine Safety
by Jeremy R. Hammond | Jun 17, 2019A Facebook “Fact-Checker” feature purports to identify misinformation about vaccines while itself blatantly lying to the public about vaccine safety. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8126.php
NEW YORK: A2371, what it means for the religiously exempt, and some thoughts about how to fight it
June 17, 2019 Richard JaffeA2371 is now law in New York. Here is the law: The new law has an immediate effect on families who had a religious exemption, until this law passed. The law states that school officials cannot allow unvaccinated children to “attend” school for more than 14 days (extended to 30 days and beyond in some circumstances) without proof of immunization in accordance with the state mandated vaccine schedule (or a medical exemption). Read rest of original story here:
File# 8127leg.php
New York Bill Removing Religious Vaccine Exemption Turned Into Law on One Day with No Public Hearings
National Vaccine Information Center, Published June 14, 2019On June 13, 2019, the New York legislature quickly pushed a bill (A2371) to repeal the religious exemption to vaccination through both the Assembly and Senate in one day with no public hearings.1 The unprecedented legislative coup, which cut the citizens of New York out of participating in the law making process, culminated in the Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo immediately signing the bill into law. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8128legrig.php
NY Ends Religious Exemptions for Vaccines, Violating Constitutional Rights of Millions
June 13th 2019, Written By: GMI ReporterIn a shocking blow to both health and religious freedom, New York governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill Thursday to end religious exemptions to vaccines Read rest of original story here:
File# 8129legrig.php
25 Reasons to Avoid the Gardasil Vaccine
May 22nd 2019 Written By: Children's Health DefenseGardasil's safety record has been nothing short of disastrous Read rest of original story here:
File# 8130gar.php
Jessica Biel Comes Out as Anti-Vaccine, Lobbies For Vaccine Safety
Jim Satney June 13, 2019Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a new, powerful Hollywood star alliance in his crusade for vaccine safety. Yesterday, Kennedy Jr. appeared before the California State Assembly alongside actress Jessica Biel to lobby against SB 276. Kennedy said that Biel is “courageous” for coming out and helping support his cause. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8131.php
Bullied, Threatened or FIRED by Your Pediatrician? Take Action With These 4 Steps!
Your doctor said WHAT? They did WHAT? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8132rig.php
15 Facts about Measles the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You
by Jeremy R. Hammond | May 30, 2019Here are 15 facts about measles that you wouldn't know unless you did your own research because the government and mainstream media won't inform you. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8133sci.php
Yes, we should be concerned about aluminum in vaccines
Shane Smith | May 31, 2019
... But really, what Bizzaro world do we live in where there exists widespread and debilitating fear of an illness as mild as measles, yet concern over the presence of a known neurotoxin in a pharmaceutical product that we inject into infants and ourselves is derided? Mr. Allen fails to elucidate just why concern over aluminum is so ridiculous. Probably because he doesn’t know anything about what he’s mocking. Which is nothing more than what should be expected, as every published hit piece refuses to address the arguments of vaccine critics. Back to aluminum. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8134sci.php
No Enigma: Vaccines and the Food Allergy Epidemic
The Children’s Health Defense Team, May 10, 2019The United States faces an ever-worsening food allergy epidemic. An estimated 1 in 12 children (8 percent) have food allergies, and prevalence has risen by at least 50 percent since 1997. Childhood food allergies are the most common cause of anaphylaxis (a “severe allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death”). A decade-long analysis of billions of health care claims reported a nationwide increase of 377 percent in claims for anaphylactic food reactions, and a separate analysis of emergency department (ED) visits over roughly the same period documented a 214 percent increase in visits for food-induced anaphylaxis—observed in children of all ages but with the highest rates in infants and toddlers. Peanut and tree nut allergies—which have tripled since 1997—are the most frequent triggers of ED visits for anaphylaxis, and over a third (35 precent) of the children who experience peanut-related anaphylaxis do so following their very first exposure Read rest of original story here:
File# 8135sci.php
MoreDangerous doctors and anaphylaxis Michigan Supreme Court rules in support of parents who refused medical care for religious reasons
May 23, 2019, By: 6 News Web Staff LANSING, Mich (WLNS) - The Michigan Supreme Court today ruled in the case of a Lansing couple who refused to give their children medical treatment due to their religious beliefs. The court ruled that a parent who is legitimately practicing his religious belief who does not provide medical treatment for a child "shall not be considered a negligent parent or guardian." Read rest of original story here:
File# 8136legrig.php
Maine Governor Eliminates Vaccine Exemptions
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 05/25/2019Maine Governor Janet Mills has signed a bill that eliminates religious and philosophical vaccine exemptions. Rep. Ryan Tipping sponsored the bill, titled, LD 798, and it will include both public schools and daycares. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8137legrig.php
California Seeks To Further Restrict Medical Vaccine Exemptions
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 05/18/2019A new California bill would tighten already strict vaccine laws throughout the state. The bill aims to restrict medical exemptions, which many lawmakers claim are now being abused. One California doctor has already been the subject of intense investigations over issuing medical vaccine exemptions. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8138legrig.php
Woman Injured by Flu Shot Receives $2.49 Million
Jim Satney May 20, 2019A woman who was injured by a flu shot is now $2.49 million wealthier after the U.S. Vaccine Court sided with her and her attornies. Cheron Golding, a 39-year-old Minnesota woman represented by attorney Randy Knutson, received a flu shot in 2013. She was diagnosed with transverse myelitis shortly after receiving the shot, which resulted in a loss of vision and paralysis. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8139flu.php
APDB amphetamine report in Gardasil 9 sample
Staff Corvelva, 23 Maggio [May] 2019In analyzing the Gardasil 9 papillomavirus vaccine, from a metagenomic and chemical point of view, we found many non-conformities that, to our opinion, they should require the authorities to re-analyze at least the lots analyzed by us, the immediate withdrawal if our data are confirmed and a wider re-evaluation of the analysis to be performed on all the vaccines on the market. From what we could see the problems were, under the metagenomic profile, the presence of adventitious genetic material presents such as bacteria, human and mouse DNA, adventitious viruses like phages and retroviruses and yeasts. What most impressed us was the presence of L1 fragments of the genome of papillomavirus. These fragments should not be present in the vaccine because the papillomavirus is carcinogenic and their presence together with the aluminum adjuvant is believed to be the cause of some of the serious adverse reactions in the injured. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8140gar.php
Was Measles Really Eliminated in the U.S. in 2000?
by Marco Cáceres, Published May 22, 2019 | OpinionOne of the favorite lines of attack against so-called “anti-vaxxers,” especially parents who decline to give their children one or more government recommended vaccines, is to always blame the unvaccinated for the resurgence of childhood infectious diseases such as measles. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8141.php
MMR Vaccine Licensing Called Into Question Following ICAN's Latest FOIA Exposure of FDA Coverup
Informed Consent Action Network, May 02, 2019AUSTIN, Texas, May 2, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- In another significant legal win for vaccine risk awareness non-profit Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), a new Freedom of Information Act disclosure from the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revealed that the MMR vaccine was licensed based on clinical trials which in total had less than 1,000 participants and far more adverse reactions than previously acknowledged. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8142sci.php
The CDC’s Criminal Recommendation for a Flu Shot During Pregnancy
by Jeremy R. Hammond | May 14, 2019The CDC claims that it's safe and necessary for pregnant women to get a flu shot during pregnancy. Science strongly suggests otherwise. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8143flu.php
New Authoritative Report Shows 73% Of DHHS, CDC, FDA Regulations “Unconstitutional…”
May 22, 2019, Opinion by Ralph Fucetola JDDoes this mean that all of the rules governing Childhood Vaccines are illegal? Lawful regulations must be adopted in strict compliance with certain statutes and rules. An Agency that fails to follow the rules in rule-making has created an unconstitutional regulation. These procedures, under the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) and other rules set up over a half dozen steps that must be taken before a new regulation can be binding. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8144leg.php
Measles, Masterminds & Millions: The Exploitation Of Humans By The Vaccine Industry & Government
Corey Lynn May 21, 2019Forced vaccines, quarantines, and states frothing at the mouth to pass legislation and take away your rights – over 1 in 383,000 who contracted measles during the U.S. “measles outbreak” in 2019. Your odds of contracting measles – a virus that typically disappears in two to three weeks, in which there have only been 4 measles-related deaths over a 26-year stint – are substantially less than dying in a cataclysmic storm, or your voice being censored by social media, which is the true crisis. In ‘Measles, Masterminds & Millions’ 6-part investigative report, we’ve covered a lot of ground on the measles outbreak, cash flow, how the vaccine industry operates, and actual statistics taken straight from the CDC reports – statistics MSM doesn’t care to report on. This final report covers the recent exploitation of human beings by the vaccine industry and government. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8145.php
Citizens Against Mandatory Vaccinations
By Laura HayesWe, the undersigned, assert that mandatory vaccinations are in violation of: Read rest of original story here:
File# 8146legrig.php
Australia Issues Warning To Doctors Who Fail To Promote Vaccines
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 05/11/2019The war on vaccine safety rhetoric just got more intense in Australia. The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority [Ahpra] is warning the country’s medical professionals not to dissent on vaccine safety messaging. The group says that medical professionals have an obligation to promote the idea that vaccines are safe and effective. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8147legrig.php
No More “Wild Measles,” Only Vaccine Genotypes?
May 9, 2019 By Catherine J. FrompovichWhat’s all the fuss about measles when there are definitive scientific mechanisms to ascertain which measles strains are involved, plus from where they originate, e.g., vaccines! How come the U.S. CDC and FDA are not adverse to using PCR (polymerase chain reaction) identification in order to “cherry pick” specific data regarding propagandized measles infections information, but will not permit PCR, as I understand, to be used by the medical profession to identify prophylactically, those infants and/or individuals who may present certain mitochondrial proclivities for vaccine adverse reactions, which, unequivocally, would disqualify them as vaccine candidates? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8148.php
Hundreds of Children in Pakistan Hospitalized After Getting Oral Polio Vaccine
by TVR, Published May 9, 2019Hundreds of children in Peshawar, Pakistan were taken to hospitals suffering from nausea and vomiting after receiving the live attenuated oral polio vaccine (OPV) on Apr. 22, 2019. The vaccinations were part of a nationwide anti-polio campaign. The incident sparked an attack against a local health facility in Peshawar by angry parents. It also led to violent attacks against health workers in the southwestern town of Chaman and police officers assigned to guard a polio vaccination team in the northwestern part of the country. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8149.php
Merck Ramps Up MMR Vaccine Production Amid Measles Hysteria
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 05/04/2019Merck & Co announced on Wednesday that it will be ramping up production on measles vaccines. The announcement is a response to the constant media coverage over measles outbreaks around the world. As of the end of April, the CDC is reporting 704 measles cases nationwide. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8150.php
Polio Vaccinator Gunned Down, Officials Beef Up Security
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 04/27/2019Pakistani gunmen targeted two female polio vaccine workers, killing one. This is the third death resulting from attacks on vaccine workers in the country. The recent attack happened last Thursday in the city of Chaman. Chaman borders Afganistan in the southwest part of Pakistan. Two female vaccine workers were fired up while they made rounds in neighborhoods. Nasreen Bibi, 35, died immediately while her partner, Rashida, was seriously injured. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8151.php
Russian Orthodox Church Officially Opposes Compulsory Vaccinations of Children
Posted by Age of Autism on April 24, 2019 ... First and foremost, concern for the welfare of children, including their health, is entrusted by God to their parents. The state and society should respect the priority of parental rights and responsibilities, based on the presumption of their good faith. Parents should make decisions related to the upbringing of children, their education, and their healthcare. The exception to this principle can only be deliberately malicious or criminal actions of parents. Read rest of original story here:
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CDC Lies About, and Media Repeats, Risk of Dying from Measles
April 23, 2019 By Jeremy R. Hammond, Contributing Writer, Children’s Health Defense In reporting on measles outbreaks, the mainstream corporate media routinely claim that for every 1,000 children infected, one will die from the virus. Their source for this claim is US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The trouble is, though, that it’s a lie. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8153sci.php
How Public Vaccine Policy Violates Our Right to Informed Consent
By Jeremy R. Hammond | Apr 27, 2019 | Foreign Policy JournalIn the mainstream discourse about the subject of vaccines, one issue that is never directly raised is the right to informed consent. This right is one of the most fundamental ethics in medicine, and yet the government and media treat it as uniquely irrelevant when it comes to this one particular pharmaceutical product. The reality is that public vaccine policy subjects the entire population to a mass uncontrolled experiment, and legislation mandating their consumption constitutes a serious threat to both our health and our liberty. The major corporate media, for their part, have chosen to take on the role, in dutiful service to the state, of policy advocacy rather than journalism. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8154legrig.php
Anti-Vaccination; Pro-Science; Pro-Health; Anti-Industry
April 13th 2019 Written By: Jagannath Chatterjee, copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC,"There are unanswered questions about vaccine safety. We need studies on vaccinated populations based on various schedules and doses as well as individual patient susceptibilities that we are continuing to learn about. No one should be threatened by the pursuit of this knowledge. Vaccine policy should be the subject of frank and open debate, with no tolerance for bullying. There are no sides – only people concerned about the well being of our children." Dr Bernadine Healy, MD, Former Director, National Institute of Health (NIH) Read rest of original story here:
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In 1986, after a four-year campaign by the pharmaceutical industry, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. It gave liability protection to vaccine makers, medical professionals, and government agencies – anyone involved in vaccination – for any death or injury that resulted from a vaccine. At that time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) vaccine schedule had recommended 24 doses of vaccines for children, starting at 2 months of age to 18 years of age. From 1963-1988, the schedule remained at either 24 or 25 doses; and vaccine-industry revenues at the time were about $750 million per year. Read rest of original story here:
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Colorado HB 1312 “Debate” – First Hand Report
Posted By: Sherri Tenpenny, DO 04/23/2019 by Dr. Shelley O’Neill, MD, April 16, 2019This was my first time attending a legislative committee hearing and boy did I pick a doozy. The bill being heard was Colorado HB 1312, which essentially plans to treat vaccine injured families who want to decline even one shot, as ignorant criminals who need to be entered into a registry and tracked, forced into in-person meetings with state bureaucrats to be “educated” and forced into compelled speech by signing a form stating they are harming their child. People who decline one or more of the 72 required doses, would have their private medical information revealed to the state but those who accept all 72 doses get to keep their medical information private. It also wipes out 99% of medical exemptions, replacing the doctor’s authority for the state’s. It doubles the number of required vaccines and also applies to homeschooled children. This bill is a big stinking pile of garbage. Read rest of original story here:
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CDC CASE STUDY: Death From Measles Vaccine Virus 15 Months After Vaccination
April 19, 2019, Ghost Ship Media By Celeste McGovernOn September 3, 1992, a 20-year-old man with haemophilia A and asymptomatic HIV infection received an MMR shot to fulfil a college vaccination requirement for a second dose of measles-containing vaccine. By July the following year, ten months after the vaccination, he had developed a dry cough and chills and was waking with night sweats. On July 30, 1993, he visited his physician and a month later he was hospitalized as he had lost weight, was feverish and struggling to breathe. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8158sci.php
MEDICAL SHOCKER: MMR vaccine dangers exposed by FDA study
April 22, 2019 by: S.D. Wells(Natural News) Care to purposely give your 3-to-4-month-young baby gastrointestinal illness and upper-respiratory distress? Up your chances of sickening your child with these serious health crises by 40 – 60 percent, simply by getting a nurse or doctor to inject the so called “safe and effective” MMR vaccine. Yes, the Measles, Mumps & Rubella shot, or choose any of them separate too, and the results are virtually the same. Read rest of original story here:
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Statement on Federal Vaccine Mandates
February 26, 2019 by Association of American Physicians and SurgeonsThe Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) strongly opposes federal interference in medical decisions, including mandated vaccines. After being fully informed of the risks and benefits of a medical procedure, patients have the right to reject or accept that procedure. The regulation of medical practice is a state function, not a federal one. Governmental preemption of patients’ or parents’ decisions about accepting drugs or other medical interventions is a serious intrusion into individual liberty, autonomy, and parental decisions about child-rearing. Read rest of original story here:
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Studies Prove Vaccinated Children Are at Greater Risk of Serious Illness and Neurological Disorders
May 24th 2017, Written By: Christina England, BA HonsFour studies spanning 25 years prove vaccinated children are at greater risk of serious illness and neurological disorders than their non-vaccinated peers. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8161sci.php
“Anti-Vaxxers” Are Waking Up America…
April 17, 2019 by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen“Anti-Vaxxers” – The New Wave of American Heroes… They know things are not right – and they won’t stop… Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Read rest of original story here:
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“Mad-Vaxxers” Losing Control of Argument…
Bolen Report, By Kent Heckenlively, JDI’ve been wondering recently whether the “Mad-Vaxxers” and pharma shills realize they’re losing control of the argument. There’s something NEW in the way they’re talking these days, and I want to know if you see it in the same way I do. Read rest of original story here:
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The Measles “Epifraud…”
BolenReportA Scam – Designed To Cover Up US Public Health’s Inability To Accept Responsibility For What They Have Done To America’s Children… And the children of the world… From Britain – By Karma Singh Read rest of original story here:
File# 8164legsci.php
Anti-Vaccination; Pro-Science; Pro-Health; Anti-Industry
April 13th 2019 Written By: Jagannath Chatterjee, copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC"There are unanswered questions about vaccine safety. We need studies on vaccinated populations based on various schedules and doses as well as individual patient susceptibilities that we are continuing to learn about. No one should be threatened by the pursuit of this knowledge. Vaccine policy should be the subject of frank and open debate, with no tolerance for bullying. There are no sides - only people concerned about the well being of our children." ~ Dr. Bernadine Healy, MD, Former Director, National Institute of Health (NIH) Read rest of original story here:
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Citizens Address the Toronto Board of Health on Vaccines
April 11, 2019 By Vaccine Choice CanadaOn April 8, 2019, the The Toronto Board of Health had an Agenda Item “Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy“. Transcript of Joel Sussmann’s presentation to the Toronto Board of Health Are you aware that from 2004 – 2014 ZERO people in the US died from contracting measles, according to the CDC? During this same time, 108 people died from the MMR vaccine, according to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8166.php
The Other Part of How to Win the Cali SB 276 battle (and what’s not going to work)
Richard Jaffe, Esq., April 13, 2019My last post “Go Big and Go Smart or Move Out of State” generated some sharp disagreements (at least on my Facebook page), but that’s not a bad thing. These issues need to be discussed, but quickly, so that action isn’t delayed. here is that post: Read rest of original story here:
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Funding halted for Professor Chris Exley, who links vaccines to autism
April 7 2019 by Shanti Das and Jonathan Leake The Sunday TimesA controversial British academic who claims childhood vaccines can cause autism has been blocked from raising research funds after protests by other scientists. Professor Chris Exley, of Keele University, infuriated health experts by telling parents the aluminium in vaccines given to babies to protect them from diseases such as whooping cough, and in the human papillomavirus vaccine given to teenagers, may cause “severe and disabling” autism. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8168autsci.php
Breakthrough: why MMR vaccine can give children febrile seizures
ScienceNordic, By: Kristian Sjøgrenk, November 11, 2014Some children suffer from febrile seizures a few weeks after receiving the important MMR vaccine causing loss of consciousness and stiffening of the limps. This happens to one or two in a thousand children and can be an traumatic experience for both child and parents. It has also causes many parents to doubt the safety of vaccination. A new Danish study shows that it is no coincidence which children experience this dramatic side effect. The study was recently published in the scientific journal Nature Genetics and shows that small variations in the genes are responsible Read rest of original story here:
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Judge Overturns New York County Unvaccinated Ban
Jim Satney, April 6, 2019A New York state Supreme Court judge has ruled in favor of a group of parents who objected to Rockland County’s emergency ban on unvaccinated kids. The emergency ban has been a continued point of contention in the region since it was enacted on March 30th. It was set to last 30 days, however, the new ruling has cut the time span short. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8170leg.php
Discrimination Against the Healthy and “Less Sick”
By Laura Hayes, April 03, 2019n CA, SB276 would add further restrictions to already-difficult-to-obtain Medical Exemptions to vaccination. Should this bill become law, MEs currently on file will be scrutinized by a state public health officer or his designee, and be subject to being revoked. All future ME “requests” will be submitted via a standardized form to this state public health officer, who will be given the sole authority to accept or deny it. Reasons for requested MEs must be listed in the CDC’s guidelines for vaccine contraindications, an extremely limited and incomplete list. Presently in CA, the rate of MEs is .7% of kindergartners, an extremely small number of students whom Senator Pan, initiator of SB276, wants to make even smaller, no matter the harm to those with MEs. Read rest of original story here:
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MMR Vaccine’s Poison Pill: Mumps After Puberty, Reduced Testosterone and Sperm Counts
April 04, 2019, By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman of the Board, Children’s Health DefenseAcross the country, frenzied legislators are responding to the pharmaceutical industry’s orchestrated fear campaign around measles by seeking to impose further mandating of Merck’s measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Although ongoing mumps outbreaks involving thousands of at-risk adolescents and young adults completely dwarf the number of measles cases, no one is covering the mumps story—because it will expose the fact that Merck has been in court for over eight years due to scientists blowing the whistle on Merck’s fabrication and falsification of the effectiveness of the mumps component of its MMR vaccine. Instead of punishing Merck for its chicanery, legislatures are rewarding the company by making it impossible to refuse Merck’s profitable vaccine, subjecting a generation of American children to the risk of serious complications from mumps infection at an age that nature never intended. Read rest of original story here:
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‘I will never get over feeling I killed my son’: Anti-vaccination activists refuse to be 'silenced’
28 Mar, 2019'Broken' When she checks on one of her three living children sleeping, Krystle Cordingley will sometimes see not their faces, but the "grey and lifeless" face of her son Corbyn, whom she found dead in his bed 14 hours after a flu vaccination. That was over five years ago. "I'm broken. I am not suicidal or unable to function, but my heart will always be shattered. I will forever feel guilty for being the one that took my son in to be vaccinated, and I don't know if I will ever get over the feeling that I killed him," says Cordingley, who now dedicates her life to fighting against vaccination. Read rest of original story here:
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Why Does the CDC Recommend Hepatitis B Vaccination for Infants?
April 02, 2019, By Jeremy R. Hammond, Contributing Writer, Children’s Health DefenseThe CDC’s recommendation for universal hepatitis B vaccination of infants puts most children at unnecessary risk of harm from the vaccine. Parents are told by public health officials and the media that they should vaccinate their children strictly according to the schedule recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC’s routine childhood vaccine schedule is based on solid science, we are told, and it is imperative that all parents comply to reduce the societal disease burden. Anyone who dares to criticize or dissent from public vaccine policy is characterized as dangerously ignorant and irrational. A recent New York Times editorial, for example, characterized anyone who does so as “the enemy” and described all vaccines on the CDC’s schedule as “crucial shots”. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8174.php
29-Mar-2019THE MOTHERS OF AMERICA HAVE ABANDONED THEIR CHILDREN All children deserve protection. Abandon one Abandon All Any mother choosing not to protect her own child and all other mothers children is a waste of the human experience and the privilege of having a child.( insert parent as you choose) WHO OWNS YOUR BODY AND YOUR CHILDREN’S BODY? Read rest of original story here:
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Steroids: new pox scare
April 1st 1992 in Diseases, Drugs, Infections, MeaslesThe American Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning following reports of severe illness and deaths from chickenpox in children treated with steroids. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8176.php
Re: SB 276, the elimination of physicians’ right to determine medical exemptions for vaccines
AAPS, Informed Consent, March 27, 2019To: California Legislators The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons strongly opposes this proposal (SB 276) to require patients to submit to government-ordered medical treatments without informed consent, even when a physician certifies that a medical exemption is warranted. The traditional ethic in the Oath of Hippocrates requires physicians to refrain from deliberately harming patients. The State of California is denying patients the protection of this code and is instead imposing on them the judgment of a government agency, the Department of Public Health. Unlike physicians, these officials have no accountability for harm that individual patients may suffer. Read rest of original story here:
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NYC Suburb Bans Unvaccinated Kids From Public Places
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 03/26/2019A suburb of New York City plans to declare a measles state of emergency and ban unvaccinated minors from public places. The ban specifically targets kids not vaccinated with Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR). The ban begins at midnight on Tuesday and last for 30 days, the NYTimes is reporting. Rockland County has a population of 300,000 and of those, 153 measles cases. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8178leg.php
Why You Cannot Compare the Amount of Aluminum in Breastmilk to Vaccines.
July 28, 2017Is there more aluminum in breastmilk than in vaccines? Is there a difference between ingestion of aluminum, and injection? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8179sci.php
GUEST VIEW: Unvaccinated children are healthier
By Ron Marsh, Updated Mar 21, 2019 at 3:34 PMWhy am I amazed to see measles in the headlines? In the 1950s, when I was young, nobody got excited about measles. I caught it, most of my friends caught it. We stayed home for a few days and felt miserable. We got a fever, we got sniffles, we got a rash. And then it was gone. We went back to school, and they told us we were “immune.” Permanently. That doesn’t happen anymore. Vaccinated kids are not fully immune because vaccine-induced immunity is temporary. And vaccinated populations get infected anyway, because artificial immunity is never as good as the natural kind you get from the disease. Read rest of original story here:
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A Parent’s Guide: What to do if your child dies after vaccination
July 1, 2017 By adminParents Immediately Should Require an Autopsy That Includes Certain Tests Over the years various medical doctors, attorneys, and parents have contacted the authors of this Guide seeking information about medical tests that could indicate a causal relationship between vaccines and their ingredients and the severe reactions in previously healthy infants, toddlers, or teenagers, many of whom succumbed after either: 1) receiving vaccination(s), or 2) experiencing protracted adverse events due to vaccines. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8181sbs.php
UPS Begins Vaccine Delivery Service Later This Year
Jim Satney March 24, 2019The United Parcel Service is eyeing the vaccine delivery market, according to new reports. A new service offering would deliver vaccine nurses to the doorsteps of Americans. UPS wants to initiate the vaccine program as a way to help compete with UPS plans to test the nurse-dispatch service but isn’t disclosing which vaccines will be offered for delivery. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8182.php
Vaccine-Induced Tissue Scurvy Globally Misdiagnosed as Child Abuse
By Christina England, BA Hons / March 19, 2014The father of the child in our published photo was jailed for life for child abuse. Many of you looking at the terrible injuries on this small child will immediately assume, as did the doctors who examined him, that he was viciously attacked and it was right to jail his father. However, what if I told you that it was later proven that this child had in fact been suffering from Kawasaki disease, otherwise known as tissue scurvy, and that his father was innocent? Well, that is exactly what happened. Due to the wonderful work of Dr. Michael Innis and a team of experts brought in by the family to help, he is well and happy and back home with his family after his father was released from jail as an innocent man. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8183sbs.php
AMA Sends ‘Anti-Vaccine Misinformation’ Letter To Amazon, Facebook
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 03/16/2019The American Medical Association is coming down on big technology companies for helping to spread “misinformation” about vaccines. The AMA believes that big tech companies, such as Amazon and Facebook, own partial responsibility for recent measles outbreaks. On Wednesday, the AMA sent a letter to CEO’s of Pinterest, Twitter, Google, Amazon, and Facebook, voicing concern over their policy towards vaccine skepticism. The AMA is asserting that false information is plaguing these platforms, even though both Amazon and Pinterest censored vaccine information prior to the letter. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif) sent a similar letter last month. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8184.php
Ontario's mandatory class for parents seeking vaccine exemptions has ‘zero conversions'
To send kids to school without vaccinations, parents in Ontario must first attend a class of their own. Conducted one-on-one or in groups as large as 50 at their local health units, the mandatory “vaccine education” sessions for parents pursuing exemptions consists mainly of a video screening, with a nurse on hand to answer any questions. The 25-minute government-prescribed film features a cheery musical soundtrack, footage of smiling families and animated characters — kids playing soccer, dogs, a rainbow — along with information to counter popular myths among “anti-vaxxers.” But since it was introduced in 2017, thousands of mothers and fathers have dutifully watched the video, collected their “Vaccine Education Certificate” — then continued to duck the shots. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8185.php
Kentucky Student Who Refuses Chickenpox Vaccine Sues Health Department
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 03/19/2019A Northern Kentucky student is suing the local health department after being told he can’t participate in senior sports due to a lack of chickenpox vaccine. Jerome Kunkel’s lawsuit includes Northern Kentucky Health Department and its employees. The health department banished kids who haven’t been vaccinated from participating in any sports. The school is experiencing a chickenpox outbreak, which is what prompted the health department’s decision. Kunkel, 18, is a Christian whose family is against vaccines for religious purposes. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8186leg.php
A Comprehensive List of Vaccine-Associated Toxic Reactions
by Gary G. Kohls, MD, March 16, 2019(Compiled from the Testimony of Parents of Vaccine-damaged Children, Reports from Attending Physicians and Documents from the Vaccine Corporations Themselves) When I went to medical school in the late 1960s, one of my wiser pediatric professors told us students: “always listen to the parents of your pediatric patients, because they will tell you what is wrong with the child”. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8187sci.php
Italian Health Officials ‘No Vaccine, No School’
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 03/14/2019Italy health officials have had a dramatic change of heart with controversial mandatory vaccine laws. Parents are now being told that compulsory vaccination is required before their children can attend school. Non-compliant parents could be fined up to $560. Italian officials are likely reacting to measles cases and public scrutiny. The Lorenzin law, which is named after the health minister who created it, includes mandatory vaccines for chickenpox, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella. The law includes nurseries. Children between the ages of 6 and 16 may still attend school without vaccines, but their parents can be fined. “Now everyone has had time to catch up,” Health Minister Giulia Grillo told La Repubblica newspaper. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8188legrig.php
A Scientist’s Rebuttal to the Danish Cohort Study
Brian S. Hooker, PH.D., P.E., SCIENCE ADVISER, FOCUS FOR HEALTH | March 13, 2019The MMR vaccine study recently published by Hviid et al. (2019, Annals of Internal Medicine) entitled, “Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccination and Autism: A Nationwide Cohort Study,” leaves many more serious questions than definitive answers. The authors claim that their work, “strongly supports that MMR vaccination does not increase the risk for autism, does not trigger autism in susceptible children, and is not associated with clustering of autism cases after vaccination.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8189sci.php
Halifax chiropractor admits to professional incompetence
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 03/09/2019 A Nova Scotia-based chiropractor has surrendered her license following scrutiny over her views on the effectiveness of vaccines. The Nova Scotia College of Chiropractors’ website says Dena Churchill entered a settlement agreement with the college. Furthermore, she now admits to being “professionally incompetent as a result of incompetence arising out of mental incapacity.” There will no longer be a hearing over the matter. The settlement claims Churchill underwent psychological assessment in the fall. She will also pay $6,000 as a fine. Churchill operated the Oxford Chiropractic Inc. until it was shut down in the fall. She is known for posting information regarding the subject of autism and vaccines. She was investigated by regulators last May regarding her social media claims. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8190leg.php
Why the vaccine industry REFUSES to conduct clinical trials using a genuine placebo control group
March 12, 2019 by: Ethan Huff(Natural News) The next time someone tries to tell you that the science is “settled” on vaccine safety and effectiveness, you might want to bring up the fact that the alleged “science” upon which the vaccination house of cards was, and is still being, built is fundamentally flawed at its very core. Truth be told, there isn’t a single vaccine study out there – at least not one that the establishment has ever conducted or referenced in support of government vaccination programs – that’s ever compared a CDC-approved vaccine to an actual inert placebo. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8191sci.php
“Anti-Vaxxers” Are Shifting Gears – Big Pharma TERRIFIED…
BolenReport: Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim BolenAlthough They Are Labeled “Anti-Vaxxers” They Are Really “Anti-BigPharma,” and “Anti-Globalist…” And THAT is why Globalist Big Pharma went to WHO and “Their-Paid-For-Friends” in the US Congress… Read rest of original story here:
File# 8192.php
Colorado governor says vaccines can’t be enforced ‘at the point of a gun’
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 03/09/2019Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) is defending the state’s vaccine exemption standards following a measles outbreak. Polis said he believes vaccinations work and are important, however, he stopped short of supporting increased vaccine exemption restrictions. “It’s important that parents vaccinate their children, but you can’t do that at the point of a gun,” Polis told Hill.TV’s Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton during an interview on “Rising.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8193leg.php
One-Sided Senate Hearing: One Step Closer to Mandatory Vaccines
Posted By: Sherri Tenpenny, DO 03/10/2019by Dr. Janet Levatin, Holistic Pediatrician at Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center, Cleveland Ohio On March 5, 2019, I attended the US Senate HELP (Health, Education, Labor and Pensions) Committee hearing entitled “Vaccines Save Lives: What is Driving Preventable Disease Outbreaks?” The hearing was a travesty, a one-sided presentation on the purported “amazing benefits of vaccines” and an inquiry into why uninformed, misinformed, “vaccine hesitant” parents are saying no. Based on the name of the hearing and who the scheduled “expert” witnesses were, I was not at all surprised at the content of the hearing. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8194leg.php
Science confirms: Aluminum in vaccines causes autism; U.S. media tries to memory-hole the science
March 10, 2019 by: Vicki Batts(Natural News) The use of aluminum in vaccines has been a hotly debated topic as of late — largely due to the increasing awareness of the metal’s potential toxicity. Now, research from Keele University has found a link between aluminum-containing inoculations and autism. Yet another element of vaccines is found to be harmful — who would have guessed? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8195sci.php
Harvard-Trained PhD Immunologist to Legislators: Unvaccinated Children Pose ZERO Risk to Anyone
By LearnTheRisk, Posted February 15, 2019 In NewsDear Legislator: My name is Tetyana Obukhanych. I hold a PhD in Immunology. I am writing this letter in the hope that it will correct several common misperceptions about vaccines in order to help you formulate a fair and balanced understanding that is supported by accepted vaccine theory and new scientific findings. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8196leg.php
February 2019“Out of love and zeal for clarifying the truth,”* and the need to protect the sanctity of our religious beliefs, each religious community should discuss the following items prior to surrendering an important religious right to a Pharmaceutical Industry marketing campaign. The Pharmaceutical Industry currently seeks to remove religious freedom in multiple states. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8197leg.php
Gardasil: A License to Kill. What Has Changed Since This Report in 2010?
July 14, 2016 By Mark BlaxillWe are running the "License to Kill" series by Mark Blaxill as a reminder of the warning bells that have been pealing for many years while the media, pharma, government continue to push this vaccine on a wide group of "consumers" with each passing day. We published this series in the Spring of 2010. You might recall that Gardasil was launched for teen girls to prevent a certain type of genital wart virus that can lead to cervical cancer. Now teen boys are being dosed with Gardasil. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8198garleg.php
MMR Vaccine ACTUALLY Causes Measles — Journal of Clinical Microbiology — Rapid Identification of Measles Virus Vaccine Genotype by Real-Time PCR
Catherine Frompovich, March 7, 2019Eleven (11) researchers can’t be wrong, or can they? It all depends on who finances a research project and for what specific merchandising or propaganda agenda was to be established. It seems the CDC/FDA have not been playing according to the rules of the exacting discipline called “science”; or, CDC/FDA really do not know what straightforward academic science is, i.e., factual results, which can be confirmed by other scientists getting the same results, versus CDC/FDA’s “consensus science” as published in numerous papers designed to exonerate the MMR vaccine from causing Autism and/or measles. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8199sci.php
MoreRapid Identification of Measles Virus Vaccine Genotype by Real-Time PCR Idaho House Gives A Thumbs Up To Vaccine Opt-Out Bill
By James Dawson • Feb 25, 2019Public and private schools, as well as daycares across Idaho, may soon have to let parents know they can opt their kids out of getting vaccinated. Under the bill from Rep. Priscilla Giddings (R-White Bird), these schools and daycares would need to give parents a copy of the state law outlining the exemption process before they enroll. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8200legrig.php
New Danish MMR Study Shows Autism Rate of 1 in 100—CDC Should Rush to Denmark!
March 07, 2019 By JB Handley, Children’s Health Defense Director and Co-Founder of Generation RescueCOPENHAGEN, Denmark—We have another “Danish Study” that will invariably be all the talk. It’s too bad no one reads (or understands) the details about these studies that are both funded and researched by vaccine companies (this one is funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation and research completed by Danish vaccine maker Statens Serum Institut.) Read rest of original story here:
File# 8201autsci.php
“Panic” at Worldwide Big Pharma’s Vaccine Companies…
From Europe By Karma SinghWhy, suddenly, the “Big Push?…” Most of us have noticed how, in recent days, a big push has started to get vaccination made compulsory world-wide. ... Vaccines are one of the three major sources of income for the pharmaceutical companies. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8202.php
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons denounces mandatory vaccines, citing “no rigorous safety studies”
March 07, 2019 by: Mike Adams(Natural News) With vaccine fanaticism having now turned into a dangerous left-wing medical cult, it’s refreshing to hear a medical organization denouncing the dangerous idea of mandatory vaccines. Recently, The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons — an organization that supports vaccines in general — publicly denounced the pursuit of mandatory vaccination enforcement, correctly stating that there are “no rigorous safety studies” demonstrating vaccine safety. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8203legrigsci.php
Arizona Lawmaker’s Vaccine ‘Communism’ Comments Erupt Firestorm
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 03/02/2019An Arizona lawmaker is calling out her state’s push for mandatory vaccines as “communist.” Her statements began a firestorm of debate over the right of any government agency to force parents to vaccinate their children. Republican state Rep. Kelly Townsend wrote on her Facebook status last Thursday, saying, “it seems we are prepared to give up our liberty, the very sovereignty of our body, because of measles.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8204legrig.php
FDA Commissioner Says Government Must Force Vaccine Restrictions
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 03/02/2019Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb is calling a continued measles outbreak in Michigan an “avoidable tragedy.” Additionally, Gottlieb implies that the government needs to reduce vaccine exemption opportunities nationally. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8205legrig.php
Compulsory vaccination not the solution, Unicef tells government
FMT Reporters - March 1, 2019PETALING JAYA: The United Nations’ children’s agency today said that making vaccination mandatory is not the best way to address life-threatening diseases such as measles and diphtheria. Marianne Clark-Hattingh, Unicef’s representative in Malaysia, said the organisation’s experience showed that there is little evidence that “mandatory laws improve vaccination coverage”. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8206legrig.php
Amazon Removed Anti-Vax Documentaries From Prime Video
Anti-vax documentaries have disappeared from search results on the platform, and appear to no longer be available to Prime members for free streaming. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8207.php MoreAmazon Begins Culling Vaccine Media From Prime Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 03/02/2019 Harvard-Trained PhD Immunologist to Legislators: Unvaccinated Children Pose ZERO Risk to Anyone
By LearnTheRisk Posted February 15, 2019 In NewsAn Open Letter to Legislators Currently Considering Vaccine Legislation from Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD, Harvard-Trained Immunologist. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8208sci.php
February 2019TEN THESES “Out of love and zeal for clarifying the truth”*, and the need to protect the sanctity of our religious beliefs, each religious community should discuss the following items prior to surrendering an important religious right to a Pharmaceutical Industry marketing campaign. The Pharmaceutical Industry currently seeks to remove religious freedom in multiple states. Ten items which should be discussed before surrendering religious freedoms: Read rest of original story here:
File# 8209legrig.php
Letter to Senator Lisa Murkowski Regarding HELP Hearing “Vaccines Save Lives”
Posted on February 28, 2019 by Brett WilcoxMy name is Brett Wilcox. My family and I live in Sitka. In July, 2014, my 15-year old son, David, and I completed our 6 month, 3,000 mile run across the USA advocating for a GMO Free USA. My wife, Kris, and 13-year old daughter, Olivia, David and I had the privilege of meeting with you in your Washington DC office after our run. Since that time, I have invested thousands of hours into the study of vaccine industry corruption. In 2016, I authored the book JABBED: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment, and Government Stick It to You and Your Family. In 2018, Skyhorse Publishing published an updated edition in hardcover. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8210legsci.php
Open Letter on Exemptions
February 22, 2019,An Open Letter from Edward F. Fogarty, MDPHILOSOPHICAL EXEMPTIONS AS BEHAVIORAL ECONOMIC SIGNALS OF FRAUD I am a practicing physician with multiple state licenses who has had the privilege of being the Chairman of Radiology at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine for the last 12 years. My pathways of understanding many issues in medicine and law have dovetailed over understandings of fraud in science and medicine. I am associated with a large network of attorneys and physicians who have the best intentions of employing whistleblower statutes and legal leverage where possible to alert our fellow citizens of Federal and State Fraud, Waste and Abuse practices. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8211legsci.php
‘Something is in those vaccines’: Lawmaker says mandatory measles shots are ‘Communist’
By Timothy Bella, March 1, 2019, The Washington PostAmid a surging measles outbreak in the United States that has grown to about 160 cases in 10 states, Arizona’s legislature recently passed bills allowing for a religious exemption for required vaccination shots — a move that public health advocates warn could lead to fewer immunizations. Republican Gov. Doug Ducey, who describes himself as “pro-vaccination” and “anti-measles,” suggested Wednesday he would strike down those proposals. But one state lawmaker begged to differ with the governor. Republican State Rep. Kelly Townsend, a five-term state representative who is no stranger to making controversial and befuddling statements on social media, took to Facebook on Thursday to bemoan that Arizona was “prepared to give up our liberty, the very sovereignty of our body, because of measles.” Why? Because doing so would be “Communist.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8212.php
February 2019 By Kevin BarryAmerican Medical Association Code of Ethics Opinion 8.7 In a stunning display of hypocrisy, the American Medical Association's code of ethics allows AMA members both religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccination for THEMSELVES . But for non-AMA members, since 2015, "the AMA will seek more stringent state immunization requirements to allow exemptions only for medical reasons." Read rest of original story here:
File# 8213legrig.php
LA Whooping Cough Outbreak Hits Exclusive Private School
Jim Satney February 28, 2019A Los Angeles area private school known for its exclusivity is reporting dozens of whooping cough cases. At least 30 teens reportedly have the illness, according to Los Angeles health officials. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8214.php
MoreOfficials deny lack of vaccinations caused whooping cough outbreak in Los Angeles Arizona Lawmakers Pass Vaccine Parental Rights Bills In Face of Criticism
Jim Satney February 24, 2019The Arizona The House Health and Human Services Committee approved three contentious vaccine-related House Bills. Each of the bills loosens government authority over parental immunization matters. Critics believe the measures may lower vaccination density in the state. Republicans and Democrats split the vote, with Republicans mostly siding with approval. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8215leg.php
Pinterest Blocks Vaccine Searches, Seeks To ‘Stop Misinformation’
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 02/23/2019Pinterest is now blocking vaccine-related searches across its social media network. The company told the Wall Street Journal that it began blocking the content in December and intends to continue the strategy until it comes up with appropriate measures to “stop misinformation.” Pinterest searches, it seems, primarily focused on vaccine safety topics. This makes sense considering it is difficult to imagine the company would censor media-accepted information. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8216.php
Trump Aide’s Wife Attacks Measles Vaccine Outrage ‘Fake Hysteria’
Jim Satney February 16, 2019Darla Shine, the wife of White House Communications Director Bill Shine, tweeted out an attack against CNN for what she calls “Fake measles hysteria.” (at least, if you are versed in hashtag language) Here we go LOL #measlesoutbreak on #CNN #Fake #Hysteria. The entire Baby Boom population alive today had the #Measles as kids. Bring back our #ChildhoodDiseases they keep you healthy & fight cancer. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8217.php
Attacking Ourselves: Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System Against Us
November 13th 2018 By: Celeste McGovernThe research is hard to ignore, vaccines can trigger autoimmunity with a laundry list of diseases to follow. With harmful and toxic metals as some vaccine ingredients, who is susceptible and which individuals are more at risk? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8218.php
More Than 100 Bills Proposed in 30 States to Expand, Restrict or Eliminate Vaccine Informed Consent Rights
February 22nd 2019, Posted By: GMI ReporterAs of Feb. 18, 2019, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is monitoring more than 100 bills filed in 30 states proposing to expand, restrict or eliminate vaccine informed consent rights. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8219leg.php
Measles Madness: Dr. Brian Hooker’s Statement to WA Legislators
February 19, 2019 By Brian S. Hooker, Science Advisor, Focus for Health and Board Member, Children’s Health DefenseDr. Hooker provided testimony last Friday, February 8, 2019, for the Washington State House Health Committee regarding the vaccines and the Personal Belief Exemption (PBE) bill that was introduced. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8220.php
YouTube Just Demonetized Anti-Vax Channels
Caroline O'Donovan, February 22, 2019YouTube on Friday said it would prevent channels that promote anti-vax content from running advertising, saying explicitly that such videos fall under its policy prohibiting the monetization of videos with “dangerous and harmful” content. The move comes after advertisers on YouTube pulled their ads from these videos, following inquiries from BuzzFeed News. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8221.php
Autism Symptoms in Pets Rise as Pet Vaccination Rates Rise
February 19, 2019 Health Impact NewsPets, especially dogs, have been exhibiting signs of autism, similar to those found in children, and studies are underway to evaluate the possibility that animals can become autistic. Nicholas Dodman, DVM, was looking for a genetic cause of obsessive tail chasing in bull terriers that often results in self-maiming, but instead he discovered numerous symptoms of autism in the dogs. He also found that two biomarkers common to children with autism were also present in the affected dogs. Adverse reactions to vaccination are not uncommon in pets. Globally, the animal vaccine industry has been valued at $6.27 billion in 2015 and is expected to rise to $11.40 billion by 2024. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8222aut.php
Measles Scare Tactics Hurt Us All
Anne Mason, February 4th 2019By the time the measles vaccine was patented in 1963 in the US, the mortality rate from measles was about 1 in 500,000.¹ [1/500,000 population] This is less than your risk of death from falling off furniture.² Let’s also consider that over 600,000 people annually die of heart disease in the US, over 500,000 people die from cancer in the US each year and over 250,000 annually die from medical errors alone.³ Read rest of original story here:
File# 8223legsci.php
Hundreds Protests Mandatory Vaccine Bill In Washington State
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 02/10/2019 With Washington state reporting 50 cases of measles, lawmakers and pro-vaccine groups are scrambling to push for more restrictive vaccine laws. Washington allows parents to use philosophical exemptions. Many would like to allow the government to have increased control over kids living in the state. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8224leg.php
HPV Vaccine Gardasil Kills: Confirmed By Court Ruling
Catherine Frompovich, April 2, 2018“After 8 long years, the government finally conceded that we met our burden of proof that Gardasil caused my death.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8225gar.php
MMR vaccine isn't safe after all, UK government forced to concede
September 1st 2010After years of reassuring parents about the safety of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine, the UK government has finally had to concede that it can have serious side effects Read rest of original story here:
File# 8226.php
MoreOctober 27th 2010 in Epilepsy 40 UK children killed by MMR - and the true picture could be 10 times worse Vaccinated children face a 3000% increased risk of dangerous allergy, stunning new science finds
Monday, February 18, 2019 by: Lance D Johnson(Natural News) Not only are vaccine ingredients impure, but the methodology of rigorous vaccine use carries a whole additional set of risks. The current CDC schedule recommends 50+ vaccine doses before a child reaches six years of age. This rigorous vaccine schedule forces pathogens into a child’s body in an unnatural way, ultimately changing the way a child’s immune system is exposed to pathogens, how it learns, responds, and develops. Vaccine pathogens are introduced directly into the muscle tissue and blood stream. These impure vaccine ingredients enter the bloodstream and circulate to the organs without first being filtered through the immune system’s first line of defense: the mucous membranes, the gastrointestinal tract and other layers of the human microbiome. Vaccine toxins such as aluminum and mercury can even penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8227.php
Dr. Brian Hooker’s bombshell testimony before Congress reveals how MMR vaccines INCREASE deaths from measles
Tuesday, February 19, 2019 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) Via Children’s Health Defense, headed by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who is perhaps the only prominent Democrat in America that’s actually fighting to protect children from toxic vaccines, 5G electromagnetic radiation and dangerous fluoride chemicals in the water supply: Read rest of original story here:
File# 8228.php
The One Way To Spot Vaccine Propaganda
By Bretigne Shaffer, February 19, 2019It’s that season again: Another outbreak of a benign childhood disease that only a couple of generations ago the vast majority of the US population contracted and recovered from, serendipitously occurring precisely at the time when legislators across the country are putting forward bills to strip parents of the right to choose whether or not to vaccinate their own children. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8229.php
Washington Moves To Ban Personal Vaccine Exemptions
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 02/16/2019A Washington state House committee passed a bill Friday that would ban personal vaccine exemptions for measles, mumps and rubella in school children. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8230.php
How to Immunize Yourself Against Vaccine Propaganda
by Jeremy R. Hammond | Feb 7, 2019A New York Times editorial attacks “anti-vaxxers” as “the enemy”, but it’s the Times editors who are dangerously irrational and ignorant of the science. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8231.php
Kentucky Investigating Multiple Infections Following Vaccinations
by Barbara Loe Fisher and Marco Cáceres, On Feb. 1, 2019, the Department for Public Health (DPH) in Kentucky announced it was investigating ” multiple infections associated with vaccinations” administered by a company called Location Vaccination of Mt. Sterling, Kentucky. The vaccinations were given at various business locations in Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana since Sept. 1, 2018. According a press release issued by the Commonwealth of Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, “Individuals with vaccination-associated infections related to this provider have experienced redness, pain or tenderness, swelling, and the development of hard lumps, or nodules, at the injection site.”1 It warns, “Symptoms may start from a few days to more than 12 weeks after vaccination. Medical care is advised since infections will likely not get better on their own.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8232.php
The disturbing link between vaccines and pediatric cancer
Monday, February 04, 2019 by: Tracey Watson(Natural News) Any illness in a child is distressing, and when it’s a life-threatening disease like cancer it is absolutely devastating to the entire family. Sadly, pediatric cancer diagnoses are on the increase, with about 15,300 kids being diagnosed with some form of cancer each year. One in eight of these children will not survive. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8233.php
Join the thousands who are filing complaints against vaccine mandates: Here’s the new HHS website that allows you to register a complaint
Tuesday, February 05, 2019 by: Ethan Huff(Natural News) There’s a new government web portal where Americans can file official complaints against medical practices and other service providers for violating conscience and religious freedom laws as they pertain to “mandatory” vaccinations. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8234leg.php
31 janvier 2019 by Dr G Delépine, oncologist, surgeonChanging the natural history of cancer that increases in frequency and occurs faster. It takes a long time to affirm that a preventive action really protects. But the failure of this supposed protection can sometimes be very quickly obvious. To prove that the Titanic was truly unsinkable would have required decades of navigation on the most dangerous seas of the world. Demonstrating that it wasn’t, took only a few hours … This » Titanic » demonstration is unfortunately reproduced by the Gardasil vaccination. Read rest of original story here:
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HPV vaccine makes it more difficult for women in their late 20s to become pregnant
January 31, 2019 by: Isabelle Z.(Natural News) There is now yet another reason to steer clear of the HPV vaccine: A study shows it causes women who are in their late 20s to have trouble becoming pregnant. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8236gar.php
Athlete Confined To Wheelchair After Her Third Gardasil Vaccine Takes Merck To Court
By Government Slaves on 01/30/2019On Wednesday January 9th, I attended Science Day Presentations in the Jennifer Robi vs. Merck and Kaiser Permanente case in Los Angeles Superior Court. I want to report to our community on the outcome of this important event and provide some personal commentary. It is difficult to describe the feelings of elation and frustration that I experienced during the full day of furious arguments that began at 9:30 am before Judge Maren Nelson. Due to the restrictions of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, my son and thousands of children like him, have never been able to have their injuries acknowledged in a court of law. This day gave families around the globe whose children’s health was permanently harmed by the HPV vaccine a glimmer of hope that their injuries and suffering would finally be acknowledged. The frustration I felt came from the obvious fact that the science relied on by our federal agencies to approve the HPV vaccine was criminally inadequate and that Jennifer’s injuries and those of the thousands of others like her could have been prevented. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8237garleg.php
Autism, Made in the USA: the Undeniable Connection Between Vaccines and Autism Spectrum Disorder
By Gary Null and Helen Buyniski“universal vaccination of pregnant women could get us into a whole new set of problems.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8238sci.php
The Truth About Measles the Mainstream Media is Suppressing
Health Impact News Editor Comments, January 30, 2019Current measles outbreaks in California are dominating mainstream media stories all across the U.S. at present. So it is time to re-publish some facts about measles and the measles vaccine that the mainstream media does not seem to want to publish. Here at Health Impact News we have received requests to interview “parents who are anti-vaccine.” Our response is: “Why? Why don’t you interview medical doctors who are anti-vaccine?” The truth is that medical doctors who are opposed to vaccines do not fit their agenda, or the agenda of their advertisers, which includes the very powerful pharmaceutical industry. Thus, you will almost never hear an interview with such articulate physicians such as Dr. Sherri Tenpenny or Dr. Suzanne Humphries in the mainstream media. We provide two such interviews, one with each doctor, below. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8239.php
Arizona lawmaker: All ingredients, side effects must be disclosed before any vaccine
By Howard Fischer Capitol Media Services Jan 29, 2019PHOENIX — A state senator wants to mandate that parents be told exactly which ingredients and chemicals are in vaccines before their children are inoculated. The bill introduced by Sen. Paul Boyer, R-Phoenix, would require that any health professional provide not just the positive effects of vaccinations but also the full list of ingredients and side effects before a vaccine could be administered Read rest of original story here:
File# 8240leg.php
New Book Shatters Our Misplaced Faith in the Federal Vaccine Narrative
By Davis Taylor, Tenth Amendment Center, January 30, 2019... Because of their misplaced faith in this federal agency, most people assume there is no need to push back against federal narratives on vaccines or against anticipated federal vaccine mandates. In his important new book, Vaccines – A Reappraisal, Richard Moskowitz, M.D., provides information which should thoroughly refute these assumptions. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8241.php
Vaccinegate: Metagenomic analysis report on Gardasil 9
Staff Corvelva, 27 Gennaio (January) 2019With these analyses we have finished the first level screening of the Gardasil 9 vaccine. Results Presence of adventitious genetic material in residual quantities. The following essential points can be summarized: Read rest of original story here:
File# 8242sci.php
Pittsburgh Officials Say Dispute CBS Measles Fear-Mongering Article
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 01/26/2019Last Wednesday night, a CBS report discussing the Northwest “measles outbreak” claimed that a number of cities around the country were equally at risk. In Washington, which has now declared a state of measles emergency, there is a high-density of non-medical vaccine exemptions. But the city of Pittsburgh took issue with its name being mentioned in an article geared towards stirring national fear. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8243.php
Court Hears Gardasil Science and Moves Forward
January 29, 2019 By Lyn Redwood, R.N, M.S.N., President, Children’s Health DefenseOn Wednesday January 9th, I attended Science Day Presentations in the Jennifer Robi vs. Merck and Kaiser Permanente case in Los Angeles Superior Court. I want to report to our community on the outcome of this important event and provide some personal commentary. It is difficult to describe the feelings of elation and frustration that I experienced during the full day of furious arguments that began at 9:30 am before Judge Maren Nelson. Due to the restrictions of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, my son and thousands of children like him, have never been able to have their injuries acknowledged in a court of law. This day gave families around the globe whose children’s health was permanently harmed by the HPV vaccine a glimmer of hope that their injuries and suffering would finally be acknowledged. The frustration I felt came from the obvious fact that the science relied on by our federal agencies to approve the HPV vaccine was criminally inadequate and that Jennifer’s injuries and those of the thousands of others like her could have been prevented. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8244garleg.php
U.S. Kids More Likely to Die Than Kids in 19 Other Nations
By Megan Trimble, Digital News Editor Jan. 11, 2018A new study of 20 of the world's richest countries found it's dangerous to be born into the United States. The U.S. ranks last in child health outcomes compared to 19 other Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development nations with similar levels of economic development and political structures, including Australia, Canada, France, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, according to the study published in Health Affairs, a peer-reviewed health care journal. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8245sci.php
Five Vaccines Added to DoD’s “Standing Orders” Program
by Rishma Parpia and Barbara Loe Fisher, Published January 25, 2019... What is a “Standing Order”? Standing orders allow non-physician health professionals to treat patients following protocols that are often based on national clinical guidelines. According to the CDC’s 2000 report, vaccination standing order protocols authorize nurses and pharmacists to administer vaccinations according to an institution- or physician-approved protocol without a physician’s exam.” The report states that vaccination standing order programs can be implemented in multiple settings that include inpatient and outpatient facilities, long-term-care facilities, managed-care organizations, assisted living facilities, correctional facilities, pharmacies, adult workplaces, home health-care agencies, client, resident and employee settings. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8246leg.php
Top 10 facts about the vaccine industry that the dishonest, child-murdering media refuses to report
January 28, 2019 by: Mike Adams... FACT #1) Mercury is still used in vaccines, and the CDC openly admits it. ... FACT #2) Injecting any substance into the human body makes it orders of magnitude more potentially toxic because it bypasses the protections of the digestive tract or the respiratory system. Injecting mercury into a human being — at any dose — should be globally condemned as a criminal act. ... FACT #3) For decades, polio vaccines injected into tens of millions of people actually contained hidden cancer viruses (SV40 and others). ... FACT #4) Top virologists working for Merck have blown the whistle and gone public with shocking revelations that claim the company routinely fabricated lab results to claim a 95% efficacy rate of its mumps vaccine in order to continue receiving government contracts on a vaccine that didn’t work. ... [There are six more facts mentioned.] Read rest of original story here:
File# 8247sci.php
Gardasil and Male Infertility
Posted By: Sherri Tenpenny, DO 01/25/2019Gardasil, approved for use in 2006, has been marketed as a vaccine to protect against cervical cancer. There are more than 150 human papillomaviruses (HPV), with 15 considered to be associated with cervical cancer. But infection with an HPV infection is extremely common over a lifetime; in fact, 98% of infection resolve spontaneously, without any intervention at all. So, why do the 2% of infections that are persistent? Most often have an associated environmental factor: smoking, birth control pills, and poor nutrition. Gardasil was approved for boys in 2009. Why? Ostensibly to prevent against venereal warts but in my opinion? This was a thin excuse to double market share and expand sales of the vaccine. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8248garsci.php
Children Who Get Flu Vaccine Have Three Times Risk Of Hospitalization For Flu, Study Suggests
May 20, 2009The inactivated flu vaccine does not appear to be effective in preventing influenza-related hospitalizations in children, especially the ones with asthma. In fact, children who get the flu vaccine are more at risk for hospitalization than their peers who do not get the vaccine, according to new research that will be presented on May 19, at the 105th International Conference of the American Thoracic Society in San Diego. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8249flu.php
Vaccine Side Effects ‘Downplayed’ to Boost Vaccine ‘Uptake’?
by Marco Cáceres, Published January 25, 2019Contrary to popular belief, there are many board-certified doctors who are concerned about the safety of vaccines, and I have quoted many of them in past articles written for The Vaccine Reaction. Most of these physicians either administer vaccinations or used to administer them as part of their practices. Last month, I highlighted comments made by Mark Green, MD of Tennessee, who is now a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, and publicly expressed his concern about the rise in autism5 6 potentially linked to certain vaccine ingredients. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8250.php
India High Court Halts Mandatory Measles-Rubella Vaccinations for Children
January 25, 2019... In response to this letter, parents filed a petition in the Delhi high court against this decision to mandatorily vaccinate children without parental consent. The petitioners who were represented by Law Chambers of Kapur and Trehan argued that mandatory vaccination not only violated the right to freedom of choice, personal liberty and the right to privacy but also potentially puts the children’s lives at risk for adverse reactions. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8251leg.php
Why You Can’t Trust the CDC on Vaccines
January 24, 2019 By Jeremy R. Hammond, Children’s Health Defense Contributing WriterThe major media dismiss public vaccine policy critics as “conspiracy theorists”, but no conspiracy is required to explain how it can be true that the CDC deceives about vaccines. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8252.php
Merck’s Recombivax Vaccine Shortage Causes Reduced Deaths In Babies – A Natural Experiment?
January 22, 2019 By Eileen Iorio, Children’s Health Defense Contributing WriterIn the summer of 2017, a malware virus mainly affecting the Ukraine, found its way onto the mainframe computer systems of Merck wreaking havoc for the company. The malware was called “NotPetya,” referring to the ransomeware family Petya, which disables computer systems and demands a ransom to be paid in bitcoin before it will restore access to a company’s files. It is destructive and costly, something Merck was to find out as its sales and manufacturing operations were disrupted by the June 7th attack. According to the Wall Street Journal, the incident cost the pharmaceutical giant $670 million to remediate, but more importantly, it caused disruption to the production of two of Merck’s pediatric vaccines: Gardasil 9 (Human Papillomavirus) and Recombivax (Hepatitis B virus), vaccines to help prevent sexually transmitted infections. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8253.php
DEBUNKED Anti-Vaxxers are a Major Health Threat
January 20, 2019Did you see the article The Anti-vaccine movement listed by WHO as one of the TOP 10 biggest threats of 2019. Parents who have seen children injured and die due to vaccines are threatening the profits of an industry that can get it's products mandated through state legislatures. Take a moment to consider US children are the most vaccinated in the world and yet we have seen an exponential increase in chronic illness in our children. Statistics reflect that our children will live shorter lives than their parents. Vaccines contain some of the most toxic and carcinogenic ingredients on the planet and are injected into our children 72 times by the age of 18. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8254sci.php
Transverse Myelitis caused by Travel Vaccines – Melissa’s Story
October 9, 2018 By Vaccine Choice CanadaThank you for taking the time to read my story. In 2014 I was a healthy 27 year old female working in healthcare. I moved from a small town in Nova Scotia to Edmonton and for all intents purposes was enjoying life. That year I was planning a vacation to South Africa and Rwanda for both volunteer work as well as a trek into the Rwandan rain forest to see the mountain gorillas. In order to gain entry into Rwanda I was required to have a yellow fever vaccine and decided that my best choice was to go to a Travel Health Services clinic and booked the appointment. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8255.php
83% Of Parents Refuse Flu Shot At Chicago Hospital Stunning Health Officials
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 01/19/2019A new report released by the Chicago Department of Public Health Commissioner Dr. Julie Morita and Lurie Children’s Hospital created controversy last week after the report indicated a large amount of flu shot refusers. Morita’s report showed that at least 83% of local parents refuse the flu shot and that 14% refuse all vaccines. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8256flu.php
India Court Rules No Mandatory Vaccine, Must Get ‘Informed Consent’
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 01/19/2019The Delhi High Court ruled that the MR vaccine can’t be administered without parental consent. The MR vaccine includes vaccines for both measles and rubella. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8257legrig.php
BREAKTHROUGH: Vitamin D supplements taken during pregnancy found to prevent autism in children
January 19, 2019 by: Russel Davis... Another study revealed that low vitamin D levels in pregnant women may raise the odds of autism spectrum disorder in children. The researchers examined 4,200 blood samples from pregnant women and their children, and found that pregnant women with low vitamin D levels at 20 weeks of gestation were at an increased risk of having a child with autism-related traits by the age of six. The findings demonstrate that vitamin D deficiency may be linked to the onset of neurodevelopmental disorders, researchers said. Access to safe, inexpensive and publicly available vitamin D supplements in at-risk groups may help stem the prevalence of this risk factor, experts added. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8258aut.php
Measles Transmitted By The Vaccinated, Gov. Researchers Confirm
October 26th 2018Research reveals that a vaccinated individual not only can become infected with measles, but can also spread it to others who are also vaccinated against it - doubly disproving that the administration of multiple doses of MMR vaccine is "97% effective," as widely claimed. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8259sci.php
Exposing Vaccine Contamination – More Results from Corvelva
Posted By: Sherri Tenpenny, DO 01/18/2019In December 2018, the Italian research company, Corvelva, released an explosive research paper. Vaxxter reported on their findings, exposing the ingredients in the vaccine Infanrix Hexa, the combination vaccine given to infants across Europe. Of course, the pro-vaccine machine immediately went into high gear, attacking and discrediting Corvelva’s testing methodologies. In response, Corvelva issued a technical report documenting their methods, declaring: Protein detection is carried out using a standard approach using trypsin enzyme, a technique that has been internationally recognized for over 10 years. The peptides are then separated using chromatography and analyzed by mass spectrometry. With this technology, there should be little doubt about the accuracy of their findings which concluded that Infanrix Hexa: 1. Has a molecular profile that is generally complex and largely unknown. 2. Contains protein contaminations with variable compositions that are not declared on the leaflet [package insert]. 3. The entire Infanrix Hexa analysis can be found here in English. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8260sci.php
WHO List Anti-Vaccine Movement As One Of Top 2019 Threats
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 01/17/2019The World Health Organization (WHO) will now list vaccine hesitancy and vaccine safety advocates as a threat to world health. Specifically, “the delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite their availability” will be listed on the WHO’s top 10 health threats facing the world in 2019. Since 2001, the number of children between the ages of 19 months and 35 months who have received no vaccines has quadrupled, according to the CDC. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8261.php
Here are the specific actions you can take to protect yourself from vaccines and smart meters
January 15, 2019 by: Isabelle Z. (Natural News)... Use the law to your advantage What can you do if you don’t want to subject yourself or your family to these dangers? The answer is related to the opt-out contract that utility companies and doctors try to get you to sign when you refuse to poison yourself with their smart meters and vaccines. It’s an intimidation tactic more than anything. After all, refusing to get the meter or vaccine in the first place means you’ve already opted out. According to personal rights crusader Jerry Day, these contracts are sneaky ways of getting people to say they should have opted in and to agree to give up some rights or pay penalties. Opt-out contracts don’t help you; they give the power to the other party. Day says you should never sign them. Instead, keep in mind that you have what is known as “right of contract.” This means that your signature on any contract cannot be coerced or pressured in any way. If your utility company or doctor is making you feel pressured to sign it, it has no legal standing as long as you can prove there was coercion. You can’t be penalized in any way for refusing to sign something. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8262leg.php
Shingles Vaccine? Really?
... Shingles Vaccine Lawsuits Meanwhile, some people are filing shingles vaccine lawsuits because they’ve developed a case of full-blown shingles AFTER getting the “vaccine.” Or they’ve dropped their 200-some bucks for the “vaccine,” and then they’ve gotten shingles, and suffered vision damage up to blindness, or postherpetic neuralgia, or other permanent nerve damage. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8263leg.php
Vaccine Maker Fined $1.3 Billion for Fake Vaccines
(Oct. 22, 2018)(Oct. 22, 2018) China imposed a $1.3 billion fine on a company responsible for selling fake vaccines. Vaccines given to hundreds of thousands of Chinese children were later determined to be expired, or were so soon-to-be-expired that they could not work as advertised – for those who believe that the vaccines in question could be said to work at all. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8264leg.php
MORE:Chinese Vaccine Maker Fined a Record $1.3 Billion 23,000 Californians Given ‘Ineffective Vaccines:’ Officials Are Trying To Track Them Down
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 01/13/2019Ventura County California health officials are furiously attempting to contact the parents of children who received “ineffective vaccines.” Health officials claim the vaccines are now deemed ineffective because the county workers responsible for them stored them at the wrong temperature. Between October 2017 and November 2018, medical professionals administered the ineffective flu and HPV vaccines to 23,000 patients. County officials are pleading with those fitting the timeline to return for new vaccines, but according to the LATime, only 5% have done so. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8265.php
Violent Vaccine Protests Erupt In China After More Kids Become Sick
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 01/13/2019China’s vaccine crisis now seems to be a neverending saga that is testing the limits of both citizens and government. Last Friday, hundreds of people staged a massive protest in front of the Licheng Health Centre in Jinhu County regarding yet another issue of bad vaccines. In this case, health officials disseminated expired vaccines, causing some kids to fall ill. Hundreds of children experienced fevers, skin rashes, colds, and vomiting, all as a result of the expired vaccines. Throughout the protest, parents of sick children could be heard calling out for answers. Police and protesters clashed, at times, violently. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8266.php
4 Month Old Baby Donates Organs After Receiving 7 Vaccine Doses
By Augustina Ursino, October 22, 2016 Parents in Wisconsin are grieving over the loss of their infant son following routine vaccinations. Less than one day after receiving seven vaccine doses at his four-month baby checkup, Zaire Corvell Thomas went into cardiac arrest and stopped breathing in his sleep. His mother and emergency responders helped save him. Once at the hospital, Zaire was put on life support. Within twelve hours, his parents were being pressured to donate his organs. Zaire was hardly given a chance to recover when his beating heart and liver were taken from his living body four days later. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8267.php
Vaccines and Autism: Expert Exposes DOJ Vaccine Fraud
By Ty Bollinger, January 8, 2019... On the show Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson, it was revealed that pro-vaccine expert Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, whose testimony as an expert witness has been used to disprove a link between vaccines and autism, told government officials over a decade ago that vaccines actually can cause autism. The information has been kept secret until recently. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8268.php
Famous Cancer Researcher Dies From Yellow Fever Vaccine
Jim Satney, January 11, 2019A popular cancer researcher has died following a yellow fever vaccine. Martin Gore, 67, was known by many as the Duke of Cambridge. Gore suffered total organ failure following the vaccine. The vaccine is often recommended for those who may visit South America, Central America, and parts of Africa. Yellow fever vaccine side effects are most common in those with HIV or AIDS. There are no reports that Gore had any issues that could have reacted poorly with the vaccine. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8269.php
Minority Report: A Covert CDC Program Inoculated Black Babies with Deadly, Experimental Measles
By Neil Z. Miller, Age of Autism on September 04, 2014... Concerned parents are now wondering whether this callous and potentially criminal behavior by the CDC is a one-time fluke or part of a larger pattern. Actually, the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) have a history of violating the human rights of Black families by unethically experimenting on their babies with dangerous measles vaccines. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8270sci.php
Colorado Flu Spreads Viciously, But Vaccine Proponents Claim Shot Is Doing Great
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 01/09/2019 If you live in Colorado and have yet to have the flu, a nurse from the Colorado Visiting Nurse Association says you are almost certain to get it. Speaking with CBS4’s Kelly Werthmann, nurse Anne Hart said that Colorado’s almost 600 flu cases are proof-positive that the flu is coming for you and your family. “Almost 600 cases in Colorado this year, so we know it’s serious, and it’s still very important for people to be getting their flu shots,” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8271flu.php
Is There a Vaccine Cancer Connection?
By Landee Martin, June 2, 2015“This vaccine has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potentials or impairment of fertility.” This phrase or one similar can be found on just about every vaccine package insert and should be justification for any reasonable person to decline vaccination. However, doctors are not required to give full informed consent regarding vaccines and most people blindly trust their doctors. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8272sci.php
Australian nurses who spread anti-vaccination messages face prosecution
Nurses and midwives who ignore scientific evidence by promoting anti-vaccination to patients and the public are being cracked down on in a tough new position statement from their industry regulator. The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia released the vaccination standards in response to what it described as a small number of nurses and midwives promoting anti-vaccination via social media. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8273leg.php
More:Vaccine Skepticism In Australia Now Punishable By 10 Years In Jail (4January2019) Vaccine Bombshell: Leaked Confidential Document Exposes 36 Infants Dead After this Vaccine
By: Christina England, BA Hons, January 1st 2019, GreenMedInfoA confidential GlaxoSmithKline document recently leaked to the press exposed that within a two-year period, a total of 36 infants died after receiving the 6-in-1 vaccine, Infanrix Hexa. [1] According to the website Initiative Citoyenne [2] who reported the news, the 1271 page document revealed that GlaxoSmithKline received a total of 1,742 reports of adverse reactions between October 23, 2009, and October 22, 2011, including 503 serious adverse reactions and 36 deaths. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8274sci.php
Congressman Mark Green Under Fire for Seeking Vaccine Truth
By Ty Bollinger, January 1, 2019Freedom is under attack. Freedom of speech, freedom to share information, and the freedom to disagree are under attack. And Mark Green, congressman-elect for my home state of Tennessee, is under attack. Why? Because he dared to question the safety of vaccines Read rest of original story here:
File# 8275leg.php
Health Officials Claim ‘Unvaccinated Causing Whooping Cough Resurgence’
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 01/02/2019Health officials claim that whooping cough, more formally known by the name, pertussis, is staging a comeback in the United States. And they to no one’s surprise, the anti-vaccine community is being blamed for it. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8276.php
Vaccinegate: Priorix Tetra analysis - 2nd step update
Corvelva, 24 Dicembre 2018In July 2018 we published the analyzes, here: "Vaccinegate: 5 out of 7 vaccines analyzed are not compliant" ( and, but we had not finished. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8277sci.php
Massachusetts Considers Mandatory Flu Shot Law
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 12/30/2018 The state of Massachusetts is considering implementing a mandatory vaccine law. The law would force kids to obtain a flu shot before attending a public school. The state realizes, however, that presenting such a law would cause outrage among large numbers of parents. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8278legflu.php
4-Year-Old Vaccinated Child Placed On Life Support After Contracting H1N1 Flu
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 12/27/2018A Fresno, California child suffered severe brain damage following a condition that health officials are linking to the flu. Four-year-old Andre Carson spent 11 days on life support following an H1N1 flu virus diagnosis. Health officials claim that flu caused acute necrotizing encephalopathy (ANE), leading to severe lesions on his brain. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8279flu.php
Scientists Conclude Pertussis Vaccine Causes Permanent Brain Damage
by Barbara Loe Fisher, December 27, 2018 On September 28-October 1, 1989, the National Vaccine Information Center sponsored an international Workshop on the Neurological Complications of Pertussis and the Pertussis Vaccine. The scientists attending the multidisciplinary workshop concluded that both whooping cough and the current whole cell pertussis vaccine can cause permanent brain damage. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8280.php
Could the Flu Shot Make You Depressed?
by Kelly Brogan, MD, December 27, 2018According to the latest research, the notoriously ineffective, illness-inducing, potentially paralytic, and even lethal flu vaccine has one more side effect to add to the list: depression. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8281flu.php
4-Year-Old Vaccinated Child Placed On Life Support After Contracting H1N1 Flu
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 12/27/2018A Fresno, California child suffered severe brain damage following a condition that health officials are linking to the flu. Four-year-old Andre Carson spent 11 days on life support following an H1N1 flu virus diagnosis. Health officials claim that flu caused acute necrotizing encephalopathy (ANE), leading to severe lesions on his brain. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8282flu.php
Connecticut Flu Shot Law To Ban No-Compliant Pre-Schoolers After Dec. 31
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 12/26/2018Connecticut’s Department Of Public Health is warning parents of pre-K children that “time is up” for flu shots. As per state law, schools will have the authority to refuse entrance to all two to four-year-olds who haven’t had a flu shot by the end of the year. The only exceptions will be for parents who present a signed statement from a health care provider who issues a medical exemption at the time the child has a vaccination appointment. Otherwise, the child will not be allowed to attend school after December 31, 2018. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8283leg.php
How to prevent or reduce risk of food allergies, autism, asthma and type 1 diabetes: From a parent who has been burned
By Vinu Arumugham, December 8, 2018Injecting food proteins causes the development of food allergies. Vaccines contain numerous food proteins such as peanut, sesame, cow's milk, wheat, corn, gelatin, egg, fish etc. The only option to completely avoid the risk is to avoid vaccines. ... Similar description applies to autism, asthma and autoimmune disorders such as type 1 diabetes. Details of strategies to reduce risk are described. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8284aut.php
27 Year Medical Doctor Says Pediatricians Aren’t Trained In Vaccines
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 08/22/2018A medical doctor of 27 years says that pediatricians simply haven’t been trained in the science of vaccines. Watch his testimony and leave us a comment. Is he right? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8285.php
TRIPLETS all become autistic within hours of vaccination… see shocking video that has the vaccine industry doubling down on lies and disinfo
December 23, 2018 by: Mike Adams... As the video shows below, healthy triplets all became autistic within hours of vaccination, once again demonstrating that vaccines cause autism. The parents, the McDowell family in Detroit, Michigan, have spoken out publicly against the horrific medical violence being committed against children every day across America through toxic vaccines. (See for more reporting on vaccines and autism.) Read rest of original story here:
File# 8286aut.php
The Disgusting Stuff in Flu Shots
Posted By: Sherri Tenpenny, DO 08/23/2017It’s that time again: the hype has begun to push flu shots into the arms of everyone, from six-month-old infants to 96-year-old grandparents. Flu vaccines have been around since the 1930s when it was discovered that the influenza viruses grew well in eggs and could be harvested for a vaccine. Flu shots contain stray, potentially cancer-causing stray viruses and the multi-dose vials remain loaded with mercury. For nearly 90 years, this disgusting slurry has annually been injected into humans. Truth is, the long-term consequences of this action are completely unknown. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8287flu.php
Vaccine Researchers Say They Need More Pregnant Women
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 12/22/2018Researchers and scientists released a new report this week that shows pregnant women being largely underrepresented in vaccine research programs. The guidelines are published on Pregnancy Research Ethics for Vaccines, Epidemics and New Technologies (PREVENT), the group responsible for creating the report, feels that pregnant women are excluded from vaccine research “out of fear.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8288.php
When the CDC Pertussis VIS says, “Lowered Consciousness,” It Means Hypotonic-Hyporesponsive Episode
May 24, 2017... “Lowered consciousness” is the non-technical term we use for what’s called a “hypotonic hyporesponsive episode (HHE)” among epidemiologists. It is also called “shock-like state” or “collapse” in the literature. The 1991 IOM report on adverse effects of rubella and pertussis vaccines describes it as “an unusual reaction consisting of an acute diminution in sensory awareness or loss of consciousness accompanied by pallor and muscle hypotonicity.” Needless to say, this definition would have people scratching their heads more than “lowered consciousness.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8289sci.php
Canadian Chiropractor Faces Suspension For Vaccine Posts
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 12/18/2018A Canadian chiropractor who made posts online regarding vaccines is facing the suspension of her license. Dena Churchill, who operates Oxford Chiropractic Inc., is currently suspended pending a complete investigation. Churchill has 16 allegations against her all stemming from vaccine posts across five various social media websites. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8290leg.php
When the CDC Pertussis VIS says, “Lowered Consciousness,” It Means Hypotonic-Hyporesponsive Episode
May 24, 2017(U.S. CDC) “Lowered consciousness” is the non-technical term we use for what’s called a “hypotonic hyporesponsive episode (HHE)” among epidemiologists. It is also called “shock-like state” or “collapse” in the literature. The 1991 IOM report on adverse effects of rubella and pertussis vaccines describes it as “an unusual reaction consisting of an acute diminution in sensory awareness or loss of consciousness accompanied by pallor and muscle hypotonicity.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8291sci.php
Whistleblower Nurse Alleges Hospital’s ‘Flu Vaccine Consent’ Policy Is Misleading
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 12/20/2018A whistleblower nurse claims that hospitals use The Affordable Care Act in a way to gain consent for numerous vaccines, including the flu shot, even when the patient came to the emergency room for nothing related to the flu. She claims in the video that nefarious consent-to-care forms are utilized in a way that patients simply do not understand. She claims that patients do not realize that they are granting consent. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8292flu.php
Meta-Analysis madness in vaccine-autism science
BY J.B. HANDLEY April 18, 2018Inexplicably, a 2014 "meta-analysis" of published science exploring the relationship between vaccines and autism has become the evidence du jour to prove "vaccines don't cause autism." The inadequacies of the 2014 paper are simple to understand, and reveal much about the current environment. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8293autsci.php
Australian Vaccine Laws Cause Drastic Reduction In Pre-School Enrollments
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 12/19/2018Australian government officials enforce vaccinations for school children by way of removing government funds from those parents who don’t comply with mandates. The law, termed “no jab, no pay,” is considered one of the most stringent laws in the world. But the law maybe having unintended consequences in an area that no one saw coming. The strict vaccination laws are prompting dramatically lower enrollments in areas where higher rates of families declined some or all vaccines prior to the law being enacted. And that has many pre-school concerned for the future of their schools. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8294leg.php
Say No to the Flu Shot with Leslie Manookian
December 17, 2018 By Hilda Labrada GoreThe Weston A. Price Foundation Are you still on the fence about the flu shot? Do you find yourself wondering if you should vaccinate your family, just to “play it safe”? Are you afraid of what people will think if you don’t vaccinate? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8295flu.php
Vaccine Contaminants, Nanotechnology, and Cancer
by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM, Posted By: Sherri Tenpenny, DO 02/07/2017 Over the last 17 years, I’ve read hundreds of medical journal articles on the problems associated with vaccines. I have written and spoken about vaccine contaminants – stray viruses, aluminum, mercury, polysorbate 80, animal cells, and so on. I have often wondered “What else is coming through that needle?” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8296sci.php
Infanrix Hexa – 65 Toxins Found. All Risk. No Benefit.
by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM, Posted By: Sherri Tenpenny, DO 12/16/2018... The first vaccine they thoroughly tested was Infanrix Hexa – a six-in-one vaccine manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) that is *supposed* to contain the following antigens: tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis toxoids; inactivated poliomyelitis viral strains 1-2-3; and hepatitis B surface antigen. Shockingly, Corvelva found NONE of these antigens in the vaccine, meaning, that NO antibodies to the intended antigens will be created. And it gets worse. In addition to no vaccine antigens, they found the following: * traces of 65 chemical cross-contaminants from other manufacturing lines; * chemical toxins; * unrecognizable macromolecules; * various free bacterial peptides that are potential allergens and are capable of inducing autoimmune reactions Read rest of original story here:
File# 8297sci.php
MoreVaccingate: Initial results on Infanrix Hexa chemical composition Vaccine Contaminants, Nanotechnology, and Cancer WHO using bad science to inflate measles death rate
Bryan Hubbard, December 13th 2018 in Measles The World Health Organization (WHO) is inflating the numbers of measles deaths around the world to encourage a greater take-up of the MMR vaccine. There's a built-in bias that cites measles as the cause of infant deaths when the real cause hasn't been established—and it claims the death rate for measles in South-East Asia is greater than the total number of recorded cases. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8298sci.php
Improved Humanized Mice Enhance Vaccine Development
November 29, 2018Every animal model of disease comes with its own unique set of drawbacks. Yet, scientists continually push to improve the quality of animal models to recapitulate the physiological and molecular signatures of disease states. For decades, researchers have turned to mice whose immune systems have been “humanized” to respond in a manner similar to humans. Infectious diseases kill millions of people each year, but the search for treatments is hampered by the fact that laboratory mice are not susceptible to some human viruses. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8299sci.php
Open Letter
from International Organisations
to the WHO
on the Issue of Vaccine Safety
September 2018... Obesity, asthma, cancer, immune and autoimmune diseases, neurological and developmental disorders, are ‘lifestyle diseases’ mainly caused or aggravated by bad nutrition and toxic load. Vaccines are administered to healthy individuals to prevent targeted infections, but their long-term impact on the immune system and their potential role in chronic disease is not being evaluated. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8300sci.php
Catholic Medical Association Condemns the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Use of Aborted Babies’ Tissue in Experiments
August 9, 2018PHILADELPHIA, PA– August 8, 2018 – CNSNews is reporting that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration signed a new contract last month to acquire “fresh” human fetal tissue to transplant into “humanized mice” proving the animals to have functioning “human immune systems,” according to information published by the FDA and the General Services Administration. The experiments would be funded with federal tax dollars. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8301sci.php
More:Humanized Mice Argentina Creates Mandatory Vaccination Law For Passport, ID, Driver’s License, School & More
Larry Cook December 15, 2018In order to renew the DNI, passport and registration, the complete vaccination card must be presented. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8302legrig.php
Italian scientists protest funding for vaccine-safety investigation
Some scientists in Italy are up in arms over a donation from the organization that oversees the nation’s professional biology qualification to an advocacy group that opposes the country’s policy of mandatory childhood vaccination. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8303leg.php
A Guide to Reforming Vaccine Policy & Law
Posted Date: September 26, 2018A Guide to Reforming Vaccine Policy & Law is an illustrated 55-page guide published in 2014 and updated in 2017 by the non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC). This invaluable guide gives an overview of why vaccine safety and informed consent protections should be secured in all U.S. vaccine policies and laws. Authored by NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher, the guide is anchored online with more than 240 references and explains in clear language why we should all be concerned about the erosion of parental, civil and human rights when it comes to vaccine mandates that affect our right to: Read rest of original story here:
File# 8304legrig.php
10,000 Vaccines Safely at Once? How the CDC Lies about Vaccine Safety
By Jeremy R. Hammond | Dec 14, 2018 | Editor's Picks, News & Analysis, Science, USThe CDC deceives parents into vaccinating their children, including by relying on the bald-faced lie that they could safely get 10,000 vaccines at once. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8305.php
‘Incredible Hulk’ Suffers Vaccine Injury
Jim Satney December 14, 2018Actor Lou Ferrigno, the original “Incredible Hulk,” reportedly suffered side effects following a pneumonia vaccine. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8306.php
HEALTH FREEDOM: Trump’s new HHS department may BAN mandatory vaccinations nationwide and restore health and religious freedom
December 14, 2018 by: S.D. Wells(Natural News) The first ever Californian Republican to become House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, just threw a “touchdown pass” for team USA regarding healthcare freedom for all Americans. With great coaching from President Trump, a new division at Health and Human Services (HHS) has been created for Civil Rights called the “Conscience and Religious Freedom Division.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8307legrig.php
Tennessee Rep. Says ‘CDC Fraudulently Managed,’ Questions Vaccine Safety
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 12/14/2018Incoming Tennessee Republican Rep. Mark Green is under fire after posing the idea that vaccines are linked to autism. Green, who is also a physician, made the comments during a town hall meeting. Additionally, Green questioned the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s stats on vaccines and side-effects. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8308legsci.php
2018 TVR Golden Fleece Goes to ‘A Vaccine for Everything’
by Marco Cáceres Published December 13, 2018In 2017, The Vaccine Reaction presented the first TVR Golden Fleece award for the “strangest vaccine in the pipeline” to the so-called “Flab Jab” vaccine—a proposed vaccine for obesity, aimed at suppressing growth hormones that boost metabolism, thus, theoretically, resulting in weight loss. It was the idea for a vaccine that most caused us to pause and metaphorically ask the question, “Are they serious?” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8309.php
Nevada Man Blinded, Paralyzed, and Nearly Died After Getting the Flu Shot
Matt Agorist — December 12, 2018A father in Nevada was left paralyzed and blind after he got the flu shot last month after the vaccine caused him to contract Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8310flu.php
Former Merck Rep Gives Impassioned Vaccine Safety Speech
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 12/10/2018A former pharmaceutical company executive gave a passionate speech on vaccine safety. Read/view rest of original story or video here:
File# 8311.php
Healthy Vaccinated 6-Year-Old Dies From Flu In Connecticut
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 12/12/2018... “It makes no sense. She was vaccinated. She died. It shouldn’t have happened, but it did,” Pugh, of Norwalk, Connecticut, tells PEOPLE, who published a spread over the family’s tragedy. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8312flu.php
Michigan bill requires informed consent for vaccines derived from abortions
Jun 12, 2018LANSING, Michigan, June 12, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) -- Pro-life lawmakers in Michigan have introduced legislation that would require vaccines derived from aborted babies to be clearly identified so patients can make more informed choices and potentially pursue more ethical alternatives. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8313legrig.php
New Surveys Show Less Flu Shots, Less Flu
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 12/09/2018... Of course, this has begun to lead to speculation that fewer flu shots equate to fewer cases of flu. In all fairness, using a single year isn’t a fair sample. But its hard to ignore the potential here. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8314flu.php
The New Internet Police Protecting You From Freedom of Thought and Speech
12/3/2018 by Barbara Loe Fisher... There are three billion people on the Internet communicating with each other. 1 Except for the printing press created in the 15th century, there is no other single means of communication that has had as profound an impact on freedom of thought and speech as the World Wide Web. Yes, the Internet has changed everything. And, now, everyone needs to know how the Internet is changing. In the very near future you may not be able to find information about vaccine science, policy and law published on websites like and ... Read rest of original story here:
File# 8315.php
‘Girl dies from virus’ news story actually a cover-up of the truth: Vaccines killed her
(Natural News) Several weeks ago, a story went viral about a girl “who died from a virus.” But the real story is something far more sinister. “Nine-year-old girl in Dubai dies of viral infection,” reads the headline from That story repeats a quack science fabrication that’s often voiced by vaccine propagandists: “Every year, the vaccine contains the new strain of the virus which can keep you protected up to 70 per cent from the infection, for the entire year,” the story claims. It’s a lie, of course. ... Read rest of original story here:
File# 8316flu.php
Flu shot lands man in hospital, unable to speak, walk, see or even BREATHE
December 06, 2018 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) This true story of a flu shot landing a man in the hospital is going viral via A Las Vegas man lost his vision, became partially paralyzed and has been unable to breathe without assistance since getting a flu shot last month. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8317flu.php
Children Given Flu Shots in School Classrooms
by Rishma Parpia, December 5, 2018School districts across the United States have partnered with Healthy Schools, LLC of Jacksonville, Florida to administer influenza vaccinations to children in classrooms for the purpose of preventing absenteeism. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8318flu.php
Lessons from a Century After the Flu Epidemic of 1918: How Conventional Medicine Killed Millions and How Homeopathic Medicines Saved Millions
Story at-a-glance A remarkable 50 million were thought to have died as a result of the influenza epidemic of 1918, 100 years ago, but there is now a better explanation for why so many people died Read rest of original story here:
File# 8319flusci.php
New Flu Shot Stats Show Media Blitz May Be Failing
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 12/06/2018There is now more bad news for this year’s embattled flu shot. This morning, all the major news networks are reporting on a survey from NORC at the University of Chicago that shows the latest statistics for adults who plan to get a flu shot. The survey was performed in mid-November at the height of a flu shot media frenzy. But it appears the constant barrage of news pushing for people to get flu shots is failing. The survey says that 41 percent of adults aren’t flu shot vaccinated and don’t plan to change that status. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8320flu.php
$4 Billion and Growing: U.S. Payouts for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Keep Climbing
November 19, 2018 The Health Resources & Services Administration just released new dollar figures reflecting payouts from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. The payouts for vaccine injuries just went past the whopping $4 billion mark. Using the government’s own conclusion that only 1% of all vaccine injuries are reported, the $4 billion is just the tip of the iceberg. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8321.php
The CDC Claims the Flu Shot Reduces Mortality in the Elderly. But Where’s the Evidence?
December 04, 2018 By Jeremy R. Hammond, Guest Contributor, Children’s Health DefenseThe US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone aged six months and up, including pregnant women, get an annual influenza vaccine. The two fundamental assumptions underlying the CDC’s policy are that vaccination reduces transmission of the virus and reduces the risk of potentially deadly complications. Yet multiple reviews of the scientific literature have concluded that there is no good scientific evidence to support the CDC’s claims. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8322flusci.php
There isn’t just one good reason to avoid the flu shot – there are 10
December 05, 2018 by: Ethan Huff(Natural News) In case you haven’t noticed, every Walmart, Walgreens, and CVS in the country is once again in fear-mongering mode when it comes to pushing their customers to get the flu shot. But for all of the reasons that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that Americans should just roll over and take the seasonal jab, there’s plenty more scientific reasons not to – the following 10 reasons topping the list: Read rest of original story here:
File# 8323flu.php
Italy’s Vaccine Choice Health Minister Fired 30 Health Council Members
Jim Satney December 5, 2018Italy’s health minister just canned the country’s top panel of health advisors, citing that she intends to give “space to the new.” In other words, Health Minister Giulia Grillo wants to allow for new ideas into a segment of government that’s long been dominated by the same people. Grillo’s mass firing means that 30 members of the Higher Health Council are now gone. The Higher Health Council serves as the government’s main body of medical advisers who shape Italy’s health policies. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8324leg.php
Father placed on life support after receiving flu shot… vaccines continue to damage children and adults alike
December 03, 2018 by: Isabelle Z.(Natural News) Las Vegas father Shane Morgan is fighting for his life after getting a flu shot earlier this month, and his story is a solemn reminder that vaccines aren’t as harmless as many make them out to be. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8325flu.php
California Assemblyman Diagnosed With Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 12/02/2018UC Irvine’s Hospital is currently treating a Riverside, California politician is for Guillain-Barre syndrome. The temporary illness causes the immune system to attack the nerves. Although the medical community can’t agree on what causes Guillain-Barre Syndrome, it is often linked as a side effect of the flu shot. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8326flu.php
Vaccine Boom, Population Bust: Study Queries the Link Between HPV Vaccine and Soaring Infertility
November 29, 2018 By Celeste McGovern, for Children’s Medical Safety Research InstituteA plague is spreading silently across the globe. The young generation in America, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan, Australia – in virtually every western country – is afflicted by rapidly increasing rates of infertility. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8327gar.php
To Vaccinate, or Not to Vaccinate?
Luke Yamaguchi, Nov 9, 2018... If we are not afraid of eating solid food, taking a bath, or walking outside on a rainy day, then why are we afraid of these infectious diseases? If my odds of dying from the chickenpox are about the same as my odds of dying from a lightning strike, then that is a risk I’m willing to take Read rest of original story here:
File# 8328sci.php
St. Louis Hospital Implements 100% Flu Shot Compliance, Mass Firings To Begin
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 11/26/2018Officials at St. Louis’s Mercy Hospital are giving doctors and nurses a cold hard choice. They can be flu vaccinated, or they can be terminated. The hospital will now implement a 100% no tolerance policy regarding flu shots. There will be no religious or personal exemptions and wearing a mask will no longer be an option. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8329fluleg.php
Vaccine Racket Contaminates Nobel Prizes: School Mandates Evidence Criminally-Negligent Manslaughter
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, 2018New Evidence from Government Records Exposes Fraud in Vaccine Safety Assurances: What You Need to Know to Stop Mandates Based on Two Nobel Prizes in Medicine, and Three Virus “Discoveries” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8330sci.php
Children who have flu jab 'three times more likely to need hospital care'
May 20th 2009 in AsthmaChildren who have the standard flu jab are three times more likely to end up in hospital. The vaccine is also useless at preventing the disease, new research has discovered. Children with asthma are especially vulnerable after being given the annual flu vaccine, TIV (trivalent inactivated flu vaccine). Read rest of original story here:
File# 8331flu.php
Why Most Vaccine Reactions Aren’t Reported
Published November 28, 2018 | Best in VideoI did see a couple of reactions [to the influenza vaccine], and they were so dramatic that everyone knew it was from the vaccine. And at that point we just thought.. well, this just happens sometimes. We considered it no different from any other drug that you can react to, so that was how it was back when I was naive. But the other question is, it was so dramatic what I saw with the other two… one was a measles vaccine and the other was a chickenpox vaccine, both in adults. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8332.php
Nov 19 Posted by Editor, cairnsnewsForced vaccinations now can be legally stopped-no quality control for 32 years Wide ramifications for Australia Go to: Vaccine injury lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,& Del Bigtree, producer of the suppressed anti-vaccine documentary, Vaxxed and the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) are credited with this victory. They demanded the relevant government documents proving that all federally approved vaccines had been tested for quality over the past 32 years — and there were none. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8333leg.php
Former NFL Star Questions Flu Shot Efficacy On Twitter, Fallout Is Fast And Furious
Jim Satney, November 27, 2018Former NFL star running back, Reggie Bush, created a vaccine melodrama on Twitter Sunday evening after inquiring about the flu shot from his followers. Bush asked his followers if they were “for it or against it.” He noted that he’d been reading articles and watching videos related to the controversy. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8334flu.php
NY State Senator Passes Away At 47 After Linking Illness To Flu Shot Symptoms
Jim Satney November 24, 2018José R. Peralta, a former New York State Senator, has passed away at age 47. Peralta is the first Dominican-American to elected to New York’s State Senate. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8335flu.php
Vegas Man Rushed To ER After Flu Shot, ‘I Can’t Feel My Legs’
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 11/21/2018 A Las Vegas man was sent to the ICU following receiving a flu shot. Monique Morgan says her husband, Shane, was given a flu shot on November 2nd. He began showing symptoms of the flu shortly after the shot. “36 hours afterward, he developed flu-like symptoms,” said Morgan. Flu symptoms soon turned to paralysis. “He’s like I can’t feel my legs… I need you to take me to the emergency room,” said Morgan. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8336flu.php
CNN Reports 34% Of Parents Are Ditching Flu Shot For Kids
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 11/19/2018Thirty-four percent of parents in the United States say they are not likely to get their kids a flu shot, according to a report by C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. The report is headline news on CNN, which has prompted controversy over dwindling numbers of parents trusting the flu shot. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8337flu.php
Under Siege by Critics, CDC Moves to Blame a Virus for Polio-like Cases of AFM
November 14, 2018 by Marco Cáceres The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is facing mounting criticism for its handling of the growing number of cases of acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), also referred to as acute flaccid paralysis (AFP). The federal health agency has been accused by some doctors of moving too slowly to identify a virus as the cause of AFM, despite the fact that there is no hard evidence the condition is the result of a viral infection. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8338.php
Why Is This Legal? Presentation on Vaccines by Laura Hayes
By Laura Hayes - Age of Autism on November 08, 2018 ... This evening, I am going to be speaking to you about vaccines, specifically, their inexcusable lack of safety, the toxic and hazardous ingredients contained in them that have no business being injected into any human, and the catastrophic results we continue to witness due to their use. In the time I have, I will only be able to scratch the surface of the harm that vaccines cause, both to the individual recipient, and to subsequent generations, if the recipient is still able to reproduce. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8339scileg.php
It IS the vaccines – Aluminum adjuvants in vaccines linked to autism
October 03, 2018 by: Vicki Batts (Natural News) New research has shown that the aluminum adjuvants used in vaccines are linked to an increased risk of autism. While the pharma industry and their media puppets have been slandering and maligning vaccine skeptics as being “anti-science quacks,” “conspiracy theorists” and other derogatory names, it turns out that once again, it is the industry which is denying scientific reality. Studies have shown that the aluminum used to provoke the desired immune system response in vaccines ultimately makes its way to the brain — where it then causes damage and affects brain function. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8340sci.php
Attacking Ourselves: Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System Against Us
November 13th 2018 Written By: Celeste McGovernThe research is hard to ignore, vaccines can trigger autoimmunity with a laundry list of diseases to follow. With harmful and toxic metals as some vaccine ingredients, who is susceptible and which individuals are more at risk? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8341sci.php
Grandma Refuses Flu Shot, Expectant Mom Says ‘You Can’t See Grandchild’
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 11/13/2018A grandmother writing to Slate magazine’s “Dear Prudence” says she and her husband are going to be kept from seeing their grandchild. The reason? The mother refuses to allow anyone who hasn’t been flu vaccinated to see the child. The grandmother, a former nurse-practitioner, says that she and her husband have not received flu shots in over a decade. She also says she’s “well-informed” over the matter. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8342flu.php
Vaccine court admits that the chickenpox vaccine permanently disabled a young boy
November 08, 2018 (Natural News) While vaccine makers and the mainstream media continue to deny that vaccines can be harmful, the vaccine court in the United States is quietly awarding money to victims of vaccine injuries, and after a protracted legal battle, the Department of Health and Human Services has even admitted the chickenpox vaccine caused one boy’s paralysis. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8343leg.php
AFM Not Transmissible from Human to Human Says CDC
by Marco Cáceres Published November 7, 2018The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) still does not know what is causing the growing number of cases of acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) in the United States, but it believes the polio-like illness is not contagious. In a recent interview with CBS, CDC director Robert Redfield, MD said, “The good news is that it doesn’t appear to be transmissible from human to human. We don’t see clustering in families.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8344.php
The Disgusting Stuff in Flu Shots
Posted By: Sherri Tenpenny, DO 08/23/2017It’s that time again: the hype has begun to push flu shots into the arms of everyone, from six-month-old infants to 96-year-old grandparents. Flu vaccines have been around since the 1930s when it was discovered that the influenza viruses grew well in eggs and could be harvested for a vaccine. Flu shots contain stray, potentially cancer-causing stray viruses and the multi-dose vials remain loaded with mercury. For nearly 90 years, this disgusting slurry has annually been injected into humans. Truth is, the long-term consequences of this action are completely unknown. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8345flu.php
Chiropractor behind controversial vaccine posts has licence suspended
Michael Gorman, Nov 01, 2018Dena Churchill faces hearing for 16 allegations, including 15 of professional misconduct A Halifax-based chiropractor who faces a hearing next year with the provincial college related to controversial posts she's made online about vaccinations and immunizations has had her licence suspended. The notice of suspension for Dena Churchill, who operates Oxford Chiropractic Inc., was posted Friday on the website of the Nova Scotia College of Chiropractors. The suspension remains in place "until further notice," according to the website. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8346leg.php
Is the mysterious “polio-like disease” sweeping America caused by vaccines? Herbicide exposure?
November 07, 2018 by: Vicki Batts(Natural News) The Centers for Disease Control recently revealed they are investigating 155 possible cases of “polio-like syndrome,” or acute flaccid myelitis. So far, 80 cases of acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) have been confirm Read rest of original story here:
File# 8347.php
The True Story of Pertussis Vaccination: A Sordid Legacy?
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 57.3 (2002) 249-284 August 2002Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 57.3 (2002) 249-284 During the last half of the twentieth century, pertussis vaccine has been at the center of controversies over the evaluation and marketing of vaccines for children. This controversy has transcended the simple confines of scientific research to redefine relationships among industry, government, law, and consumer advocacy. The dangerous side effects of whole-cell pertussis vaccine have been known for at least the last five decades, and for the last four a safer alternative has been available. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8348sci.php
Flu Shot Science Now Uses Llama Blood
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 11/05/2018But how good is the flu shot? We’ve been down this road a great many times. However, it turns out, that scientists are so desperate to conquer the flu and vastly improve flu shot results that they’ve resorted to using llama blood. Researchers now use llama blood to create antibody therapies for the flu and potentially other illnesses. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8349flu.php
Colorado Lawmakers’ Response to Autism is Two Decades Overdue
Posted by Age of Autism on October 31, 2018 by Pam LongWith 500 students with autism now in every high school graduating year group in Colorado, parents across the state seek a statewide response in both education and Medicaid that will address the lifelong disability needs of 25,000 affected children and adults. In April of the 2018 legislative session, Colorado parents brought forward CO HB18-1223 Declare Autism Epidemic in Colorado. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8350autleg.php
OPV Vaccine Plus A Shot of Antibiotics Equals Polio
by Barbara Loe Fisher, Published October 31, 2018 ... In a study published in the Feb. 23, 1995 New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found that if OPV was followed by two injections of antibiotics, the risk of vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis increased 27-fold. With 10 or more antibiotic injections following OPV, the risk of developing polio was 182 times greater than expected. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8351sci.php
CDC Medical Advisors, Parents Say CDC Hasn’t Done Enough For AFM Outbreak
Jim Satney October 30, 2018The CDC’s medical advisers and a group of moms are blaming the CDC for being too slow to respond to AFM, the polio-like illness. AFM has stricken hundreds of children over the past five years. Dr. Keith Van Haren is one of those advisers giving a blistering description of the CDC’s handling of AFM. “Frustrated and disappointed — I think that’s exactly how most of us feel,” she told CNN. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8352.php
More Than 100 Seniors Died After Receiving This Flu Shot Given By Pharmacies
by Yelena Sukhoterina | January 6, 2016, Alt Health Works As it happens every winter, the marketing push for receiving a flu shot continues. CVS is offering a 20% shopping pass when you get your flu shot. They are also marketing a high-dose vaccine, which is of course more profitable for the manufacturer and the pharmacy, but there are plenty of reasons to be wary of it — especially for seniors. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8353flu.php
Why Everything You Learned About Viruses Is WRONG
October 28th 2018 Written By: Sayer Ji, FounderGroundbreaking research indicates that most of what we believed about the purportedly deadly properties of viruses like influenza is based on nothing more than institutionalized superstition and myth. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8354.php
Measles Transmitted By The Vaccinated, Gov. Researchers Confirm
October 26th 2018, Written By: Sayer Ji, FounderResearch reveals that a vaccinated individual not only can become infected with measles, but can also spread it to others who are also vaccinated against it - doubly disproving that the administration of multiple doses of MMR vaccine is "97% effective," as widely claimed. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8355.php
CDC video PROVES that vaccines are being rushed to market without proper testing and verification
October 25, 2018 by: Vicki Batts(Natural News) Shocking video footage from a recent CDC meeting shows that everything the media tells us about vaccine safety is a lie. Despite the media’s claims that vaccines are thoroughly tested and undergo rigorous safety examinations, it turns out the CDC is blindly approving vaccines without any evidence of safety. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8356sci.php
Chinese Vaccine Maker Fined a Record $1.3 Billion
by The Vaccine Reaction Staff Published October 24, 2018 The Chinese government has imposed a fine of more than $1.3 billion on a Changchun Changsheng Biotechnology Co. Ltd. of Jilin Sheng, China for manufacturing faulty rabies vaccines.1 The company was found to have falsified production and inspection data for 113,000 of its Vero cell-based human rabies vaccines. According to the AFP news service, food and drug regulators in China found Changchun Changsheng responsible for “wrongly mixing stock solutions, modifying centrifuges, and ‘destroying hard drives and evidence to conceal illegal actions'”. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8357leg.php
CDC Investigates 155 Cases of ‘Polio-like’ AFM, Confirms 62
by The Vaccine Reaction Staff Published October 24, 2018The confirmed cases of acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) in the United States this year have now spiked to 62 cases in 22 states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This is up from early-October when the CDC had confirmed 38 cases of AFM in 16 states. The CDC is investigating a total of 155 cases of the polio-like condition that affects the nervous system, specifically the spinal cord, and can cause muscle weakness, paralysis, and respiratory failure. One death has been associated with the AFM. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8358.php
Avoid Getting the Flu? Maybe not
Posted By: Sherri Tenpenny, DO 10/24/2018by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM We have been taught that germs are bad and that they are lurking around every corner, waiting for the opportunity to invade defenseless humans. We go to great lengths to combat these potential invaders; we employ frequent hand-washing with copious amounts of soap and grimace at the thought of eating a morsel of food picked up from the floor. Doctors and the media discuss the flu season as though getting the flu is inevitable unless, of course, you get a flu shot. But similar to other unquestioningly accepted medical concepts, convincing us that we have a frail immune system that must be strengthened by vaccines is a medical myth. A better understanding of the symbiotic relationship between humans and microbes is long overdue. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8359flusci.php
Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine
Published: 15 March 2012We randomized 115 children to trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) or placebo. Over the following 9 months, TIV recipients had an increased risk of virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections (relative risk: 4.40; 95% confidence interval: 1.31-14.8). Read rest of original story here:
File# 8360flu.php
Flu Vaccine Deaths Mount
Matthews & AssociatesMany people have flu vax scamdied of the flu after receiving the flu vaccine. It also appears that, contrary to CDC claims, rather than making flu symptoms less severe when the vaccination causes the flu, the shot may well make them more severe, and more lethal. So not only can the flu shot directly cause the flu, as Dr. Oz and Piers Morgan demonstrated on national television to millions of people, it can also make the flu more lethal. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8361fluleg.php
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Vaccine Obstruction Case Forwarded To DOJ
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 10/23/2018 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has just received a letter from Deputy Inspector General William Blier regarding the petition stating: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a key advocate in the fight for vaccine safety, has been delivered a substantial victory by Deputy Inspector General, William Blier. The IG has sent Kennedy’s allegations of Fraud & Obstruction of Justice by Department of Health and Human Services attornies to the Department of Justices Office of Professional Responsibility. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8362leg.php
Brief Report: Forecasting the Economic Burden of Autism in 2015 and 2025 in the United States.
PubMedAbstract Few US estimates of the economic burden of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are available and none provide estimates for 2015 and 2025. We forecast annual direct medical, direct non-medical, and productivity costs combined will be $268 billion (range $162-$367 billion; 0.884-2.009 % of GDP) for 2015 and $461 billion (range $276-$1011 billion; 0.982-3.600 % of GDP) for 2025. These 2015 figures are on a par with recent estimates for diabetes and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and exceed the costs of stroke and hypertension. If the prevalence of ASD continues to grow as it has in recent years, ASD costs will likely far exceed those of diabetes and ADHD by 2025. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8363aut.php
Study Finds Over Half Of All Parents Don’t Trust Flu Shots
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 10/19/2018Researchers from the Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital conducted a study on “parental attitudes towards the flu shot.” What they found, unsurprisingly, is that a whole lot of parents do not trust the flu shot. The research used 700 adults in the United States. The findings revealed that over half of people with children under 18 years of age believe that the flu shot can give the flu. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8364flu.php
It’s Flu Shot Propaganda Season! Beware the Big Lies about the Vaccine.
by Jeremy R. Hammond | Oct 19, 2018 |A Washington Post article maligning people who don't get a flu shot shows how the media's reporting on vaccines is public policy advocacy, not journalism. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8365flu.php
80,000 Flu Deaths Last Season? Why the CDC’s Claim Is Not Credible.
by Jeremy R. Hammond | Oct 11, 2018 |The CDC's claim that there were 80,000 flu deaths during the 2017-2018 flu season is based on a mathematical model premised on a highly dubious assumption. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8366flu.php
38 Unvaccinated Kids Removed From Washington School
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 10/20/2018A Washington school has pulled 38 students for failing to produce chickenpox vaccine documentation. A spokesperson for Battle Ground Public Schools says there are five confirmed cases of the illness. They believe that both staff and students were exposed to the illness between October 13th and October 17th. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8367leg.php
Gardasil Vaccine Becomes International Scandal: Deceptive Emails by Health Officials Exposed to Public
by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact NewsI predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine, technical and scientific feat that it may be, has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers.This statement was made in April of 2014 by French medical doctor Bernard Dalbergue, a former pharmaceutical industry physician with Merck, the manufacturer of the HPV vaccine Gardasil. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8368gar.php
Polio-Like Illness Strikes Canada, Health Officials Confirm
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 10/22/2018Canadian doctors are now saying that Toronto can be added to the list of areas with confirmed cases of AFM (acute flaccid myelitis), the polio-like illness that sometimes results in paralysis. So far, 22 U.S. states have confirmed AFM cases in an ongoing battle with an illness that isn’t incredibly understood. One U.S. child has died. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8369.php
ONA Wins Second Decision on “Unreasonable and Illogical” Vaccinate or Mask Influenza Policies
September 7, 2018The Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) has won a second decision on the controversial vaccinate or mask (VOM) policy, striking down the policy in effect at St. Michael’s Hospital and several other hospitals that form the Toronto Academic Health Science Network (TAHSN). These policies force nurses and other health-care workers to wear an unfitted surgical mask for the entirety of their shift if they choose not to receive the influenza vaccine. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8372leg.php
491,000 Children Paralyzed Over 17 Years, Indian Polio Vaccine Program Study Suggests
September 13th 2018The WHO declared India "polio free" in May 2014, so why are close to half a million young Indians experiencing polio-like paralysis? A new study titled Correlation between Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis Rates with Pulse Polio Frequency in India has recently been published in the Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Using data obtained from the National Polio Surveillance Programme (NPSP) as reported by the Government of India, the findings corroborate well over a decade of research showing a strong link between rates of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) and India’s oral polio vaccine (OPV) campaign. The incidence of polio acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) in India has decreased. However, the NPAFP rate has increased since 2000. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8373.php
A universal flu vaccine: the mad science solution
October 15, 2018 by IWB by Jon RappoportThe National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has launched efforts to create a vaccine that would protect people from most flu strains, all at once, with a single shot. Over the years, I’ve written many articles refuting claims that vaccines are safe and effective, but we’ll put all that aside for the moment and follow the bouncing ball. Massachusetts Senator and big spender, Ed Markey, has introduced a bill that would shovel no less than a billion dollars toward the universal flu-vaccine project. You like something, it sounds good, you know nothing about the details, throw money at it. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8374flu.php
Return of Polio? Six Studies Linking Acute Myelitis (aka paralysis) to Vaccines
October 11, 2018Eight confirmed or probable cases of acute flaccid myelitis this year in Texas. On Tuesday, officials in Minnesota said they have seen six cases. They typically see zero to one cases of AFM per year, on average. ABC News reports nine cases were diagnosed recently in Illinois, five cases in Washington state, and a single case was confirmed in Wisconsin. Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM) is now in multiple states!!! All would have been diagnosed as polio in the 50's. All of them. CNN says, The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a spike in a mysterious polio-like illness, confirmed this year in nearly half of the states in the country. Most of the cases are in children. Like polio, AFM affects the body's nervous system -- specifically, the spinal cord -- and can cause paralysis. What we do not know: the exact cause of the illness, though scientists think it is most likely the result of a viral infection. Other potential culprits include environmental toxins, genetic disorders and Guillain-Barré syndrome, according to the CDC. The CDC said there have been 362 cases of AFM recorded in the U.S. from 2014 to 2018. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8375.php
The Number Of Unvaccinated Young Kids Has Quadrupled In The Last 17 Years
10/12/2018The number of totally unvaccinated children under age two in the U.S. has quadrupled from 0.3 percent to 1.3 percent since 2001, according to federal health data published Thursday. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8376.php
12-year-old girl becomes paralyzed after being injected with Gardasil… doctors say it’s all in her mind
October 11, 2018 by: Vicki Batts(Natural News) Vaccines are heralded as “life-saving” medicine, but for Mia Blesky, that’s anything but true. The preteen from England was given the first round of the Gardasil shot at school when she was just 12 years old, and life has never been the same ever since. Within just 24 hours, Mia’s Gardasil nightmare was already unfolding. The family says that the morning after getting jabbed, Mia was unable to walk and had a burning sensation running down her spine. Within a matter of weeks, the paralysis spread to all four limbs. But that’s not the worst part: Doctors refuse to acknowledge the fact that Mia’s symptoms began after her vaccination. Instead, health officials say that Mia’s paralysis is in her head — and they are even recommending she be institutionalized. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8377gar.php
FDA Approves HPV Vaccine For Adults
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 10/11/2018The time to usher out the HPV vaccine as a “teen vaccine” is now. This after a U.S. Food and Drug Administration announcement proclaiming that the HPV vaccine is now approved for adults. Officially, the HPV vaccine will now be approved for adults between the ages of 27 to 45. The vaccine claims to protect against human papillomavirus but has commonly only been prescribed for teens (or ages 9 to 26). Read rest of original story here:
File# 8378gar.php
HPV: The Biggest Battle is Being Fought Right Now
October 9, 2018, by The Liberty BeaconDR. MIKE WILIAMS One of the most difficult questions parents can face is: do we vaccinate our children? For some, the answer is immediate; for others, not so. Some parents are confused or mistrusting of the vaccine industry and, in turn, anyone administering their products; while others are first in the queue to ensure that their children get all the recommended shots. Recent events, unfolding globally and reported in the leading medical journals, will not make that decision any easier. Unbeknownst to the general public, an internal war is underway regarding medical research in general and the HPV vaccine in particular. The battle brings to a head familiar themes that many parents, doctors and researchers have been attempting to debate in an honest and open way for decades now but have been prevented from doing so: biased research and cover-up regarding vaccine efficacy and safety. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8379gar.php
Leading Institution for Science-Based Health Advice Implodes After Industry Bias Is Revealed
October 03, 2018Story at-a-glance * Cochrane publishes hundreds of scientific reviews each year, looking at what works and what doesn’t. For example, it has repeatedly found that flu vaccinations are ineffective * A May 2018 Cochrane review looked at 26 studies, concluding HPV vaccines protect against cervical precancer in adolescent girls and women and that the risk of side effects is comparable to other control vaccines * In July 2018, Cochrane researchers Peter Gøtzsche, Lars Jørgensen and Tom Jefferson published a scathing critique of the HPV review, pointing out methodological flaws and conflicts of interest * According to Gøtzsche and his coauthors, the HPV vaccine review was influenced by reporting bias and biased trial designs, and failed to meet Cochrane standards * In September, the Cochrane governing board expelled Gøtzsche from the board. Four other board members resigned in protest Read rest of original story here:
File# 8380sci.php
Paul Offit Reports that "Vaccination is a Violent Act."
October 2, 2018"Vaccinations arn't easy. This isn't an easy thing to do. We ask a lot of our citizens. To get as many as 26 inoculations in the first few years of life, and five shots at one time. It's hard to do that, especially given that vaccination is a violent act, you pin the child down, you give them this biological agent against their will. The biological agent generally isn’t understood well by the parent, and to some extent not understood all that well by the physician." –Paul Offit Read rest of original story here: There is a video on the above page, but if you miss it: watch on YouTube
File# 8382aut.php
General anaesthesia for vaccination under No Jab No Pay/Play?
29 September, 2018 By AVN adminSydney University academic, Associate Professor Julie Leask, made a disturbing revelation at the 2018 National Immunisation Conference held in Adelaide during June. She claimed that some medically-complex children will require sedation or even general anaesthesia in order to undergo catch-up vaccination, and that if their parents are unwilling to consent, they will be denied family assistance payments. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8384.php
FLU SHOT WARNING: Despite official recommendations, this vaccine endangers pregnant women and babies because it STILL contains MERCURY
October 04, 2018(Natural News) Are humans considered children when in the womb or at 6 months of age? If not, what are they? Is the word “childhood” some conundrum meant to confuse parents? Certainly the CDC would not recommend injecting one of the deadliest heavy metal toxins in the world into children, while claiming they’ve removed it from all “childhood vaccines” – or would they? Well, they do. The “Quadrivalent vaccine” contains four strains of influenza and is now the “internationally accepted vaccine of choice.” Really? Accepted by who? Brain damaged children or unborn children? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8386flu.php
Vaccine Safety and Efficacy Studies That are the Bases for Marketing Authorizations are a Complete Methodological Mess
October 3rd 2018... Claims that vaccines “undergo rigorous and extensive testing”, that they are “held to the highest standard of safety”, etc., are lies. The sad truth is exactly the opposite. The studies that are the bases for marketing authorizations are a complete and utter methodological mess. They are designed so very badly that they do not allow the detection and evaluation of short-term, let alone long-term vaccination effects. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8387scileg.php
Autistic Kid Pulled From School For Vaccine Refusal
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 10/04/2018For some parents and kids, this time of year is the start of lots of new things. But for some, its a frustrating time whereas vaccination policies tend to make the return to school bitter-sweet. For Rachel Atwood, bitter is hardly a strong enough word to describe her current state of affairs with the Ottawa County school system. Atwood’s son, Timmy, is autistic. He’s been non-verbal up until just recently, a big accomplishment that should be time for celebration. However, the Early Childhood Center school system has denied Timmy the ability to attend the school because Rachel doesn’t want him to have the chickenpox vaccine. Atwood says that the risks posed by his dismissal from school are far greater than any risks associated with chickenpox. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8388aut.php
It IS the vaccines – Aluminum adjuvants in vaccines linked to autism
October 03, 2018 by: Vicki Batts(Natural News) New research has shown that the aluminum adjuvants used in vaccines are linked to an increased risk of autism. While the pharma industry and their media puppets have been slandering and maligning vaccine skeptics as being “anti-science quacks,” “conspiracy theorists” and other derogatory names, it turns out that once again, it is the industry which is denying scientific reality. Studies have shown that the aluminum used to provoke the desired immune system response in vaccines ultimately makes its way to the brain — where it then causes damage and affects brain function. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8390sci.php
Dr. Brian Hooker debunks the myth that vaccines are “safe” for pregnant women
October 02, 2018 by: Vicki Batts(Natural News) Despite the claims of safety, Dr. Brian Hooker is speaking out about the fraudulent science being used to promote the vaccine agenda. According to Dr. Hooker, a past study held by up the industry as “evidence” that it is safe to inoculate pregnant women is actually nothing more than a farce, and is another piece of vaccine propaganda put out by Big Pharma and their lackeys. The tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap) vaccine has been recommended for pregnant women since 2012, but it turns out the alleged evidence of safety is woefully lacking. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8391sci.php
Flu Shot Injury: Woman With Bells Palsy Tells Her Story
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff, 10/02/2018With flu hysteria, season nearly in full swing, offices and schools and pharmacies are beginning to massively push for people to get their annual flu shot. This in spite of less than stellar numbers regarding last year’s flu shot. It is also a time of year when those who have been allegedly injured by the flu shot speak out. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8392flu.php
Your Employer CANNOT Force Vaccinations or a Mask
Health Freedom Idaho Vaccines, September 22, 2018Attention Healthcare Workers! Your employer is guilty of discrimination when they force you to vaccinate against your religious and/or moral conscience. They are guilty of discrimination when they force you to wear a mask. While the federal government doesn't have the authority to override the state's vaccine mandates, it can enforce the right to freedom of religion or moral conscience for those individuals who are against vaccines. Religious conscience is tied to a religious tenet or belief. Moral conscience is similar to a religious exemption but goes further and is more like a personal belief exemption and doesn't rely on a religious tenet. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8393leg.php
New Zealand Parents Say Rotavirus Vaccine Nearly Killed Their Baby
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 10/01/2018The rotavirus vaccine is one of the most popular immunizations on the schedule. While it is mostly an understated part of the vaccine process, some parents in New Zealand are raising awareness for the vaccine’s potential deadly side. David and Sonya Cooper were interviewed in the New Zealand Herald following their infant’s battle with the rotavirus vaccine side effects. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8394.php
Shocking Flaws in Gardasil Trial Design Prevents Safety Assessment
September 29, 2018A number of experts have spoken out against the HPV vaccine since its release. An eight-month investigation revealed shocking flaws in Merck’s clinical trial design, which effectively prevented assessment of safety Read rest of original story here:
File# 8395gar.php
The CDC claims that 80,000 people died from the flu, or complications of flu, last year. This number is the highest number in over four decades. Dr. Robert Redfield, director of CDC, made the big reveal last Tuesday night while speaking to The Associated Press. Some health experts were utterly shocked by the assessment. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8396flu.php
Drug Companies Pay FDA and NIH to Fast Track and Market Vaccines
by The Vaccine Reaction Staff, Published September 28, 2018When it comes to cozy business relationships between government and industry, there is nothing like the lucrative one that Congress has encouraged federal health agencies to create with the drug and vaccine industry. One hand washes the other. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8397.php
Florida School Ignores Vaccine Non-Consent Forms, Parents Erupt
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 09/28/2018The Santa Rosa County School District has suspended their student vaccination program. The suspension was prompted after parents became aware of the school administering flu shots to children without consent. Many parents allege that they’d informed the school that they did not want their child vaccinated, only to learn later that the school had done so anyway. “I also wrote in capital letters with stars ‘Do not give my child a flu shot.’ And I signed my name at the bottom of it,” said Krystal Simmons, according to ABC’s Florida affiliate WEAR-TV. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8398legflu.php
The most brilliant scientists working for the U.S. government do NOT vaccinate their own kids
September 18, 2018(Natural News) Welcome to Los Alamos, New Mexico, where our country’s most scientifically literate families are avoiding vaccines like the plague. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8399.php
9-16-18: NC Bar "Witch Hunt" Lawsuit Update
Sep 17, 2018 - Bar Watch, Inc.In May 2017, the NC State Bar filed a lawsuit against the nation's leading Vaccine Rights Attorney, Alan Phillips, J.D. (NC is "Vaccine Central" in the pharma world.) Alan claims the lawsuit is illegal. Meanwhile, the Bar attorneys are suppressing multiple complaints against themselves. In response, Alan and Rights Activists nationally are taking steps to put a spotlight on the Bar corruption, for the protection of clients everywhere, and to save Alan's law license and career. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8400.php
Questioning The Dalai Lama: Who Would The Buddha Vaccinate?
September 6th 2012, By Sayer Ji, FounderIn the photograph above, taken on Jan. 10th, 2010, you will observe the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, administering bivalent oral polio vaccine (bOPV) to an infant at the Mahabodhi Temple Complex in the Indian state of Bihar, Buddhism's holiest site – the very place where Guatama Buddha is believed to have attained enlightenment approximately 2500 years earlier. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8402.php
491,000 Children Paralyzed Over 17 Years, Indian Polio Vaccine Program Study Suggests
September 13th 2018The WHO declared India "polio free" in May 2014, so why are close to half a million young Indians experiencing polio-like paralysis? A new study titled Correlation between Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis Rates with Pulse Polio Frequency in India has recently been published in the Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Using data obtained from the National Polio Surveillance Programme (NPSP) as reported by the Government of India, the findings corroborate well over a decade of research showing a strong link between rates of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) and India’s oral polio vaccine (OPV) campaign. The incidence of polio acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) in India has decreased. However, the NPAFP rate has increased since 2000. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8404sci.php
Oklahoma Gubernatorial Candidate Opposes Mandatory Vaccines
September 14, 2018Oklahoma’s Republican nominee for governor is against mandatory vaccines. In a speech earlier this year, Kevin Stitt, a successful entrepreneur from Tulsa, said that he did not vaccinate his children and believes that mandatory vaccination is a symptom of government overreach. Stitt opposes any legislation that would mandate vaccines for children attending Oklahoma’s public school system. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8406leg.php
CDC Funded Study Shows the Vaccinated Shed 6.3 Times More Flu Virus, Just by Breathing
30 Jan 2018Want to know why more people are sick this year and dying from the flu? The answer might surprise you, it’s because of the flu vaccine and the most recent research from the National Academy of Sciences proves that people who are vaccinated spread the virus more, are not protected, and prior vaccination is harming people’s immunity! Does the flu vaccine protect you or those around you? Well according to the research, the opposite would be true. The findings of the study found that those individuals who had received the flu vaccine were “shedding” 6.3 times more virus than the unvaccinated! Read rest of original story here:
File# 8408flu.php
MORE studies confirm the link between childhood vaccines and autism
September 10, 2018(Natural News) While the pharmaceutical industry, and their puppets in mainstream medicine and media, continue to claim that there is no link between vaccines and autism, multiple scientific reviews have confirmed what we’ve long suspected: A common vaccine ingredient is indeed connected to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). As World Mercury Project reports, two recent studies have highlighted the potential role mercury exposure plays in the onset of ASD. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8410aut.php
Government Health Watchdog Hid Swine Flu Vaccine’s Link to Childhood Diabetes
January 23, 2017Public health researchers in Sweden hid data showing that the Pandemrix swine flu vaccine associated with narcolepsy is also linked to a significant increase in type 1 diabetes in children, newly published data reveals. Forced to release public documents, the Medical Products Agency of Sweden has now, three years after publishing findings based on distorted data, confirmed that they removed 141 cases of Type 1 diabetes from the pool of data before they analysed it. The omitted data appears in a “follow-up” to the old study in the current issue of the Journal of Internal Medicine, but the agency has been accused of scientific misconduct. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8412flu.php
Duke Study Says Pharma ‘Unlikely To Yield Highly Effective Vaccines’ For Major Diseases
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 09/05/2018 A study by Duke University’s Center for Policy Impact in Global Health has some bad news for vaccine supporters. Vaccines that could help stop some of the world’s most deadly diseases are seemingly a pipe dream. The study shows that pharmaceutical ventures are unlikely to yield highly effective vaccines for tuberculosis (TB), HIV or malaria. Many health experts have claimed that vaccines would eventually be developed to help stop these diseases, but the Duke University study seems to imply that’s not the case. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8414sci.php
The Disgusting Stuff in Flu Shots
Posted By: Sherri Tenpenny, DO 08/23/2017By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM It’s that time again: the hype has begun to push flu shots into the arms of everyone, from six-month-old infants to 96-year-old grandparents. Flu vaccines have been around since the 1930s when it was discovered that the influenza viruses grew well in eggs and could be harvested for a vaccine. Flu shots contain stray, potentially cancer-causing stray viruses and the multi-dose vials remain loaded with mercury. For nearly 90 years, this disgusting slurry has annually been injected into humans. Truth is, the long-term consequences of this action are completely unknown. For the 2017-18 flu season, there will be a variety of 10 different flu shots made by five different manufacturers: Read rest of original story here:
File# 8416flu.php
PANIC in Big Pharma Worldwide…
BolenReport, 4 September 2018 From Germany By Karma SinghIt is Not Just Trump and Anti-Vaccine Advocates – It Is a Planet Earth Groundswell… Especially In Germany Where it All Started… A Note from Tim Bolen – Karma’s second article on the chaos created in Germany, and hence the European Union, because of the resistance to the globalists by the rise of the AfD Party is just below. When German Mainstream Media (MSM) decided to attack German anti-vaxxers our Karma Singh counter-attacked by being interviewed on another TV media, punching big Pharma right in the face in typical unrelenting BolenReport style. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8418.php
Shedding Season is right around the corner; PROTECT YOUR KIDS FROM THEIR VACCINATED SCHOOLMATES!!!
Studies Show that Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease. Should the Recently Vaccinated be Quarantined to Prevent Outbreaks? Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. Furthermore, vaccine recipients can carry diseases in the back of their throat and infect others while displaying no symptoms of a disease. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8420.php
Greater cervical cancer risk linked to HPV vaccination, well-regarded medical journal removes new study
(Naturalhealth365), June 30, 2018(Naturalhealth365) Human papillomavirus, the most common sexually transmitted disease, usually resolves on its own. In rare cases, however, HPV leads to cervical cancer. HPV vaccines, such as Gardasil, are touted by many mainstream medical authorities as a way to prevent cervical cancer. But, could the vaccination actually be having the opposite effect? A new study raising just this possibility was recently published in a well-regarded medical journal. Soon after, it was officially retracted by the journal’s editors – because the author, fearing repercussions from those opposed to any questioning of vaccines, used a pseudonym. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8422.php
High School Students Publicly ‘Humiliated’ Over Vaccine Statuses At Assembly
Cory Wayne, August 28, 2018An investigation is now underway following an allegation that a High School principal read off the names of students who were not vaccinated at a school assembly. The Wayne County Board of Education Principal Reva Wallace after students at Tolsia High School claim they were humiliated by Wallace called students by name if they were not vaccinated up to the school’s standards. The students were allegedly forced to walk down from the seating and leave the school while their classmates looked on. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8424.php
Anti-Vaccine Texas Nurse Fired For Posting Measles Case on Facebook Page
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 08/29/2018A Texas nurse has been fired after it was discovered that she posted medical records regarding a patient’s measles case on an anti-vaccination Facebook page. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8426.php
Do You Know How to Recognize a Vaccine Reaction?
Posted: 8/27/2018, By Barbara Loe FisherDo you know how to recognize a vaccine reaction? Like with prescription drugs and other pharmaceutical products, reactions to vaccines can be mild or severe. There can be complete recovery or long lasting health problems after vaccine reactions. Rarely, vaccine reactions can be fatal. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8428.php
Shingles vaccine responsible for causing huge number of shingles cases, vaccine injuries
August 28, 2018 by: Vicki Batts(Natural News) Zostavax, a popular shingles vaccine, is in hot water: The inoculation has been tied to numerous cases of vaccine injury, and even shingles itself. Merck, the company that makes Zostavax, is now facing multiple lawsuits from patients and families harmed by their product. At least 80 deaths tied to the Zostavax vaccine have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), along with over 100,000 reports of other adverse side effects. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8430.php
File# 8432leg.php
Do You Know How to Recognize a Vaccine Reaction?
Do you know how to recognize a vaccine reaction? Like with prescription drugs and other pharmaceutical products, reactions to vaccines can be mild or severe. There can be complete recovery or long lasting health problems after vaccine reactions. Rarely, vaccine reactions can be fatal. 1 2 Read rest of original story here:
File# 8434.php
The Full Story about Zostavax, the Shingles Vaccine
Posted By: Sherri Tenpenny, DO, 03/14/2017Humans are the only known host for the herpes varicella-zoster virus (VZV) that causes chickenpox. A very benign infection in the vast majority of children, chickenpox used to be called a “right of passage” disease, with most kids contracting the infection between the ages of 8 and 12. Recovery left behind lifetime immunity and in little girls, antibodies to be passed to their infants through breast milk later on life. Vaccinated persons can still contract chickenpox. The so-called “breakthrough infection” occurs in approximately 2 percent of vaccinations per year. That may sound like a small number until you do the math. With nearly 4 million live births per year in the US, 2 percent equates to at least 80,000 cases of breakthrough chickenpox. And even though doctors say the infection will be “less serious” if the child has been vaccinated, severe cases have been reported. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8436.php
Aluminum in vaccines: Does it create a safety problem?
ScienceDirect, 20 August 2018... However, the inclusion of Al salts in vaccines has been debated for several years because of studies that seem to indicate that chronic Al exposure through vaccine administration can interfere with cellular and metabolic processes leading to severe neurologic diseases. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8438sci.php
Pharmaceutical Industry Drains Pregnant Cow Fetuses To Make Vaccines
Cory Wayne, August 26, 2018Pregnant cows are being tortured by way of having the blood of their unborn babies drained. The blood is being used by vaccine companies for research purposes. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8440.php
27 Year Medical Doctor Says Pediatricians Aren’t Trained In Vaccines
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 08/22/2018A medical doctor of 27 years says that pediatricians simply haven’t been trained in the science of vaccines. Watch his testimony and leave us a comment. Is he right? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8442.php
Indonesia's top Islamic body issues fatwa against measles vaccine, calling it 'religiously forbidden'
August 21, 2018Indonesia's peak Islamic body has issued a religious decree — or fatwa — declaring the Rubella-Measles vaccine to be "haram" or religiously forbidden. The Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) justified the ruling by claiming the vaccine contains traces of pork and human cells, which are banned in the Muslim religion. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8442leg.php
Turkey Introduces Bill To Jail Parents Who Don’t Vaccinate Their Children
Cory Wayne August 20, 2018The anti-vaccination movement and vaccine safety movement is trending on a global scale. Places such as the United States and Australia have moved towards tougher vaccine laws as a way to counter a movement that they feel is harming the world’s health. Turkey has now set the stage to confirm every parental rights’ activists fears by proposing jail sentences to those who choose to take a pass on their children’s vaccinations. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8444.php
YouTube to add “fact check” propaganda messages to MMR vaccine videos in latest Orwellian attempt to override reality
August 13, 2018(Natural News) Not content to stop at banning videos, YouTube has decided to add “fact checks” and quotes to videos on topics that it feels are controversial, and the MMR vaccine is one of them. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8446.php
International scientists have found autism's cause. What will Americans do?
August 23, 2018Five clear, replicable, and related discoveries explaining how autism is triggered have formed an undeniably clear picture of autism’s causation, and possibly ways to alleviate the symptoms, too. Most of the research that has created this understanding has been published in the last 36 months, and largely from international scientists in the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Israel, and China. The American media, public health authorities, and Autism Speaks? Silent. STAFFORDSHIRE, England —In early December 2017, Dr. Chris Exley of Keele University in England and his colleagues published a paper that for the first time looked at the brain tissue of subjects with autism to determine the level of aluminum (note: they spell “aluminum” as “aluminium” in the United Kingdom) found within their brain tissue. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8448sciaut.php
Dr. Cowan on Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness
August 19, 2018 By Dr. MercolaIn this interview, Dr. Thomas Cowan, a practicing physician and founding board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation, shares his perspective on vaccines and autoimmune disease, which is the topic of his latest book, "Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness." The book was an outgrowth of answering a rather simple question: How do we recover from illness? "When we get sick, there's a very certain sequence of events that happens, which I describe as, 'We're fine, then we get hot, then we get snot, and then we get better.' I've asked myself all these years, 'Why does that happen in that sequence?' That little question made me get into 'What is the nature of fever, and what is the nature of the cell?' Because, in my opinion, we have that wrong … Read rest of original story here:
File# 8450.php
CDC Warns ’21 States Infected With Measles’
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 08/16/2018The CDC issued a warning that measles is spreading throughout the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention specifically cited 21 states as being places whereas the illness has been reported. ... The CDC also says that measles cases are ahead of the 2017 pace. 2017 had 118 total cases of measles with 86 just a year prior. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8451.php
Number of faulty children's vaccines in China surges to over 900,000
By Ben Westcott and Serenitie Wang, CNN August 16, 2018Outrage in China over faulty vaccines sold 02:36 (CNN)Hundreds of thousands of additional vaccines intended for children have been found to be faulty, the Chinese government announced Wednesday, raising the number of known defective vaccines in the country to almost one million. In a statement, China's State Council announced a second batch of diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus (DPT) vaccines, produced by Changchun Changsheng Biotechnology, had been discovered to be "substandard" -- 247,200 injections in total. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8452.php
Vaccines Market worth $50.42 billion by 2023
2018The vaccines market is expected to reach USD 50.42 billion by 2023 from USD 36.45 billion in 2018, at a CAGR of 6.7%. The growth of the market is attributed to the rising prevalence of diseases, increasing government and nongovernment funding for vaccine development, and increasing companies initiatives to enhance R&D. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8453.php
A guide to anti-misinformation actions around the world
By Daniel Funke · July 24, 2018
BRUSSELS — In mid-March, a European Commission high level group published its final report on misinformation, drawing upon the input of experts from around the world who gathered over several weeks to help the European Union figure out what to do about fake news. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8454leg.php
Vaccine Damage: How to Minimize the Effects of Taking a (Forced) Vaccine
By Ty Bollinger, Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in the March 2016 edition of TTAC’s Heroes Against Cancer member newsletter. [2018] If you’ve been following the news over the past several years, you’re probably aware of all the controversy surrounding vaccines and whether or not people should be forced to get them. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8456.php
99% of modern scientific papers are nothing more than politically-motivated pseudoscience, warns science pioneer
August 09, 2018 by: Rhonda Johansson(Natural News) “People just don’t do it,” Wharton School professor and forecasting expert J. Scott Armstrong told after making the shocking claim that less that one percent of papers published in scientific journals follow the scientific method. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8458.php
Woman Called ‘SuperMom’ After Heroic Vaccine Speech
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 08/09/2018 Bernadette Pajer is being called “SuperMom” after she lambasted the Washington State Board of Health over pharmaceutical companies. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8460.php
French Oncologist Analysis of Gardasil Vaccine Finds Higher Rates of Cervical Cancer Associated with High Vaccination Rates
August 8, 2018 by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact NewsA medical doctor in France, Dr. Gérard Delépine, an oncologist, has published an analysis of the HPV vaccine Gardasil on the independent news site, Agora Vox, showing how increased rates of Gardasil vaccinations are actually correlated with a higher rate of cervical cancer. The analysis was published as an Open letter to parliamentarians, and to all citizens in response to a recent meeting between French President Emmanuel Macron and “thirty leaders of the world’s largest pharmaceutical groups,” and to the call among some politicians to make the HPV vaccine Gardasil mandatory in France. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8462gar.php
Italy Dumps Mandatory Vaccination In Historic Vote
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 08/08/2018League leader Matteo Salvini called required vaccines “useless” and said they were “in many cases dangerous, if not harmful”. Now, they won’t be required. By a vote of 148 to 110 in the upper house of parliament, Italy has squashed mandatory vaccine laws and aims to be “more inclusive.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8464leg.php
Pet Vaccines Market May Topple $9 Billion
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 08/07/2018Who needs people? That’s most likely what big drug companies are finally realizing after all these years. Pet vaccines are big business. If you’ve ever taken your pet to a veterinarian, then you know that there are more pet vaccines than ever and vets are not shy in offering them at almost every visit. It seems that no matter what ails your pet, the vet will inquire about the animal’s vaccine status. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8466.php
“If Your Newborn Baby Could Talk”
By Laura Hayes at August 06, 2018What if your baby could talk? Here are some things I think they would surely say: Please don’t poke me with sharp needles! Those hurt! You wouldn’t let anyone pinch or hit me, so why are you letting someone in a white coat pierce my skin, multiple times, in a very painful way? I am trusting you to protect me and not let others hurt me. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8468.php
The big one: how environmental killing becomes a medical disease
by Jon Rappoport, August 2, 2018“To handle all that [pig-farm feces] waste, farmers in North Carolina use a standard practice called the lagoon and spray field system. They flush feces and urine from barns into open-air pits called lagoons ... " And here’s the capper. Their propaganda is so good most of the EIS people believe it themselves. You don’t achieve that kind of robotic servitude without intense brainwashing. The first installment of the mind-control program is called medical school. Psy-op and propaganda begin with the virus hunters of the EIS. They control and own the chokepoint of disease research. They blow up their scanty findings into ex-cathedra pronouncements. And of course, this strengthens the vaccine establishment because, for every virus, there must be a vaccine: the shot in the arm, loaded with toxic chemicals and a variety of germs. The EIS. The CDC’s band of brothers. The medical CIA. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8470.php
Garbage In, Garbage Out: Researchers Dress Down Cochrane for Its Flawed and Biased Review of HPV Vaccines
August 02, 2018 By World Mercury Project TeamIn May 2018, Cochrane, the research organization that bills itself as the “international gold standard for high quality, trusted information,” released a flattering review of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines. The Cochrane review methodology involves pulling together data from clinical trials and reviewing the assembled evidence in what is supposed to be a standardized, systematic and neutral manner. ... Now, researchers affiliated with one of Cochrane’s regional member centers (the Nordic Cochrane Centre) and with the Oxford-based Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (OCEBM) have come out with an exhaustive critique of Cochrane’s HPV review, published in BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine. Not mincing their words, the authors state, “We believe that the Cochrane [HPV vaccine] review does not meet the standards for Cochrane reviews or the needs of the citizens or healthcare providers that consult Cochrane reviews to make ‘Informed decisions,’ which…is part of Cochrane’s motto” [emphasis added]. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8472.php
‘Vaccine Protesters’ Line Streets Of China For Two Days, Parents Claim Kids Still Given ‘Severe Reaction’ Immunizations
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 08/02/2018Following a massive vaccine scandal in China, CNN is reporting that Chinese parents have gathered for protests outside of Beijing’s government institutions for two straight days. The protests are putting strain on a government that’s unsure how to regain trust with its citizens. Two weeks ago, the Chinese government asserted a disciplinary position over the scandal, saying it would punish companies and persons involved with the bad 600,000 diphtheria and tetanus (DPT) vaccines. Protesters called for vaccine safety, holding a variety of signs, some simply reading, “Vaccine?” “Please fulfill the leaders’ instructions. Please give vaccine victims a fair chance,” said another sign. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8474.php
HHS Sued for Not Upholding Vaccine Safety Testing Mandated by Law
August 2, 2018In 2017, Health Impact News reported that the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), supported by 55 organizations, representing over 5 million people, had taken the unprecedented step of serving a notice to Mr. Don Wright, M.D., M.P.H., who was the acting secretary of the Health and Human Services (HHS) department at the time, stating that HHS had failed in their duty to conduct the proper scientific research required to demonstrate vaccine safety as was required by law and that they should take immediate action to remedy this negligence. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8476leg.php
Lawfirm Announces $101 Million Measles Vaccine Settlement for Infant that Suffered Brain Injury
August 2, 2018 by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact NewsThe lawfirm of Maglio Christopher & Toale, P.A. announced earlier this month (July, 2018) that they had negotiated a $101 million dollar settlement for an infant who suffered a severe reaction to the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8478leg.php
U.S. Government Continues to Pay Millions in Vaccine Injuries and Death Settlements
June 15, 2018 published August 2, 2018 by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact NewsThe federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services just concluded their second meeting of 2018 on June 15th. These quarterly meetings include a report from the Department of Justice (DOJ) on cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths as mandated by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). The NVICP was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines. Drug manufacturers in the vaccine market can now create as many new vaccines as they desire, with no risk of being sued if their product causes injury or death. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8480.php
Richard Pan To Propose Heavier Mandatory Vaccine Enforcements As ‘Outbreak Vulnerability’ Rises
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 07/15/2018California is notoriously tough on the issue of vaccines. It has been two years since the state enacted draconian mandatory vaccine laws, pushing vaccine rates to the record levels. However, even though by some accounts vaccine rates are soaring, the real narrative might well be the pockets of resistance. In California, its against law to avoid vaccinations for your children over personal beliefs if you want your children to attend public school. Many parents are learning how to homeschool, while others are obtaining doctor notes that exempt their children. The rise in homeschooling serves a likely unaccounted for variables in the total numbers of partial of fully unvaccinated among the state’s population. But its the failure in public schools that are seemingly creating even more fascist law potential. As stated, vaccine numbers are up, but the pockets of resistance are swelling. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8482leg.php
U.S. Orders 2 Million Smallpox Pills Following FDA Approval
Cory Hedgepeth July 14, 2018The United States government is seemingly taking no chances over the possibility of a biological warfare attack on U.S. soil. The FDA has just approved a drug that can be used to treat smallpox. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8483.php
California Residents: Fight Back Against Forced Vaccination
July 11, 2018Dr. Bob Sears, a California pediatrician, has been placed on a 35-month probation period by the state medical board for daring to write letters recommending a medical exemption for a toddler from childhood vaccinations. Dr. Sears will still be able to practice but will be supervised by another physician. He is also required to take an ethics class and forty hours of medical education training for each year of probation. According to a Facebook post from Dr. Sears, the medical board is preparing four more similar cases against him—all for medical exemptions to vaccines. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8484leg.php
New study proves the FDA is actively suppressing information about the harmful effects of Gardasil
July 11, 2018 by: Lance D Johnson(Natural News) Young, healthy women who experience amenorrhea, ovarian failure, and infertility have likely been damaged by Merck’s HPV vaccine. A new study published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health analyzed data on pregnancy outcomes, comparing women who received an HPV vaccine with those who did not. The data analysis is titled, “A lowered probability of pregnancy in females in the USA aged 25 who received a human papillomavirus vaccine injection.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8486gar.php
Vaccine Boom, Population Bust
Posted by Celeste McGovern on Jul 6, 2018Study queries the link between HPV vaccine and soaring infertility A plague is spreading silently across the globe. The young generation in America, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan, Australia – in virtually every western country -- is afflicted by rapidly increasing rates of infertility. This spring, the United States reported its lowest birth rate in 30 years, despite an economic boom. Finland’s birth rate plummeted to a low not seen in 150 years. Russian President Vladimir Putin recently introduced a string of reforms aimed at stemming the country’s “deep demographic declines.” The government of Denmark introduced an ad campaign to encourage couples to “Do it for Denmark” and conceive on vacations, and Poland produced a campaign urging its citizens to “breed like rabbits.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8488gar.php
“IT’S OFFICIAL! – TMP’s SB277 Lawsuit Fails and Creates Negative Legal Precedent!” (Ruling Attached!)
July 2018COURT of APPEAL DECIDES SB277 is LEGAL The decision is now official — and published in the law books. TMP’s SB277 lawsuit has created “negative” legal precedent. SB277 is now deemed legal and constitutional … unless the plaintiffs appeal to the California Supreme Court. ... TEMPORARY vs. PERMANENT Note the distinction between “temporary” and “permanent” suspension of civil rights. States may exercise their police powers, if at all, only on a “temporary” basis — as long as the crisis lasts — but not on a “permanent” basis. SB277 is plainly unconstitutional because it allows Sacramento to “permanently” suspend civil rights — forever abolishing the child’s constitutional right to attend school. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8490leg.php
PDFAttachment New Ontario Premiere Halts Vaccine Reporting
PrepForThat Staff July 10, 2018Change is in the air when it comes to mandatory vaccines and vaccine privacy. This time, its in Ontario, Canada where new and controversial Premier, Doug Ford, halted a law requiring doctors and nurses to report on every child they vaccinate. The original law was passed by the former Premier, Kathleen Wynne, who was ousted in dramatic fashion last month. Doug Ford, the brother of infamous former mayor, Rob Ford, was voted in as Premier. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8492leg.php
Is Recent MMR Vaccine Campaign Linked to Reported Measles Outbreak in Ukraine?
by Mara Gabriëlle, Daphne Knipping and Door Frankema Published July 8, 2018 In recent years there has been a shortage of measles vaccines in Ukraine. Vaccination rates had dropped to 31% in 2016 and were the lowest in Europe and, yet, there were hardly any cases of measles. In 2017, sufficient vaccines became available for a ‘catch-up campaign’ and 90% of the children in Ukraine received the MMR. Since then, there has been an explosion of reported cases of measles. The number has already surpassed 12,000. Why is the media ignoring the current outbreak of measles in Ukraine? And what is really going on? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8494.php
Smallpox-like Disease Spreading in Africa
by Marco Cáceres and Barbara Loe Fisher Published July 8, 2018There is a growing epidemic of monkeypox—a close cousin to smallpox—in Africa during the past two years. More than 1,000 cases of monkeypox have been confirmed among people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) since 2016, followed by 88 confirmed cases in the Republic of the Congo, over 80 cases in Nigeria, 19 in the Central African Republic, 16 in Cameroon, two in Liberia, and one in Sierra Leone. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8496.php
Italy’s Health Minister Abolishes Mandatory Vaccine Confirmations
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 07/10/2018Protests have consistently erupted over Italy’s mandatory vaccine state over the past several months. At the same time, Italy’s “populist government” takeover that’s eerily similar to the “Trump phenomenon” has ushered in a legion of change (better or worse, depending on your politics). Last week, Italy’s Deputy Prime minister, Matteo Salvini, declared that “10 mandatory vaccines are useless,” sending many vaccine proponents around the world into a simultaneous frenzy. Now, Italy’s Health Minister has made mandatory vaccines an honor system event. In other words, confirmations of the mandatory vaccines will be done by the parents and not verified by government officials. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8498legrig.php
200 Evidence-Based Reasons NOT To Vaccinate - FREE Research PDF Download!
February 22nd 2015 by GreenMedInfoThe media, your pediatrician, politicians and health authorities like the CDC and FDA claim that vaccines are safe and effective. So why do hundreds of peer-reviewed studies indicate the opposite is true? Read, download, and share this document widely to provide the necessary evidence-based counterbalance to the pro-vaccination propaganda that has globally infected popular consciousness and discussion like an intractable disease. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8500.php
Two Children Die In Samoa Minutes After MMR Vaccination
9 July, 2018 By AVN adminMinistry of Health orders all MMR vaccines seized and an immediate investigation to commence. – July 9th, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – News has just emerged that two one-year old children died within minutes of receiving the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccination in the villages of Safotu and Sasina in Samoa. The deaths took place three days ago on the 6th of July. The family of the first child told reporters that their daughter, Lannacallystah Samuelu, was dead only 3 minutes after the nurse administered the vaccine. The family of another one-year-old, Lameko Siu, heard of Lannacallystah’s death which had occurred just two hours earlier. As a result, the mother refused vaccination for fear that her son would suffer a similar fate. Ignoring the wishes of this family, the hospital nurse administered the vaccine and within a minute, this child was also dead. Vaccines seized – investigation ordered The Samoan Minister of Health has ordered all MMR vaccines in the country to be seized and a full investigation to commence immediately. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8502.php
Vaccines in Pregnancy:
Jul 08 2018 Dr. Brownstein's Holistic MedicineA great debate is raging about whether we should have mandatory vaccination to prevent childhood illnesses. Mandatory vaccination would do away with a religious, ethical, or scientific disapproval of a vaccine. A study from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine reported that the Tdap vaccination during pregnancy reduced the occurrence of infantile pertussis. (1) (2) This study is a perfect example of why we need informed consent on the safety and efficacy of vaccines and why we should not have government mandates about vaccines. The study was published in the June, 2018 edition of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Keep in mind that in 2013, the CDC started recommending that all women receive the Tdap vaccine during pregnancy in order to pass passive pertussis immunity to their newborn. [VacLib Editor: Possible bias include miscarriages following vaccination and lifestyle choices differing between the groups.] Read rest of original story here:
File# 8504.php
Revised World Health Organization (WHO)’s causality assessment of adverse events following immunization—a critique
Abstract The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recently revised how adverse events after immunization (AEFI) are classified. Only reactions that have previously been acknowledged in epidemiological studies to be caused by the vaccine are classified as a vaccine-product–related-reaction. Deaths observed during post-marketing surveillance are not considered as ‘consistent with causal association with vaccine’, if there was no statistically significant increase in deaths recorded during the small Phase 3 trials that preceded it. Of course, vaccines noted to have caused a significant increase in deaths in the control-trials stage would probably not be licensed. After licensure, deaths and all new serious adverse reactions are labelled as ‘coincidental deaths/events’ or ‘unclassifiable’, and the association with vaccine is not acknowledged. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8506.php
Sunday, July 1, 2018 by Brett Wilcox at Your Health FreedomIn this video, Brett and a group of school children discuss the truth about vaccines, vaccine injury, and vaccine bad guys. Near the end of the presentation, the children share personal stories of vaccine injury and what should be done to the criminals who profit from Pharma-funded vaccine policy. Their clarity of vision give hope for a brighter future. Your Health Freedom is pleased to sponsor this video. If you'd like to help us produce more videos, please use the donate button in the right side bar. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8508.php
Into The Lion's Den Speaking Truth to Power
[ACIP meeting]
June 2018Into the lions den they went,surrounded by the most powerful special interest group in America. These brave handful of mothers spoke truth at the ACIP meeting June 2018. This appointed 14 member committee is responsible for the recommended schedule of vaccines for children and adults in the USA and now includes 18 different vaccines given in about 62 doses during a child’s first 18 years of life.By 18 months of age this committee recommends a child receive 34 vaccines. < details of the CDC schedule,> They presented the panel with some tough and well thought out questions and shared some heartfelt truths. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8510.php
Pharmaceutical and Medical Horrors
Published on June 28, 2018Leslie Kenton concludes, “It’s little wonder that people are confused about where to go and what to do when they get ill. I personally hear all about this, because I mentor hundreds of men and women throughout the world. They become overwhelmed by the media propaganda and aggressive advertisements they see on television. Our medical industrial complex has turned into a bizarre conglomeration of misinformation, lies and deceptions designed to further the corporate agendas of Big Pharma, government regulatory bodies and mainstream medicine, with little regard for human wellbeing.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8512.php
MORE:Medical Terrorism Parents to be fined $730 a year for not vaccinating their children
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 07/05/2018The push for mandatory vaccinations is coming from all directions these days. As more and more communities reject the idea of mandated medical treatments, the government’s long arm grows. No place on earth is more egregiously in violation of parental rights than Australia. In fact, now the country wants to charge parents an annual fine of $730 for passing on vaccinations. The payments would be taken directly from family tax benefits paychecks. Children with medical exemptions would exclude their parents from the hefty fines, but otherwise, all Australians would be subject to fines for choosing not to get some or all required vaccines. This is another extension of the Federal Government’s ‘No Jab, No Pay’ program, the controversial program that serves to cut off families who don’t vaccinate their children from government benefits. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8514legrig.php
CDC “vaccine science” hides giant conflict of interest
by Jon Rappoport July 5, 2018In December of 2005, the British Medical Journal (online) published a shocking report by Peter Doshi, which created tremors through the halls of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), where “the experts” used to tell the press that 36,000 people in the US die every year from the flu. Here is a quote from Doshi’s report, “Are US flu death figures more PR than science?” (BMJ 2005; 331:1412): “[According to CDC statistics], ‘influenza and pneumonia’ took 62,034 lives in 2001—61,777 of which were attributable to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and in only 18 cases was the flu virus positively identified.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8516flu.php
Physician, Former House Rep, Lashes Out At Mandatory Vaccines ‘How Many Vaccines Are Too Many?’
Vaxxter Staff 07/04/2018Physician and former Texas House representative, Ron Paul, is known for waging war on those who oppose anyone’s rights of all sorts. Yesterday, Paul hosted his weekly podcast and dove into the issue of mandatory vaccinations. Paul is, as you’ve likely surmised, vehemently opposed to mandatory vaccination laws. Additionally, Paul ask the question, “how many vaccines are too many?” Again, Paul is a physician. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8518.php
Physicians for Informed Consent Releases Information Statement About Vaccines and Immunocompromised Schoolchildren
NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. (PRWEB) July 02, 2018The nonprofit organization, Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC), has released an information statement entitled “Vaccines: What About Immunocompromised Schoolchildren?” Because immunocompromised schoolchildren are among the most vulnerable children in school, this educational document focuses on concerns about their safety and addresses questions about the risks that the vaccination status of schoolchildren might pose to their immunocompromised classmates. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8520.php
California Punishes Doctor For Giving Vaccine Exemption
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 06/30/2018The state of California has decidedly set the tone for how it intends to pursue those who don’t kowtow the vaccine agenda. The Medical Board of California has ordered 35-months probation for an Orange County pediatrician that was labeled as an “anti-vaxxer.” Dr. Bob Sears has endured threats of having his medical license revoked by the state as far back as 2016. Back then, Dr. Sears was accused of incorrectly writing a vaccine waiver notice for a 2-year old boy that exempted the child from all vaccines. The Medical Board determined that Dr. Sears didn’t perform basic medical examinations prior to passing him for a vaccine exempt status. Instead, Dr. Sears says he entrusted the mother, who claimed the boy was having difficulties with his urinary tract and “went limp” from prior vaccines. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8522leg.php
Root of "Shaken Baby" Scam Revealed
Chris Savage, Queensland Police officer - Jim Stone, Editor 5/2/2012"I was in the Queensland Police Service for 20 years and I saw first hand how the vaccines caused death and the police would investigate, and while supported by the medical system would prosecute the parents for the injuries and death caused by the vaccines." Read rest of original story here:
File# 8524legsbs.php
Vaccinated children are more likely to develop OCD and other anxiety disorders
June 27, 2018 by: Vicki Batts(Natural News) A recent study, led by researchers from two Ivy League universities, found a link between vaccines and the onset of anxiety and other related disorders. This shocking find once again calls vaccine “safety” into question, though the mainstream media and other pharma shills are loath to admit it. Even the World Health Organization has quietly admitted that anxiety-related reactions following vaccination are a growing phenomenon — yet, little is being done to rectify the issue. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8526.php
Immunologist admits vaccines are only to train parents and don’t work
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 06/26/2018Is the video real? We can’t confirm, but it sure sounds terrifying if it is. The recording is an alleged immunologist saying that vaccines don’t work at all in the first year and that wellness visits, instead, are regarded as sessions intended to train parents to get vaccines. Who the immunologist is, or even if this is a real immunologist, remains unclear. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8528.php
’10 Mandatory Vaccines Are Useless,’ Italian Deputy Prime Minister Lashes Out At Government
PrepForThat Staff June 24, 2018... This past Friday, one glaring example of this broadening influence played out when Salvini condemned bulk vaccines. Italy is one of the most stringent mandatory vaccine countries in the world. Large protests against mandatory vaccines have become commonplace in cities throughout the country. In other words, Italy is experiencing a fight for parental rights and now Salvini, after his comments on Friday, is of heroic stature for those who may not see eye-to-eye with him regarding his immigration stances. Salvini specifically attacked “10 vaccines” as being mandatory by the government. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8530.php
Mmr: a reaction that they can't deny
WDDTYThink MMR vaccine, and you probably start thinking autism Think MMR vaccine, and you probably start thinking autism. But while researchers arm-wrestle over a possible causal link, the vaccine has been proven irrefutably to cause at least one serious adverse reaction that the media has not picked up on. The vaccine, given to millions of children every year, will triple the risk of a febrile seizure, according to a major Danish survey. The risk is at its greatest within two weeks of the child being vaccinated. After that, the risk drops to a similar rate found in a child who has never been vaccinated. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8532.php
Is Polio Vaccine Causing Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease?
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 06/25/2018Researchers have established what appears to be a link between polio vaccine shedding and the infamous Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease. Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease is caused from Enterovirus 71 (EV71), which is found in the polio vaccine. Both versions of the polio vaccine, OPV and IPV, have been found to possess EV71. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8534.php
June 21st 2018 Written By: GMI ReporterThe North Carolina State Bar, the agency that licenses NC attorneys, has taken the unprecedented step of filing a lawsuit against the nation’s leading vaccine rights attorney, Alan Phillips, J.D., to force Phillips to hand over years of his clients’ files or risk being jailed for civil contempt… Read rest of original story here:
File# 8536leg.php
MoreStory on Vaccine Exemptions: Do They Really Put Others at Risk?
March 15th 2012 Written By: Alan Phillips, J.D.Parents who exercise a vaccine exemption for their children are often ridiculed for putting their own children and others at risk. However, legally and medically, unvaccinated children do not pose a significant health risk to themselves or anyone else. Alternative vaccine views support this assertion, but the reasoning in this article comes straight from mainstream vaccine beliefs, accepted medical practice and current law. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8538leg.php
Vaccine Damage: How to Minimize the Effects of Taking a (Forced) Vaccine
By Ty Bollinger[TTAC] Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in the March 2016 edition of TTAC’s Heroes Against Cancer member newsletter. [VacLib Editor's Note: It is easier to inject vaccines than to remove them. Refuse mandated vaccines.] If you’ve been following the news over the past several years, you’re probably aware of all the controversy surrounding vaccines and whether or not people should be forced to get them. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8540legrig.php
Big Pharma vaccine billionaire just bought the LA Times… yet another example of the media being run by pharma
June 19, 2018 by: Lance D Johnson (Natural News) The latest example of Big Pharma taking over the media is the purchase of the Los Angeles Times and the San Diego Tribune for $500 million by Big Pharma billionaire Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong. Instead of paying for advertisements, pharma billionaires have decided to just buy the publications outright so they can control the entire publication. All the journalists here are now officially bought; these publications should officially be recognized as propaganda rags from now on. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8542.php
Vaccine authoritarians try to censor billboard that dares ask, “Do you know what’s in a vaccine?”
June 19, 2018 by: Vicki Batts(Natural News) Do you know what’s in vaccines — or perhaps more importantly, is it “wrong” to ask such a question?, a non-profit organization founded by an ex-Merck employee, put up a billboard in Perth, Australia, which asked one important question: “Do you know what’s in a vaccine?” It’s a simple question, yet astonishingly few people know the answer to this question. In response, the Australian Medical Association has demanded that this thought-provoking billboard be removed. The vaccine propaganda group says that even raising such a simple question is a “public health risk,” “misleading” and “conspiracy theory garbage.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8544.php
BEWARE of “Standard of Care”
By Laura Hayes, April 19, 2016Being the mother of vaccine-injured children teaches you many important lessons, with perhaps the main lesson being to question everything, research thoroughly, and make your own decisions. Listen to and trust your own maternal instincts. Don’t be coerced, harassed, or forced into doing anything you are not completely comfortable with or don’t want. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8546.php
1 in 36: ASD Rate Set a New Record High in 2016
By Mark Blaxill, December 01, 2017The National Health Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) released its latest prevalence rate for autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in American children this Wednesday. Their “data brief”, which is based on information gathered in the National Health Information Survey (NHIS), reported an ASD rate for 2016 of 2.76%, or 1 in 36 American children (1). Read rest of original story here:
File# 8548aut.php
Anti-Vaccine ‘Hot Spots’ On Rise, According to New Study
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 06/14/2018To vaccinate or not to vaccinate, that is the question, and it seems that regardless of draconian legislation in the works and hostile proponents of vaccinations, many communities are choosing to avoid vaccines and they are thriving. At least, according to a new study led by Dr. Peter Hotez. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8550.php
MoreHealth Officials Alarmed: Texas Vaccine Resistance Up 20-Times Over Past Decade Read Solid Research on Autism in Dogs Lacking
June 11, 2018 by Marco CáceresOn Apr. 23, 2018, the British television show Good Morning Britain tweeted the following message on Twitter: “We’re looking to speak to pet owners who haven’t given their pets vaccinations because they’re concerned about side effects—as well as people who have done so and now believe their pet has canine autism as a result.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8552aut.php
Earn $3,500 As Human Vaccine Test Subject At St. Louis Hotel
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 06/11/2018The ultimate vacation dream has finally come true. You can earn $3,500 dollars and stay at a hotel in St. Louis, as well, you get subjected to the flu and flu shots. That’s right, a St. Louis University research team is so desperate to test out new flu vaccines that they are willing to pay people to stay in a flu infested hotel and eventually get a flu shot. The flu virus will be shot as a nasal spray inside of your nose. Following that, you will either get a real flu shot or a placebo. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8554flu.php
Are Cochrane Reviews Truly "Independent and Transparent"?
June 5th 2018 by GreenMedInfo LLCPolicy-makers often attach considerable importance to systematic reviews when they make decisions about health care strategies and future policy directions. A systematic review is a “study of studies” that reviews the available body of evidence for a given disease or health topic in a “standardized and systematic way.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8556.php
China Ramps Up Experimental Vaccine Arms Race Against Merck In Congo
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 06/09/2018The is being said to be potential breeding ground for an Ebola outbreak. Of course, this has health officials and political figures alike, seeking out measures that would hopefully prevent the spread of the dangerous illness. Vaccine manufacturers, as fate would have it, are now outright competing for the business of supplying the region with a vaccine. If this sounds like something out of The Onion, be warned, this is real life. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8558.php
Legislating Vaccine “Re-Education Sessions”
Posted By: Sherri Tenpenny, DO 06/08/2018Across the country, state legislatures are trying to pass bills that would require parents to have an office visit with a pro-vaccine, mainstream physician before they can exercise their right to refuse. This new tactic has been investigated over the last several years by the American Academy of Pediatrics. For example, in this 2006 article, “Vaccine Delays, Refusals, and Patient Dismissals: A Survey of Pediatricians,” reported this information: Read rest of original story here:
File# 8560legrig.php
Poland Takes To Streets To Fight Mandatory Vaccines…What Does This Mean For America?
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 06/05/2018People all over the world are under fire when it comes to their rights. Whether it be gun rights, free speech, or medical rights, the globalists are moving diligently to oppress us all. In Europe, the situation is especially bad. Many Europeans have all but lost free speech and most areas it is illegal to own a gun. London is even moving towards “knife control.” Like clockwork, the ruling class is now forcing vaccines on the people and their children. Many countries, such as France and Poland and Italy, are fighting staunchly against the oppression, however, many of these countries have historically given up their rights in other ways, greasing the proverbial slippery slope for the ruling class. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8562legrig.php
Tetanus Vaccine Causes a New Disease Known as Antiphospholipid Syndrome
June 5, 2018 by Heidi Stevenson, Gaia-Health.comThe vaccine junta is not only unconcerned with vaccine-induced diseases, it’s massively gearing up this vaccine arms race against the human race. It’s known that tetanus vaccine causes a new disease, antiphospholipid syndrome. New adjuvants are composed of phospholipids, a potential disaster. The tetanus vaccine causes a new disease known both as Hughes syndrome and antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). It’s an autoimmune condition that can attack any part of the body, though is best noted for heart attacks and killing fetuses. It’s likely that APS will become more common with the new generation of vaccine adjuvants now being produced. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8564sci.php
Population Control Vaccine To Be Tested In India
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 05/31/2018In February’s issue of Nature Medicine, the publication reports a stunning new clinical trial to be carried out on 20 women in India. The publication claims that the Indian Council of Medical Research will test tetanus toxoid vaccine infused with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The vaccine would be anti-pregnancy and centers around population control agenda. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8566.php
Public Support For Vaccines Drops, Reports NBC
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 05/24/2018The mainstream media begrudgingly was forced into reporting news that doesn’t comfortably intertwine within their narrative. NBC News is reporting that support for vaccines has languished over the past ten years. NBC was quick to clarify that “most Americans still vaccinate,” but the issue is in how they feel about them. In other words, even people who still use vaccinations don’t trust them nearly as much as they once did. “This is a flag that confidence is slipping a bit,” said Mary Woolley, president and CEO of Research America, which commissioned the survey (NBC News article). Read rest of original story here:
File# 8568.php
Dr. Suzanne Humphries reveals the stunning fraud of the CDC and vaccine propagandists
May 21, 2018(Natural News) In a new interview with Mike Adams on CounterThink, Dr. Suzanne Humphries tells-all, revealing the corrupt vaccine industry’s dirtiest secrets and more. Humphries, a medical doctor and author of Dissolving Illusions: Diseases, Vaccines and the Forgotten History, was a highly regarded nephrologist — before she switched gears and set out to expose vaccines (and the CDC) for the sham they are. Dr. Humphries says that Dr. Sherry Tenpenny “cracked the visage in front of me,” after Tenpenny showed her that vaccines were the “backbone of the whole pharmaceutical industry.” “They keep people sick and that’s what’s so profitable,” Tenpenny reportedly told her. Humphries says that when the administration of a hospital she worked at told her that the adverse events she was witnessing with her own eyes weren’t real, she was driven to look deeper into the matters of vaccines on her own. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8570.php
Slaying Homeopathy and Americans’ Freedom of Health Choices
Progressive Radio Network, May 9, 2018... A fundamental foundation of American democracy is our freedom of choice. We have the legitimate right to pursue a career, decide where to live, what to read or watch, the freedom to vote or not, and decide who to marry or live with. Americans hold this these freedoms sacred, at least in theory. However, during the past decades, an ethos has arisen, associated with the American Medical Association, the pharmaceutical industry, professional organizations, medical publications, media health reporters and legislators largely benefitting from the largess of private drug companies adamantly pushing to limit our medical choices. This medical regime wants to choose and dictate the types of medicines available and enforce how we are diagnosed for mental conditions. They have mastered the art of pathologizing life. We have little choice in having access to public water without fluoridation or the right to vaccinate our children or not. To illustrate this point, the Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) and FDA curtailing all positive information about homeopathy and making efforts to eliminate it altogether. This is accomplished under the misinformed ruse that it is unproven and has not undergone the rigor of conventional medical science. Therefore, homeopathy should be banned. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8572leg.php
Abnormal Behavior Seen In Mice Given Gardasil HPV Vaccine
Posted on May 14, 2018 By Brandon Turbeville, Natural BlazeAs vaccine nazis and the Big Pharma corporations repeatedly claim that there is no evidence to show that vaccines are harmful, the science doing just that continues to quietly be published and subsequently ignored by the fanatics determined to push vaccinations on the general public, individual choice be damned. Many of the studies demonstrating the dangers of vaccines are predictably buried and ignored by the mainstream outlets and, while some are advertised in the alt media, many more simply appear in medical journals never to be seen again. One such study, “Behavioral abnormalities in female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil,” published in Immunologic Research in 2016 has also received little attention. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8574garsci.php
Idaho Health Officials Worried ‘Herd Immunity’ May Collapse in Idaho As Vaccine Waivers Rise
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 05/17/2018The anti-vaccine movement is growing. Depending on how you define the term, “anti-vaccine,” which is often used by government officials as a way to condemn anyone who chooses to not accept even one vaccine, the movement is widely expanding. Had Hillary Clinton become President, it is tough to say just how stringent mandatory vaccine laws would already be. But she’s not. And the movement to skip one or few or all vaccines is experiencing real growth. Case and point: Idaho. Idaho’s vaccine waiver rate is 6.5 percent for school children. Alaska, at 6.8 percent, and Oregon, at 6.7 percent, are the only two states with higher vaccine exemption rates. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8576.php
Gordon Rock Investigations [Alberta, Canada, David Stephan's case]
May 2018Ezekiel Stephan Synopsis Mr. Anthony F. Stephan, As promised please see the files listed below for a brief synopsis of the legal and criminal elements which impacted your son David Stephan's case. We have not published the majority of the evidence now collected as we have been counseled not to disclose it before the next court application. As promised all files have been unlocked and passwords have been disabled. We will continue to post files and requested documents for the next week or so. These are some of the most obvious issues: Read rest of original story here:
File# 8578leg.php
More:Supreme Court [Canada] Issues Stunning New Trial for Non-Vaccinating Parents Vax-Unvax study of mice implicates Hepatitis B vaccine, media silent
J.B. Handley blog, May 10, 2018"This work reveals for the first time that early HBV [Hepatitis B] vaccination induces impairments in behavior and hippocampal neurogenesis. This work provides innovative data supporting the long suspected potential association of HBV with certain neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism and multiple sclerosis." Read rest of original story here:
File# 8580sci.php
How NIH Uses U.S. Tax Dollars to Secure Profits for Vaccine Developers and Manufacturers
May 2, 2018 by The Vaccine Reaction StaffIt is no secret that huge conflicts of interest exist between vaccine promoters and vaccine makers. Pediatrician and vaccine developer Paul Offit, for example, who is one of the nation’s leading promoters of mandatory use of government recommended vaccines, holds a $1.5 million research chair at Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia, funded in part by Merck.1 Julie Gerberding left her post as Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), where she oversaw the creation of national vaccine policies, to head Merck vaccines.2 Former Texas governor Rick Perry recommended state-wide inoculation of all 11- and 12-year-old girls with Merck’s Gardasil vaccine after his chief of staff left to work at Merck. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8582leg.php
Last year’s flu vaccine was a total bust, yet the CDC claims it was a “grand success” – Here’s the truth of what happened
(Natural News) The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) claims that last year’s flu vaccine was a “grand success.” Newly appointed CDC director Robert R. Redfield claimed the influenza A and B vaccines were 36 percent effective over 2017-2018 flu season. He tweeted praise on the vaccinated because they “reduced risk of getting sick with the flu and having to go to the doctor by about one-third.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8584flu.php
‘Experimental Ebola Vaccine’ To Be Used On Poor African Village
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 05/14/2018Ebola is back. With Zika all but a distant memory, Ebola is now quickly seeping back into the mainstream news cycles. The most recent news involves the World Health Organization fighting an outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo. As it stands, 39 people have reportedly been diagnosed with Ebola. The WHO says that between 20 and 90 percent of those people will die. The huge margins for fatalities as they relate to Ebola is, well, odd. “We are very concerned and we are planning for all scenarios, including the worst-case scenario,” said Dr. Peter Salama, WHO’s deputy director general for emergency preparedness and response, per NBC News. In order to achieve readiness, the WHO has announced it will use an experimental Ebola vaccine. The descriptor, “experimental,” was actually used. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8586.php
New Research Claims ‘Vaccine Resistance’ Is Happening
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 05/14/2018When it comes to the concept of vaccines, many people have argued that there is stronger science backing the idea of the human/animal immune system being the better option at defending against illnesses. And really, why wouldn’t this logic be more readily accepted? The immune system is a savvy, intelligent system that’s driven by interactions with the current environment and even, genetics, that give it insight into history. Vaccines are created in labs as a reaction to bacteria and illnesses that are already evolved, or evolving. The vaccine, particularly the flu shot, is a reaction to what pharmaceutical companies “think will happen.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8588flu.php
Three Infants in Pakistan Die After Receiving Polio Vaccine
Published May 13, 2018 by TVR Staff Three infants, ages one month to one year old, are reported to have died in Shaheen Muslim Town in Peshwar, Pakistan after receiving the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). Family members said that the health of the children gradually deteriorated after being injected with the vaccine. News reports state that five other children were also adversely affected after getting IPV shots. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8590.php
Immune system and gastrointestinal deregulation linked with autism
UC Davis Health April 17, 2018(SACRAMENTO, Calif.) — Researchers at the UC Davis MIND Institute have found that children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have reduced immune system regulation, as well as shifts in their gut microbiota. The immune deregulation appears to facilitate increased inflammation and may be linked to the gastrointestinal issues so often experienced by children with ASD. The research was published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8592sciaut.php
18 Little Known Facts About College Meningitis Vaccines
Posted By: Sherri Tenpenny, DO 07/27/2017Two weeks ago, I posted a blog article about the fraudulent letters being sent to parents in Ohio, and actually across the country, about a new meningitis vaccine said to be a requirement for school. If you missed it, you can read it here. As middle schools are trying to strong arm parents into vaccinating their pre-teens without giving them information on their right to refuse, colleges are becoming equally aggressive about forcing the meningitis jab – and other vaccines – prior to granting access to higher education. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8594.php
The Homeopathic Answer to Mumps
January 12th 2018 By: Larry Malerba, DOIt is becoming increasingly clear that the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine is failing to live up to its alleged preventative benefits. We’ve already seen small outbreaks of measles in the U.S. and now mumps appears to be making a comeback. And even though homeopathy is an effective alternative treatment for mumps, mainstream medicine doesn’t really want you to know about it. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8596.php
Why Is China Having Measles Outbreaks When 99% Are Vaccinated?
September 20th 2014 By: Sayer Ji, FounderChina has one of the most vaccination compliant populations in the world. In fact, measles vaccine is mandatory. So why have they had over 700 measles outbreaks from 2009 and 2012 alone? The obvious answer is the the measles vaccines are simply NOT effective. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8598.php
The Homeopathic Option for Whooping Cough
Huffpost, THE BLOG 11/20/2012 Updated Jan 20, 2013All indications are that whooping cough (pertussis) is on the rise in the U.S. this year. Given the general ineffectiveness of conventional medical treatment once a person has contracted the illness, it is incumbent upon the medical profession to consider other options. One such option with a long-standing clinical track record for reducing the duration and severity of symptoms of whooping cough is homeopathy. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8600.php
Bill Gates & Trump Have Flu Vaccine Meeting In Oval Office
May 2, 2018Bill Gates claims that President Donald Trump, the most outspoken vaccine safety President in history, is suddenly on board with a universal flu vaccine. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8602flu.php
Four Months of Critical Information is Missing from Alfie Evans’ Timeline
By Jeffry John Aufderheide / May 2, 2018 Baby Alfie Evans’ life recently came to an end when the Alder Hey Trust pushed to suffocate and starve him two weeks before his second birthday. Alfie’s tragic death raises more questions than answers – specifically why was hospital leadership’s so intent on ending Alfie’s life? The publicly available court document appears to skip approximately four months of critical information, from May 2016 to September 2016. [1] You will see there was an indication Alfie was not right as early as July of 2016. ] Read rest of original story here:
File# 8604.php
Vaccine Exemptions: KNOW YOUR STATE LAW
Posted By: Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM 08/01/2017I’ve seen so many questions and concerned posts about obtaining a vaccine waiver from your physicians. Rather than answering each of you, I recorded a short video (below) explaining some of the language used in state laws. All 50 states have legislation requiring specified vaccines for students; the list of required vaccines vs. recommended vaccines can vary from state to state. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8606leg.php
More on The Hepatitis B Vaccine Currently In Use By 97 Countries Killed 69 Infants During Testing Trials
April 21, 2018 / Author GOV'T SLAVESCE–Infanrix Hexa (DTaP/IPV/Hib/HepB), made by Glaxosmithkline, is a 6- in- 1 vaccine which was released onto the global market in the year 2000, and since then across 97 countries around the world including Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It aims to protect against Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Hib & Hepatitis B. It was added to the UK vaccination schedule on 1st August 2017, with the sole purpose of introducing Hepatitis B into routine infant vaccinations. It is scheduled to be given at 8, 12 & 16 weeks of age and is to be administered alongside other recommended vaccines from the NHS Immunisation Schedule at age appropriate appointments.(ref 1) Read rest of original story here:
File# 8608.php
Stunning finding reveals autism is highest in areas with the highest vaccination rates
April 30, 2018 by: Vicki Batts(Natural News) The surge of autism diagnoses in recent years has left many people looking for an explanation. Oft-labeled a “conspiracy theory,” or something to that effect, the suspicion that vaccines are a potential cause of autism is on the rise. New research from the Canadian government has indirectly shown that in highly vaccinated populations, autism rates are noticeably higher. These shocking findings are sure to leave vaccine propagandists reeling while they try to somehow discredit the findings of a government agency. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8610aut.php
On the Crime of Heresy Against the Vaccine Religion
by Jeremy R. Hammond | Apr 29, 2017To question public vaccine policy is to commit the crime of heresy against the vaccine religion, as illustrated by how any dissent is met by its defenders. There is something wrong when you are not allowed to question public vaccine policy without automatically being labeled as “anti-science”, a believer in “pseudoscience”, or even a “conspiracy theorist”. The subject of vaccines is a serious one, and deserves to be taken seriously. Concerned parents are asking legitimate questions, and they deserve serious answers rather than dismissals. The public discussion about vaccines is essentially non-existent. Instead, the message we are told is that there is nothing to discuss. The mainstream media, for its part, has utterly failed to properly inform the public about the subject of vaccines, and rather than engaging in respectful debate, there is a tendency to try to bully people into silence and compliance. In this endeavor, the mainstream media has useful partners in the blogosphere. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8612.php
Shingles On Rise In Canada – One Study Blames Vaccines
Vaxxter Staff 04/25/2018Each year, 130,000 Canadians are diagnosed with Shingles. By the numbers, that means that over the course of a lifetime, 1 in 3 Canadians will be subjected to the painful blisters. This, according to a 2016 study out of British Columbia. But here’s the worst news. That same study shows that the rate of shingles in BC went from 3.2 per 1000 in 1997 to 4.5 by 2012. Canadians are getting more and more shingles, which is baffling the mainstream media and health officials, mostly because vaccine rates are up. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8614.php
Merck Accused of Fraud, Deceit and Negligence in US Gardasil Case
April 17th 2018Merck's aggressive agenda to increase HPV vaccine uptake rates, despite causing thousands of severe injuries, is hitting a stumbling block in a court case alleging blatant corruption. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8616garleg.php
Immune system and gastrointestinal deregulation linked with autism
April 17, 2018UC Davis MIND Institute research finds increased inflammation may be culprit (SACRAMENTO, Calif.) — Researchers at the UC Davis MIND Institute have found that children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have reduced immune system regulation, as well as shifts in their gut microbiota. The immune deregulation appears to facilitate increased inflammation and may be linked to the gastrointestinal issues so often experienced by children with ASD. The research was published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8618sci.php
Penn State Study Shows Correlation Between Vaccines and Brain Disorders
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 04/18/2018Researchers from Penn State’s college of medicine and Yale’s school of medicine have discovered that the timing of when vaccines are given may be related to major brain disorders. ... Almost 100,000 children’s data was used in the research.The neurological disorders that were typically found were attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, anxiety disorder, anorexia nervosa, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, and bipolar disorder. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8620.php
The New York Times vs. the Science on the Flu Shot
April 10, 2018 By Jeremy R. Hammond, Guest Contributor, World Mercury ProjectA recent New York Times article urging readers to follow the CDC’s flu shot recommendation provides a useful case study of how the mainstream media manufacture consent for public vaccine policy by systematically deceiving the public about what the science says. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone aged six months and up, including pregnant women, get an annual flu shot to protect against the influenza virus. The mainstream media characterize this recommendation as being firmly grounded in science. The demonstrable truth of the matter, however, is that what the government and media say science says and what science actually tells us are two completely different things. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8622flu.php
Three Infants Die After Recieving DTAP Vaccine
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 04/10/2018 A total of six children were seriously harmed after receiving the DTAP vaccine, three of those children died. DTAP, or diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine, is a mainstream vaccine given to children worldwide. This particular tragedy happened in Loinga village, an area of Palamau, a district in Jharkhand. After receiving the DTAP doses, the children reportedly immediately began to vomit. On Saturday night, the children were all taken to Sadar Hospital where three of them were pronounced dead. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8624.php
FLU HYSTERIA: Alberta Claims 2,800 Hospitalized, 86 Dead ‘Lower Vaccines Not The Problem’
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 04/04/2018Flu hysteria continues to lead local headlines all over the world. This time, the focal point is Alberta, Canada, who’s health officials claim that this season’s influenza season has placed 2,800 in the hospital and claimed the lives of 86 persons. But here’s the kicker: those same health officials have admitted that the increased flu cases have not been the result of fewer flu vaccines. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8626flu.php
Government finally conceded that we met our burden of proof that Gardasil caused Christina Tarsell's death
The only recourse my family had was to file a claim against the Secretary of Health and Human Services to hold them accountable. After 8 long years, the government finally conceded that we met our burden of proof that Gardasil caused ... Read rest of original story here:
File# 8628garleg.php
Vaccination During Pregnancy
2018 Informed Choice WAOn September 13, 2017, the CDC posted a new web page – Flu Vaccination & Possible Safety Signal – in response to their own study that showed that the overall risk of SAB (spontaneous abortion/miscarriage) was twice as high for women who had received the flu vaccine during pregnancy in the 28 days following vaccination compared to those who had not and 7.7 times as high if the woman had received an H1N1-containing vaccine in the previous season. This was a small, case-control study that took place over two flu seasons. It was not designed to estimate the risk of miscarriage following vaccination during pregnancy, but the CDC acknowledges the results to be a red flag. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8630.php
U.S. government approves STERILIZATION VACCINES to reduce deer populations, proving yet again that depopulation vaccines exist
March 27, 2018(Natural News) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reportedly approved for use an immunocontraceptive vaccine known as “Zonastat-D” that will soon be used to manage the population numbers of white-tailed deer. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8632.php
The truth about pet cancer and the epidemic that no one talks about
March 22, 2018(Natural News) Pets and humans have more in common than you think. They form strong bonds with other pets and humans. They have personal preferences when it comes to toys and food. They can appreciate the simple joy of doing nothing all day. And just like us, our pets can also get cancer. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8634.php
CDC vaccine science covers up giant conflict of interest
by Jon Rappoport March 21, 2018If you wanted to buy a product… And the main researcher of the product was the company selling it to you… Would you automatically assume the product was safe and effective? But you see, that’s the just the beginning of the problem. Suppose the company’s research was cited thousands of times in the press, as the authoritative standard of proof—and anyone who disputed that research was labeled a conspiracy theorist and a quack and a danger to the community and an anti-science lunatic. Would you begin to suspect the company had awesome media connections? Would you suspect some very powerful people were backing the company? This is exactly the situation with the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Read these two quotes: Read rest of original story here:
File# 8636sci.php
Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s World Mercury Project delivers vaccine safety details to Congress
March 19, 2018(Natural News) Vaccine safety champion and medical choice advocate Robert F. Kennedy and his World Mercury Project have delivered a promised report to Congress providing details on a six-step program to “introduce sound science and transparency to our vaccination program” for children, according to an announcement by the organization. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8638.php
Huge victory for natural medicine in Australia as nation rejects pharma-engineered attempt to outlaw nearly all herbs
March 10, 2018(Natural News) Australia is one of the most oppressive medical police state regimes in the world. The medical tyranny in Australia has even led to the government denying entitlement checks to parents who refuse to have their children subjected to an endless battery of dangerous vaccine injections. Deranged pharma trolls in Australia have been pushing hard to outlaw herbal medicine and force all the citizens of Australia to use toxic, overpriced chemical prescription medications to treat everything. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8640.php
FluMist nasal flu vaccine can come back, vaccine advisers say
Feb.22.2018Reformulated version of FluMist influenza vaccine wins approval from vaccine advisers FluMist, the only needle-free flu vaccine on the market, won a lukewarm recommendation from federal vaccine advisers Wednesday. The nasal spray vaccine has been off the U.S. market for two years because it barely worked against one common strain of flu in kids. The company that makes it, MedImmune, says it has reformulated the vaccine and thinks it will work better next year. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8642flu.php
Tulsa Dr Says Parents Claiming Vaccines Are Safe ‘Merely Arrogance Masking Ignorance’
03/07/2018Tulsa physician, Jim Meehan, is taking on vaccines in one of his recent Facebook post. In his post, Dr. Meehan calls vaccines an unsettled science and those parents “Claiming now that you vaccinated your child because you were “fully aware” is merely arrogance masking ignorance.” He goes on to say that parents who claim they are “fully aware” are using a “subconscious psychological defense mechanism” to cover up guilt over exposing their child to a potentially dangerous vaccine(s). Read rest of original story here:
File# 8644.php
New Aborted Fetal Cell Line Emerges for Vaccine Production
September 09, 2015(Largo) Due to dwindling capacity for existing aborted fetal cell lines to self-replicate, scientists in China have developed a new aborted fetal cell line, WALVAX 2 that will be used for viral vaccine production. The existing cell lines, MRC-5 and WI-38 are currently used in MMR, Varicella, Hepatitis-A, Shingles, some rabies and some polio vaccines. WALVAX 2 is taken from the lung tissue of a 3 month gestation female who was ultimately selected from among 9 aborted babies. The scientists noted how they followed specific guidelines to mimic WI-38 and MRC-5 in selecting the aborted babies, ranging from 2-4 months gestation. They further noted how they induced labor using a “water bag” abortion to shorten the delivery time and prevent the death of the fetus to ensure live intact organs which were immediately sent to the labs for cell preparation. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8646.php
Computers and Records Seized of Dr Gatti and Dr Montanari
By John Stone February 23, 2018The computers, records and data of Antonietta Gatti and Stefano Montanari have been seized by the Italian "Guardia di Finanza". Sanevax comment: BREAKING NEWS: This morning two scientists from Italy lost their computers, records, and data - all confiscated. Dr. Gatti and Dr. Montanari have been studying the potential effects of micro- and nanoparticles used in vaccines on the human body for years. One of them was scheduled to testify in court regarding an alleged vaccine injury. Several conference presentations were also scheduled over the next few months. Now, there is no data to present. Coincidence? Or, suppression of inconvenient scientific findings? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8648leg.php
The CDC's Fictional Flu Death Stats and Tamiflu's Lethal Side Effects
February 14th 2018 Flu season, or at least reporting on it, has reached a fever pitch … but the flu propaganda telling you it may be dangerous NOT to take Tamiflu and/or the flu vaccine may be a far greater risk to your health than the flu itself. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8650flu.php
Pfizer Vice President Blows Whistle On Gardasil: “The Vaccine Is Deadly”
September 25, 2017Former vice President of Pfizer, Dr. Peter Rost, has blown the whistle on the dangers of the Gardasil vaccine – and claims that Big Pharma aims to keep people unhealthy. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8652garsci.php
Retroviruses Contaminate the World's Vaccine Supply for Pets & Humans, Research Suggests
February 9th 2018Could the ballooning rate of sick pets, and a burgeoning multi-billion dollar veterinary industry, relate to the immunocompromising role of feline retrovirus-contaminated vaccines given to millions of animals around the world? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8654sci.php
Indian Study Reveals Birth Dose of Hepatitis B Vaccine Unnecessary
February 6, 2018A study funded by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and published in the Indian Journal of Pediatrics was recently conducted by a group of pediatricians to examine if the birth dose of the hepatitis B vaccine is crucial for acquiring full immunity against hepatitis B infection. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8656sci.php
Tamiflu Now Blamed For Suicide, Hallucinations, Confusion, And More
02/05/2018Tamiflu is one of the fastest selling antiviral medicines used to treat cases of flu. In fact, it is so popular that you can hardly find it on shelves these days. Many children diagnosed with symptoms of flu are given Tamiflu by E.R.’s. However, new reports of Tamiflu side effects has many parents questioning the practice of giving Tamiflu to children at all. Hallucinations, speech issues, confusion, and poor motor function have been named as just a few of the potential Tamiflu side effects that could potentially affect a child who takes the medicine. Many children have already experienced these issues. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8658flu.php
State Officials Forced To Pay Millions For Humiliating Anti-Vaccine Doctor
02/04/2018Seven years ago, the Maryland Board of Physicians suspended the medical license of then Dr. Mark Geier. Geier had been on mainstream medicine’s grievance list for some time due to his belief that vaccines may cause autism. Geier was officially suspended by the board due to “treating autistic children with a drug considered dangerous for young people and not known to alleviate symptoms of the disorder.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8660leg.php
Flu Vaccine Increases Your Risk of Infecting Others by 6-Fold, Study Suggests
January 28th 2018A provocative new study on flu virus transmission found that subjects had 6.3 times more aerosol shedding of flu virus particles if they received vaccination in the current and previous season compared with having no vaccination in those two seasons Read rest of original story here:
File# 8662flu.php
MoreHow Vaccinated Kids Infect The Non-Vaccinated Rotavirus, Pennsylvania Senator Moves To Repeal Pharmaceutical Vaccine Immunity
01/23/2018Pennsylvania’s Senator Mike Folmer truly believes that parents should be given the right to make an informed decision in regards to vaccines and their children. Folmer has introduced a new legislation called Informed Consent which aims to rectify this situation. This means doctors would need to explain both benefits and risks associated with vaccines. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8664leg.php
Formaldehyde Doesn’t Always Kill Viruses
by Marco Cáceres, January 22, 2018Is it really a myth than you can get influenza from getting a flu vaccine? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8666flusci.php
Vaccines not protecting farmed fish from disease
January 22, 2018The vaccines used by commercial fish farmers are not protecting fish from disease, according to a new study. The study was compiled by researchers at the University of Waterloo, the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso and Chile’s University of Valparaiso. It showed vaccinated fish tend to show more symptoms when contracting diseases, with the health impacts and ultimately deaths occurring as if they’d never received a vaccine. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8668sci.php
There Is No Such Thing as the West Nile Virus
November 09, 2008 by: Rami Nagel... Pesticide manufacturers, pharmaceutical giants, the U.S. government, industry scientists, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), State and County government agencies believe in their own fairy tales. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8670.php
HHS establishes a new Conscience and Religious Freedom (CRF) Division within its Office for Civil Rights ...
by Ginger Taylor, January 18, 2018HHS establishes a new Conscience and Religious Freedom (CRF) Division within its Office for Civil Rights, ... . The religious rights of families in Mississippi, California and West Virginia, along with health care workers and military members, have been violated by demands that they be vaccinated against the conscience of those who hold a pro-life view, and do not want to receive vaccines made from aborted fetal cell lines. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8672leg.php
MOREBolen Report: President Trump Drops NUCLEAR BOMB on Vaccine Mandates… Protection for Parents Who Have Religious or Moral Objections to Vaccination? Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine
Clin Infect Dis. 2012 Jun 15Abstract We randomized 115 children to trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) or placebo. Over the following 9 months, TIV recipients had an increased risk of virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections (relative risk: 4.40; 95% confidence interval: 1.31-14.8). Read rest of original story here:
File# 8674flusci.php
HHS establishes a new Conscience and Religious Freedom (CRF) Division within its Office for Civil Rights
by Ginger Taylor (ageofautism), 18 January 2018HHS establishes a new Conscience and Religious Freedom (CRF) Division within its Office for Civil Rights, holds livestream today, Jan 18th at 10:30am EST. The religious rights of families in Mississippi, California and West Virginia, along with health care workers and military members, have been violated by demands that they be vaccinated against the conscience of those who hold a pro-life view, and do not want to receive vaccines made from aborted fetal cell lines. Today HHS gives us an official channel to protest this violation of the 1st Amendment. "HHS establishes a new Conscience and Religious Freedom (CRF) Division within its Office for Civil Rights (OCR) specializing in enforcement of and compliance with laws that protect conscience and the free exercise of religion, and that prohibit coercion and religious discrimination." Read rest of original story here:
File# 8676leg.php
CDC Accused Of Inflating Flu Case Statistics
Are flu cases being exaggerated? According to some new documentation received by, the CDC is inflating cases of flu by essentially loosely tying family members who diagnose cases to diagnoses by relation. If the document, which was received anonymously, is true, it would allow the CDC to severely inflate flu case statistics. And this, in turn, would allow more flu shots to be pushed. Check out the documents for yourself. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8678flu.php
Researchers downplayed safety concerns about new vaccine—and was tested on 3,000 children
January 12th 2018Nearly 3,000 children were given a new TB (tuberculosis) vaccine after researchers had reassured parents it was safe and effective—but neither claim was true, and was based on falsified data. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8680scileg.php
Flu Kills Eight Santa Barbara Residents in Two Weeks
January 8, 2018Eight Santa Barbara County residents have died from the flu in the past two weeks alone. By contrast, only three residents died throughout last year’s entire flu season, which typically runs from October to April. All eight people were ages 65 or older. “These numbers are unprecedented for the past 10 years,” said Dr. Charity Dean, public health czar for Santa Barbara County. Dean said all but one of the eight had been vaccinated and all had been given flu-fighting medications. “I’m worried about how severe our flu season will be,” she said. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8682flu.php
Aluminum injected in your Children: Over 13,000 mcgs in 9 Vaccine doses (WOW
January 12, 2018. Vaccine Liberation Army... So, versus ten years ago, scientists now know that aluminum adjuvant, when injected, can 1) impair brain development, 2) remain in the brain much longer than thought, 3) is brought into the brain by macrophages that grab the aluminum from the vaccine injection site and recirculate it, 4) may actually be worse when injected in small doses repeatedly (like it’s done during vaccination), and 5) there’s remarkably high levels of aluminum in the brains of people diagnosed with autism.Dr. Chris Exley, the author of this most recent study (#5, and the subject of my recent article) was so moved by the results of his study he said the following: Read rest of original story here:
File# 8684sci.php
New Human Fetal Cell Line Available for Vaccine Production
January 10, 2018 [The Vaccine Reaction]Since the 1960s, a number of vaccines have been manufactured using “human-diploid fibroblast cell cultures”—cells from tissue of aborted human fetuses. They include the following 11 vaccines listed on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary table: Adenovirus, DTaP-IPV/Hib (Pentacel), DTaP-IPV (Quadracel), Hep A (Havrix), Hep A (Vaqta), MMR (MMR-II), MMRV (ProQuad), Rabies (Imovax), Varicella (Varivax), Zoster (Shingles – Zostavax). ... A study published in the journal Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics in 2015 confirmed the development of Walvax-2 by China’s pharmaceutical industry. The source tissue for the cell line was obtained from nine fetuses through “rigorous screening based on carefully specified inclusion criteria.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8686.php
Hospital reportedly fires pregnant employee who refused to get flu shot
Jan 9, 2018A pregnant hospital employee claims that she was fired from her job after refusing to get a flu shot. The hospital responded, explaining their policy on employee flu shots, and noted the fired employee failed to provide expanded documentation for her exemption request when asked. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) Read rest of original story here:
File# 8688fluleg.php
Pet vaccines are costly, toxic and dangerous – no WONDER pets die earlier now
January 08, 2018 (Natural News) Could it be that most of your pet’s health problems are due to vaccines? Let’s examine the consequences of over-vaccinating your pet, and the pragmatics of this type of healthcare as it affects the pet and your bank account in ways you never imagined possible. Little did you know that pet vaccines create more problems than they solve. Every single vaccine can potentially start the clock for debilitating chronic diseases, allergies and disorders for your pet. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8690.php
Treating autism by targeting the gut
June 19,2017Experts have called for large-scale studies into altering the make-up of bacteria in the gut, after a review showed that this might reduce the symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Read rest of original story here:
File# 8692aut.php
The HPV Vaccine Debate: Don't Ask, Don't Tell
December 11th 2013Katie Couric opened up a Pandora's box of sorts simply by airing testimony about the HPV vaccine's lack of effectiveness and safety, but shouldn't she be commended for asking questions the mainstream media is afraid to touch? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8694flu.php
Mother-of-two, 34, claims she was left blind, diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and covered in a rash 'after having the FLU JAB' and fears she may never recover
22 December 2017 By Jacqui Deevoy For MailonlineA mother went blind in one eye and was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis just weeks after getting the flu shot, she has claimed. Jennifer Whitney, from Mukilteo, Washington, had the vaccine due to the insistence of her boss - despite being concerned about any side effects. However, the same boss was forced to 'let her go' because she ended up taking too much time off to cope with the repercussions of the shot. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8696flu.php
How A License Is Like A Vaccine
December 18, 2017The Institute for Justice estimates one out of four American workers now needs some sort of government-issued license to do their job. The trend around the country sees one group threaten another to force licensure for all. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8698leg.php
Mississippi: Most Vaccinated and Most Unhealthy
December 18, 2017 by Marco Cáceres (NVIC)I came across a very odd opinion piece last week in the Daily Beast by pediatrician Paul Offit, MD of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, PA. The article is titled “The Unhealthiest State in America Has the Best Vaccination Rate,” and it opened by referencing a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) providing a state-by-state comparison of vaccination rates children in kindergarten during the 2016-17 school year.1 2 Read rest of original story here:
File# 8700.php
5 Horrifying Facts about the FDA Vaccine Approval Process
* Why the perception of the government as an overseer of the pharmaceutical industry is wrong * The frightening reality about the studies the FDA relies on to assess vaccine safety * The shocking truth about how vaccine manufacturers conduct clinical trials * How pharmaceutical companies can get their products “fast tracked” through the FDA * Why the vaccine industry was threatened with bankruptcy and the Orwellian “social bargain” the government legislated to save it Read rest of original story here:
File# 8702sci.php
How Much Do You Really Know About Vaccine Safety?
December 16, 2017 (Dr Mercola)Story at-a-glance * Recent research examined health outcomes following the introduction of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) and oral polio vaccine in Guinea-Bissau, which took place in the early 1980s * DTP vaccine was associated with five-fold higher mortality than being unvaccinated. According to the authors, “All currently available evidence suggests that DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves from diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis” * Both the U.S. Congress and the Supreme Court have concluded that government licensed vaccines are "unavoidably unsafe.” Vaccines also have the highest number of recalls of any drug * 1 in 6 American children has a developmental disability, which includes ADD, ADHD, autism, learning disabilities, mental disabilities, seizures and stammering. Many of these are also listed or known side effects of vaccines * 54 percent of children have a diagnosed chronic illness, including asthma, chronic ear infections, diabetes, food and/or environmental allergies and epilepsy. This list also mirrors many of the acknowledged side effects of vaccines, and the rise in prevalence of these diseases parallel the rise in required vaccines Read rest of original story here:
File# 8704.php
Increase in Vaccine-Related Shoulder Injuries
December 12, 2017Story at-a-glance * Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration, or SIRVA, causes chronic pain and loss of range of motion in the shoulder * Cases are on the rise, and 202 people were awarded compensation for SIRVA from the federally operated vaccine injury compensation program in 2016 * If a vaccine is given too high on the shoulder, the vaccine may provoke the immune system to attack the bursa, a fluid-filled sac that protects shoulder tendons, leading to debilitating symptoms Read rest of original story here:
File# 8706.php
Government Issues First Report in 2017 on Vaccine Injuries and Deaths: 275 Injured 4 Dead from Flu Shot
December 8, 2017 by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact NewsThe federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services just concluded their first meeting of 2017 on September 8th. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8708flu.php
Vaccines: 15 Children Dead After Measles Vaccination Program
10th June 2017A botched measles vaccines program killed 15 children A measles vaccination campaign has left 15 children dead, some as young as 2 years old, as a direct result of their vaccine administration. A government inquiry has found that unsafe vaccines were the cause of death for fifteen children, all under the age of 5 years old, with dozens more left sickened in the rural town of Kapoeta in South Sudan early last month. The vaccinations were carried out by the country’s Ministry of Health, who also vaccinated 300 other children. Aside from the fatalities, another 32 children were left ill with fever, diarrhea, and vomiting following the vaccination. The vaccines were provided by UNICEF, with funding and technical advice from the World Health Organization (WHO). Read rest of original story here:
File# 8710.php
Vaccine Deficient Employees Fired to Gain Health Care Funding
December 05, 2017Just before Thanksgiving, Duluth-based Essentia Health, a company which owns and operates 15 hospitals and 75 medical clinics in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota and Idaho, fired 69 employees who refused to get an annual flu shot Read rest of original story here:
File# 8712leg.php
Philippines: 700,000 Children At Risk After Pharma Admits Vaccines Spreading Illness
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 12/04/2017Officials in the Philippines are now warning that the use of the Dengue Vaccine, made by Sanofi Pasteur, could cause dengue fever outbreaks. They’ve suspended the use of the vaccine, however, are acknowledging that over 700,000 school children already received it. They claim they ceased use of the vaccine following warnings from Sanofi Pasteur. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8714.php
Science FAILURES and the history of medicine and vaccines: Why the “status quo” is fatally wrong
November 30, 2017(Natural News) Many (if not all) of the most significant scientific breakthroughs that have occurred throughout time did so because someone was brave enough to seek the truth at all costs, even when it meant having to buck the norm and face ridicule – or worse. There are many prominent examples of folks who faced ostracization, loss of career, and even early death as a result of doing the right thing in their particular line of work, and this reality is perhaps most evident in the field of medicine and vaccines specifically. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8716sci.php
No consent needed: How the vaccine industry mirrors Harvey Weinstein in the treatment of women
December 01, 2017(Natural News) The scandalous sex crimes of Hollywood film producer and former film executive Harvey Weinstein admittedly sent shockwaves all throughout society, reminding us all that the entertainment world has a proverbial stockpile of skeletons in the closet that, were they all to be exposed, would probably lead to this corrupt industry’s total undoing. But is forcing oneself on another person without consent as Weinstein allegedly did to his female colleagues and subordinates really any different than what the vaccine industry does every single day to millions of young children who are forcibly subjected to vaccinations as a requirement to attend public school? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8718leg.php
Wave of vaccine resistance building around the globe as call for civil disobedience goes viral among health care workers
November 30, 2017(Natural News) An increasing number of U.S. hospitals now require their staff to take mandatory flu vaccines or be terminated from employment. This coercive policy is in violation of the American Medical Association’s code of ethics and precisely violates informed consent of the individual. While most nurses “go along to get along,” not all healthcare workers cave into the pressure. A wave of health care workers are now defying the mandatory flu vaccine order and are resorting to civil disobedience to protect informed consent, not only for themselves, but also for that of patients and future patients. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8720leg.php
Baby of Idaho Disabled Mom Seized when Parents Claim Religious Exemption to Vaccines
November 27, 2017 by Health Freedom IdahoHealth Impact News Something unconscionable has happened in North Idaho this last week. We were notified by the daugther of a local pastor here in Kootenai County regarding a woman of his congregation, Diamond Mehlhoff, who gave birth in Kootenai County @ KMC on Monday November 20th via C section. On Wednesday November 22nd, after the parents refused vaccination for the baby, the state became involved and took this beautiful baby, Elijah, from his loving parents, claiming the mother to be unfit due to a diagnosis of cerebral palsy (a non progressive movement disorder). Read rest of original story here:
File# 8722leg.php
Aluminium in brain tissue in autism
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and BiologyAvailable online 26 November 2017 Abstract ... Human exposure to the environmental toxin aluminium has been linked, if tentatively, to autism spectrum disorder. ... Aluminium-selective fluorescence microscopy was used to identify aluminium in brain tissue in 10 donors. While aluminium was imaged associated with neurones it appeared to be present intracellularly in microglia-like cells and other inflammatory non-neuronal cells in the meninges, vasculature, grey and white matter. The pre-eminence of intracellular aluminium associated with non-neuronal cells was a standout observation in autism brain tissue and may offer clues as to both the origin of the brain aluminium as well as a putative role in autism spectrum disorder. Read original article here. Note PDF to to Accepted Manuscript.
File# 8724aut.php
WHO's Anti-fertility Vaccination Program Chronicled In New Paper
November 9th 2017Has the World Health Organization (WHO) been purposely misleading women in developing countries into thinking they are protecting them and their future children from tetanus while in fact robbing women of their fertility and the very children they wanted to protect? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8726.php
Attacking Ourselves: Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System Against Us
February 24th 2015The research is hard to ignore, vaccines can trigger autoimmunity with a laundry list of diseases to follow. With harmful and toxic metals as some vaccine ingredients, who is susceptible and which individuals are more at risk? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8728.php
State Vaccine Legislation in America 2015-2017: What the Media, Medical Trade and Pharma Don’t Want You to Know
November 08, 2017Story at-a-glance
Read rest of story here: ( NVIC Source story
File# 8730leg.php
Nurses Continue to be Justified in Refusing Mandatory Flu Shots
October 26th 2017Similar to the general public, nurses are increasingly refusing dangerous and often ineffective flu shots Responding to nurses who exert their science-based vaccination choice, hospitals have used both heavy-handed public shaming and coercion tactics of making them wear masks. Every year, scores of images populate social media feeds showing nurses wearing masks forced upon them during their hospital shifts because they refused their flu shots. A popular mainstream message is that we must all get our flu shots to protect the elderly who may die from the flu or its complications. Yet, however ‘caring’ this PR strategy may appear, we should occasionally look at the results. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8732flu.php
FOX 45 investigates nationwide claims that pets are dying from vaccinations
MIAMI VALLEY, Ohio (WKEF/WRGT) - Thousands of people across the country are saying their pets are dying from vaccines. They report seeing a variety of side effects, from tumors to autoimmune diseases to cancer. Most veterinarians, however, insist vaccines are not to blame. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8734.php
Thousands DAMAGED by the SHINGLES VACCINE-sues Merck
01 Nov 2017What was supposed to be a cure for shingles has brought on worse complications. Thousands have attempted to file lawsuits against American pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. for problems associated with their product Zostavax. In an interview with, Troy Bouk, Associate Attorney at the Levin Papantonio law firm, stated that the side effects of the shingles vaccine included meningitis, encephalitis, stroke, palsy, and many others. In a statement to, Bern has said that the injuries run “the gamut from contracting shingles as a result of the vaccine all the way to serious personal injuries such as blindness in one eye, individuals who have serious paralysis in their extremities, brain damage, all the way to death.” Read rest of original story here:
File# 8736.php
Read More:
A new peanut allergy vaccine failed in a trial, but the company wants it approved anyway
Oct 21, 2017An experimental vaccine meant to combat peanut allergy came up short on Friday in a large clinical trial, but the company developing it blames the failure on a surprising placebo effect — and believes it still might win Food and Drug Administration approval. The treatment, called Viaskin Peanut, is a patch designed to gradually train a patient’s immune system to tolerate peanuts. In a trial on more than 300 children with peanut allergies, about 35 percent of patients responded to Viaskin, but the overall results didn’t beat placebo by enough to meet the study’s primary goal. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8738leg.php
Prevention and Treatment of Vaccine Damages
April 18th 2013Cruelty toward babies starts at birth. It really starts before birth but that is another tale. Many parents have heard horror stories, and have serious doubts about vaccinating. Even that first injection of vitamin K is not without risk and danger. This article is for parents in the situation where they are forced into a corner for one of many reasons and feel like they have to vaccinate their children. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8740.php
Vaccine Nightmare
October 19th 2017The ordeal and triumph of a family struck by GSK’s narcolepsy-inducing Pandemrix. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8742flu.php
Nurses Across the U.S. are Taking a Stand Against Forced Flu Vaccines
October 20, 2017 [update from 2014]Health Impact News As 2014 begins to unfold, it is becoming clear that the medical care industry is facing a crisis. We have already reported about how many doctors are refusing to participate in the new Obamacare health insurance exchanges (See: Seven out of every 10 Physicians in California are Rebelling against Obamacare). But another unintended consequence of new medical care legislation is the refusal of nurses to comply with new mandatory flu vaccination requirements. With a nation-wide shortage in nurses already problematic long before Obamacare was implemented, things are only going to get worse. Experienced nurses across the United States are choosing to lose their jobs rather than submit to forced mandatory flu vaccinations. This began last flu season, in 2012, and we reported many stories of brave nurses standing up for their rights and refusing to submit to mandatory flu vaccinations as a requirement to keeping their jobs. (See: Brave Nurses Lose Jobs to Stand on Principle and Refuse Forced Vaccinations) Read rest of original story here:
File# 8744flu.php
Chiropractor Mom Refuses To Sign ‘Inaccurate’ Vaccine Exemption Form
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 10/17/2017Naomi Malik, a chiropractor in Woodstock, Vermont region, is concerned that her children may soon be banned from attending school due to her refusal to sign a vaccine exemption form that she contest the facts over. Malik believes the Vermont Vaccine Religious Exemption form is inaccurate. Malik has an 8-year-old son and an 11-year-old daughter. Starting today, they will no longer be eligible to attend Woodstock Elementary School due to their mom’s refusal to sign the document. Malik contends that the documents statement that reads “The risk of side effects from a vaccine is far lower than the risk of complications from a vaccine-preventable disease,” is grossly inaccurate. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8746leg.php
HHS Vaccine Safety Responsibilities and Notice Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-31
October 12, 2017U.S. Department of Health & Human Services ... Re: HHS Vaccine Safety Responsibilities and Notice Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-31 Dear Secretary Hargan: Informed Consent Action Network hereby provides notice per 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-31(b). Americans, including the over 55 organizations listed below, whose members exceed 5 million Americans, are concerned about vaccine safety. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (the 1986 Act) made nearly every aspect of vaccine safety the exclusive responsibility of the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). As the Secretary of HHS (the Secretary), this means you shoulder virtually all responsibility for assuring the safety of vaccines administered to America’s 78 million children. Read rest of letter here:
File# 8748sci.php
Second Detroit Mom Refuses Vaccine Orders In Court…
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 10/12/2017It has been less than a few days since Rebecca Bredow walked out of a Michigan jail, time served for refusing to vaccinate her son, and into a court hearing whereas she was informed that she had lost primary custody of her son. The son that was now vaccinated by the state. Now another mother is staring down a similar fate. Lori Matheson is also refusing to vaccinate her daughter, who she says that genetic tests show her daughter is pre-disposed to genetic autoimmune injuries. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8749leg.php
Mind-blowing Compilation of Anti-Vaccine Rallies World Wide (Must watch)
October 2, 2017Vaccine Liberation Army CRITICAL ALERT: Vaccines are disabling all emerging generations of Humanity Here is a 20 min video clip showing the global media blackout of public rallies against mandatory vaccines in many countries Read rest of original story here:
File# 8750.php
Whooping Cough Reemergence Traced Back to Vaccine Failure and Flawed Assumptions
October 10, 2017Story at-a-glance * More than 94 percent of kindergarten children have had four to five pertussis-containing vaccines, yet despite high vaccine coverage since the late 1980s, statistics show that reported cases of whooping cough have been rising for decades * A recent scientific review has concluded the less toxic acellular whooping cough vaccine licensed in the U.S. for infants in 1996 does not work as expected, and confirms the continued spread of the disease among vaccinated populations * For nearly two decades, scientists have published evidence showing the ineffectiveness of both whole cell pertussis vaccine in DPT and acellular pertussis vaccine in DTaP/Tdap * The B. pertussis organism began evolving to evade whole cell pertussis vaccines in the 1950s soon after DPT was introduced and became widely used in the late 1940s * “Cocooning,” where Tdap is given to household contacts of a newborn to prevent whooping cough in the infant has been proven grossly ineffective, and this further supports the finding that whooping cough vaccines fail to block transmission of disease Read rest of original story here:
File# 8752sci.php
December 06, 2016vaccinated vs unvaccinated Why Won't CDC Do the Study? There are NO officials US government - sponsored studies comparing the health of vaccinated to unvaccinated children. There are several independently funded studies have been done in the US and overseas. The majority of these studies have been conducted abroad, but many involve American children. What do these studies show? The research demonstrates conclusively that unvaccinated children enjoy far superior health when compared to those vaccinated. Unvaccinated children experience almost no incidence of autism, autoimmune disorders, asthma, allergies, diabetes and other common childhood diseases which have reached epidemic proportions in recent years. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8754sci.php
Refusal to Vaccinate Child Gets Mom Jail Time: A Deeper Analysis
October 7th 2017 - GreenMedInfo LLC“I want to make it perfectly clear. We’re leaving here today. Dad’s picking the child up and he’s going to be vaccinated regardless of what Mom did or didn’t do.” These were the words of Oakland County judge Karen McDonald during the open minutes of the recent court room proceedings that continue to grab international headlines. Metro Detroit’s Rebecca Bredow, the Mom, now sits in an Oakland Country jail with a criminal record forever attached to her name. Her 9-year-old son is now in temporary custody of his father who is ordered by the court to bring the child up to date on the boy’s vaccination status, which will be up to eight vaccines “…as rapidly as medically necessary.” Read rest of original story here: Followup Jailed ‘Vaccine Mom’ Loses Primary Custody Of Son
File# 8756leg.php
Sweden Rejects Mandatory Vaccines As Posing ‘Serious Health Concerns’
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 10/05/2017 In the United States and especially in Australia, the mandatory vaccination movement has serious legs. But for one European country, Sweden, they aren’t having it, according to an article on alternativemediasyndicate. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8758leg.php
Jailed Vaccine Mom’s Speech Brings Parents To Tears
“I would rather sit behind bars standing up for what I believe in, than giving in to something I strongly don’t believe in.” Rebecca Bredow stuck to her word. She refused a judges orders which mandated that her son is given a slew of vaccines. And now she’s serving seven days in jail with another court hearing to follow. Bredow claims that she and her ex-husband agreed to not vaccinate their child, something which a legal exemption can be obtained for in Michigan. But her husband seemingly had a change of heart, potentially as a way to gain leverage in a court battle over the child. Bredow is the primary caregiver. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8760leg.php
Detroit Mother To Be Jailed For Refusing Vaccines For Son
Posted By: Vaxxter Staff 09/28/2017A mom in Detroit has been given the harshest of choices to make: get your son vaccinated or go to jail. While this story likely sounds fabricated, it sadly is real life. “I would rather sit behind bars standing up for what I believe in, than giving in to something I strongly don’t believe in,” says Rebecca Bredow. “Why automatically side with the father that wants the vaccines? What about my choice as a mother?,” says Rebecca. Bredow now has one week to get her son vaccinated, per an Oakland County judge. If she doesn’t, she’s going to serve time. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8762leg.php
27 August, 2017 by AVN adminThe writer has become embroiled in the controversy about whether or not it is wise to vaccinate. ... I have been encountering cases of vaccine injury for over 40 years. In June it was a happy, healthy nearly 5-year-old whose parents were required to put her on a catch-up schedule, in order to get her into kindergarten. She won’t be going to kinder. She’s in a wheel-chair, brain-damaged. Her life ruined. Then came a friend’s father who died after a flu vaccine, and last week a 4 year old boy, made autistic by a catch-up schedule. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8764.php
Vermont experimenting with new health care model: Pay doctors to keep patients HEALTHY
September 26, 2017... What if doctors got paid to keep patients healthy instead of keeping them sick? Vermont is hoping to find out as it experiments with a new health care model that would offer hospitals and doctors financial incentives when their patients are healthy rather than only when they come in sick. Should the experiment prove to be successful, they’d like to apply it to 70 percent of their residents by the year 2022, and it could cause a sea change in the way Americans pay for their health care. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8766.php
Vaccines are covertly injecting everyone with disease-causing viruses, warns scientist author of “Plague”
September 26, 2017Natural News) Judy A. Mikovits, Ph.D., is a research scientist, as well as the co-author of the recently released ground-breaking book, Plague. Mikovits has spent a lifetime studying autoimmune and neuroimmune diseases, cancer, and other conditions caused by chronic inflammation. Specifically, she’s been studying retroviruses and how they contribute to the onset of these life-altering conditions. And in a recent article, Mikovits sheds some light one of the most concerning aspects of retroviruses: their unsuspecting place in vaccines. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8768.php
HPV vaccine 'a second thalidomide scandal', says new YouTube documentary
September 9th 2017 in Cancer, Cervical cancer, HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)In the three-part documentary—Sacrificial Virgins—specialists say that the vaccine has never been proven to prevent cervical cancer, and yet the litany of side effects and reactions—including death—has been well documented. Dr Christian Fiala, a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology, says that the HPV vaccine's benefits have not been established in any independent trial, while Peter Duesberg, a pioneer in AIDS research, claims that it hasn't been proven that HPV (human papilloma virus) even causes cervical cancer. Instead, "fossils of the virus" have been found, but a causal relationship has not been established. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8770gar.php
New Bill Would Make Mandatory Flu Vaccines Illegal
September 13, 2017Have you ever felt pressured into a flu shot by your co-workers? I know that I have. In fact, when I used to work in the corporate America grind, I got denounced as being “scared of needles” and “irresponsible” for rejecting a flu shot at the office. I get the flu occasionally, however, I tend to rely on a healthy diet and some daily Vitamin C to do the trick for me. I’m not a fan of injecting anything into me unless absolutely necessary. I’ve never deemed a flu shot as being in such an urgent category. But for many American workers, being ridiculed over their decision to pass on a flu shot is the least of their concerns. Some reject a flu shot at their own employment peril. Yes, some employees in the health care industry are fired for not taking a flu shot. One Republican Representative, Christina Hagan of Ohio, has introduced a bill to put an end to such penalty. Hagan says there isn’t sufficient logic behind terminating any employee, including those in health care, for rejecting the flu shot injection. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8772fluleg.php
CDC Lies About the Risks of Vaccination of Preterm Infants
by Jeremy R. Hammond | Sep 20, 2017According to the CDC, vaccination of preterm infants is a perfectly safe medical practice. Suzanne Humphries, MD, exposes what a dangerous lie that is. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8774.php
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and World Mercury Project Issue Report Regarding New Evidence of Ongoing Corruption and Scientific Misconduct at CDC
September 18, 2017Washington, DC – In a new report released today, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and his team outlined various criminal acts on the part of employees and consultants for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) whose questionable ethics and scientific fraud have resulted in untrustworthy vaccine safety science. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8776leg.php
Association of spontaneous abortion with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine containing H1N1pdm09 in 2010–11 and 2011–12
Vaccine Volume 35, Issue 40, 25 September 2017, Pages 5314–5322Abstract Introduction Inactivated influenza vaccine is recommended in any stage of pregnancy, but evidence of safety in early pregnancy is limited, including for vaccines containing A/H1N1pdm2009 (pH1N1) antigen. We sought to determine if receipt of vaccine containing pH1N1 was associated with spontaneous abortion (SAB). Methods ... Exposure was defined as vaccination with inactivated influenza vaccine before the SAB date; the primary exposure window was the 1–28 days before the SAB. ... Results The overall adjusted odds ratio (aOR) was 2.0 (95% CI, 1.1–3.6) for vaccine receipt in the 28-day exposure window; there was no association in other exposure windows. In season-specific analyses, the aOR in the 1–28 days was 3.7 (95% CI 1.4–9.4) in 2010–11 and 1.4 (95% CI 0.6–3.3) in 2011–12. The association was modified by influenza vaccination in the prior season (post hoc analysis). Among women who received pH1N1-containing vaccine in the previous influenza season, the aOR in the 1–28 days was 7.7 (95% CI 2.2–27.3); the aOR was 1.3 (95% CI 0.7–2.7) among women not vaccinated in the previous season. This effect modification was observed in each season. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8778.php
Odds of Vaccine Harm are One in a Million?
September 6, 2017... However, is this one in a million merely an idiom being used to convey the idea that the odds are very small, or is it truly a fact based on accurate and observable data? Read rest of original story here:
File# 8780.php
MoreRobert F. Kennedy Jr Drops Vaccine Truth Bomb Live On TV
April 24, 2017Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dropped a truth bomb live on TV this week, defying Big Pharma and corrupt mainstream media by sharing real facts about vaccine safety. Explaining to Tucker Carlson that this was only the second time he had ever been allowed to talk about vaccine safety on TV, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launched into a powerful attack on the vaccine industry, comparing it to a lawless mafia state. “The pharmaceutical industry is so powerful,” he explained. “They give $5.4 billion a year to the media. They’ve gotten rid of the lawyers, so there is no legal interest in those cases. They have really been able to control the debate and silence people like me.“ Read rest of original story here:
File# 8782leg.php
Sanofi quietly pulls the plug on its Zika vaccine project
September 2, 2017Vaccine giant Sanofi Pasteur has quietly pulled the plug on its Zika vaccine project, a move that underscores how difficult it may be at this stage to develop a vaccine against the virus. The company announced the move in a statement posted on its website at 3 p.m. Friday, pointing to a decision by a federal funding body to scale back spending on Zika-related research. Sanofi said BARDA — the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, an arm of the Department of Health and Human Services — informed the company in mid-August that it was reducing its financial assistance for Sanofi’s Zika vaccine project. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8784.php
Forced Vaccination Judged Unconstitutional in Colombia
August 30, 2017The Constitutional Court in Colombia recently ruled that mandating the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is unconstitutional. However, the precedent-setting judicial decision went beyond HPV vaccine mandates and affirmed the ethical principle of informed consent to medical risk taking. According to the Court, which is the highest judicial body tasked with interpreting that country’s Constitution, the state cannot make decisions regarding the bodily integrity of its citizens because to do so would violate human dignity. The Court stressed that decisions involving medical procedures should ultimately be made by patients themselves, not the government. It cautioned Colombia’s Ministry of Health that it “must obtain the informed consent [of patients] prior to administering the vaccine” to them.1 Read rest of original story here:
File# 8786leg.php
BOMBSHELL: UNICEF just finished vaccinating 355,000 children to halt a polio outbreak caused by vaccinating children in the first place
August 29, 2017(Natural News) UNICEF, the World Health Organization (WHO), and partner organizations have been hard at work administering the polio vaccine to over 355,000 young Syrian children. This urgent immunization program has been undertaken in response to an outbreak of “vaccine-derived polio” in parts of Syria wracked by violence. While these healthcare workers certainly demonstrate compassion and bravery, especially considering the environment they are being forced to work in, it defies logic that inflicting more vaccines on Syrian children is the best response to an outbreak that was caused by vaccines in the first place. Read rest of original story here: MORE:
File# 8788.php
How To Legally Avoid Unwanted Immunizations Of All Kinds
By Erin Elizabeth - March 12, 2016 (and Dr. Mercola)Read here:
File# 8790leg.php
One in 10 girls given HPV vaccine suffer ‘adverse’ reaction
April 13th 2016One in 10 young girls given the HPV (human papilloma virus) suffer an ‘adverse event’ within 40 days and some have such a serious reaction that they need treatment in hospital or an emergency ward, a new study has discovered. An allergic reaction is the most common adverse event, but the girls also suffer “other unusual events”, and rashes, pain and swelling, fevers, seizures or convulsions, or severe diarrhea. The extent of the reactions to the vaccine—designed to protect against cervical cancer—has been uncovered by Canadian researchers, who looked at what happened to 195,270 girls who had been given an average of three doses of the vaccine. Of these, 958 needed hospital treatment and 19,321 visited an emergency clinic within 42 days of immunization. The rates could be higher still, as the researchers were able to track only those cases where the girl went to hospital. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8792gar.php
Pharma Just Ripped Off Pro-Vaccine Advocates In India
When it comes to pro-vaccine organizations, it seems sometimes they eat their own. As is the case with India and the pneumonia vaccine, Prevnar 13, who pro-vaccine proponents want to disseminate on a mass level to Indian communities. But a less than philanthropic pharmaceutical company has their own interest as a priority, which has angered activists. According to Reuters, India has granted Pfizer, the maker of Prevnar 13, a patent on their pneumonia vaccine. And health groups are none too thrilled with a decision they claim will make the vaccine much harder to obtain. And they are correct in their rhetoric. India’s patent laws will prohibit any pharmaceutical company from creating cheaper versions of the vaccine. And this is a huge win for Pfizer. India leads the world in pneumonia deaths, that market could be worth billions, particularly if Pfizer doesn’t have to compete in terms of pricing. And then there is the fact that India supplies even poorer nations with vaccines and drugs. It’s a far reaching decision and one sure to come under further condemnation. The market cost of the vaccine is $170. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8794.php
School nurses intimidating and pressuring young girls to get the HPV vaccine jab, even resorting to BULLYING tactics
August 22, 2017(Natural News) The campaign group Alliance for Natural Health International (ANHI) recently claimed that schoolgirls who chose to opt out of human papillomavirus vaccination (HPV) were being subjected to pressure and bullying from nurses and school staff. According to the group, they have been receiving reports about tension between parents and school officials. The international organization also stressed that these types of bullying and intimidation are putting undue stress to children and their families. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8796gar.php
HPV deaths hidden by deliberate bad science, say researchers
August 22nd 2017Medical researchers have accused drug manufacturers and regulators of playing dirty tricks to conceal the real harm that is being done by the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccines given to adolescent girls. Deaths, permanent injuries and life-threatening reactions have been hidden, dismissed and minimized by scientists working for the vaccines' manufacturers. They've also played a scientific sleight of hand by adding aluminium (US: aluminum), a neurotoxin, to the placebo, so reducing the ratio of reported reactions to the actual vaccine. Yet, despite testing the vaccines against aluminium placebos, more young girls died after being vaccinated; 14 of the 2,881 who were vaccinated died afterwards compared to three given the placebo. And 3 per cent—or 212 girls—of the 7,071 given the highest dose of the HPV jab suffered a serious adverse reaction. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8798garsci.php
New FDA-approved Hepatitis B vaccine found to increase heart attack risk by 700%
August 11, 2017 (Natural News) A new FDA-approved Hepatitis B vaccine has been found to increase the risk of heart attacks by 700%, yet Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter ban any talk of vaccine dangers. There is a complete blackout of medical and scientific facts if they show vaccines to be anything less than magical, risk-less, medical utopian gifts to humanity. This new analysis comes from Dr. Jack Wolfson, a well-informed cardiologist practicing in Arizona who dares to speak out on the truth about vaccine risks. Here’s his report: Read rest of original story here:
File# 8800.php
Court: State can't vaccinate kids in temporary custody
Aug 15, 2017The Connecticut Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the state's child welfare agency cannot vaccinate children placed temporarily in its custody when the parents object. Justices said in the 7-0 decision that state law allows the Department of Children and Families to provide medical treatment to children in temporary state custody, but ruled that immunizing them against diseases does not constitute medical treatment. The ruling overturned a lower court decision that allowed DCF to vaccinate two young children in its care. The lower court ruling was put on hold pending the appeal to the Supreme Court. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8800leg.php
Lead Developer Of HPV Vaccines Comes Clean, Warns Parents & Young Girls It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam
Feb 11, 2016Dr. Diane Harper was a leading expert responsible for the Phase II and Phase III safety and effectiveness studies which secured the approval of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasil™ and Cervarix™. Dr. Harper also authored many of the published, scholarly papers about the vaccines. She is now the latest in a long string of experts who are pressing the red alert button on the devastating consequences and irrelevancy of these vaccines. Dr. Harper made her surprising confession at the 4th International Converence on Vaccination which took place in Reston, Virginia. Her speech, which was originally intended to promote the benefits of the vaccines, took a 180-degree turn when she chose instead to clean her conscience about the deadly vaccines so she “could sleep at night”. The following is an excerpt from a story by Sarah Cain: Read rest of original story here:
File# 8802gar.php
Biologics R Vaccines: Beware of “Informed Consent”
July 23, 2017When people go to a hospital, a health care clinic, or a doctor’s office, they are almost always given a written informed consent form to sign prior to receiving medical treatment. In recent years, these consent forms have begun to include statements asking the patient to agree to receive biologics. However, many people do not know what the term biologics means. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): "Biological products, or biologics are medical products. Many biologics are made from a variety of natural sources (human, animal or microorganism). Like drugs, some biologics are intended to treat diseases and medical conditions. Other biologics are used to prevent or diagnose diseases. Examples of biological products include vaccines, blood and blood products for transfusion and/or manufacturing into other products, allergenic extracts, which are used for both diagnosis and treatment (for example, allergy shots), human cells and tissues used for transplantation (for example, tendons, ligaments and bone), gene therapies, cellular therapies and tests to screen potential blood donors for infectious agents such as HIV." Read rest of original story here:
File# 8804rig.php
Epigenetics between the generations: Researchers prove that we inherit more than just genes
July 14, 2017 We are more than the sum of our genes. Epigenetic mechanisms modulated by environmental cues such as diet, disease or lifestyle take a major role in regulating the DNA by switching genes on and off. It has been long debated if epigenetic modifications accumulated throughout the entire life can cross the border of generations and be inherited to children or even grand children. Now researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg show robust evidence that not only the inherited DNA itself but also the inherited epigenetic instructions contribute in regulating gene expression in the offspring. Moreover, the new insights by the Lab of Nicola Iovino describe for the first time biological consequences of this inherited information. The study proves that mother's epigenetic memory is essential for the development and survival of the new generation. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8806sci.php
Class and Race Profiling in the Vaccine Culture War
7/17/2017 By Barbara Loe FisherThe Vaccine Culture War is heating up. Ground zero is America, Europe and other economically developed countries, where the pharmaceutical industrial complex is raising an iron fist to protect multi-billion dollar profits by disempowering the people. In America, professors and doctors in academia and government are profiling parents by class and race to shame and discredit those challenging vaccine orthodoxy. Elite members of the highest paid professions in our society are using academic journals and mainstream media to openly preach fear, hate, prejudice and discrimination against people who disagree with them about vaccination. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8808rig.php
Hiding Vaccine-Related Deaths With Semantic Sleight-of-Hand
July 18, 2017 By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.Vaccine scientists and the public health community cautiously and occasionally will admit that vaccines can cause adverse reactions just like “any other medication or biological product.” Although experts are less willing to openly disclose the fact that adverse reactions can and do include death, one has only to look at reports to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to see that mortality is a possible outcome. From 1990 through 2010, for example, VAERS received 1,881 reports of infant deaths following vaccination, representing 4.8% of the adverse events reported for infants over the 20-year period. Moreover, analysts acknowledge that VAERS, as a passive surveillance system, is subject to substantial underreporting. A federal government report from 2010 affirms that VAERS captures only about 1% of vaccine adverse reports. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8810.php
Toddler dies from mumps virus in MMR vaccine
January 18th 2017 (WDDTY)The MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine has been directly blamed for the death of a five-year-old boy in the UK. Doctors have confirmed that the boy died from a mumps virus in his brain, which came from the ‘live’ vaccine. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8812.php
FLASHPOINT: France Attempts Forced Vaccination on Unwilling Population
July 14th 2017Headlines were recently made announcing that the French government plans to make 11 vaccines compulsory for children, adding to the three-shot combination already mandatory (diphtheria, tetanus, and polio). Under the new jurisdiction, parents would be forced to follow the vaccination schedule. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8814rigleg.php
Allergy Shots are Vaccines?
by Marco Cáceres Published July 11, 2017I ran across a statement the other day which grabbed my attention. So much so that I felt I had to do some research on it. The statement, published on the website of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI), reads: “Allergy shots work like a vaccine.” The AAAAI explains: "Your body responds to injected amounts of a particular allergen, given in gradually increasing doses, by developing immunity or tolerance to the allergen." Read rest of original story here:
File# 8816sci.php
John Oliver, You’re Wrong on Vaccines
July 12, 2017 by Koren Wellness... How much pro-vaccine propaganda could you pack into one show? And all of it so horribly incorrect! Did big pharma re-program your brain? [Good summary of science rebutting a pro vaccine position.] Read rest of original story here:
File# 8818sci.php
California Nurse Gives Gardasil Vaccine to Own Daughter who Develops Leukemia and Dies
July 12, 2017 Health Impact NewsThe VAXXED team interviewed a mother in Long Beach, California, who is a nurse and was pro-vaccine. She explains that all her children were up-to-date on their vaccines before she gave her daughter the Gardasil vaccine at age 16. As a nurse, she routinely gave vaccines to patients at work, and never questioned these vaccines. She states that she was never taught about their side effects. [Note, this page has a collage of photos of gardasil damaged women and links to their stories.] Read rest of original story here:
File# 8820gar.php
Big Pharma Develop Vaccine To Stop Children Becoming Heroin Addicts
July 5, 2017A new vaccine designed to prevent people becoming addicted to heroin is set for human trials after successful trials in monkeys, with researchers claiming the new vaccination will occupy an important position in the already crowded vaccine schedule. The vaccine, which has been developed at the Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), blocks the “high” of heroin, and has been shown to be effective up to eight months after being administered, leading researchers to claim the new vaccine could completely eliminate heroin dependency if the vaccine is boosted regularly. A vaccine to prevent children becoming addicted to the “designer drug” Fentanyl is also in late-stage development, after being tested successfully on mice. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8822.php
Vaccine industry now pushing for vaccine “patches” that use 100 micro needles to administer toxic chemicals to your body
July 05, 2017 by: Amy Goodrich (Natural News) Every year, doctors, employers, schools, and health authorities recommend that children and adults get a flu shot. However, the influenza vaccine has been shown to be highly ineffective and toxic for humans. Over the past couple of years, the word has gone out and fewer than half of all Americans received the flu shot during the 2015-2016 season, reported the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Since an estimated three out of five Americans didn’t get their flu vaccination, the industry is on a mission to protect its cash cow by pushing new, painless vaccine patches on the people. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8824flusci.php
Which completely screwed up healthcare bill do you want?
by Jon Rappoport - July 4, 2017You can have Obamacare. Or you can take the current Republican re-do. Have you read it? Do you know exactly what’s in it? Of course not. I can tell you this. Every possible healthcare bill has the same flaw. It’s called death. I’ll explain in a moment. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8826.php
Doing the Math on Meningitis Vaccinations
July 3rd 2017 Written By: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.... With billions of dollars in annual revenue at stake, vaccine makers are pushing meningitis vaccine mandates across the country. Vaccine issues are always complex, but advocates of the meningitis mandate should consider some simple math. Meningococcal meningitis is exceedingly rare. There were only about 390 cases in the U.S. last year. In a population of 319 million, that adds up to one case in 817,949 people. There were only three meningococcal meningitis cases in Colorado last year — one resulting in death. The CDC has approved three vaccines targeting the A, C, Y and W135 strains of meningitis: Menactra, Menveo and Menomune, which still contains significant mercury concentrations in multi-dose vials. ... Thirty percent of the meningitis cases are the B strain, which typically occur in college-aged kids and against which the three vaccines [above & licensed] are completely ineffective. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8828legsci.php
Mass Protests in Italy Highlight Global Vaccination Agenda and the Resistance Movement
June 26, 2017 by Barbara Loe Fisher The Vaccine ReactionJune 2017 saw the biggest public demonstrations against forced vaccination held in Europe since the Victorian era, [1] as tens of thousands of Italians of all ages marched for vaccine freedom of choice in Rome, Florence, Milan, Bologna, Turin, Cagliani and other cities. [2] They marched in opposition to a May 19 decree endorsed by the government’s Health Minister and President mandating that school children receive multiple doses of 12 vaccines or be prohibited from attending school with fines of up to $7500 euro (about $9,700) assessed to non-compliant parents. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8830legrig.php
The North American Health Care System is BADLY broken…
June 2017Call To Action… And that’s the NEW FOCUS of The Bolen Report. We will be, not only talking about these problems, but solving them – because we can. We have the teams to do it. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8832.php
SB277 Litigation
June2017A Voice for Choice, Inc. is a named plaintiff in the Love vs. State of California lawsuit which questions the constitutionality of SB277. The suit was filed on April 4, 2017 in the Placer County Superior Court of the State of California. Read rest of original story here:
File# 8834legrig.php
WHO reports 2 polio clusters in the DRC, new details in Syria
Jun 13, 2017 by Lisa Schnirring | News Editor | CIDRAP NewsThe World Health Organization (WHO) today said two separate circulating vaccine-derived polio clusters have been detected in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as it also revealed new details about a similar outbreak in a conflict-ridden area of Syria. Health officials there are following up on 3 confirmed cases and 58 cases of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP). In other polio developments, global health leaders meeting in Atlanta yesterday doubled down on their commitment to eradicating the disease, with $1.2 billion more in funding pledges Read rest of story here:
File# 8836.php
Updated information regarding the vaccination situation in Germany
June 13, 2017Secretary European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance (EFVV) London, United Kingdom Jun 13, 2017 — Members of the EFVV (European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance), with representatives from 21 European countries, would like to update you on the situation in Germany, which up to now has been incorrectly reported in most newspapers. In brief, Germany has not imposed any fines on parents for failure to vaccinate, but intends to strengthen its existing 2015 regulations requiring parents to attend “vaccine consultations” with their paediatrician over the years of their child’s development. It is also intended that childcare facilities be asked to report parents who do not show their certificate proving that they have attended this meeting. Read rest of story here:
File# 8838legrig.php
Repeat Influenza Vaccination Yields Reduced Antibody Response
June 06, 2017Multiple vaccinations may not afford better protection against influenza viruses than fewer inoculations, according to an Australian study of vaccine responses in health care workers (HCWs) reported in Vaccine. Postvaccine protective antibody titers were highest in HCWs who were vaccinated fewer times. Read rest of story here:
File# 8840flusci.php
MoreJune 13, 2017 Study: Repeated Flu Shots Decrease Antibody Response – More Evidence that Annual Flu Shots are Worthless Victoria, Australia has mandated that children should see a doctor at least once a week to receive drugs and medical treatment without parental consent
June 11, 2017(Natural News) A $43.8 million (about $33 million U.S. Dollar) state-run initiative called “Doctors in Secondary Schools” has been rolled out in the state of Victoria, Australia. This program promises to “fund general practitioners (GPs) to attend up to 100 Victorian government secondary schools up to one day a week to provide medical advice and health care to those students most in need.” While the concept of providing free medical care for in-need teens sounds great on the surface, it has been met with a storm of controversy, for multiple reasons. Read rest of story here:
File# 8842legrig.php
15 innocent victims dead after botched vaccine campaign, children as young as 12 years old caught administering vaccines
June 08, 2017Natural News) A botched measles vaccination campaign has left 15 young children dead and dozens more sickened in the rural town of Kapoeta in South Sudan early last month. Government inquiry found that unsanitary and unsafe vaccination practice, which saw children as young as 12 years old administering the vaccines, caused the deaths of children under the age of five. Another 32 children were sickened with fever, diarrhea, and vomiting following the vaccination. The campaign, which vaccinated about 300 people, was carried out by the country’s Ministry of Health. The vaccines were provided by UNICEF, while funding and technical advice came from the World Health Organization (WHO). Read rest of story here:
File# 8844.php
Pro Vax Manifesto
I’ve been studying vaccines for a few years now. During that time several pro-vaxxers have done their best to convince me of the error of my ways. Many grow frustrated with me and inform me that I’m simple minded and stupid. It’s true that I wasn’t the quickest kid in the class. It’s taken me a long time to grasp what they’re saying, but I think I’ve finally got it. If you’re a pro-vaxxer, please let me know if I accurately represented your position. Thanks for your patience! [follows is along list of observations] Read rest of story here:
File# 8846.php
Italians Take to the Streets to Protest New Mandatory Vaccination Law
June 2017In an unprecedented way, the decree-law proposed by the Minister of Health has been signed by the sitting Italian president Sergio Mattarella. Only four vaccines were mandatory in Italy, now that number triples to 12. No other decree-law has moved so fast in the Italian legislative system, the reasons of such hurry are incomprehensible considering that the Istituto Superiore Di Sanità (the local version of the CDC) has declared that contrary to what stated in the decree itself there is no objective urgency. There are no epidemics, the number of cases of measles or meningitis in the current year have been substantially lower than the previous year. Thousands of parents have protested the new law this past June 3rd, protests and marches have taken place in 21 Italian cities spread across the nation. A national protest is scheduled for this Sunday June 11th. Read rest of story here:
File# 8848legrig.php
Texas lawmaker claims your child “belongs to the state” and can be forcibly vaccinated
May 29, 2017(Natural News) Lawmakers in Texas have been attempting to restructure many of the laws governing Child Protective Services in the state, since children have been falling through holes in the system and being permanently damaged in the process. One of the proposed bills under consideration is House Bill 39, introduced by Representative Gene Wu (D-Houston). This bill would push for children taken into the foster care system to receive medical examinations more quickly – within three days for those in urban areas, and within no more than seven days for those in rural areas. Read rest of story here:
File# 8850legrig.php
A Dozen Things We Can Do RIGHT NOW to Help Stop the Vaccine Holocaust
By Laura Hayes. May 31, 2017Every single week, without fail, there are tragic, heartbreaking stories of how vaccines have decimated or ended more lives. These stories are unending, they just keep coming. Yet, doctors and nurses, who have become some bizarre type of pre-programmed automatons, continue to vaccinate day in and day out, despite the evidence of harm in their patients. It is as though they are brain dead, the “Stepford Wives” of Big Pharma, incapable of connecting that which they are injecting to that which they are then seeing and treating in their patients. Instead of stopping, analyzing, and changing course, they blindly plow forward, wreaking unspeakable damage in the very ones they have taken an oath to not harm. Read rest of story here:
File# 8852.php
"You Can Never Really Say MMR Doesn't Cause Autism," Dr. Paul Offit
May 26, 2017Thanks to AofA's Nancy Hokkanen for this summation: "You can never really say 'MMR doesn’t cause autism,' but frankly when you get in front of the media, you better get used to saying it. Because otherwise people hear a door being left open, when a door shouldn't be left open." Read rest of story here:
File# 8854aut.php
Offit and His Critics (four parts)
April 20, 2017 by Richard P. MilnerNOTE: We're bringing you this series, re-crafted for 2017, by Richard P. Milner of Public Affairs Media during Autism Action Month. Dr. Paul Offit has led the charge against any and all in our community, doctors, scientists, parents, educators, film makers, who question vaccine safety. Paul Offit has for many years been the go-to-guy whenever the mainstream media looks for a sound bite on vaccination. By presenting him with no counter, they give the impression that he has no critics beyond a few “hysterical parents.” However, in our research and investigation we found that he has many. We interviewed Paul at his Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia office. Then transcribed the interview, and sent it out to a few of his critics, whose credentials and comments on his statements follow below. We also made a video, “Haley vs Offit: A Virtual Debate About Vaccines, The Greatest Medical Controversy Of Our Time,” viewable at Read rest of story here:
File# 8856sci.php
MorePart 2 Part 3 Part 4 Germany vaccination: UPDATED
Jun 13, 2017Updated information regarding the vaccination situation in Germany Secretary European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance (EFVV) London, United Kingdom un 13, 2017 — Members of the EFVV (European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance), with representatives from 21 European countries, would like to update you on the situation in Germany, which up to now has been incorrectly reported in most newspapers. In brief, Germany has not imposed any fines on parents for failure to vaccinate, but intends to strengthen its existing 2015 regulations requiring parents to attend “vaccine consultations” with their paediatrician over the years of their child’s development. It is also intended that childcare facilities be asked to report parents who do not show their certificate proving that they have attended this meeting. Link to Updated article ------- Original Article ... ----- Parents in Germany who fail to seek medical advice on vaccinating their children could face fines ... . Health Minister Hermann Gröhe said it was necessary to tighten the law because of a measles epidemic. Read rest of Original story here:
File# 8858legrig.php
Gardasil did it/Fue el Gardasil
Published on May 25, 2017[Spanish with English subtitles.] Gardasil is shattering and ending young lives around the world. These interviews show the testimonies of victims of the HPV vaccine and the damage caused by it, accompanied by a song especially composed for this documentary. El Gardasil está destruyendo y acabando con la vida de jóvenes por todo el mundo. Estas entrevistas muestran los testimonios de las víctimas de la vacuna contra el VPH y el daño causado por la misma, acompañadas de música, especialmente compuesta para este documental. View Video here:
File# 8860garleg.php
Mandatory vaccinations will become law for schoolchildren in Italy
May 24, 2017(Natural News) The plague of forced vaccination has spread: After striking Australia, the call to mandate immunizations has made its way to Italy. Beatrice Lorenzin, Italy’s Health Minister has declared that any children that do not have “appropriate” vaccinations will no longer be allowed to attend state-funded schools. Read rest of story here:
File# 8861leg.php
Measles outbreaks caused by suppressed immune systems, not “anti-vaxxers,” finds intriguing air pollution study
May 22, 2017 by: Amy Goodrich ... The new study published in the journal Read rest of story here:
File# 8862sci.php
Zinc lozenges proven to greatly speed recovery from colds and flu by 300%
May 22, 2017 by: Earl Garcia (Natural News) Zinc acetate lozenges were found to effectively accelerate recovery from common colds, according to a recent analysis published in Open Forum Infectious Diseases. Read rest of story here:
File# 8864flu.php
'I would rather be dead than like this': Teenager's agony as she is left wheelchair-bound and feeling like an '80-year-old' as her parents claim controversial HPV vaccine is to blame
10 May 2017 By Daisy Dunne For MailonlineHeartbroken Anthea Beattie, 49, says Zara is an '80-year-old in a teenager's body' and is convinced her ill health is due to the jab, which protects against cervical cancer. The sporty schoolgirl, once a promising footballer and netball player, began struggling for breath in a PE lesson in January last year shortly after she had been given the vaccine. Read rest of story here:
File# 8866gar.php
Why isn’t there a medical Edward Snowden?
by Jon Rappoport May 4, 2017The US press is aware that medically caused death is the third leading cause of death in America. But nothing happens in their elite corner of the “information age.” For years, I’ve been pointing out that the medical apparatus is best-protected structure in the US and the world. One piece of evidence for that statement: we haven’t had, symbolically speaking, a medical Edward Snowden. Indeed, if you go to WikiLeaks or some other source that routinely exposes leaks, you’ll be hard pressed to find anything substantial about the inner workings of what I call the medical cartel. And when I say inner workings, I mean memos, emails, and other documents that irrevocably reveal: * How medical studies are routinely twisted and cooked to achieve a predetermined outcome in contradiction to the facts; Read rest of story here:
File# 8866.php
How Flawed Science Is Undermining Good Medicine
April 6, 2017A surprising medical finding caught the eye of NPR's veteran science correspondent Richard Harris in 2014. A scientist from the drug company Amgen had reviewed the results of 53 studies that were originally thought to be highly promising — findings likely to lead to important new drugs. But when the Amgen scientist tried to replicate those promising results, in most cases he couldn't. "He tried to reproduce them all," Harris tells Morning Edition host David Greene. "And of those 53, he found he could only reproduce six." That was "a real eye-opener," says Harris, whose new book Rigor Mortis: How Sloppy Science Creates Worthless Cures, Crushes Hope, and Wastes Billions explores the ways even some talented scientists go wrong — pushed by tight funding, competition and other constraints to move too quickly and sloppily to produce useful results. Read rest of story here:
File# 8868sci.php
Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker?
Posted by Celeste McGovern on May 4, 2017... A pilot study of 666 homeschooled six to 12-year-olds from four American states published on April 27th in the Journal of Translational Sciences, compared 261 unvaccinated children with 405 partially or fully vaccinated children, and assessed their overall health based on their mothers' reports of vaccinations and physician-diagnosed illnesses. What it found about increases in immune-mediated diseases like allergies and neurodevelopmental diseases including autism, should make all parents think twice before they ever vaccinate again: Read rest of story here:
File# 8870sci.php
More:Preterm birth, vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders: a cross-sectional study of 6- to 12-year-old vaccinated and unvaccinated children by Anthony R Mawson |Azad Bhuiyan | Binu Jacob | Brian D Ray Abstract,-vaccination-and-neurodevelopmental-disorders-a-cross-sectional-study-of-6-to-12-year-old-vaccinated-and-unvaccinated-children.php Diabolically dishonest: Lewin Group’s MMR-Autism sibling study
BY J.B. HANDLEY February 8, 2017FALLS CHURCH, Virginia — Three months ago, the prospects that the first study ever done comparing the health outcomes (both chronic and acute) of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children would be published were looking very, very good. A study from Jackson State University had been accepted by a prestigious journal, , had passed peer-review, and was days away from being published. As is customary, Frontiers posted an abstract of the study online alerting readers that the study was on its way, and that’s when all hell broke loose. Read rest of story here:
File# 8872sci.php
No Historical Benefit in Vaccines: Polish Study
May 21st 2013The evidence continues to mount. That vaccines are doing a great deal of harm is well beyond denying. Worse, though, the evidence that vaccines have had little or no effect on infectious diseases is clear, as documented in new graphs. The precautionary principle, which is enshrined in a UN directive, should have been implemented before vaccines were ever routinely injected. Read rest of story here:
File# 8874sci.php
The Occult Archetype Called Vaccination
April 21st 2017 Written By: Jon RappoportIn many past articles, I’ve taken apart the so-called science of vaccines and shown how deceptive it is. Here I take another approach: examining the archetypes and symbols that surround vaccination and give it occult power. Read rest of story here:
File# 8876.php
Thousands damaged by shingles vaccine are trying to sue Merck
April 27, 2017 (Natural News) What was supposed to be a cure for shingles has brought on worse complications. Thousands have attempted to file lawsuits against American pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. for problems associated with their product Zostavax. In an interview with, Troy Bouk, Associate Attorney at the Levin Papantonio law firm, stated that the side effects of the shingles vaccine included meningitis, encephalitis, stroke, palsy, and many others. According to Bouk, these side effects are all features of shingles—and with the vaccine created from a live strain of the virus, it’s no wonder that Zostavax has caused people to experience these conditions. Read rest of story here: More Shingles Vaccine Dangers Exposed In FDA Letter to Merck
File# 8878leg.php
Johns Hopkins study suggests medical errors are
third-leading cause of death in U.S.
May 3, 2016Analyzing medical death rate data over an eight-year period, Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S. Their figure, published May 3 in The BMJ, surpasses the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's third leading cause of death—respiratory disease, which kills close to 150,000 people per year. Read rest of story here:
File# 8880.php
MORECite : BMJ 2016;353:i2139 Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the US | The BMJ Honest physicians prove that “Evidence Based Medicine” is a fraud!
Posted on March 12, 2016 By AL WhitneyIt is important to understand that whenever you cross the threshold into any health care facility (that accepts insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid) you will be subjected to treatment regimes known as Evidence Based Medicine. Sounds reassuring, doesn’t it? Unfortunately like all corporate spin used today, the terms are intended to sound good and conceal the truth at the same time. Retired heart surgeon Dr. Donald Miller, Jr. explained what Evidence Based Medicine is and how it has slithered its way into health care in America in an important article called Modern Medicine at the Crossroads that was published in The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons in the Fall of 2015. Here are some important excerpts: ... State-sanctioned paradigms in the biomedical sciences that have gained the status of dogma and are not to be questioned include: a) cholesterol and saturated fats cause coronary artery disease b) mutations in genes cause cancer c) a retrovirus called HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) d) vaccines are safe and effective Read rest of story here:
File# 8882.php
A Measles Death, Vaccines, and the Media’s Failure to Inform
by Jeremy R. Hammond | Jul 5, 2015Last week, it was widely reported in the mainstream media that the autopsy of a woman who died of pneumonia earlier this year in the state of Washington found that she had been infected with measles, making this the first confirmed case of measles-related death in the US since 2003. Playing its usual role, the mainstream media is up in arms, blaming the death on parents who choose not to vaccinate their children and telling parents that to not vaccinate is irresponsible. Rather than journalists doing their job by asking hard questions about public policy and seeking out the answers, they choose to act as nothing more than a mouthpiece for government health departments and dutifully tow the official line on vaccine policy. [Editor's Note/warning: Graphs in this article with a label on the right side vertical axis labled Deaths/1000 cases should be labled Deaths/1000 REPORTED cases or even better Deaths/10,000 live births. Read rest of story here:
File# 8884sci.php
Vaccine Vendors’ Greed Gone Viral
17 April 2017 Cover Story (edition of Outlook India Magazine)Immunisation is a nexus controlled by big private vaccine makers, mostly foreign, that decides your baby gets 15 shots more for the doctor to make money. Even if the vaccine is useless—not to talk of the huge mark-ups. There is no vaccine against the venal mind. No immunisation ever invented gives us a complete coat of armour. The law is only good enough to catch the more obvious type of visible corruption. When it’s raised to a more abstract and institutionalised level, where it forms the very operating logic of a system that surrounds you with good words, it simply becomes the natural order of things. But once in a while, a crack develops in the consensus and the light filters through. The evening of January 20, when the lonely dissenting voice of Dr Vipin Vashishtha was sought to be banished by the Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP), was one such moment. What showed through in that light was the entire unholy architecture of India’s immunisation programme. The evening did not go well for Dr Vashishtha, ex-convenor of the academy. In the late hours, his fellow members had him thrown out unceremoniously from the IAP general body meeting. The reason: Dr Vashishtha had blown the whistle on the silent collusion of interests between paediatricians and vaccine manufacturing companies. It’s a nexus that enables these companies—Indian and multinational—to push expensive vaccines into the market, some of them not even answering to a real need. The market is worth thousands of crores, and booming. And doctors make unwarranted profits in the process, at the cost of the unknowing public. The Indian Academy of Paediatricians decides which vaccines are to be introduced—all private doctors go by its charter. And the nexus begins right there. The IAP, the nodal private sector body, directly influences 10-15 per cent of all immunisation in India—and though that makes it seem limited in scope, this is only in terms of volumes. In value terms, the market is almost as big as the state-run immunisation programme. And the IAP’s charter of immunisation, followed by all private paediatricians, exists like a quasi-official model of healthcare to be aspired to by everyone. Immunisation via the public health agencies is a more regulated territory, but still the creeping influence on it is not hard to divine—this is because the overarching coalition of global interests that pulls the strings from remote boardrooms is the same on the public as well as private sector. Read rest of story here:
File# 8886.php
‘Free’ Vaccines Aren’t Free Of The Foreign Hand
17 April 2017 (edition of Outlook India Magazine)The perils of India’s growing dependence on vaccine imports and private manufacturers How many vaccines does a newborn need? Does a child need vaccination regardless of how minor the ailment or rare the disease? Even doctors don’t offer a clear answer. More than 85 per cent of the total vaccines sold in India are administered through state-run programmes under the central government’s Universal Immunisation Programme (UIP). Aiming to immunise all newborn children, the programme started off with six essential vaccines and, over the past few years, introduced three more—rotavirus, Pentavalent and pneumococcal vaccines—while the mumps vaccine is in the process of being added. Battling overstretched resources and poor coverage, the programme has also drawn flak for yielding to the influence of international bodies, leading to certain vaccines being introduced that allegedly don’t match the profile of immunisation needs on the ground. For instance, every year, five lakh children die due to vaccine-preventable diseases and another 89 lakh are at risk, because they are either unimmunised or partially immunised. So is public money being spent for private profit through the welfare-oriented, ‘free’ immunisation programme? “The UIP is funded by taxpayers’ money, so when any vaccine is introduced for mass immunisation, it has to be proved that the disease burden (spread of the disease) and the vaccine’s quality actually call for rolling out a state- or nation-wide programme for it,” says Dr Jacob Puliyel, head of paediatrics at St Stephens Hospital in Delhi and a member of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (NTAGI). Half of the 40 members of the WHO committee that changed the protocol for adverse effects following immunisation represented vaccine-manufacturing firms. Read rest of story here:
File# 8888.php
The Zika Fraud Is Just Another Pharma Scare
April 11, 2017 By Dr. MercolaIn October 2015, Brazil experienced an unusual increase in the number of babies born with microcephaly, a neurological condition in which the baby's head size is much smaller than normal. The increase was reportedly linked to Zika virus, a mosquito-borne disease that typically causes only mild symptoms or, in 1 out of 4 people affected, no symptoms at all. Read rest of story here:
File# 8890.php
Vaccination and the Growing Rates of Childhood Food Allergies
April 7, 2017 NVICWe all know of someone that has a food allergy because it has become such a common condition that people suffer from, particularly children. According to the non-profit organization Food Allergy Research and Education, researchers estimate that 15 million Americans suffer from food allergies. Approximately 9 million adults and 6 million children have food allergies.1 These figures highlight that food allergies are a growing public health concern. Read rest of story here:
File# 8892.php
Autism Symptoms in Pets Rise as Pet Vaccination Rates Rise
NVIC April 8, 2017 Just as the incidence of Autism-Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) has risen alarmingly in children over the last half century, there is evidence that similar behavioral disorders have been observed in pets, most widely reported among pet dogs. It is too early for mainstream veterinary authorities to confidently confirm that dogs can develop autism, but there are numerous reports of behavior patterns in pets that mirror autism behavior in children. Studies are underway to evaluate the possibility that animals can become autistic.1 Read rest of story here:
File# 8894aut.php
Of dirty medicine and double-standards
April 2017Last night I went to a screening at London’s Curzon Soho of the film JUST ONE DROP (, a great new film about homeopathy, which miraculously didn’t get banned or trolled. This professional, eight-year effort attempted to be quite even-handed, while featuring many compelling and documented success stories. Read rest of story here:
File# 8896.php
Top 5 INSANE ingredients in today’s vaccines that serve no purpose except to endanger the lives of those foolish enough to get injected
April 05, 2017... #1. Infected African green monkey kidney “vero” cells ... #2. Deadly pig (porcine) circo-virus types 1 and 2 ... #3. Aborted “human diploid” fetal cells (from abortions) ... #4. E. coli ... #5. Army worm ovary cells ... Read rest of story here:
File# 8898.php
Vaccines linked to neurological problems such as ADHD and OCD, scientists confirm
April 5th 2017 in ADHD, Flu from WDDTYVaccines such as the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella), and especially the annual flu shot, are linked to a range of neuro-psychiatric conditions, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), ADHD, bipolar and major depression, a new study has discovered. Read rest of story here:
File# 8900.php
Here's Why Infant Mortality Is So High In The US
Oct. 20, 2014A recent working paper from the National Bureau for Economic Research suggests that high infant mortality in the US is a problem that disproportionately affects poor women with infants who are between a month and a year old. Infant mortality rates in the US are 3 deaths per 1000 greater than in Scandinavia, and the reasons for that are still not very well understood. The authors of this study looked at microdata from the US, Finland, and Austria, and found that the differences in infant mortality between the US and the two European countries are almost entirely accounted for by looking at infant deaths between the first month and the first year after birth. Read rest of story here:
File# 8902.php
Merck in hot water over dangerous shingles vaccine that caused numerous injuries, deaths
April 04, 2017(Natural News) Commercials for the jab showing happy people free of shingles are a common feature of television advertising. But Merck & Co’s “Zosatavax” vaccine to prevent varicella, the adult version of chickenpox, is causing the international drug giant some serious headaches after numerous people who got the shot suffered injuries and/or death. Multiple lawsuits are making their way through the court system alleging that Merck’s blockbuster vaccine for shingles isn’t safe, and could cause serious adverse effects. Plaintiffs in the state of Pennsylvania, and elsewhere, allege that Zostavax isn’t safe, and are taking to both the state and federal court system to seek justice. Read rest of story here:
File# 8904leg.php
President Donald J. Trump Proclaims April 2, 2017 as World Autism Awareness Day
March 31, 2017
On World Autism Awareness Day, we highlight the importance of addressing the causes and improving the treatments for autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Read rest of story here:
File# 8906.php
Grand deception in virus and disease research
by Jon Rappoport March 31, 2017Public health officials usually fail to announce their reasons for claiming a particular virus causes a particular disease; they make those claims in an arbitrary authoritarian fashion. In this article, I’m going to describe two vital steps in the process of proving a virus causes a disease. There are more steps, but these two will highlight a gaping problem. Read rest of story here:
File# 8908.php
BREAKING: CDC confirms Natural News 100% CORRECT on report of African Green Monkey kidney cells used in vaccines
March 09, 2017 by: Mike Adams ... First, a CDC document titled “Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary” lists all the vaccine excipient ingredients found in CDC-approved vaccines. The URL for this document is: Read rest of story here:
File# 8910.php
For more information on Monkey Kidney cells (VERO), see this article: Why Are Nurses and Healthcare Workers Across the U.S. Refusing Mandatory Flu Vaccines?
Claire Dwoskin, Founder, Childrens Medical Safety Research InstituteThe Truth Behind Flu Shot Mandates for Healthcare Workers Special to Health Impact News When you are sick, injured or just need a check-up, you trust that your doctor is giving you valid, conflict-free, evidence-based advice on what is best for your health. The last thing you want to believe is that your doctor is putting a drug company’s interests, or their own, over your health. What if you discovered that the flu vaccine, or any vaccine, is being given to you or your child without your consent or knowledge, or to a loved one in the hospital at a time when it is contraindicated for his or her condition? What if you learned that your health care providers were, themselves, force-vaccinated against their better judgement just to stay employed? What if these policies were ultimately driven by financial incentives for those who make and enforce them? The following answers, interspersed with personal stories I have heard directly from parents, patients and healthcare workers, will have you questioning the next time you are faced with vaccine decisions. Protecting your loved ones and your right to informed consent when it comes to any medical procedure that carries with it the risk of injury or death depends on YOU doing your own research. An informed and educated healthcare consumer is the best protection against becoming a statistic in the epidemic of eroding national health. Read rest of story here:
File# 8912fluleg.php
Vaccines: What is there to be "Pro" About? Laura Hayes to Weston A. Price Foundation Conference
Nov. 10th-14th, 2016).... Topics covered at this year's conference ran the gamut from Characteristics of Healthy Diets, to Teaming with Nature for Chemical-Free Yards and Nutrient-Dense Vegetables, to Our Seniors: Dumping Ground for Drugs?, to Mercury Amalgam Detoxification, to Restoring the Family Farm, all-day Vaccination Track with 4 speakers! Read rest of story or view video here:
File# 8914.php
More:Rarely Asked Questions 38 questions adapted from “Vaccines: What’s There To Be “Pro” About?” By Laura Hayes How Much Is Taught on Vaccines In Medical School? (Text + Video)
March 22, 2017Six doctors who have administered vaccines in their practice answer one question. When you were in medical school, how much education regarding vaccines was provided before you were permitted to administer them? The only thing we learned in school was that there was a program today and that we should follow that vaccine program. As for the vaccine itself and the contents in the vaccines, no we didn’t study that. We assumed that what the pharmaceutical [companies], what they did and the CDC accepted, that that’s the way it is. We got a lot of microbiology, we learned about diseases, and we learned that vaccines were the solution to those diseases, what they say are “vaccine-preventable”… that’s certainly the term used in my world. But actually what was in the vaccines I don’t remember really learning anything. Read rest of story here:
File# 8916.php
FDA approved Gardasil 9: Malfeasance or Stupidity?
December 17, 2014Malfeasance is when a public official violates the public trust by performing an act that is wrongful, legally unjustified, or contrary to law. Nonfeasance is the failure to act where there is a duty to act. Misfeasance is conduct that is lawful but inappropriate. Perhaps, when it comes to the recent approval of Gardasil 9 all of these apply. 10 December 2014: The FDA approved the use of a reportedly ’new and improved’ version of Gardasil, which will be marketed as Gardasil 9. According to the FDA approval letter, this action was taken without consultation with VRBPAC (the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee) which is responsible for reviewing and evaluating data concerning the safety, effectiveness, and appropriate use of vaccines and related biological products. Read rest of story here:
File# 8918garscileg.php
Spokane Mumps Excluded Parents pushing back- video
SRHD Board of Health, February 23, 2017Spokane [Washington State, USA] Mumps Excluded Parents pushing back- video Parents attended and presented at a health department board meeting. The board is composed of various community members, not all medical people, and not totally under pHarma's control. The parents were persuasive enough to get the board to try to explore overriding the County Health Officer in a special meeting. Parent Testimony & questions approximately first 32 minutes, then additional board discussion remainder of video. Health people are scrambling to control the narrative. However, only 8 are non-vaccinated out of 265 cases, only 4 of those are K-12 school age. County won't confirm if they are all public school students, perhaps only 2 of the non-vaccinated are. 30 schools in 4 districts are involved. This outbreak can NOT be attributed to exempt students. Watch Video of meeting here:
File# 8920.php
Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Arranged for Chinese Vaccine Makers to Avoid U.S. Scrutiny, World Health Organization Report Reveals
October 19, 2016 If it wasn’t bad enough that vaccines are still made with toxic controversial ingredients such as thimerosal, many are about to be manufactured in China with no oversight from other countries. Because of a recent classification change, Chinese manufactured vaccines have been given the greenlight to be shipped in bulk to as many as 152 low and middle-income countries and can now bypass any inspection from any other country, including the U.S. — all because of the work of the Clinton Foundation. The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that vaccines will be pre-qualified, meaning they are so “confident in the quality, safety and effectiveness of vaccines that are made in China” that other countries will no longer test them for safety. Read rest of story here:
File# 8922.php
Author exposes the “Vaccine Deep State” … a massive criminal fraud and embezzlement ring inside the CDC
March 14, 2017(Natural News) One of the most explosive books you’ll ever read that documents the shocking criminal enterprise known as the CDC — including details of fraud, cover-ups and embezzlement — is called Master Manipulator – The Explosive True Story of Fraud Embezzlement and Government Betrayal at the CDC by James Ottar Grundvig. You can find the book at this Barnes & Noble Read rest of story here:
File# 8924scileg.php
Back to School Shots: How Your Child is Being Programmed
August 11, 2016 Many parents already know that it is common practice for health departments, schools, and insurance companies to offer prizes to children and their families for being vaccinated. These programs have been implemented across the country and are designed to boost vaccination rates, rather than protect children’s health. Prizes are also offered to health care providers who increase their immunization rates and fully immunize babies and toddlers within their practices. However, parents may be surprised to learn about, later in this article, the massive amounts of money some doctors receive as bonus payments for vaccinating young patients. This article is a must-read for all parents, whether or not you have a child who will be resuming traditional school in the fall. Read rest of story here:
File# 8926.php
Vaccine Test Results
8 Feb. 2017First results of vaccine investigations Translated by Erwin Alber from the German original Erste Ergebnisse der Impfstoffuntersuchungen published in Hans Tolzin’s newsletter impf report (ht) In 2016, several thousand euros were donated to the non-profit association AGBUG e. V. for the investigation of the contents of currently used vaccines. We would like to thank all those who have contributed to this. The first assessment on 8 Feb. 2017: Read rest of story here:
File# 8928sci.php
Primary Ovarian Failure and HPV Vaccine
Mar 6, 2017Dr. Orit Hamiel of Sheba Medical Center in Israel discusses HPV vaccination and subsequent primary ovarian failure, alternatively known as primary or premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), premature ovarian failure (POF) or diminished ovarian reserve (DOR). All these are names for a condition that causes women to experience menopause earlier in life than normal. About half of all women will experience menopause between the ages of 50 and 60, but menopause before the age of 40 is considered premature. Read rest of story here:
File# 8930garsci.php
CDC Foundation accepts millions of dollars from vaccine manufacturers
March 07, 2017Natural News) The Centers For Disease Control often places a disclaimer on their recommendations that reads, “CDC, our planners, and our content experts wish to disclose they have no financial interests or other relationships with the manufacturers of commercial products . . . CDC does not accept commercial support.” This would lead many to believe that the CDC is not prey to industry whimsy and does not receive money from the very companies we the people try so desperately to protect ourselves against. Unfortunately, this disclaimer is something of a fallacy: the CDC does receive money from corporations, and they get it from just about every major corporation in the country. You may be wondering, “how do they get away with that?” but the answer simple: through their very own foundation that was even approved by Congress. On the CDC Foundation website, it states that the organization’s purpose is to forge “effective partnerships between the CDC and others,” but what it is does not say is that those “others” often have interests that don’t include human health. The foundation also describes itself as more a “liaison” between the CDC and the private sector, which is equally disturbing. (Related: Learn more about the CDC’s wrongdoings at During the 2016 fiscal year alone, the CDC Foundation raised over $42 million. The donor list for that year includes dozens of corporations, but some of the more notable ones include Bayer Corporation, Cargill, Inc., The Coca Cola Company, Genzyme Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Pfizer Foundation, United Industries Corporation, and countless others The list of partners listed on their website is even more depressing. The list of the CDC Foundation’s corporate partners is replete pharmaceutical companies, insurance providers, pesticide manufacturers and biotechnology companies. And in spite of their involvement with the foundation — and indirectly, the CDC itself — we’re supposed to believe that even in the face of financial provisions and other resources, the CDC, which is a federal agency, is free of industry influence? Read rest of story here:
File# 8932leg.php
VACCINE STUDY: Peer-reviewed study shows vaccinated children have a 700% higher chance of neurodevelopmental disorder
March 07, 2017(Natural News) On Valentine’s Day, a 34-page study that illustrated some of the harmful effects of vaccination was made available for viewing online. Six hours later, the URL had vanished, and the study was seemingly erased from the depths of the internet — likely in the hopes that the “controversial” information it contained would be forgotten. Read rest of story here:
File# 8934.php
New Kid On The Block: IL-17a
May 14, 2016An important new paper (January 2016) by Choi et al. in the well-known journal Science provides valuable new information about how IL-6 causes autism. This paper reports that IL-6 causes autism by inducing production of the cytokine IL-17a. Paper (Choi):The maternal interleukin-17a pathway in mice promotes autismlike phenotypes in offspring In biochemistry and biology, there are “signalling pathways” that have multiple steps connected in a chain. There can be many steps in a signaling pathway. Cytokines often act this way. So, when we say that “IL-6 causes autism”, it could mean that IL-6 acts directly, or that the IL-6 triggers something else that causes autism. The new discovery is that IL-17a acts downstream of IL-6 to cause autism. In other words, IL-17a production is an intermediate step between IL-6 production and autism. So, Choi et al provides both a confirmation and extension of IL-6-autism causality. No wonder this paper was published in one of the most important scientific journals in the world. Read rest of story here:
File# 8936autsci.php
Is There Objective Evidence that the Current HPV Vaccination Programs are not Justified?
Mar 1, 2017University of British Columbia post-doctoral fellow and biochemist Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic reviews the data to determine the justification or lack of justification for immunization programs targeting human papilloma virus (HPV), which causes over 90% of cervical cancers. In doing so, Dr. Tomljenovic addresses two questions: What is the evidence that the HPV vaccine prevents cervical cancer and can therefore offer long-term clinical benefit? And what is the nature and incidence of HPV-related adverse events? Read rest of story here:
File# 8938gar.php
Cervical Cancer Deaths in US Higher Than Previously Estimated
January 25, 2017Mortality rates from cervical cancer in the Unites States have been seriously underestimated in the past because they were not corrected by including among the data a history of hysterectomy, say researchers. A new study that uses estimates corrected for a history of hysterectomy, published online January 23 in Cancer, has found that the risk of black women dying from cervical cancer is 77% higher than previously reported. For white women, the risk for death from the same disease is 47% higher. Read rest of story here:
File# 8940garsci.php
Vaccine Damage Awareness “Empty Stroller Walk” March 5, 2017
Catherine Frompovich Vaccines March 2, 2017 The most horrible experience any parent, and even a grandparent, can experience is the death of a beloved child, especially an infant and toddler. The death is even more overwhelming when one realizes the child had succumbed following a vaccine or series of vaccinations given at ‘well baby’ visits, a time when pediatricians push vaccines. Too many infants, toddlers and children of all ages experience extremely serious adverse reactions to vaccines, which the medical profession says are “coincidental” and “hushed up.” Read rest of story here:
File# 8942.php
Flu Vaccine Increases Your Risk of the Flu
February 27, 2017 by Frank Shallenberger, MD Flu season is almost over. While the propaganda around the flu vaccine continues, the science behind the shots tells us how off the propaganda is. Let me warn you, if you're a fan of flu vaccines, you are probably not going to like what this new study has to say. The authors of the study were reporting specifically on the effectiveness of the flu vaccine in the years 2012 to 2015. To do the study, they looked at 1,930 men and women who came down with the flu during those years and how effectively the flu vaccine worked for them. Out of this group, 815 (42%) of them tested positive for the flu. Of these, 72% tested positive for influenza A and 28% for influenza B. According to the authors, "Virtually all influenza A cases involved the subtype virus known as H3N2." And they went on to report that the vaccine efficacy or VE for this virus was -16%. So, what exactly does that mean? Vaccine efficacy (VE) is the percentage of a reduction in a disease in a vaccinated group of people compared to an unvaccinated group. A VE of 100% would mean that the vaccine prevented the disease in 100% of those who got the vaccine. But what in the world does a negative VE like -16% mean? Believe it or not, it means that those men and women who had the vaccine were 16% more likely to get the flu than those who refused the vaccine. In other words, a negative VE is not a good thing for a vaccine to have. But hang on, there's more to talk about. For example, what happens to the flu vaccine VE if you get the vaccine year after year? Hold on to your hats. Read rest of story here:
File# 8944flu.php
Dead Doctor’s Research Expanded: Natural Cures Seen for Autism and Cancer
February 28, 2017 by John P. Thomas - Health Impact NewsResearch on Treating Autism and Cancer with the Ketogenic Diet Bravo and Rerum When Dr. Jeff Bradstreet unexpectedly and tragically died in the spring of 2015, many of us wondered what would happen to the research he was doing with GcMAF, Goleic, and Bravo yogurt, which he was using to help children with autism. To my great pleasure, I am pleased to report that the research has continued and treatment options have been expanded. We are now seeing even more powerful results for the treatment of autism, cancer, chronic Lyme, chronic fatigue syndrome, and various neurodegenerative diseases.Read rest of story here:
File# 8946aut.php
Japan: HPV vaccine on trial for its horrifying side effects
February 28, 2017(Natural News) Since last July, a total of 119 young girls and women in Japan have filed lawsuits against both the Japanese government and the two manufacturers of vaccines for human papillomavirus (HPV), GlaxoSmithKline PLC (GSK) and Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. According to the suits, the companies’ respective HPV vaccines, Cervarix and Gardasil, caused the women to suffer serious side effects, for which they are now seeking damages. Some of the latest suits include 28 cases in which women ranging in age from 15 to 22 developed major health conditions like chronic pain all over their bodies, impaired mobility, severe menstrual pain, and other problems following the series of vaccines. These women are suing not only the vaccine manufacturers for producing the deadly jabs, but also the Japanese government for approving them without proper vetting. ... Nearly 3,000 Japanese women have reported side effects from HPV vaccines since they were first recommended — then two months later un-recommended — in 2013 Read rest of story here:
File# 8948leg.php
Vaccine Safety Commission: 50 studies the AAP failed to send President Trump
February 27, 2017(Natural News) A new organization launched this morning calling themselves “Vaccine Safety Commission”, a nonprofit organization that was formed by “concerned scientists, doctors, journalists, and parents.” For now, the group has chosen to remain anonymous, but I certainly hope that changes soon. The group has no formal affiliation to either Robert F. Kennedy or President Trump, but wholeheartedly endorses the formation of a Vaccine Safety Commission, and claims to be actively seeking additional members. (Article by J.B. Handley, Jr., republished in part from In my opinion, we are in the dark ages of having honest conversations about vaccine injury where truth-tellers are still routinely destroyed, and I hope this group is another step in the right direction towards honest dialogue. Consider the case just this week of science journalist and Harvard educated Mish Michaels: Read rest of story here:
File# 8950.php
Did Chinese scientists find autism’s missing puzzle piece?
BY J.B. HANDLEY February 22, 2017Scientists appear to be far closer to explaining the mechanisms of action within the body that cause autism. Most of the research that has created this understanding has been published in the last 36 months, and largely from international scientists in Canada, France, Israel, and China. Four clear, replicable, and related discoveries explaining how autism is triggered are forming an undeniably clear picture of autism’s causation, and possibly ways to alleviate the symptoms, too. [Many quotes about toxicity of aluminum and infections.] Read rest of story here:
File# 8952sci.php
CDC study accidentally finds that Thimerosal (mercury) remains in the body far longer than previously believed
February 23, 201Natural News) A new study conducted by two scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has refuted the agency’s own longstanding claims that the controversial vaccine ingredient thimerosal is relatively harmless and is flushed quickly from the body. The findings were published in Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. “This scientific paper is … one of [the] most important pieces of research to come out of the CDC in a decade,” pediatrician Paul Thomas said. “It confirms what so many already suspected: that public health officials have been making a terrible mistake in recommending that we expose babies and pregnant women to this neurotoxin. I regret to say that I gave these shots to children. The CDC led us all to believe that it was perfectly safe.” Read rest of story here:
File# 8954sci.php
Study Links Vaccines to Neuropsychiatric Disorders
February 22, 2017A recent study by researchers from Pennsylvania State University and the Yale University’s Child Study Center found that patients diagnosed as having neuropsychiatric disorders such as “obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), anorexia nervosa (AN), anxiety disorder, chronic tic disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), major depressive disorder, and bipolar disorder” were more likely to have been vaccinated three months before they were diagnosed.1 The study, which analyzed private health insurance data on more than 95,000 children ages 6-15 years collected from January 2002 to December 2007, was published in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Psychiatry on Jan. 19, 2017.1 Read rest of story here:
File# 8956sci.php
New CDC study blows away vaccine propagandists’ claim that methylmercury is dangerous but ethylmercury is safe
February 21, 2017(Natural News) ... Now, two of their very own scientists have published a study confirming the exact opposite of that statement. The meta-review was conducted by John F. Risher, Ph.D., and Pamela Tucker, M.D., of the CDC’s Division of Toxicology and Human Health Sciences, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, and was published last month in the journal Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. The study found that thimerosal is extremely toxic to humans, even at very low doses, and that it is actually more dangerous than methylmercury in some cases. It is, for example, more damaging to cell mitochondria than methylmercury. Read rest of story here:
File# 8958sci.php More: Safety of Mercury in Vaccines: Sorry Dr. Summers, No Cigar Exhaustive RAND Corporation review of vaccine side effects finds strong evidence that vaccines cause Guillain-Barre Syndrome, myalgia, seizures, meningitis, encephalitis and more
(Natural News) A little-known vaccine safety review published by RAND Corporation in 2014 and labeled a “RAND External Publication” reveals that vaccines are almost certainly causing serious, permanent damage in some children. Titled Safety of Vaccines Used for Routine Immunization in the United States, the analysis was published in Evidence Report/Technology Assessment No. 215 (Prepared by Southern California/RAND Evidence-Based Practice Center, under Contract No. 290-2007-10062-1). AHRQ Publication No. 14-E002-EF. (Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, July 2014), 740 p Read rest of story here:
File# 8960sci.php
No study exists to show that vaccine ingredient Thimerosal is safe
February 20, 2017Natural News) You probably caught the big news last week that President Trump’s new commissioner on vaccine safety, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has issued a formal challenge: if anyone can find even a single credible study out there showing that the mercury derivative Thimerosal, which is added to influenza and other vaccines, is safe, then he or she will receive $100,000 in cash. Well, a good chunk of time has passed since this offer was issued and, sure enough, nobody has claimed the prize because no such study exists. Read rest of story here:
File# 8962.php
Top Government Scientists Refuse to Vaccinate Their Children
November 30, 2016How shocking is it that New Mexico, the school district with the highest percentage of students whose families are opting out of vaccines, is actually one of the state’s most scientifically literate communities? Well, if you know how harmful vaccines really are, you might not really be all that surprised. But for many, the 2.3 percent of students forgoing traditional vaccine regimens in Los Alamos is causing quite the upset. Read rest of story here:
File# 8964sci.php
Religious vaccine exemptions explode more than 50% in New Jersey
February 18, 2017(Natural News) In Hunterdon County, New Jersey, there are increasing numbers of parents who are saying NO! to the recommended immunization schedule from the Center for Disease Control (CDC). As reported by the Press of Atlantic City, in the 2009 – 2010 school year, 3,865 children opted out. In the 2015 – 2016 school year, the parents of another 9,500 children refused routine school required vaccinations. That’s an increase of over 50% within a six-year time span. The majority of parents from were reported to have used the religious exemption, which, along with a medical exemption that New Jersey also allows, eliminates the “childhood requirements that are mandatory for kids to attend daycare or childcare, public and private schools." Read rest of story here:
File# 8966.php
Fluoridation Practices - A Missing Link in the Vaccine Autism Connection?
Robert Jay RowenAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) rates around the world are skyrocketing for unknown reasons. Parents have fingered vaccines but studies have failed to confirm a link. Concurrently, aluminum, from vaccine adjuvants, has been found actively transported to the brains of animals inciting inflammation. Fluoride has been implicated in children’s brain dysfunction, and, fluoride has been shown to potentiate aluminum toxicity. No vaccine study to date has controlled for a practice widespread around the world – water fluoridation. Autism is more prevalent in United States cities that fluoridate their water supplies, and less prevalent in rural non-fluoridated areas even with high vaccination rates. This manuscript presents basic science and a hypothesis that fluoride could be potentiating the toxic neurological effects of aluminum in vaccines. This effect could lead to skewed data and confounding vaccine safety statistics by omission of this critical control factor. Read rest of story here:
File# 8968sci.php
CDC is a vaccine company, owns 56 vaccines – a grave conflict of interest
February 16, 2017(Natural News) Two recent events have forced a glaring spotlight on the $30 billion a year vaccine industry: First, President Donald Trump announced a plan to establish a commission chaired by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (RFK) to investigate vaccine safety and scientific integrity. The second, again featuring RFK, is when he and actor Robert De Niro announced a $100,000 reward to any scientist (or anyone else) who could conclusively prove the safety of mercury (in the form thimerosal) in vaccines. Both events have unleashed a veritable storm of fury from the mainstream media, many of whom label both De Niro and RFK “vaccine skeptics” or “anti-vaccine,” despite the men’s repeated objections and insistence that they are pro-vaccine and dutifully had all their children vaccinated. Their very specific concern is the volume of vaccines being added to the CDC’s childhood immunization schedule, and the presence of mercury in many of those vaccines. (RELATED: Keep up with the latest in the debate on mercury in vaccines at ... To everybody’s shock, Blaxill found not 20, but 57 patents granted to the CDC. Since one of the patents did not seem to be directly applicable to a vaccine, the official number was reduced to 56, and included patents on vaccines for: flu, rotavirus, Hepatitis A, Pneumococcal disease, gastroenteritis, SARS, and interestingly enough, a vaccine to be used for Zika, among many, many others. Read rest of story here:
File# 8970leg.php
Shocking: Infant Twins Die Simultaneously After Vaccines, Medical Board Rules ‘Just A Coincidence’
February 10, 2017Given that the sudden and simultaneous deaths of twins rarely occur, you would think, especially given the fact that they had been recently vaccinated, that it would receive quite a bit of attention. However, this story went largely unreported. (In order for twins to meet the criteria for simultaneous SIDS both babies must have died independently and within the same 24 hour time period.) Read rest of story here:
File# 8972.php
Gates Foundation kicked out of India
February 9, 2017NEW DELHI: The Centre has shut the gate on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on a critical national health mission, and possible conflict of interest issues arising from the foundation’s “ties” with pharmaceutical companies is one of the reasons. Read rest of story here:
File# 8974.php
Longer version of story here: Centre shuts health mission gate on Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Dangerous particles getting into vaccines in production cycle
February 2017Foreign particles are getting into routine vaccinations in the manufacturing process—and the contaminations could explain the increase in adverse reactions to many common vaccines, such as the HPV and the MMR, say scientists. The contaminants aren’t breaking down in the body, and they could be making their way to tissues and organs and causing chronic inflammation. Recently reported reactions—from fever, epilepsy, speech loss, muscle pain, walking problems and hypersensitivity—could all be explained by contamination. Scientists at the National Council of Research in Italy tested 44 routine vaccines—which included the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella), the HPV (human papilloma virus), several flu vaccines, and the DTP (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis)—and discovered that all of them had some contamination, and several had up to 20 foreign particles. The contaminations were discovered by using sensing equipment that was far more sensitive than anything used in quality control checks at the manufacturing plants. The scientists say they were baffled by their discovery, and assume that the contamination must be happening somewhere along the production cycle. Read rest of story here:
File# 8976sci.php
See longer article here: Biologist Proves Measles Isn’t A Virus, Wins Supreme Court Case Against Doctor
February 3, 2017In a recent ruling, judges at the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) confirmed that the measles virus does not exist. Furthermore, there is not a single scientific study in the world which could prove the existence of the virus in any scientific literature. This raises the question of what was actually injected into millions over the past few decades. Not a single scientist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist or medical doctor has ever been able to establish a scientific foundation, not only for the vaccination of measles but any vaccination for infants, pregnant women, the elderly and even many adult subgroups. The fact that many vaccines are ineffective is becoming increasingly apparent. Merck was slapped with two separate class action lawsuits contending they lied about the effectiveness of the mumps vaccine in their combination MMR shot, and fabricated efficacy studies to maintain the illusion for the past two decades that the vaccine is highly protective Studies such as one published in the Human and Experimental Toxicology journal found a direct statistical correlation between higher vaccine doses and infant mortality rates. The study, Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?, was conducted by Gary S. Goldman and Neil Z. Miller who has been studying the dangers of vaccines for 25 years. Read rest of story here:
File# 8978legsci.php
New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination
Published: January 23, 2017 Abstract Vaccines are being under investigation for the possible side effects they can cause. In order to supply new information, an electron-microscopy investigation method was applied to the study of vaccines, aimed at verifying the presence of solid contaminants by means of an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with an X-ray microprobe. The results of this new investigation show the presence of micro- and nanosized particulate matter composed of inorganic elements in vaccines’ samples which is not declared among the components and whose unduly presence is, for the time being, inexplicable. A considerable part of those particulate contaminants have already been verified in other matrices and reported in literature as non biodegradable and non biocompatible. The evidence collected is suggestive of some hypotheses correlated to diseases that are mentioned and briefly discussed. Read rest of story here:
File# 8980sci.php
Virginia House subcommittee tosses out immunization mandate bill
Jan 24, 2017A House Health, Welfare and Institutions subcommittee today tossed out a bill that would have mandated a new vaccine for all sixth graders in Virginia. The bill was backed by the Virginia Department of Health and brought forward by Del. Patrick A. Hope, D-Arlington. It would have required that Virginia students receive an immunization to protect against the bacteria that causes meningococcal disease. Read rest of story here:
File# 8982leg.php
Study: High Amounts of Aluminum in Brains of Alzheimer’s Patients
January 24, 2017 by Paul Fassa, Health Impact NewsThere have been unconfirmed suspicions that aluminum toxicity is at least a factor for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. There seems to be no doubt that aluminum is a neurotoxin, but whether there is an aluminum link to Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, has not been fully explored just recently. A new study, “Aluminium [British spelling] in brain tissue in familial Alzheimer’s disease” does just that. A pathological brain study of deceased individuals whose bodies were donated by family members. It was conducted in King’s College of London and Keele University of Staffordshire, UK, and published December 2016 in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. The association of aluminum as a neurotoxin related to several neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), is often ignored or marginalized even as AD and other neurological disorders continue to rise in epidemic proportions. This may be due to massive vested interests that use aluminum in ways that depend on its injection into the body or its inadvertent breathing in of nanoparticles. Read rest of story here: Please note that Aluminum is only one factor in the equation. Idaho Observer: Organic silica: An essential element
File# 8984sci.php
Scientists shocked to learn that shingles vaccines can transform vaccinated people into “carriers” who spread infectious disease
January 23, 2017(Natural News) Shingles, also known as “zoster” or “herpes zoster,” will affect roughly 1 out of every 3 American adults during their lifetime. Estimates suggest that there are upwards of one million cases of shingles each year in the United States. The disease is caused by dormant varicella zoster virus — the same virus that causes chicken pox. It is fairly well known that a history of having had chicken pox puts you at risk of developing shingles in your elder years. But, did you know that the shingles vaccine could raise the risk of someone else getting chicken pox? Research on this very topic was published in 2011 by The Journal of Infectious Diseases. The elite research team was comprised of members from NASA’s Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, University of Texas Health Science Center, University of Colorado Medical School, and the CDC. Read rest of story here:
File# 8986.php
I Was Told To Ask the “Older” Generation About Vaccines… So I Did
January 17, 2017If you’re young, and you don’t support vaccines, you’ve probably been told at least a few dozen times that the reason you don’t vaccinate is because you’ve had the luxury of living in a time where “vaccine preventable diseases” aren’t prevalent. Just ask a grandparent or someone who had polio and they’ll tell you the story of how vaccines saved the day and just how devastating measles and chicken pox really were. ... I was told to ask someone from the older generation about “vaccine preventable diseases,” so I did. I grabbed a notebook and a pen, and sat at the feet of my great-grandmother as she told me what life was like… after the Titanic sank, during two world wars, the Great Depression, and the insanity that was the vaccination movement. Read rest of story here:
File# 8988.php
All the science ‘fact checking’ in the world can’t change the fact that mercury is toxic to the neurology of children
January 20, 2017(NaturalNews) Mainstream media coverage of the issue of mercury in vaccines never fails to insist that thimerosal — the mercury-containing vaccine preservative — has been proven safe. Coverage then typically focuses on the issue of vaccines and autism, and further hammers the position that the issue is settled. But these techniques are deceptive, and draw attention away from a very simple, scientifically accepted fact: mercury is powerfully damaging to the nervous system. Read rest of story here:
File# 8990sci.php
Government document confirms vaccine link to microcephaly
January 19, 2017(NaturalNews) The adverse event-deniers who insist that vaccines are 100 percent safe and never cause any problems in children clearly missed a little-known 1991 study published by the United States Government. This paper reveals a clear link between the popular Tdap vaccine for tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough), and microcephaly, a neurological birth defect that in recent years authorities have been erroneously blaming on the Zika virus. Read rest of story here:
File# 8992sci.php
American College of Pediatricians warns: HPV vaccine causes ovarian failure
January 17, 2017(NaturalNews) A new warning has emerged about the use of Gardasil, a vaccine for the human papilloma virus (HPV). Gardasil (a four-strain HPV vaccine, or HPV4), is typically administered to both boys and girls as young as age 11 to prevent the sexually transmitted disease. Developed by Merck, Gardasil received FDA approval in 2006. The disease did not become of concern until the 1980s, when research first suggested that there may be a connection between HPV and cervical cancer. However, whether this link actually exists has been a major point of contention. (RELATED: Learn more about the science fraud behind vaccine marketing at As Natural News previously explained, the vaccine has reportedly been linked to severe complications such as cervical cysts, autoimmune diseases, and harm to women’s ovaries. Natural News has also detailed how one of the developers of the HPV vaccine has now disavowed the inoculation, given that that cervical cancer risk is extremely low in the U.S. and that 90 percent of all HPV apparently infections clear up on their own within two years. Read rest of story here:
File# 8994sci.php
Doctor causes uproar after linking vaccines’ dangerous ingredients to rise in neurological diseases
January 18, 2017(NaturalNews) A doctor at a prestigious medical clinic drew vicious attacks from vaccine defenders after he published a blog post suggesting that toxic chemicals in vaccines might be one factor in an “epidemic” of chronic diseases, including neurological disorders such as autism. Dr. Daniel Neides is a family doctor and the director of the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute. Neides’ post caused an immediate backlash, with other doctors describing the article with terms like “vile” and accusing Neides of serving an anti-vaccination agenda. (RELATED: Learn the truth about vaccine dangers and side effects at Read rest of story here:
File# 8996sci.php
RFK Jr – Is He The Best Man For the Vaccine Commission Job? Maybe – Maybe Not…
Tim Bolen 14 January 2017... I’d be more confident… I’d feel a lot more confident that something could get done if Trump appointed one of those 200+ Generals or Admirals that Obama fired for not gay-ing up the military as fast as the liberal Dems wanted…. Why one of those? That’s an easy one. We tend, these days, to focus on childhood vaccine issues – and they are certainly important, BUT, let’s not forget what happened to our soldiers during the 1990-91 Gulf wars where those soldiers were unwitting guinea-pigs for Big Pharma’s “Experimental Vaccines.” 250,000 out of 697,000 soldiers (36%) now have Gulf War Syndrome. Read rest of story here:
File# 8998.php
ActHIB Vaccine Found to Contain Pieces of Glass Between 2013 and 2015
January 12, 2017In 2013, pharmaceutical firm Sanofi Pasteur issued no recalls after finding glass particles in vials of ActHIB, its conjugate vaccine containing Haemophilus b and meningococcal protein that is given to infants at two, four, six and between 15 and 18 months of age. The public was not informed until the end of 2016, when a small Pennsylvania newspaper, The Morning Call, began piecing together records of the incident, using government documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and published a series of articles describing what had happened.1 Read rest of story here:
File# 9000sci.php
TRUMP: Why Can’t We Look Into Vaccine Safety?
January 11, 2017The vaccine meltdown is in full bloom after Donald Trump asked environmental attorney and vaccine skeptic, Robert Kennedy Jr., to head up a vaccine safety committee. But as per the usual, the Left is going overboard and being melodramatic. Read rest of story here:
File# 9002sci.php
Head Holistic MD at Cleveland Clinic Threatened By Hospital For Writing Vaccine Danger Piece
January 8, 2017Daniel Neides, MD, MBA is the Medical Director and Chief Operating Officer of the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute. This holistic doctor has won countless awards and is one of the most respected holistic MDs in the US. Dr Neides penned a well written piece on about the real dangers of vaccine adjuvants which included carcinogens (causing cancer). Read rest of story here:
File# 9004.php
M O R E - This is article giving the Doctor's views Make 2017 the year to avoid toxins (good luck) and master your domain: Words on Wellness Cleveland Clinic doc apologizes for anti-vax column, hospital promises discipline A Cleveland Clinic doctor spread anti-vaccine views. He's not alone among MDs. How Much Money Do Pediatricians Really Make From Vaccines?
If you want to be sure your pediatrician has your child’s best interest, this is mandatory reading. Pediatricians around the country have begun refusing to accept families who opt out of some or all vaccines. Thanks to a tip sent to Wellness & Equality by a reader, now we know why. ... When my friend’s child suffered a life-threatening reaction to a vaccine a week after her first birthday, my friend assumed her pediatrician would write her a medical exemption from future vaccines. Shortly after receiving a routine set of vaccines, the happy, vibrant one-year-old spiked a 106 degree fever, began having seizures, and was hospitalized. When the unexplained “illness” passed after a week in the hospital, the little girl had lost her ability to walk. My friend describes how her daughter, who had learned to walk several months earlier at 9 months, suddenly “stumbled around like a drunk person” for weeks following the vaccines. My friend met with a team of pediatricians, neurologists, and naturopathic doctors, and they agreed: Her daughter had suffered a brain injury caused by a reaction to one of the vaccines. Hoping the injury would be temporary and that she might recover and ease her brain inflammation if they could help her small body quickly eliminate the vaccine additives that caused the reaction, my friend’s daughter underwent an intensive detoxification program overseen by a nutritionalist. Slowly, her daughter relearned to walk. My friend is a practicing attorney who graduated from a Top 10 college. The evidence was overwhelming that her daughter’s reaction had been caused by vaccines, she told me. But a few months later, when she took her daughter back into the pediatrician for a visit, he wanted to vaccinate her daughter again. She was baffled. Why? ... learned that insurance companies pay pediatricians massive bonuses based on the percentage of children who are fully vaccinated by age 2. ... Under Blue Cross Blue Shield’s rules, pediatricians lose the whole bonus unless at least 63% of patients are fully vaccinated, and that includes the flu vaccine. So it’s not just $400 on your child’s head–it could be the whole bonus. To your doctor, your decision to vaccinate your child might be worth $40,000, or much more, depending on the size of his or her practice. Read rest of story here:
File# 9006.php
Fantasy: “vaccines remarkably safe and effective”
May 19, 2015 by Jon RappoportThe article below was a small section of my book, AIDS Inc., which I wrote in 1987-8. At the time, I decided to take a look at vaccines and see what I could find out about them, because questions were being raised about the possible disease/toxic effects of a relatively new hepatitis-B vaccine, and its possible connection to AIDS. My ensuing research led me into all sorts of surprising areas. Since the period of 1987-8, much more has come to light about vaccine safety and efficacy. I’ve made no attempt to update my findings. They stand on their own, and reveal that, in the historical record, much has been lost, forgotten, and misplaced. Read rest of story here:
File# 9006sci.php
Saint Vincent settles federal lawsuit filed by workers who claimed religious discrimination.
21 December 2016, Thursday Posted at 2:01 AMSaint Vincent Hospital has agreed to rehire six former employees it fired after they refused to get flu shots in late 2013 and early 2014 due to their religious beliefs. The Erie hospital also will provide about $300,000 in back pay and compensatory damages to the employees as part of an agreement to settle a lawsuit filed on behalf of the workers by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in September. A consent decree that ended the case and detailed the settlement terms was filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Erie. The commission had claimed Saint Vincent violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 when it fired the six workers, who refused to be vaccinated after the hospital implemented a mandatory flu vaccination policy for all employees. The hospital granted medical exemptions to 14 other workers. Read rest of story here:
File# 9008leg.php
Aluminum in Childhood Vaccines Is Unsafe
Neil Z. MillerABSTRACT Aluminum is a neurotoxin, yet infants and young children are repeatedly injected with aluminum adjuvants from multiple vaccines during critical periods of brain development. Numerous studies provide credible evidence that aluminum adversely affects important biological functions and may contribute to neurodegenerative and autoimmune disorders. It is impossible to predetermine which vaccinated babies will succumb to aluminum poisoning. Aluminum-free health options are needed. Read rest of story here:
File# 9010sci.php
Vaccines: What is there to be "Pro" About? Laura Hayes to Weston A. Price Foundation Conference
Posted by Age of Autism on December 16, 2016[The written transcript is about 23 pages long.] Good morning, my name is Laura Hayes, I am from N CA, and I want to thank you all for making the choice to come to the Vaccination track this morning! The title of my talk is “Vaccines: What Is There to Be ‘Pro’ About?”, of which you will receive a copy after my presentation. I am excited for the opportunity to talk to you about the dangers, inefficacies, and lack of need for vaccines; about the corruption that underlies them from manufacture to mandate, and beyond; and about the urgent need to put an immediate end to this vaccine insanity that has swept our nation resulting in an unprecedented loss of our most basic fundamental human right…the right to determine that which we allow, or don’t allow, into our own bodies, and those of our children. Read rest of story here:
File# 9012scileg.php
[Lessons from macrophagic myofasciitis: towards definition of a vaccine adjuvant-related syndrome].
Gherardi RK. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2003.... Macrophagic myofasciitis is characterized by a stereotyped and immunologically active lesion at deltoid muscle biopsy. Electron microscopy, microanalytical studies, experimental procedures, and an epidemiological study recently demonstrated that the lesion is due to persistence for years at site of injection of an aluminum adjuvant used in vaccines against hepatitis B virus, hepatitis A virus, and tetanus toxoid. Aluminum hydroxide is known to potently stimulate the immune system and to shift immune responses towards a Th-2 profile. Read rest of story here:
File# 9013sci.php
22 ‘must-see’ vaccine documentaries
December 15, 2016(NaturalNews) In no particular order, here are 22 highly informative, must-see vaccine documentaries that you could share with your firends. They all have to do with various factors of vaccination – evidence, efficacy, injuries, health effects and medicinal politics. (Article by Britney Murray, republished from They come with a brief description pulled from YouTube. Most of them are free and featured here in-full. Definitely add these to your “must see” list of documentary films. Read rest of story here:
File# 9014sci.php
Bombshell: Sacrificing Children to the State of California: SB18
December 15, 2016Watch out for the big money behind this operation: it’s the secret This article is dedicated to Patrick Wood, author of Technocracy Rising, a book everyone should read. Yesterday. A bill introduced by the notorious Richard Pan, the mover and shaker behind the mandatory vaccination law in CA—this new one, SB18, is a grab-bag of generalities basically giving over care of children to the State. Catch the flavor of the wording. It emerges like swamp gas: “The Legislature finds and declares that all children and youth, regardless of gender, class, race, ethnicity, national origin, culture, religion, immigration status, sexual orientation, or ability, have inherent rights that entitle them to protection, special care, and assistance, including, but not limited to, the following: The right to parents, guardians, or caregivers who act in their best interest. The right to form healthy attachments with adults responsible for their care and well-being. The right to live in a safe and healthy environment. The right to social and emotional well-being. The right to opportunities to attain optimal cognitive, physical, and social development. The right to appropriate, quality education and life skills leading to self-sufficiency in adulthood. The right to appropriate, quality health care.” Read rest of story here:
File# 9016legrig.php
The 7 most dangerous vaccines injected into humans and exactly why they cause more harm than good
December 14, 2016... Yet, what if you found out today that the worst odds you or your children have of being infected with disease, disorder, and deformity exist in getting injected repeatedly with neurotoxins, genetically modified bacteria, live experimental strains of multiple viruses and pesticides? Consider this: not one single vaccine ever produced that is recommended by the CDC today has ever been proven safe or effective. Why? They don’t have to prove it. All they have to do is scare the living hell out of everyone using propaganda, and it’s worked for 75 years. Read rest of story here:
File# 9018scigarflu.php
Vaccinations Confer Autoimmune Diseases Without Toxic Additives
December 8, 2016 by Paul FassaMore and more vanishing vaccination exemptions from the medical monopoly’s control of state governments insist on pushing the world’s largest vaccination schedule onto children and infants while hiding vaccine injuries. Unfortunately, most parents don’t realize the risk factors ignored by mainstream media until they are permanently disabled or until a child dies after being vaccinated. Many concerned parents have focused on “greening” vaccines, ensuring there are no toxic additives such as thimerosal (mercury), aluminum, and the several other additives that shouldn’t be injected into human or animal blood and tissue. The thinking was that perhaps the intense vaccination schedules and annual flu shot campaigns would be justifiable methods of conferring the disinformation dogma of “herd immunity.” But they’re wrong. At best they’re exchanging imagined infectious disease protection for autoimmune diseases, according to a study published in Japan that looked at antigens only, independent of adjuncts or preservatives. A Shocking Study Ignored by Most There have been reports from grassroots independent epidemiological studies confirming suspicions that those who are vaccinated often don’t do as well with long-term health as those who are vaccination free. Those epidemiological studies (statistical surveys) have shown that bad health is more common among the vaccinated who survive without serious injury than children not vaccinated. But how and why has not come under controlled animal lab studies until Japan’s Kobe University animal lab study of 2009. Here’s the conclusion quoted from the Kobe University of Japan study’s journal report: "Systemic autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the host’s immune ‘system’ by repeated immunization with antigen, to the levels that surpass system’s self-organize criticality." Read rest of story here:
File# 9020sci.php
First Study on Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Children Pulled from Web
December 7, 2016Here are two great articles that explain how a study of unvaccinated children versus vaccinated kids has been censored from the public. Read rest of story here:
Studies Outside the U.S. Show Unvaccinated Children Healthier than Vaccinated Children Vaccinated Versus Unvaccinated Children 2016 Health Study Pulled From Publication
File# 9022sci.php
Vaccination and Health Outcomes: A Survey of 6- to 12-year-old Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children based on Mothers’ Reports
Anthony R. Mawson1*, Brian D. Ray2, Azad R. Bhuiyan3 and Binu Jacob4Design: A cross-sectional survey of mothers of children educated at home. Methods: Homeschool organizations in four states (Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Oregon) were asked to forward an email to their members, requesting mothers to complete an anonymous online questionnaire on the vaccination status and health outcomes of their biological children ages 6 to 12. Results: A total of 415 mothers provided data on 666 children, of which 261 (39%) were unvaccinated. Vaccinated children were significantly less likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed with chickenpox and pertussis, but significantly more likely to have been diagnosed with pneumonia, otitis media, allergies and NDDs (defined as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and/or a learning disability). After adjustment, the factors that remained significantly associated with NDD were vaccination (OR 3.1, 95% CI: 1.4, 6.8), male gender (OR 2.3, 95% CI: 1.2, 4.3), and preterm birth (OR 5.0, 95% CI: 2.3, 11.6). In a final adjusted model, vaccination but not preterm birth remained associated with NDD, while the interaction of preterm birth and vaccination was associated with a 6.6-fold increased odds of NDD (95% CI: 2.8, 15.5). Read rest of story here:
File# 9024sci.php
Nurse Vaccinated During Pregnancy with Flu Shot Accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome
December 1, 2016 by Christina England... Fully Vaccinated Nurse Accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome One nurse who decided to receive the recommended vaccinations during pregnancy has regretted her decision ever since. Laura Maclean told Health Impact News that, as advised by her employers, she decided to be vaccinated with the DTaP, a vaccination for diptheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough), and the flu vaccine, during pregnancy. Laura says she has regretted this decision ever since. She told Health Impact News that her son Dylan was a sickly baby from birth and he was diagnosed with acid reflux at four weeks. However, what happened the following week will haunt her forever. Read rest of story here:
File# 9026fluleg.php
11/16/2016 by Dr. Russell Schierling WHY FLU VACCINATIONS ARE "MANDATORY" FOR AMERICA'S HEALTH CARE WORKERS ... "Arguments must be crude, clear and forcible, and appeal to emotions and instincts, not the intellect. Truth is unimportant and entirely subordinate to tactics and psychology. The truth is the greatest enemy of the State." Joseph Gobbels, Hitler's right hand man and Minister of Propaganda "Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed. Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas." Joseph Stalin, leader of WWII-era USSR Love em or hate em, when it comes to selling their products, BIG PHARMA is brilliant. Not only are they able to 'educate' the public via NEWS RELEASES and PRESS RELEASES that are nothing more than glorified commercials disguised as news stories, but our society is so saturated with DRUG ADS that most of us grew up believing that the pharmaceutical industry was the pinnacle of virtue and health. Read rest of story here:
File# 9028flusci.php
@realDonaldTrump A letter from parents of the vaccine injured
November 10, 2016 ~ Levi QuackenbossThank you for meeting with Vaxxed director Dr. Andrew Wakefield. He is the voice for so many of the vaccine injured. But many parents on our side, both those who supported you in this presidential run and those who did not, are afraid that you’re going to go the way of Obama once you’re in the White House. Read rest of story here:
File# 9030.php
Gardasil, considered the most dangerous vaccine on the market, may soon be pushed for infants
November 23, 2016(NaturalNews) Gardasil has been the subject of controversy for many years now. In fact, it has even been regarded as one of the most dangerous vaccines on the market today. Perhaps what is most alarming about this treacherous vaccine, however, is the fact that its manufacturer, Merck & Co, now wants to begin marketing their product to infants – and trials on babies have already begun. Merck recently launched a Gardasil vaccine trial on children at least one year old, and it's set to conclude in early 2017. Read rest of story here:
File# 9032.php
Why are CDC Employees “Crying in the Hallways” After Donald Trump’s Election?
November 23, 2016 by J.B. Handley7 reasons CDC employees should be “crying in the hallways” PORTLAND, Oregon — Question: The day after Donald Trump’s unexpected win in the presidential election last week, how many government agencies had reports in the media of their employees “crying in the hallways”? Answer: Exactly one. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is based in Atlanta, GA. As a long-time critic of the CDC, I was pretty shocked to see this headline last week, courtesy of Atlanta’s NPR radio station, 90.1 WABE: Atlanta CDC Employees Express Anxiety Over Trump’s Win Read rest of story here:
File# 9034.php
End Pharma Liability Shield Endangering Public Health and Human Rights
November 17, 2016 By Barbara Loe FisherAnother sign that autonomy and civil liberties are being threatened in America is the recently proposed change to public health law published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC).1 This allows federal officials to use police power to apprehend, isolate and involuntarily quarantine travelers simply suspected of being at risk for getting measles or other infections until they sign a contract agreeing to application of “public health measures,” like vaccination. A big reason they can get away with it is that nobody is accountable in a civil court of law when people are harmed by public health laws. Curbing civil liberties under the guise of protecting the public health and national security has become big business. Read rest of story here:
File# 9036leg.php
After terrorizing America with Zika scaremongering, Washington Post now admits Zika virus doesn't cause brain deformities after all
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger... Instead, the rate of neurological birth defects in most countries approached zero. Via the Washington Post's own graphic: (partial list) Venezuela: 60,791 Zika infections... ZERO birth defects Honduras: 31,933 Zika infections... ONE birth defect Guadalupe: 30,969 Zika infections... ZERO birth defects Puerto Rico: 29,084 Zika infections... TWO birth defects Mexico: 4,837 Zika infections... ZERO birth defects From the WashPost article: Brazilian officials were bracing for a flood of fetal deformities as Zika spread this year to other regions of the country, Marinho said. However, “we are not seeing a big increase.” Read rest of story here:
File# 9038.php
Dr. Kurt: why I will never choose to vaccinate my own son and any future kids my wife and I have
October 24, 2016NaturalNews) Recently, I asked for feedback with a survey that went out in my email newsletter. If you did it, thank you for your feedback. I want to keep health care about health and your feedback helps me do that. Read rest of story here:
File# 9040.php
Severe childhood allergies to peanuts, eggs and dairy directly linked to 'trace' ingredients in common vaccines
October 05, 2016(NaturalNews) Have you read The Peanut Allergy Epidemic by historian Heather Fraser? She begins by asking us why the peanut allergy epidemic is only found in Western cultures, where at least 4 million people experience the mysterious phenomenon, yet there are virtually no reported cases in India, where peanuts just so happen to be the main ingredient in most baby food products. Read rest of story here:
File# 9042sci.php
Vaccines containing aluminum shown to cause neurological damage
September 29, 2016(NaturalNews) According to the Food and Drug Administration, the amount of aluminum in modern vaccines that infants are exposed to in their first year is about 4.225 mg, which the agency considers to be low, and thus safe. But some experts believe that there are vaccines being given to children today that contain far more than the FDA-regulated amount of 0.85-1.25 mg per vaccine. Read rest of story here:
File# 9044sci.php
CDC study shows that vaccines cause food allergies
September 28, 2016 (NaturalNews) Although many people are aware of the link between vaccines and cases of autism in children, what's not so commonly known is the fact that vaccines also cause food allergies – and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has even corroborated the link in one of their own studies. The 1999 study didn't receive much attention at the time, but the results are clear: Food proteins such as gelatin used in the manufacture of vaccines can cause the development of sometimes life-threatening food allergies in children. Read rest of story here:
File# 9046sci.php
Hospital sued over firing of employees who refused flu shots
Sep. 26, 2016ERIE, Pa. (AP) — Federal authorities are suing a Pennsylvania hospital, alleging religious discrimination in the firing of six employees who refused to get flu shots. The lawsuit was filed Thursday in federal court in Erie by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against Saint Vincent Hospital, which was founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania. Beginning in October 2013, the hospital required employees to get flu shots unless they were granted an exemption on medical or religious grounds, in which case they were required to wear a face mask. The suit alleges that six employees who refused to get flu shots due to their religious beliefs were fired, while the hospital granted medical exemptions to 14 others in late 2013 and early 2014. Read rest of story here:
File# 9048leg.php
30 solid scientific studies that prove vaccines are linked with autism
Tuesday, September 27, 2016 by: Natural News Editors(NaturalNews) These thirty scientific studies show a link between vaccines and autism, disproving the myth that no official research papers exist to support what alternative doctors have been saying for years. We have compiled a list of 30 scientific studies that show a link between vaccines and autism, disproving the myth[1] that no official research papers exist to support what alternative doctors have been saying for years. These papers can be shown to medical doctors and public health officials who wish to see peer reviewed scientific studies to back up the claims that autism is a direct result from receiving a vaccination[2]. Read rest of story here:
File# 9050autsci.php
URGENT: CDC Attempts Unconstitutional “Power Grab”
By Ty BollingerOn August 15th, 2016, in an unbelievably draconian attempt to claim control over YOUR body, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued “Control of Communicable Diseases – Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” (published in Federal Register Number: 2016-18103). Read rest of story here:
File# 9052leg.php
Can We Trust the CDC? British Medical Journal Reveals CDC Lies About Ties to Big Pharma
September 6, 2016... CDC Receives Millions of Dollars in Industry Gifts and Funding Lenzer goes on to document in her investigative report how the CDC has been receiving millions of dollars in “industry gifts and funding” since at least 1983. Read rest of story here:
File# 9054.php
The CDC medical police state: the right to detain anyone
by Jon Rappoport September 5, 2016Arbitrary apprehension of citizens, detainment, forced medical treatment, vaccination. Let me paint a scenario: You live in a polluted city, so you have a low-level cough. On your flight to another state, the cough becomes worse because the air in the plane cabin is foul. Unknown to you, a passenger complains to a flight attendant. The passenger is a typical meddler. When you arrive at your destination, a health-agency employee is waiting at the gate for you. He apprehends you and takes you to a room, to decide whether you have a communicable disease. His first standard question—are you up to date on your vaccinations? And things go downhill from there… Read rest of story here:
File# 9056leg.php
Merck Admits Shingles Vaccine Can Cause Eye Damage… and Shingles
September 1, 2016Two important Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved changes to the warning label of Merck Pharmaceutical’s shingles vaccine, Zostavax, have been made since the controversial drug was introduced in 2006. The first was in August 2014, when, in addition to potentially causing chickenpox, another side effect was added: shingles! That’s right. The vaccine that had been—and continues to be—aggressively marketed to prevent seniors from contracting this excruciating condition was found to actually cause shingles in some individuals. Read rest of story here:
File# 9058sci.php
SB 277 Lawsuit – The “Do Not Cross” Line…
August 18, 2016... This case is NOT about vaccines – although those ultra-dangerous Made-in-China-death-pus-tubes are the problem the case seems to revolve around. ... To get where the Plaintiff is going in the argument presented both generally in the SB 277 case, and specifically in the Preliminary Injunction Hearing, we need to have a clear understanding of two legal concepts: “Status Quo Ante” and “Strict Scrutiny, ” and one doctrine called “Hybrid Rights.” Read rest of story here:
File# 9060leg.php
Scientists admit polio vaccine causes polio... so they're trying to destroy it before they cause another polio outbreak
August 16, 2016 by: Natural News EditorsNaturalNews) Clinics around the world are destroying an old, problematic polio vaccine in favor of a new oral one, in an unprecedented effort that has never before been attempted. The problem with the old vaccine? It was causing polio. Oops. (Article by Adan Salazar, republished from The massive global eradication effort takes place within the next few weeks at thousands of sites in 155 different countries, and requires a complete destruction of every single vial of the vaccine for the worldwide plan to work. "Health workers have been taught to destroy the old vaccine by boiling it, incinerating it, even burying it in the ground," reports [1] Read rest of story here:
File# 9062sci.php
How to Find a Physician to Support Your Vaccine Choice
June 21, 2016 Working with a physician who supports your vaccine choice is essential for developing a cooperative, supportive relationship. Unfortunately, many doctors in private practice refuse to see patients who do not follow the aggressive Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) vaccination schedule. These physicians may be willing to make some allowances, but will push for many vaccinations. Other medical doctors employed by hospitals receiving government funding will likely favor vaccines, but are legally forced to accept parent choices regarding vaccinations and provide medical care to all patients. Where can one find a health care provider who respects parent vaccine choice and the right to not vaccinate? Read rest of story here:
File# 9064.php
Also note:" for lists and links to doctors accepting non-vaccinated children.
Whooping cough outbreak strikes school with unvaccinated child... what happened next will never be reported by the CDC
June 20, 2016 (NaturalNews) We've all heard the horror stories about what can happen if you choose not to vaccinate your kids, and such kids are quick to get the blame when epidemics do occur. However, the experience of one mom shows a completely different side to the issue. Read rest of story here:
File# 9066.php
Homeoprophylaxis Conference 2016
June 2016The Evidence Based Choice! October 7-9 2016 “Homeoprophylaxis: The Evidence-Based Choice” Conference, sponsored by Worldwide Choice, will be held October 7-9, in St Petersburg, Florida. This international event brings together experts on immune health, and information about a natural method to educate the immune system called “homeoprophylaxis.” Read rest of story here/Register online: 10 shocking reasons why Zika virus fear is another fraudulent medical hoax and vaccine industry funding scam
June 03, 2016NaturalNews) Think the Zika virus is responsible for all the cases of microcephaly in South America? Think again: There is no reliable scientific evidence linking the two. The developmental deformities are actually caused by exposure to toxic insecticide and larvicide chemicals, not Zika virus. But because Zika virus fear fits a convenient funding narrative for chemical giants and vaccine manufacturers, it is being played up by the corrupt, criminally-run CDC and the Obama administration to funnel billions of dollars into the hands of vaccine corporations while ignoring the real causes of microcephaly. Here are the top 10 reasons why the Zika virus fear mongering is a total scam: Read rest of story here: Did the CDC Censor Vaxxed? Or Did the CDC’s Proxies Do It for them? Columbia University’s Dilemma
Posted by: John Stone | May 26, 2016Many readers may not know Columbia University’s President, Lee C. Bollinger. However, if one explores the issues around censorship as Wayne Rohde and I have over the past several weeks, Bollinger’s name quickly emerges. Bollinger, a First Amendment scholar, is a brilliant man and a champion of free speech. Please take a look at his biography on the Columbia University website As the biography notes, “his most recent book, Uninhibited, Robust, and Wide-Open: A Free Press for a New Century (Inalienable Rights), has placed Bollinger at the center of public discussion about the importance of global free speech to continued social progress.” Read rest of story here: CDC sponsored MMR study supports Wakefield’s findings
9/12/2008 Re-published June 1, 2016 - F. Edward Yazbak MD On May 26, 2016, Rhode and Conte published their 4th report on the movie “VAXXED”. The report was titled “Did the CDC Censor Vaxxed? Or Did the CDC’s Proxies Do It for them? Columbia University’s Dilemma.” The report and related comments were most informative and readers should review them in order to appreciate the role Professor Ian Lipkin of Columbia University played recently. Read rest of story here: Why the Chicken Pox Vaccine Makes NO Sense
The chicken pox vaccine, formally known as the varicella vaccination, was added to the recommended childhood vaccination schedule in 1995. Prior to this vaccine’s creation, it was a common practice for families to expose children to others who had the chicken pox. The disease was considered a normal part of childhood and it was widely known that chicken pox in childhood posed little to no risk of serious harm. Risks associated with chicken pox are more common in adults and those with compromised immune systems. Read rest of story here: CDC forced to reveal documents proving Thimerosal vaccine preservative causes autism
May 26, 2016(NaturalNews) Factually speaking, the CDC is a malicious, criminally-run anti-science quackery front group for the vaccine industry. As part of its criminal activity, it has long insisted that the vaccine preservative thimerosal is not tied to autism. But once-secret documents, now forced to be revealed by the CDC, prove the agency knew that thimerosal causes autism but deliberately hid that evidence from the public in exactly the same way the EPA hid the truth about lead poisoning of the public water supply in Flint, Michigan. "A vaccine industry watchdog has now obtained CDC documents that show statistically significant risks of autism associated with the vaccine preservative," reports Health Advice, which also reports: Read rest of story here: Big Pharma's medical research papers are total bunk... hundreds were fraudulently ghostwritten by a P.R. firm called 'DesignWrite'
May 25, 2016(NaturalNews) Even though the big revelations about Big Pharma's science paper research fraud came out years ago, most people are still not aware of this. Here's the scoop: Drug companies routinely pay P.R. firms to ghostwrite clinical science papers which are published in medical journals and forwarded to the FDA to "prove" the drugs are safe and effective. But it's all a farce: The papers are pure fiction, dreamed up by what are essentially marketing firms for the sole purpose of getting drugs approved even when they don't work. Read rest of story here: California high school forces children to watch vaccine propaganda film and give 'correct' answers or be penalized
Monday, May 23, 2016(NaturalNews) At Redondo Beach Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, tenth graders are forced to watch a vaccine propaganda film, then provide the "correct" answers in a graded test. Click here to see the vaccine propaganda test that tenth graders must take. (PDF) The test given to high school students is rife with factual errors and gross omissions, such as claiming that polio infection rates "dropped by 99% when vaccine was introduced in 1955." Children are not taught that polio vaccines cause paralysis and that the official rates of polio dropped largely because government officials altered the definition of "polio" to create the illusion that the vaccines were working better than they actually were. Read rest of story here: HEPATITIS C THE NEW SILENT EPIDEMIC
May 17, 2016 by F. Edward Yazbak MD... The May 2016 issue of The American Journal of Managed Care was a Special Issue totally devoted to Hepatitis C Viral Infections. Read rest of story here: Does the MMR Vaccine Cause Autism?
May 11, 2016 Does the MMR vaccine cause autism? This is the essential question that each parent should ponder prior to injecting their child with the MMR vaccination. The answer is largely divided between conventional medicine and the holistic community. Evidence supporting the claim that the MMR vaccine causes autism includes parental reports, court case verdicts, multiple research studies and animal research. Deniers of the connection refer to vaccine studies which are considered flawed or biased by those in the holistic health community. [1, 2] Read rest of story here: Circumcision and Autism: A Recent Danish Study
May 5, 2016 by F. Edward Yazbak M.D.For a period of time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had a love-fest with Danish Researchers who agreed to produce needed evidence that in spite of parental reports, MMR vaccination and Thimerosal containing vaccines played no role whatsoever in the increased prevalence in autism and autistic spectral disorders (ASD). ... “Ritual circumcision and risk of autism spectrum disorder in 0- to 9-year-old boys: national cohort study in Denmark” by Morten Frisch and Jacob Simonsen was published in the prestigious Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. Read rest of story here: Former NBC boss asserts his grandson damaged by vaccines
by Jon Rappoport April 20, 2016The roof is beginning to cave in on the vaccine empire. Now, in the wake of the unsuccessful attempt to censor the film Vaxxed (trailer), we have Bob Wright, the former CEO of media giant, NBC Universal, authoring a new book, “The Wright Stuff: From NBC to Autism Speaks.” In its review of the book, Accuracy in Media provides a devastating quote from Wright about his autistic grandson: “Right after he got the standard one-year vaccinations, he developed a very high fever and screamed for hours. Katie [Wright’s daughter] was so frightened she called her husband to come home from work and they put the baby in an ice bath to bring down the fever. When they called the doctor they were told the reaction was completely normal.” Read rest of story here: Could this be Driving the Epidemic of Sudden Infant Death (SIDS)?
by Kelly Brogan, MDA new study published in Current Medicine and Chemistry titled, “Sudden infant death following hexavalent vaccination: a neuropathologic study,” lends support for the long theorized link between an ever-expanding number of infant vaccines and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). The fact that the peak age for SIDS is 2–4 months, which coincides with the introduction of 11 shots containing 16 vaccines (within the US immunization schedule), is so obvious a cause for concern, that even the CDC has been compelled to address the seeming ‘coincidence’ directly: Read rest of story here: A book on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) China’s Vaccine Scandal Threatens Public Faith in Immunizations
April 18, 2016HEZE, China — First the news rippled across China that millions of compromised vaccines had been given to children around the country. Then came grim rumors and angry complaints from parents that the government had kept them in the dark about the risks since last year. Now, the country’s immunization program faces a backlash of public distrust that critics say has been magnified by the government’s ingrained secrecy. Song Zhendong, like many parents here, said he was reluctant to risk further vaccinations for his child, a 10-month-old boy he cradled in his arms. Read rest of story here: The top 3 things that #VAXXED is not: a movie review
April 12, 2016 ~ Levi QuackenbossI had the honor of watching a screener of VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe a few nights ago and I have been simmering on the thought of what I should say about it that hasn’t already been said. You can read incredible reviews here, here, here, here, here and here that say most everything I would say, to tell you the truth. ... VAXXED is not anecdotal. This was a phrase I read in an early Hollywood Reporter review of the movie: “It’s all effective, but it’s also purely anecdotal.” The first-hand Hear This Well parent stories of vaccine injury shown in VAXXED are not anecdotal, they are testimonial. ... VAXXED is not an anti-vaccine movie. For crying out loud, it’s a movie about how our government held a trashcan party where they destroyed documents that supported the horrifying conclusion that African American boys who were getting the MMR too close in time to other vaccines were 3.4 times more likely to become autistic. Who wouldn’t want to know about this? ... VAXXED is not about Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Wakefield’s research, vindicating Wakefield, or any Wakefield agenda. VAXXED is about the dubious actions of senior scientists employed at the largest health department in America. That’s it. Wakefield didn’t invent them and he didn’t invent this cover-up; they did it all on their own. I am sorry to be the one to say this, but there is not one way the Wakefield haters can spin this mess to blame its existence on Wakefield. Read rest of story here: Do Vaccines Cause Cancer?
April 10, 2016 by Louise Kuo HabakusI know people will be immediately furious with the title — do vaccines cause cancer? Absolutely irresponsible! What’s wrong with you? This is why your movement will never get anywhere! You think everything bad is caused by vaccines! Be mad, if you must, but keep reading. Progress never happens by silencing contrarian voices. This post is for parents. Because the hardest time to learn about cancer is when someone you love has been diagnosed. It’s difficult to come from a place of empowered strength when panic and fear set in. The second hardest time to learn about cancer is when no one is sick. Why spend precious free time on something so terrifying? I’ll tell you why. Cancer is part of our new normal. One in two men and one in three women will receive a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. But it’s not just adults. If you can’t bring yourself to focus on this topic for yourself, please do it for your children. Read rest of story here: The Puzzling Presence of Borax in Our Vaccines
February 5, 2016Vaccine ingredients are an extremely important topic in the dialogue on vaccination, health and autonomy. After all, we all want to know and have the right to know what we are injected with. The Vaccine Reaction has published several articles about vaccine ingredients, including aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde and polysorbate 80. This article introduces an ingredient known as sodium borate. What is Sodium Borate? Many of you are familiar with a product commercially known as Borax. At some point, you may have encountered its presence in household products such as laundry and cleaning products, fertilizers and in pesticides used for killing rats, cockroaches and ants.1 Borax, also scientifically known as sodium borate, is also used as an ingredient in vaccines.2 ... The Role of Sodium Borate in Vaccines: Limited Data Available The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Excipient and Media Summary lists four vaccines that contain sodium borate:
Read rest of story here: Toxic Phenol Ingredient in Vaccines
April 4, 2016Phenol, chemically known as carbolic acid, is a white, volatile crystal solid. It is a mildly acidic, water-soluble chemical that requires safe handling due its ability to cause chemical burns. Phenol is produced both “naturally” as well as synthetically. In its natural form, phenol was initially found in coal tar. It is also present naturally in human and animal wastes as well as in some foods.1 ... Two Childhood Vaccines Contain Phenol The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Excipient and Media Summary lists five U.S. licensed vaccines that contain phenol, including two vaccines routinely given to infants and children:
Read rest of story here: Anti-vaccination parents face jail time after Uganda passes new law
26 Mar, 2016Uganda passed a new law this month targeting parents who refuse to vaccinate their children. “Anti-vaxxers” could face up to six months in prison in the central African nation of Uganda after claims by the Health Minister and others that a growing religious “cult” is preventing parents from having their children immunized. The new law was signed by President Yoweri Museveni on March 10, but it wasn’t announced until this week. The Immunization Act would require parents to have their children get shots for diseases such as measles, polio, tuberculosis and meningitis – or face jail time. Children would also be denied education as it requires them to possess an immunization card to attend school. Read rest of story here: Utah Whistleblower Lawsuit Alleges Data Errors, Research Misconduct as CDC Report Releases U.S. Autism Rate of 1.5%
Mar 31, 2016The CDC announced today an autism rate of 1 in 68 children (1.5% of eight year olds surveyed in 2012) for those born in 2004, unchanged from the last reported rate for children born in 2002. Meanwhile, the United States District Court for the District of Utah is preparing to hear critical motions on April 4th from a former CDC researcher and whistleblower. Although the lawsuit is directed primarily to the University of Utah, the whistleblower has also alleged that the CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network, allowed research misconduct and persistent data errors in their autism prevalence reports. These whistleblower allegations reveal serious concerns over the legitimacy and integrity of the CDC’s management of its widely cited ADDM Network reports. Read rest of story here: Cervical cancer vaccine victims to launch suits
March 31, 2016Jiji Press TOKYO (Jiji Press) — A group of sufferers of side effects from cervical cancer vaccines said Wednesday they will file class action lawsuits in major cities as early as June against two makers of the vaccines and the state, which formerly recommended the vaccination. At this point, 12 victims are willing to participate in the first-ever damages suits over side effects from the vaccines. But the group will ask more victims to join the legal battle so it can simultaneously file class action suits with district courts in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and Fukuoka, four members of the group said at a press conference in Tokyo. The vaccines in question are Cervarix and Gardasil, made by GlaxoSmithKline PLC of Britain and Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a unit of Merck & Co. of the United States, respectively. Read rest of story here: VAXXED CENSORSHIP EXPOSES GENOCIDE
Leonard Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH, DNM (hon.), DMM (hon.), Sherri Kane and J.T. Kong(3-30-2016)The world’s most prominent authority in vaccination politics and government cover-ups, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, is condemning and exposing the conflicting interests smearing the film VAXXED, and causing Tribeca Film Festival co-founder Robert De Niro to breach his contract to premier the documentary exposing the CDC’s cover-up of vaccine-induced genocide damaging mostly people of color. Startling new evidence identifies the main “cell” of agents and private companies commissioned to libel Dr. Andrew Wakefield, VAXXED’s co-producer, and strong-arming De Niro to protect the vaccine industry against liability for the evidence proving genocide. The new discoveries link a minion of propagandists to many of the world’s wealthiest vaccine makers and investment firms. The discoveries were made by Dr. Horowitz’s team, including FOX News defector, Sherri Kane, and private investigator and legal scholar, J.T. Kong. Read rest of story here: Former science chief: 'MMR fears coming true'
Last updated at 12:29 29 March 2016 [Earlier update was 22 March 2006]A former Government medical officer responsible for deciding whether medicines are safe has accused the Government of "utterly inexplicable complacency" over the MMR triple vaccine for children. Dr Peter Fletcher, who was Chief Scientific Officer at the Department of Health, said if it is proven that the jab causes autism, "the refusal by governments to evaluate the risks properly will make this one of the greatest scandals in medical history". He added that after agreeing to be an expert witness on drug-safety trials for parents' lawyers, he had received and studied thousands of documents relating to the case which he believed the public had a right to see. He said he has seen a "steady accumulation of evidence" from scientists worldwide that the measles, mumps and rubella jab is causing brain damage in certain children. But he added: "There are very powerful people in positions of great authority in Britain and elsewhere who have staked their reputations and careers on the safety of MMR and they are willing to do almost anything to protect themselves." Read rest of story here: How Healthcare Was Bought Out, Resulting in Today’s Focus on Vaccinations and Pharmaceuticals
March 28, 2016 Our health care system is now based on a pharmaceutical model of care with a strong emphasis on vaccinations. In the 1800s, homeopathic and nutritional health care approaches successfully treated many people who suffered during disease epidemics. Orthodox medical treatments were dangerous and comparatively less successful in treating patients. Great divides existed between orthodox and homeopathic physicians. The attempt to suppress homeopathic medicine was accelerated in 1910 with the Flexner Report, influenced by the funding by John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie. In effect, healthcare in the US was bought out and successful homeopathic physicians disallowed from further practice. This important change led to safe, inexpensive treatments being forced to the fringe of mainstream medicine, a practice which remains in effect today. Read rest of story here: Vaxxed: How did they threaten Robert De Niro?
by Jon Rappoport March 27, 2016De Niro talked to Congressman about censored Vaxxed film “On July 26, 2000, the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association published a review by Dr. Barbara Starfield, a revered public-health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Dr. Starfield’s review, ‘Is US health really the best in the world?’, concluded that, every year in the US, the medical system kills 225,000 people. That’s 2.25 million killings per decade.” (Jon Rappoport, The Starfield Revelation) This is explosive. This is about a film no one can see, because it exposes lunatics and destroyers in the vaccine industry. Read rest of story here: More: Medical truth canceled due to Hollywood Full history exposed: Tribeca Film Festival carrying out Nazi agenda of genocide, eugenics and extermination via 'science' and medicine Leadership & Longevity - Dr. Andrew Wakefield: CDC Whistleblower, Autism & Mandatory Vaccination
Published on Dec 2, 2015YouTube Video Watch Dr. Andrew Wakefield discuss the widely controversial topic of vaccine health in his 'CDC Whistleblower' presentation at the Leadershp & Longevity 2015 Conference. Read rest of story here: Internet Trolls May be Trained Government Agents According to Leaked Document
March 26, 2016 by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News Editor... Trolls Used by Big Pharma to Attack Vaccine Objectors Have you ever been on an Internet forum, blog, or Facebook Page where all of a sudden, out of nowhere, several people appear to contradict the main topic being discussed, especially if it is regarding a controversial topic like vaccines? Well it is entirely possible, and even likely, that it is not coincidence, and that it is a well-coordinated attack by “trolls”. As Greenwald reveals in his recently published article, there are definitely programs in place in government spy agencies to do just that. This tactic of trained trolls can be used by those outside of government also, and Big Pharma seems to be one business sector that employs this tactic as well, especially targeting publishers who report on the dangers of vaccines. Read rest of story here: Protect Your Daughter from the Gardasil Vaccine Disaster
March 24 2016The HPV vaccine has proven to be a disaster. This vaccine, developed to protect young women from cervical cancer, has failed to provide protection. In fact, it has succeeded in doing the opposite by increasing cervical cancer rates in those vaccinated. Read rest of story here: Protect Your Daughter from the Gardasil Vaccine Disaster
March 24 2016The HPV vaccine has proven to be a disaster. This vaccine, developed to protect young women from cervical cancer, has failed to provide protection. In fact, it has succeeded in doing the opposite by increasing cervical cancer rates in those vaccinated. Read rest of story here: 37 arrested over vaccine scandal
March 23, 2016Police in east China's Shandong Province have detained 37 suspects implicated in a vaccine scandal that has shocked the nation and raised questions over vaccine safety. Shandong police announced last month that they had arrested a mother and daughter alleged to have illegally sold improperly stored or expired vaccines worth more than 570 million yuan (US$88 million) across 20 provincial-level regions since 2011. Nine pharmaceutical companies in six provinces are being investigated by China's Food and Drug Administration. It has asked local authorities until Friday to find out who bought the vaccines. Read rest of story here: Threats Prove Cartoonist Right About Vaccine McCarthyism
By Jake CrosbyAbove is a cartoon originally published on DailyKos by Keith Knight, author of the K Chronicles. Knight drew the above cartoon to bring attention to what he called the “New McCarthyism” – the hypocrisy and double-standard surrounding discussions about vaccines. As anyone could have predicted, the thread was soon awash in nasty comments including threats so bad he eventually caved and removed the whole cartoon – proving Knight right about Vaccine McCarthyism. Read rest of story here: THE AUTISM EPIDEMIC - Who should you believe?
3/18/16 by F Edward Yazbak MDDuring the last year, agenda-driven politicians introduced laws, rules and regulations that went against the wishes of parents in many states. Suddenly, parents who had always been free to make decisions concerning their infants and young children’s faith, health, diet, activities and everything else, lost their right to be concerned and selective when it came to the many mandated and ever-increasing pediatric vaccinations. Read rest of story here: GSK Voluntary Recall of Menjugate® Liquid vaccine Lot #150401
07 March 2016We have received reports of anaphylaxis observed over a short time-period in three teenage patients receiving Menjugate® Liquid (meningococcal serogroup C) vaccine. We understand that all three patients have been successfully treated by healthcare professionals. Patient safety is GSK’s first priority and we have therefore initiated a voluntary product recall for the affected batch of Menjugate® Liquid vaccine (lot 150401) which was distributed only in Canada from 6 January to 29 February 2016. Read rest of story here: Louisiana Mother Knows 8 Vaccine Doses Killed Her 2 Month-Old Son
March 7 2016Two month-old Reid Thomas Englehart was vaccinated on May 20, 2015. He was given eight vaccine doses, which included the DTaP, Hib, polio, pneumococcal, hepatitis B and the oral rotavirus vaccines. These are the routine vaccines given to two month-old babies, even premature babies, in the United States and elsewhere. [1] At the time of his appointment, Reid was still wheezing from a previous infection and still had a residual cough, but his doctor insisted it was fine to vaccinate him, after a test came back that Reid was negative for pertussis. Nine days later, without a struggle and without any obstruction of his airways, he stopped breathing while his dad was holding him. Reid passed away in his sleep on May 29, 2015. Read rest of story here: The CDC Atlanta Autism Study That No One Noticed
March 04, 2016 By F. Edward Yazbak MDAmid all the furor surrounding Thompson no one noticed the publication by the CDC last year of a study showing the steady rise of autism spectrum disorders in Atlanta which once again places beyond reasonable doubt that the rise in autism is real and not an artifact. On the CDC’s own analysis autism had risen on its own door step by nearly four times among eight year olds between 1996 and 2010 to a rate of 1 in 65. Ed Yazbak reviews the paper. Read rest of story here: In 1993, Noam Chomsky delivered the Zika secret
by Jon Rappoport March 4, 2016In December of 1993, Noam Chomsky published an article in Z Magazine titled, “The Clinton Vision.” Chomsky was actually discussing US foreign policy in the Western hemisphere since 1945. He focused on Brazil. He spoke of the US takeover of that country, and how under guise of spreading democracy and the free market, the real operation was control of land, resources, and labor—ruled by a corrupt Brazilian oligarchy in turn managed by a US government-corporate nexus. Workers in the northeastern area of Brazil were subjugated to a life of misery, the most obvious sign of which was extreme, generation-to-generation malnutrition. Read rest of story here: Wildfire...
Thursday, March 3rd, 2016by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Anti-Vaccination Movement Burning United States.. CDC, Health Departments, Vaccine Makers, AstroTurfers,. Whimpering, Trembling, Panicking, for Good Reason... California Senator Richard Pan probably thought he was headed for the Presidency of the United States, carried into office on mountains of drug lord money, once he successfully pushed through America's first Mandatory Vaccine law, SB277, in California, last year. No one in the Pan ranks EVER, I think, counted on the reaction Americans would take to forcefully injecting American children with "Made-in-China," un-tested for use, toxic death pus mixtures, claiming them to be "Safe and Effective." And, that reaction is huge, and growing larger yet every day. Good. Read rest of story here: UK government awards compensation for swine flu vaccine that caused brain damage to hundreds of children
March 3rd, 2016The UK government is now financially compensating at least 60 families in a multi-million-dollar settlement that is likely to grow, as more patients suffer from the effects of a faulty swine flu vaccine that has already caused numerous cases of brain damage among children. “The government is expected to receive a bill of approximately £60 million [$90.1 million], with each of the 60 victims expected to receive about £1 million [$1.5 million] each,” International Business Times (IBT) reported. In an interview with The Sunday Times, attorney Peter Todd, who is representing a number of victims, said, “There has never been a case like this before. The victims of this vaccine have an incurable and lifelong condition and will require extensive medication.” Following an outbreak of swine flu in 2009, some 60 million people, most of them children, received vaccines. Health officials investigating the subsequent illnesses that sprouted discovered that the vaccine, Pandemrix, can actually cause narcolepsy and cataplexy in about 1 in 16,000 people. Read rest of story here: GlaxoSmithKline fined less than $100,000 for killing 14 babies during vaccine trials
March 02, 2016 (NaturalNews) In reacting to recent news that pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline accidentally dumped 12 gallons of live, concentrated polio virus into a Belgian river, it is important to remember that the company has a long history of safety violations in its vaccine business. In 2012, for example, an Argentinean judge found the company guilty of conducting illegal vaccine trials that led to the deaths of 14 babies. Yet the company was fined only 400,000 pesos, at the time the equivalent of about $93,000. Two doctors involved in the trial were fined another 300,000 pesos each. The company was found guilty of conducting trials on human beings (which is prohibited in Argentina) and of falsifying parental authorizations allowing the company to experiment on babies. Read rest of story here: Did Two Medical Journals Just Blacklist Gardasil Research Showing Dangers of the Vaccine?
February 28, 2016by Jefferey Jaxen Health Impact News The public, medical community and politicians throughout the world are witnessing a polarization regarding the safety of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine. A historic, global backlash of parents, whose teenagers have been injured by the HPV shot, is currently threatening the very root of a multibillion dollar vaccine industry. While families and communities at the grassroots level continue to organize to effect change at the county, state and district levels, those within the ranks of medicine and research are making their objectionable discoveries public. However, when research findings threaten public immunization policy, initially set by conflicts of interest and compromised regulatory agencies, those in positions of power must react with integrity. Read rest of story here: Zika: Who launched the fake-epidemic story in Brazil?
Zika: Who launched the fake-epidemic story in Brazil? Explosive: The invention of an epidemic ... Out of nowhere, a month ago, we were told there was an outbreak of microcephaly in Brazil: over 4,000 cases of babies born with small heads and brain impairment. The Brazilian researchers then went in and took a closer look at that figure. They walked it back and said there were, at best, only 404 confirmed cases of microcephaly. Going from 4,000 cases to 404 cases was a revelation. It means there is no reason to claim, so far, that there is an epidemic of microcephaly. Then, another stunner. Of the 404 cases, only 17 “had a relationship with the Zika virus.” Therefore, obviously, there was no Zika-causing-microcephaly story, either. Read rest of story here: Zika virus (ATCC® VR-84™)
[Available for sale.] Classification: Flaviviridae, Flavivirus / Product Format: freeze-dried Source Blood from experimental forest sentinel rhesus monkey, Uganda, 1947 Year of Origin 1947 Read rest of story here: American College of Pediatricians Warns About Gardasil Risk
February 4, 2016The American College of Pediatricians (ACP) released a statement last month expressing concerns about Merck and Co.’s human papillomavirus vaccine, Gardasil, and its correlation to premature ovarian failure, also known as premature menopause. The ACP’s concerns are based on two case report series published since 2013 in which girls vaccinated with Gardasil developed premature menopause. Further, there have been 213 reports of premature menopause or amenorrhea (missing menstrual periods) recorded in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database since Gardasil’s approval in 2006. Most of these reports were directly and solely linked to Gardasil. ... Read rest of story here: Doctors In Brazil Admit Doubt In Number Of Zika-Linked Microcephaly Cases
January 29, 2016... MANOEL BARRAL: The numbers seem messy, but they are really more cautious - I mean, not to attribute to Zika things that we cannot be sure are related to Zika. GARCIA-NAVARRO: Only six cases so far have been linked with certainty to the Zica virus. He says that's not unusual. At the moment, you can only test positive for the virus if you have an active infection, which normally only lasts for a short period of time. So the cases that have either been confirmed or are under investigation as being Zika-related as of this moment in Brazil is 3,718. Lourdes Garcia-Navarro, NPR News, Rio de Janeiro. Read rest of story here: Zika in Topeka?
KP Stoller, MDThere is no ZIka in Topeka, but there sure is microcephaly! Just read “Practice Parameter: Evaluation of the child with microcephaly (an evidence-based review)”; Neurology 2009 Sep 15; 73(11) 887-897; Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society. And the relevant quote: “Microcephaly may result from any insult that disturbs early brain growth…Annually, approximately 25,000 infants in the United States will be diagnosed with microcephaly…” Without any solid evidence the Zika virus is either spreading or actually the cause of new cases of microcephaly (or any cases), the WHO has declared an International Emergency. Reminiscent of the scapgoating of a single enterovirus, called the poliovirus, as the cause of Acute Flacid Paralysis (AFP), when the entire class of enteroviruses can cause damage to the nervous system in the presence of a toxic co-factor, that is, pesticides . from atrazine to Roundup. Zika is now being blamed for pesticide injured children. Read rest of story here: Brazil: 270 of 4,180 suspected microcephaly cases confirmed
January 27, 2016 RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — New figures released Wednesday by Brazil's Health Ministry as part of a probe into the Zika virus have found fewer cases of a rare birth defect than first feared. Researchers have been looking at 4,180 suspected cases of microcephaly reported since October. On Wednesday, officials said they had done a more intense analysis of more than 700 of those cases, confirming 270 cases and ruling out 462 others. Read rest of story here: 10 Reasons MDs Should Sign Vaccine Medical Exemptions
January 12, 201610 Reasons Why Doctors Should Not Hesitate to Sign Medical Exemptions for Vaccinations When That Is the Only Option Available to Patients/Parents Read rest of story here: Zika freaka: the other shoe drops: lying about case numbers
January 31, 2016 by Jon RappoportSuppose the actual number of cases of microcephaly (babies born with small heads and brain impairment) are much fewer than reported? Then all efforts to explain some “extraordinary, unusual, dire, and sudden situation” are misguided, are based on a lie. Then we would have to backtrack and conceive of what is happening in Brazil in a whole different way. Read rest of story here: An orchestrated attack on a PhD thesis
February 1, 2016Judy Wilyman, an outspoken critic of the Australian government’s vaccination policy, undertook a PhD at the University of Wollongong. She graduated in December 2015. On 11 January, her PhD thesis was posted on the university’s digital repository, Research Online. On the same day, anticipating an attack on Judy and the thesis, I posted a document titled “Judy Wilyman, PhD: how to understand attacks on a research student“, which turned out to be remarkably accurate in characterising the nature of the attack, which commenced within 24 hours. The attack included a series of biased articles in The Australian by journalist Kylar Loussikian, numerous hostile blogs and tweets, a one-sided Wikipedia page, and a petition. Never before have I heard of such an outpouring of rage over the award of a PhD in Australia. Read rest of story here: Have Science and Monetary Influences Gone Amok?
January 29, 2016 By Catherine J. FrompovichRecently, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and editor at Natural News, ran an article about science genetically engineering laboratory monkeys to present autism symptomology to be utilized for autism and brain research, which beggars the question: If they can cause it in monkeys, what do they really know about ASD and, consequently, utilize to be able to produce it? Why not think “reverse engineering” [1]. Read rest of story here: Zika freakout: the hoax and the covert op continue
by Jon Rappoport January 29, 2016Thanks to reporters and researchers Jim Stone, Kathy Ford, the fullerton informer, Jim West, Martin Maloney, and Claus Jensen, who have moved this story forward and exposed the scam. If you want to hide anything on this planet, twist it into a (fake) story about a virus. You’re home free. This is my second article on the Zika-virus scam (article archive here). I’ve been to these rodeos before: HIV, West Nile, Swine Flu, SARS, Ebola. In each case, a virus is blamed for illness and death that actually arises from other causes. The Zika virus, now being blamed for the birth of babies with very small heads and impaired brains, has been around for a long time—late 1940s, early 1950s—and suddenly, without warning or reason, after inducing, at best, mild illness, it’s producing horrendous damage? This is called a clue. A clue that scientific liars are lying. Furthermore, many of the women who are giving birth to deformed babies test negative for the presence of the Zika Virus. So, what is causing babies to be born with very small heads and brain damage? While researching my first book in 1987-8, AIDS INC., I concluded: don’t assume there is only one cause for illness. That can be very misleading. Various factors can combine to produce disease and death. One: Pesticide use in Brazil: ... Two: The TdaP vaccine: ... Three: Genetically engineered mosquitoes ... Four: Pesticide manufacturing in Brazil: ... Five: Severe and endemic malnutrition, lack of basic sanitation, and grinding poverty: ... Six: anti-mosquito sprays: ... Read rest of story here: Truth in Media: CDC, Vaccines and Autism
Ben Swann, Jan 26, 2016[Video and News] The debate over whether vaccines cause autism has become one of the most controversial disputes in this country. In this episode of Truth In Media, the focus is not on whether vaccines are responsible for autism. The issue at hand here is a study that was performed at the CDC and the question of whether the agency was complicit in a cover-up over a decade ago. For over two years, Truth In Media has explored the allegations of Dr. William Thompson, a CDC scientist who came forward in 2014, hired a whistleblower attorney, and claimed that important data regarding a study on vaccines and autism was eliminated. [Note: links are available at this page [link below] to download the CDC documents in two parts.] Read rest of story here: More: For a collection of news links about Dr. William Thompson and the CDC coverup CDCwhistleblower.htm Big Drop In Reported Flu Cases
[Ontario Canada]
January 22, 2016Less than half of the residents in Windsor-Essex have received their flu shot this season, but the local health unit is reporting a drop in the number of influenza cases. During a Board of Health meeting on Thursday, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit reported that there are only three confirmed cases of influenza in the region. There were 102 confirmed cases at this time last year — a 94% decrease. ... However, the health unit is estimating that only around 40% of local residents have received their flu vaccine, with 141,000 doses distributed so far this season. Read rest of story here: Immunity: The Emerging Truth
January 18th 2016 By Kelly Brogan, M.D.... Rediscovery of the Microbiome Our dawning awareness of the microbiome has changed everything. It has been a discovery process that is almost like a poetic remembering of our past wisdom. Given our knowledge that microbes comprise more of what we perceive to be us, than human cells do, the only reasonable course of action is abandon all current efforts toward the prevention of infectious disease that were based on a war against germs. We must acknowledge that we misapprehended germs as other, when they are in fact necessary. We must see that we have plainly missed the mark, and that our best intentions to protect men, women, and children, have made them sicker, and all the more vulnerable to chronic illness. Read rest of story here: Above is the link to page 1. Page 2 Study: HPV Vaccine Syndrome – 93% of Girls are Incapacitated
January 11, 2016 by Leslie Carol Botha HPV vaccination syndrome. A questionnaire-based study. 10% of those harmed by cervical cancer vaccines failing to recover Holy Hormones Journal: The tide is turning but the damage is done. A generation of adolescents maimed. Slowly, but surely, the researchers are beginning to do independent studies gardasil 2like the recent abstract on the government’s web site. A small survey of 45 girls in 13 countries and 93% continue to experience “incapacitating” symptoms that has left them unable to return to work or school. A random study and 93% incapacitated. The numbers are getting to high to deny. Except of course Murky Mercury Merck will deny until the go to court again. Will they have the courage to do a study on 100 girls or 1,000 girls? Will the findings bear out the 93%? Read rest of story here: UPDATE: Truth In Media to Release Documentary on CDC Documents [On January 26, 2016]
Jan 18, 2016Since 2014, Ben Swann has been investigating and reporting on the story of William Thompson, a CDC scientist who hired a whistleblower attorney and turned over to Congress thousands of pages of documents regarding a 2004 CDC study on autism and vaccines. Read rest of story here: This Woman’s Anti-Vaccination Thesis Is Epic Awesome
January 18, 2016Some people excite me. And some people really excite me! And then there is the case of Judy Wilyman, an Australian anti-vaccination proponent who wrote a thesis calling out the vaccination and pharmaceutical industries, and ended up getting her PhD based on it. She’s a whole new level of awesome in my eyes. The University of Wollongong issued her a PhD and has also refused to review the case (they are reviewing other PhD cases, but not hers). People are in a total uproar over the matter, calling for the University to rethink its position and strip Wilyman of her PhD. Read rest of story here: Tuskegee II --- Mandatory Vaccinations-- A Legislated Black Holocaust
June 18, 2015Los Angeles, CA. June 18, 2015. America's foremost environmental attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., whistleblower and top scientist Dr. Brian Hooker and Minister/civil rights leader Tony Muhammed addressed a standing room only crowd about California's new Tuskegee Experiment, SB 277. Robert Kennedy calls this bill "Tuskegee Times 200,000" because of the disproportionate extent of the African-American injuries and deaths that SB 277 is scientificatlly projected to create. With the facts exposed, will the California Assembly vote to adopt what is now considered the most racist bill in California's history? Will Jerry Brown sign a bill that will especially target Blacks with unnecessary injuries and deaths? Read rest of story here: 1 Year Old Dies After Vaccination, Death Ruled Unexplained Due To Natural Causes
January 18 2016We wanted to update our readers on a story we recently published, titled Indiana Baby Dies In His Sleep Days After Receiving 6 Vaccine Doses. Autopsy results have revealed baby Michael Whitesell’s liver and vascular systems were congested when he passed away. The coroner ruled one year-old Michael’s death as Sudden Unexplained Infant Death, due to natural causes, and the specific vaccines were not listed on the autopsy report. At the age of one, on October 19, 2015, Michael Whitesell was taken in for the routine 12-month well baby check-up, where he was injected with the MMR, varicella, hepatitis A, and flu vaccines. This was six vaccine doses given to him, in four injections. He let out a scream his parents had never heard before. Read rest of story here: Putin: Human Evolution Under Threat By Big Pharma, GMO, Vaccines
January 9, 2016The Western government-controlled people are an "intensively vaccinated borderline autistic fat man slumped in front of a screen battling a high-fructose corn syrup comedown", claims Putin who says that Russians "must be protected ... at all costs". The Western government-controlled people are an "intensively vaccinated borderline autistic fat man slumped in front of a screen battling a high-fructose corn syrup comedown", claims Putin who says that Russians "must be protected ... at all costs". A report prepared by the Security Council (SCRF) circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin has issued orders that his people must be protected from GMO “food” and Western pharmaceuticals “at all costs.” The report says that President Putin believes the next stage of human evolution is currently in “grave risk” and that Western and global powers are “intentionally decelerating the process for their personal gain.” “We as a species have the choice to continue to develop our bodies and brains in a healthy upward trajectory, or we can follow the Western example of recent decades and intentionally poison our population with genetically altered food, pharmaceuticals, vaccinations, and fast food that should be classified as a dangerous, addictive drug.” Read rest of story here: More Dec 3 2015 English: Putin: Russia Will be World’s Largest Supplier of Healthy Organic Food Russian President Vladimir Putin has told the Russian Parliament that Russia should become the world’s largest supplier of organic foods, in a message released to the media on Thursday. Reference: Article in Russian language If They Would Feed Radioactive Oatmeal to Little Kids, What Wouldn’t They Do?
January 11, 2016 by Melissa Dykes... The book “The Plutonium Files” specifically outlines the government’s cold war medical experimentation (or, what has come out on record since then anyway), which included injecting cancer patients and the terminally ill, including a 10-year-old boy who died days later, with high doses of radiation. It’s a pretty hard read. One story that has really stuck with me (even though it is far from the worst) discloses how boys at a known eugenics school in Massachusetts were fed radiation-laced oatmeal by MIT scientists under the ruse that they were chosen to be part of a special club. Read rest of story here: Another High-profile Global Vaccine Conspiracy Exposed — This Time It’s the HPV Vaccine
Catherine Frompovich, January 15, 2016As a researcher who’s been tracking vaccine issues, including scientific hijinks, since the 1980s, I cannot express what a pleasure it is to report the following unfolding vaccine geo-political drama. This alleged conspiratorial action is about the fourth or fifth one to break into daylight. ... What I’m about to report is taken directly from copies of documents I have in my possession. There’s no Photoshop stuff going on here. This is the real McCoy! I have in my possession copies of numerous emails—obtained via FOIA New Zealand—that were sent by, received or copied to the following individuals with regard to the allegations Dr. Sin Hang Lee puts forth in his January 14, 2016 complaint to the Director-General of the World Health Organization, Dr. Margaret Chan: Read rest of story here: South Africa Debates Safety of HPV Vaccine
January 17, 2016 by Norma Erickson SaneVax9 August 2015, a citizen of South Africa (we’ll call her Sarah) sent the following questions about HPV vaccines to CANSA, the Cancer Association of South Africa. Sarah had no idea her questions would lead to a full-blown scientific debate. Could you please let me know why CANSA is supporting the use of the hpv vaccines when these are now proven to be deadly? Several hundred young women have died because of this vaccine and thousands more are permanently disabed or battling with chronic health-problems. This vaccine has NEVER been proven to prevent cervical cancer. Many countries have banned these vaccines because they are not just useless, they are dangerous – why is South Africa using them? And why does your web page not list the potential side effects? Read rest of story here: Another source HPV Vaccine Debate in South Africa Payback is a Bitch...
Tim Bolen, January 12th, 2016Mainstream Media Outlet Attacks the Wrong Guy... Fun in Sacramento... There is a hilarious short video I want you to watch. It will make your day. It was taken by Sacramento, California area Joshua Coleman, father of a severely vaccine damaged child, who has MORE THAN ONE personal interest in the subject material the video covers. The video is about Josh's encounter(s) with the local Sacramento CBS affiliate. Understand that Josh's child is severely handicapped from vaccines, as millions of children are, and his situation is exactly what Handicapped Parking facilities were designed for. Read/watch rest of story here: Union says Ontario nurses can’t be forced to wear masks in flu season
Sep. 10, 2015The Ontario Nurses Association says hospitals will no longer be allowed to shame health-care workers into getting a flu shot following an arbitrator’s ruling striking down a “vaccinate or mask” policy. About 30 Ontario hospitals implemented the policy, which forces nurses and other hospital workers to wear an unfitted surgical mask for the entire flu season if they do not get the influenza vaccine, ONA president Linda Haslam-Stroud said Thursday. The test case was against the Sault Area Hospital in Sault Ste. Marie, which tried to use the policy to boost their staff immunization rates, added Haslam-Stroud. “They were basically coercing and shaming nurses into getting the influenza vaccine if they individually chose not to take it,” she said. “They made them all wear masks and they had little stickers on their name tag that everyone knew meant ‘I don’t have my vaccine.“’ Read rest of story here: Polysorbate 80: A Risky Vaccine Ingredient
January 5, 2016 The recent public conversation about the safety of vaccine ingredients has centered primarily around mercury (thimerosal), aluminum and formaldehyde. However, there are other concerning ingredients in vaccines that are not talked about as often, one of which is Polysorbate 80—also known as Tween 80 and polyoxyethylene-sorbitan-20 mono-oleate.1 What is Polysorbate 80? Polysorbate 80 is a surfactant commonly used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industry.1 Surfactants are compounds that reduce the surface tension and increase the solubility between two liquids that would normally be unable to dissolve together, e.g. oil in water.2 3 Because of their ability to lower surface tension between liquids, surfactants are known for their spreading and wetting properties. Therefore, surfactants act as detergents, emulsifiers, wetting agents, foaming agents and dispersants.1 2 Read rest of story here: Research on Autism Still Missing the Forest For The Trees
January 5, 2016Autism Speaks recently posted an article titled "Evidence that brain-chemical imbalance drives autism symptoms" which discusses a new study published in the journal Current Biology: "Reduced GABAergic Action in the Autistic Brain". This is an important study as it is the first to demonstrate a link between severity of autistic symptoms and reduced action of the neurotransmitter GABA in humans. GABA is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter and several studies have found strong evidence of its association with autism, one finding reduced GABA receptor subunits in post-mortem tissue of autistic brains, and another finding disrupted GABAergic signaling in mouse models of autism (references) ... If we were talking about any disorder other than autism, the next logical question the researchers -- and advocacy groups like Autism Speaks -- would be asking would be: “What could possibly cause this reduced GABA activity in the autistic brain”? If a researcher can suggest biologically plausible cause(s) that only servers to bolster their findings, and researchers do love to bolster their findings. .. Earth to Autism Speaks...mercury targets GABA receptors in the brain. Read rest of story here: Those Lucky Dogs
By: Dr. F. Edward Yazbak... Committee members chose to forget what my friend had told them just minutes earlier: Even in the adult population, the incidence of hepatitis B virus infection is almost a non-issue. In fact, the incidence is so low that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had commented: "State level incidence rates of hepatitis B are deemed unreliable. This item is not amenable to survey data collection due to low incidence. National estimates of hepatitis B incidence are corrected for underreporting by using an algorithm that adjusts reported incidence upward by approximately 6-fold." In Massachusetts, there had been only 19 cases of hepatitis B disease in the year 2000 or two cases per million residents. (2) Talking of useless vaccines, the U.S. Senate voted before the Christmas break to "immunize" drug manufacturers who are preparing to get wealthy producing the "bird flu vaccine" for humans among whom the disease has never spread. The CDC has decreed that we should get ready even if the pandemic never materializes outside chicken coops. Interestingly, no one bothered to comment about why - if, indeed, the vaccine is safe - the manufacturers are so worried and why they need protection. On the other hand, if the vaccine has problems, then why were we rushing into it now? The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) suggested that more than one third of our Senators had reasons other than the national health to protect the vaccine manufacturers. Apparently 38 Senators had $13.4 million in pharmaceutical holdings and were likely to increase the value of their stock portfolios. (3, 4) ... But back to dogs and rabies. Read rest of story here: Studies Outside the U.S. Show Unvaccinated Children Healthier than Vaccinated Children
January 6, 2016Health Impact News Editor Comments: Christina England has done an excellent job of digging up some previous studies conducted in New Zealand and Germany comparing vaccinated children with unvaccinated children. In addition to these two studies, there was also a clinical study conducted in Hong Kong in in 2012 comparing vaccinated with unvaccinated children in regards to the flu vaccine. Researchers conducted a double-blind placebo-controlled trial on children with the trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine. Their results were published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases in 2012, and they found that the seasonal trivalent flu vaccine resulted in 5.5 times more incidents of respiratory illness than the placebo group. Read more about the study here. If you watch the video below of Congressman Posey questioning the CDC at an autism Congressional hearing back in November of 2012, you will hear the CDC admit that they have never conducted a study in the U.S. comparing vaccinated with unvaccinated children. Read rest of story here: More Studies Prove Without Doubt That Unvaccinated Children Are Far Healthier Than Their Vaccinated Peers A study from the 1990s has come to light, ... Many Hospitals Do Not Require Influenza Vaccinations for Staffers
December 09, 2015A new study reported that more than half of hospitals still do not require their doctors, nurses, and other healthcare personnel to get the flu vaccine. Findings from the study are published in Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. In 2013, a survey of infection prevention specialists on their hospitals' flu vaccine policies was carried out by the University of Michigan and VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System. Of the 386 hospitals that responded, only 42.7% said they required influenza vaccines for all healthcare providers. Another 10% responded saying they would require it for the next flu season. Among the VA hospitals, only 1.3% required flu vaccinations. Opposition from healthcare worker unions or concerns about staff opposition was cited as reasons by the non-VA infection prevention specialists for keeping their hospitals from requiring vaccination. The concern regarding union opposition was greater among VA hospitals where over one-fourth (27.6%) of surveyed infection control staff said it was a factor in the lack of a flu vaccination requirement. The researchers also noted the difference in willingness of hospital administrators to implement the vaccine requirement, with 22% of surveyed specialists saying their administration would not mandate the vaccine. About 22% of non-VA hospitals said their staff was "strongly encouraged" to receive the flu vaccine. Due to federal restrictions, over half of the 77 surveyed VA hospitals stated that they could not mandate the vaccine. Read rest of story here: Will S. 1203 Result in Vaccine Mandates for U.S. Veterans? Senator Heller Responds.
The vaccine industry is currently estimated to be a $30 billion dollar per year industry, with some projecting it will be a $100 billion dollar per year industry by 2020. Many believed this an absurd prediction until it became clear that the industry was not planning on increasing revenue in such a short period of time by introducing new products, but rather by compelling vaccine uptake in greater numbers and in groups that have never had mandates before. In fact, 2015 saw more than 100 bills introduced nationwide to increase vaccine sales, not just for children and members of the military, but now for adults in the civilian world. The veterans affairs funding bill, which has passed the Senate and is now in the House, may be one of those measures. Concerns that U.S. military veterans may be forced to comply with the new CDC Adult Vaccine Schedule began to spread in November, when Nevada Senator Dean Heller’s bill, S. 1203 - A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to improve the furnishing of health care to veterans by the Department of Veterans Affairs, to improve the processing by the Department of claims for disability compensation, and for other purposes, passed the Senate. A section of the bill regarding immunizations, added by special interest groups while the bill was in committee, is worded so it could be used in the future to make rules that would penalize veterans for failure to comply with recommended vaccines. The section reads: Read rest of story here: 5 Mothers are Victorious Against the New York City Flu Vaccine Mandate
December 20 2015In a trailblazing victory for families with young children, and a triumph for liberty-minded citizens across the country, the New York State Supreme Court has just overturned a municipal ruling which would have mandated flu vaccines for young children attending day care programs and preschools in New York City. [1] This mandate had worrisome implications for families everywhere. The most amazing part of this historic decision? Five inspired mothers joined together, hired a lawyer, and sought the help of the state court. Their steadfast efforts will bring health and hope to families in New York City, and throughout the nation, in the widespread war against vaccine mandates. Informed parents know they deserve a choice about what chemicals, if any, should be injected into their child. Read rest of story here: Pediatrician Resigns Because ‘American Association of Pediatrics Knows Vaccines Cause Autism’
December 15, 2015Dr. Kenneth P Stoller, MD, is a former Pediatrician at UCLA who resigned because he says that the American Academy of Pediatrics KNOWS Vaccines cause autism and tried to hide it. Read rest of story here: Scientist and Stem Cell Expert Says Don’t Be So Quick to Believe Vaccines Are Safe
July 24, 2015Dr. Theresa Deisher believes those made from fetal stem cell lines may pose a serious risk Dr. Theresa Deisher is no stranger to science, research, and ethics. She holds a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Physiology from Stanford University and has spent over 20 years in commercial biotechnology before founding Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI), which promotes consumer awareness about the widespread use of electively aborted fetal material in drug discovery, development, and commercialization. Read rest of story here: U of T stands by health-studies course with anti-vaccine material
Jul. 06, 2015The University of Toronto says it stands by a health-studies course in which students were required to read and watch material stating vaccines are toxic and linked to serious health problems. The course, taught at U of T’s Scarborough campus earlier this year by Beth Landau-Halpern, a homeopath who has written that measles and chicken pox help children grow, was under review following a report in The Globe and Mail in February about her anti-vaccine stance. Read rest of story here: Revealed: trauma of 131 girls after 'HPV nightmare'
06/12/2015Irish News Parents allege that the cervical cancer vaccine is the root cause of sudden ill health. More than 130 teenage girls are suffering acute physical side effects to a government-approved anti-cervical cancer vaccine being administered in our schools, a parents' support group has claimed. Members of Reactions and Effects of Gardasil Resulting in Extreme Trauma (Regret), a recently formed group, claim their daughters - mostly aged 11-17 years - became seriously ill after receiving the Gardasil vaccine at schools all over the country. Read rest of story here: Gabriela Segura, MD: HPV Vaccine – A Case of Scientific Corruption
December 10, 2015 and November 5, 2015 and The Origins of the HPV Vaccine – A case of corruption in science I am hoping to interview Dr. Segura on my radio show. She is in Spain and has been so outraged by what is happening not only to the injured but also the corruption that has taken place with science, the pharmaceutical companies and the governments. If anything these young women who lives have been so damaged are becoming the heroines in a travesty that has gone on for too long. The Origins of the HPV Vaccine – A case of corruption in science The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is possibly the most dangerous one on the market today. Supposedly designed to possibly prevent infections by certain types of human papillomavirus associated with the development of cervical cancer, genital warts, and other cancers, according to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), there were 41,236 adverse effects including 1,373 people disabled, 233 deaths, 705 life threatening cases and, 5,575 serious adverse effects up until September 2015. Read rest of story(s) here: Medicine’s Flawed Approach to Evidence
December 12, 2015Druin Burch, an Oxford physician and professor, has penned a fine piece, appearing in the December/January issue of Natural History, advocating for placebo-controlled trials for all medical interventions. It’s a good read. Some gems: “In the nineteenth century, improvements in public health practices had greatly prolonged human life. Medicine itself, however, only started doing more good than harm around World War II . ..” In a discussion of childhood cancer treatments: “Giving new treatments to children outside of controlled trials is not merciful compassion. It’s a gamble in which the child is as likely to be hurt as helped, and after which-due to the lack of control-we won’t even be able to tell which effect the treatment has had.” Read rest of story here: A Pharma Payment A Day Keeps Docs’ Finances Okay
ProPublica, July 1, 2015New data on payments from drug and device companies to doctors show that many doctors received payments on 100 or more days last year. Some received payments on more days than they didn’t. Read rest of story here: Washington attorney obliterates Big Pharma's vaccine propaganda while promoting real public health measures
Tuesday, December 01, 2015(NaturalNews) Someone with proper know-how on the subject is finally doing what should have been done years ago, as legal redress for the many crimes against humanity that continue to be inflicted against the American people by bought-off health officials and corrupt drug corporations. Washington state attorney James Robert Deal, J.D., having thoroughly witnessed the incredible damage caused by FDA-approved vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs, is bravely taking the federal government to task for conspiring with drug and vaccine interests to push dangerous, unproven medical interventions on children, causing many of them to develop chronic illnesses or to die. An expert in the legal process, Deal has developed quite the thorough list of legal arguments that he says serve as a template for suing – and beating – both Big Pharma and the federal government for their malfeasance in betraying American citizens with lies and misinformation about the alleged merits of vaccination. His clear-cut plan is extensively laid out, and draws from legal precedence that stands to indict the federal government for criminal activity for its "mandatory," state-sponsored vaccination programs. Read rest of story here: Saving Sick Children from State Science
A. M. Rogers is an attorney and physicist in Ormond Beach, Florida.The constitutional guarantee of religious freedom has often butted heads with the state. Though religious freedom was once the cornerstone of this country, its position has been slowly eroded. And the state has justified this erosion by deference to what the law has turned into another god—science. The area of children’s health and well-being has become one of the major battlegrounds of religious freedom. Read rest of story here: FDA study helps provide an understanding of rising rates of whooping cough and response to vaccination
Nov. 27, 2013... The FDA conducted the study in baboons, an animal model that closely reproduces the way whooping cough affects people. The scientists vaccinated two groups of baboons – one group with a whole-cell pertussis vaccine and the other group with an acellular pertussis vaccine currently used in the U. S. The animals were vaccinated at ages two, four, and six months, simulating the infant immunization schedule. The results of the FDA study found that both types of vaccines generated robust antibody responses in the animals, and none of the vaccinated animals developed outward signs of pertussis disease after being exposed to B. pertussis. However, there were differences in other aspects of the immune response. Animals that received an acellular pertussis vaccine had the bacteria in their airways for up to six weeks and were able to spread the infection to unvaccinated animals. In contrast, animals that received whole-cell vaccine cleared the bacteria within three weeks. This research suggests that although individuals immunized with an acellular pertussis vaccine may be protected from disease, they may still become infected with the bacteria without always getting sick and are able to spread infection to others, including young infants who are susceptible to pertussis disease. [Emphasis added.] Read rest of story here: Reality Check: CDC Scientist Admits Data of Vaccines and Autism Was Trashed
Oct 29, 2015Just days ago over 100 protesters gathered outside of the Centers for Disease Control offices in Atlanta demanding transparency when it comes to vaccines. So are these people conspiracy theorists, or did they have good reason to be there? I promise, this is a Reality Check you won’t get anywhere else. It is an incredibly controversial subject, but these protesters outside the CDC here in Atlanta say that the information being provided to the public about vaccines isn’t honest. And all of it hinges on one man, a scientist you’ve probably never heard of. That scientist is named Dr. William Thompson. It was on August 27, 2014 that he made an admission that got very little media coverage. But it was a major statement. That statement read in part, “I regret that my co-authors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal ‘Pediatrics’. “The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR (mumps, measles and rubella) vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding the findings of the report as the data was collected and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.” Read rest of story here: Bill Gates Faces Trial in India for Illegally Testing Tribal Children with Vaccines
Posted on October 13, 2014Have Bill Gates and his eugenicist foundation’s crimes against humanity finally caught up with him? If the Supreme Court of India has anything to say about it, he will face the ramifications of poisoning millions of Indian children with vaccines. A recent report published by Health Impact News shows that a vaccine empire built on lies can only go on for so long. The reports states: “While fraud and corruption are revealed on almost a daily basis now in the vaccine industry, theU.S. mainstream media continues to largely ignore such stories. Outside the U.S., however, the vaccine empires are beginning to crumble, and English versions of the news in mainstream media outlets are available via the Internet. One such country is India, where the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and their vaccine empire are under fire, including a pending lawsuit currently being investigated by the India Supreme Court.” Read rest of story here: World Health Organization: Coverage List
8-Sep-2015BCG DTP1 DTP3 DTP4 IPV1 HepB_BD HepB3 Hib3 JapEnc MCV1 MCV2 PCV1 PCV3 Pol3 Rota1 Rota_last Rubella1 TT2+ VAD1 YFV Coverage in many countries of the vaccines above for the years 1980 through 2014 The list may be found here: US Government Owns Patent of Lethal Indian Rotavirus Vaccine
October 23, 2015The patent of the rotavirus vaccine Rotavac – the present subject of controversy in India - is owned by the US Department of Health and Human Services. The Indian government have refused to either end trials of the vaccine or publish crucial data from the original trial which would shed light on the occurrence of an exceptional number of cases of the life threatening condition intussusception in which a section of the intestine collapses into itself. The vaccine is being created by a partnership between the US National Institutes of Health, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, India’s Department of Science and Technology, PATH and the manufacturer Bharat Biotech. All versions of rotavirus vaccine to date have been associated with increased incidence of intussusception: the first version Rotashield, manufactured by Wyeth, was withdrawn in the US after a year in 1999. Two successor versions, Merck’s Rotateq (part developed by Paul Offit), and GSK’s Rotarix were recently taken off the schedule in France, following incidents. Read rest of story here: More information Dr. Suzanne Humphries explains how vaccine industry policy promotes dishonesty
April 17, 2015 (NaturalNews) With the heightened media coverage on vaccination since the now infamous Disneyland measles outbreak, the whole country has been bombarded with the media blaming unvaccinated children for a total of 176 cases in a population of 320 million people. ... What are doctors taught in medical school about vaccines? According to Dr. Suzanne Humphries: "We learn that vaccines need to be given on schedule. We are indoctrinated with the mantra that 'vaccines are safe and effective' -- neither of which is true. Doctors today are given extensive training on how to talk to 'hesitant' parents -- how to frighten them by vastly inflating the risks during natural infection... on the necessity of twisting parents' arms to conform, or fire them from their practices. Doctors are trained that nothing bad should be said about any vaccine, period." Read rest of story here: Is Your Unborn Baby Part of a Vaccine Experiment?
October 8th 2015... According to CDC paperwork, both the Tdap and the Dtap are vaccinations offered to pregnant women during pregnancy, supposedly to protect their newborn infant from contracting pertussis (whooping cough) in the first few weeks of life. However, despite recommending these vaccinations to all pregnant women, the CDC readily admits in their own documentation that neither vaccine has ever been tested during pregnancy for vaccine safety and that they have no idea whether the vaccines could harm a growing fetus. Read rest of story here: Measles outbreak traced back to VACCINATED woman who spread the disease
October 16, 2015 by: David Gutierrez(NaturalNews) As published in the Clinical Infectious Diseases journal, the 2011 measles outbreak in New York has been confirmed to have originated from a fully vaccinated woman, according to a study conducted by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Westchester County Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Read rest of story here: Professor Condemns HPV Vaccine After Winning $270k Federal Grant To Study It
October 14, 2015After reading this I couldn’t help but feel the wind release from my sails. A Concordia University professor named Genevieve Rail won a Federal grant of $270k to study the HPV vaccine. After studying it, she condemned it; and now no one is happy. She also said there was no proof that HPV causes cervical cancer. This flies directly in the face of a nobel prize winning discovery which states that it does. Read rest of story here: Narcolepsy cases linked to flu vaccine subject to new compensation dispute
October 06, 2015Gov ernment lawyers are seeking to block compensation payments to people who developed the devastating sleep disorder, narcolepsy, as a result of a faulty swine flu vaccine. The Pandemrix vaccine made by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) was given to 6 million people in Britain and millions more across Europe during the 2009-10 swine flu pandemic, but was withdrawn when doctors noticed a rise in narcolepsy cases among those who received the jab. In June, a 12-year-old boy was awarded £120,000 by a court that ruled he had been left severely disabled by narcolepsy caused by Pandemrix. The win ended a three-year battle with the government that argued his illness was not serious enough to warrant compensation. Narcolepsy is a permanent condition that can cause people to fall asleep dozens of times a day, even when they are in mid-conversation. Some suffer from night terrors and a problem with muscular control called cataplexy that can lead them to collapse on the spot. Read rest of story here: Letters: School vaccinations
Vaccinations Over four weeks I received a letter, a robocall, and a text from the school board about the availability of free FluMist vaccine in my children's schools. I visited the public website of AstraZeneca to learn more. Thirty-two percent of the kids taking it will get runny nose/congestion; 13 percent headache; 10 percent lethargy; 9 percent sore throat; 6 percent decreased appetite; 4 percent muscle aches; and 7 percent will spike a fever to 100 degrees or more. Four strains of live attenuated influenza viruses will be shed from nasal passages for up to 28 days. Two-point-four percent of unvaccinated kids will contract FluMist strain influenza virus from the shedding. On Sept. 22, the county school health and support clinical services director informed me that the AstraZeneca website is wrong. She refused to provide any written data about FluMist, instead referring me to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. There is nothing on the CDC website contradicting the information supplied by the manufacturer. Read rest of story here: BREAKING: $61 Million Dollar Settlement Issued for Child Vaccine Injury
October 06, 2015Tuesday, October 6, 2015 – A stunning $61 million dollar settlement has been reached as the result of a child being injured by a vaccine. In what can only amount to a ground breaking lawsuit result, many people this morning have a feeling that the tide has turned somewhat. The award was negotiated by Attorneys at Maglio Christopher & Toale, PA. Read rest of story here: Merck Memo Warned of Mercury in Shots in 1991
September 28, 2015 by Leslie Carol Botha 4 Comments Holy Hormones Journal: Although this article was published in 2005 – 10 years ago, it uncovered damning information from a Merck memo (remember when I used to call this pharma giant – “Murky Merck?” Well, it seems I was close to the truth on many different levels. Not just about the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, not just about the synthetic contraceptive device called Implanon – that is inserted into teens girls and women’s arms as a from of sterilization with the constant drip-drop of a chemical cocktail into the bloodstream. What I will now call them is “Murky Mercury Merck” – because they knew that thimerosal in vaccines is harmful. They knew, they denied it and now they are in federal court over their MMR vaccine. Read rest of story here: Why Aren’t I Surprised that the Media Got it Wrong AGAIN?
05 Oct 2015
By: SafeMinds[Regarding Autism related to vaccines and a "study" using monkeys.] Wednesday afternoon we got a voicemail from a reporter at Newsweek asking SafeMinds how much money we spent on a primate vaccine safety study that was just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. We weren’t sure why Newsweek wanted this dollar figure, and what relevance it had in the endless mudslinging in the vaccine-autism debates. Read rest of story here:
Woman Paralyzed After Flu Shot Receives $11 Million for Treatment
by Sharyl Attkisson on June 13, 2014Lehigh Valley’s “The Morning Call” in Allentown, Penn. profiles the case of Sarah Behie, whose symptoms began three weeks after she got a flu shot. Eventually, the 20-year old’s condition deteriorated until she was partially paralyzed and living in hospitals and nursing homes from a neurological condition called Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare but recognized and devastating side effect from vaccinations. Behie now has no use of her legs and lacks upper body strength. She cannot feed or clothe herself. She’s 24. Read rest of story here: An Angry Father’s Guide to Vaccine-Autism Science (understanding “distracting research”)
By J.B. HANDLEY SEP. 30, 2015If I told you that none of the studies used to “prove” vaccines don’t cause autism come remotely close to asking the right questions about cause and effect or even consider the proper control groups to get to an answer, would you believe me? Read rest of story here: Doctors Against Vaccines – Hear From Those Who Have Done the Research
June 7, 2015Most doctors blindly support the recommendations of the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Doctors are trained in administering vaccines, not in how they are made. There are some doctors that choose to do the research themselves in order to develop an informed opinion on the subject. These doctors who become knowledgeable about vaccines usually become anti-vaccine. A little knowledge goes a long way. [Doctors featured: Dr. Russell Blaylock, Dr. Jay Gordon, Dr. Suzanne Humphries, Dr. Tenpenny, D.O., Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, Dr. Buchwald, M.D., Dr. Glen Dettman, Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, M.D., Dr. Mendelsohn, M.D., Peter Baratosy, M.D. PhD, Australia, John B.Classen, M.D., M.B.A., Raymond Obomsawin, M.D., Dr. Howard Weiner, Immunologist, Harvard Medical School, Philip Incao, M.D. Testimony on the Hepatitis Vaccine, Ohio 3/1/99, Mary N. Megson, M.D., Guylaine Lanctot M.D and Dr. Kalokerinos, M.D.] Read rest of story here: Drug companies donated millions to California lawmakers before vaccine debate
June 18, 2015... Critics of Senate Bill 277, which would eliminate the personal belief and religious exemptions for schoolchildren, accuse the measure’s supporters in the Legislature of doing the bidding of donors who make vaccines and other pharmaceuticals. ... Other legislation has a more direct bearing on the industry, and it is an active political player. Pharmaceutical companies and their trade groups gave more than $2 million to current members of the Legislature in 2013-2014, about 2 percent of the total raised, records show. Nine of the top 20 recipients are either legislative leaders or serve on either the Assembly or Senate health committees. Receiving more than $95,000, the top recipient of industry campaign cash is Sen. Richard Pan, a Sacramento Democrat and doctor who is carrying the vaccine bill. Read rest of story here: Will Governor Brown Take the Risk as the African-American Community Says NO to SB277?
June 16 2015
Who is actually in favor of mandatory vaccinations, other than the pharmaceutical industry and world governments? Very few of us, it appears, and yet, despite various petitions, public outcry and proof of adverse reactions, more and more governments from around the world are making their position very clear: vaccinate your child, or else! As many of you are aware, SB 277 is a bill recommending that all children must be vaccinated in the state of California. Any child who has not been vaccinated with all state-mandated vaccines will be denied the right to a public education. Read rest of story here: Corporate Media: The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth?
May 12, 2015The question we all should be asking is why have 150 cases of measles in a nation of 315 million people garnered virtual nonstop media attention for weeks and prompted the introduction of legislation nationwide to restrict vaccine exemptions? Could the frenzy be a diversion away from looming Congressional hearings investigating claims of CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson, a senior scientist, that he and CDC officials omitted data from a study over a decade ago to conceal the link between the MMR vaccine and autism?[16] Or perhaps lawsuits against vaccine giant Merck alleging Merck management and scientists fraudulently concealed that Merck’s MMR vaccine is not as effective as claimed?[17] Or perhaps the abject failure of this year’s flu vaccine, merely 23% effective?[18] Read rest of story here: Vaccines: The Battle for Informed Consent to Medical Procedures
As we have previously published, the current vaccine debate in America is not a debate between extremists positions, pitting extremist anti-vaccine doctors (doctors who do not give any vaccines at all) against extremist pro-vaccine doctors (all vaccines are good, and should be given to all people, all the time, by force if necessary.) Most medical professionals do not hold either of these extreme positions, but fall somewhere in between. No matter what your views are on the vaccine continuum, and whether you lean towards pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, everyone should be concerned about giving up our rights to “informed consent” to medical procedures. If we give up this basic human right for “the greater good” of society on vaccines, where will it end? How will our country be any different than Nazi Germany and the atrocities committed by German doctors that horrified the world, and was the center of prosecution in the Nuremberg Trials? Is the American public going to allow a handful of politicians tied into the most extreme view of the vaccine debate set policy for all the citizens of the United States? Read rest of story here: Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Continue to Increase in Federal Vaccine Court
june 4, 2015The Department of Justice issues a report on vaccine injuries and deaths every quarter to the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (Click on “Meeting Book – PDF – 12 MB” for June 4 meeting). There are 163 cases for vaccine injuries and deaths for the period 2/16/2015 through 5/15/2015. 103 of the settlements were listed in this report, giving the name of the vaccines, the injury, and the amount of time the case was pending before settlement. Four of those settlements were for deaths linked to vaccines, with three deaths related to the flu shot, and one death for the Hepatitis B shot, typically given to newborns. 74 of the 103 settlements were for injuries and deaths due to the flu shot, and the majority of flu shot injuries were for Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Read rest of story here: The American History Of Compulsory Vaccination and its Ties to Eugenics
Those currently proposing forced vaccination laws point to a U.S. Supreme Court decision from 1905: Jacobson v. Massachusetts. In fact, the Supreme Court has not heard a compulsory vaccine case since the 1920s. In the article presented here, Attorney Emord looks at the history of compulsory vaccination, and shows how it was Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. who stripped away Fourteenth Amendment rights in regards to compulsory vaccination, the very same judge who ruled in favor of forced sterilization which was supported by the “science” of that day, eugenics. Eugenics is the same “science” used by the Nazis in Germany to endorse eliminating “feeble-minded” people in favor of a “master race.” Read rest of story here: Medical Doctors Opposed to Forced Vaccinations – Should Their Views be Silenced?
June 2015Where do licensed physicians who practice medicine in the U.S. stand today regarding the current vaccine debate to remove informed consent to vaccines? This is one area of the debate where you are not likely to hear both sides in the mainstream media. Mainstream media, for the most part, is biased in its coverage of the current vaccine debate when it comes to the issue of removing informed consent, and not allowing parents to exempt their children from vaccines. The debate is positioned as parents against doctors, with parents supposedly representing emotional pleas, while doctors are supposedly unified in stating that “the science is settled” regarding vaccines, and universally in favor of mandatory vaccination policy removing parental exemptions. However, nothing could be further from the truth in the vaccine debate. Doctors are not unified at all on their positions regarding “the science” of vaccines, nor are they unified in the position of removing informed consent to a medical procedure like vaccines. Read rest of story here: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: protecting the private good?
15 May 2015After revelations that the CDC is receiving some funding from industry, Jeanne Lenzer investigates how it might have affected the organisation’s decisions ... Despite the agency’s disclaimer, the CDC does receive millions of dollars in industry gifts and funding, both directly and indirectly, and several recent CDC actions and recommendations have raised questions about the science it cites, the clinical guidelines it promotes, and the money it is taking. ... ndustry funding of the CDC has taken many doctors, even some who worked for CDC, by surprise. Philip Lederer, an infectious diseases fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, a nd a former CDC epidemic intelligence service officer, told The BMJ he was “saddened” to learn of industry funding. Read rest of story here: More: Can We Trust the CDC? British Medical Journal Reveals CDC Lies About Ties to Big Pharma ... How the philosophical exemption was lost
May 13, 2015.The Vermont Political Observer. A few weeks ago, the state legislature had apparently decided not to open the Pandora’s box of vaccination policy. The general feeling was, let’s let the 2012 law play out a while longer and see where it goes. And then, for reasons still unexplained, a couple of key state Senators (Kevin Mullin and John Campbell) grabbed that box and threw it open. They amended a barely-related Health Department housekeeping bill, H.98, to include an end to the philosophical exemption on childhood immunizations. The Senate Health Care Committee gave it a mere two hours of hearings, one for and one against; it sailed through the committee and the full Senate. Read rest of story here: Public Health Officials Know: Recently Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease
3 Mar 2015Washington, D.C., March 3, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Physicians and public health officials know that recently vaccinated individuals can spread disease and that contact with the immunocompromised can be especially dangerous. For example, the Johns Hopkins Patient Guide warns the immunocompromised to "Avoid contact with children who are recently vaccinated," and to "Tell friends and family who are sick, or have recently had a live vaccine (such as chicken pox, measles, rubella, intranasal influenza, polio or smallpox) not to visit."1 Read rest of story here: Doctors call for halt to ‘unsafe’ HPV vaccine programme
May 14, 2015More than 200 doctors across Europe are calling for a halt on the routine use of the HPV vaccination until its safety and effectiveness have been established. The vaccine, designed to prevent cervical cancer, is no longer recommended by health authorities in Japan, and lawsuits have been filed against the manufacturer in Spain, France and India. The European doctors, led by Dr Philippe de Chazournes, are calling for a moratorium on the vaccine’s use in EU member states until a commission has investigated the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness. Read rest of story here: The Death of “Safe & Effective”: Government Turns on CDC as Agency’s Credibility Goes Up in Flames
5/11/2015 Recently Robert F. Kennedy Jr. hit a historical home run in the Vermont State House as he slammed the credibly of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for 15 minutes. This came just days after Michelle Rowton went public about routine vaccine-induced damage she witnessed happening at her hospital. As the foundation continues to be torn away from the house of cards that is the CDC, State Representatives and Congressmen are pushing back hard against removal of vaccine of exemptions. It was only a matter of time until those in government without conflicts of interest join the landslide to protect medical freedom. Read rest of story here: Gardasil vaccine: Spain joins growing list of countries to file criminal complaints against manufacturer
Sunday, April 05, 2015(NaturalNews) Attorney Don Manuel Saez Ochoa filed a criminal complaint against Merck-Sanofi Pasteur Laboratories, Spanish National Health authorities, and the regional health authorities of the La Rioja province on behalf of Zuriñe Jimenez Guereño and her mother Doña Maria del Carmen Jimenez Guereño for injuries and disabilities suffered by Zuriñe after the administration of Gardasil. (Story by Norma Erickson, republished from Read rest of story here: Big Pharma’s Big Fines
Feb. 24, 2014 In the last few years pharmaceutical companies have agreed to pay over $13 billion to resolve U.S. Department of Justice allegations of fraudulent marketing practices, including the promotion of medicines for uses that were not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Here are summaries of some recent large settlements. Read rest of story here: The Vaccinated Spreading Measles: WHO, Merck, CDC Documents Confirm
Friday, January 30th 2015 at 11:45 am20 years ago, the MMR vaccine was found to infect virtually all of its recipients with measles. The manufacturer Merck's own product warning links MMR to a potentially fatal form of brain inflammation caused by measles. Why is this evidence not being reported? Read rest of story here: Another source: The Vaccinated Spreading Measles: WHO, Merck, CDC Documents Confirm
Friday, January 30th 2015 at 11:45 am20 years ago, the MMR vaccine was found to infect virtually all of its recipients with measles. The manufacturer Merck's own product warning links MMR to a potentially fatal form of brain inflammation caused by measles. Why is this evidence not being reported? Read rest of story here: Antitrust, FCA Claims On Merck Mumps Vaccine To Advance
Law360, Philadelphia (September 5, 2014, 6:12 PM ET) -- Two lawsuits accusing Merck & Co. Inc. of lying about the efficacy of its mumps inoculation in order to keep competitors from bringing their own versions of the vaccine to market will move forward, after a Pennsylvania federal judge ruled in favor of whistleblowers and direct purchasers Thursday. U.S. District Judge C. Darnell Jones II ruled that the whistleblowers had sufficiently pled that Merck might have provided false statements to the government and that the direct purchasers had shown enough evidence to establish that these falsehoods could have helped the company gain a monopoly. The judge did ax breach of contract and unjust enrichment claims against the pharmaceutical giant. Read rest of story here: Government Wipes Recent Vaccine Injury Data from Website
May 31, 2015Recent Rise in Vaccine Victims’ Court Decisions and Concessions Not Reflected in Revised Government Chart In March, the federal government removed the latest vaccine injury court statistics—more than a year’s worth of data—from one of its publicly reported charts. It was an abrupt departure from the normal practice of updating the figures monthly. Wiping the latest data means the “adjudication” chart on a government website no longer reflects the recent, sharp rise in court victories for plaintiffs who claimed their children were seriously injured or killed by one or more vaccines. Read rest of story here: Jodie’s Story: A Little Girl Lost After Illegally Given an Untested 8-in-1 Vaccine
March 14 2015
This historical vaccine injury case, to be ruled on in court soon, involves a doctor who seriously put an infant’s life at risk, the National Health Service in the United Kingdom and parents of a permanently and severely vaccine-damaged child, Jodie Marchant. The Marchants share with us what happened after they took their one year-old daughter to the doctor, only agreeing for the MMR while refusing all other vaccines. They were completely shocked when they found out their baby Jodie was given an illegal, untested 8-in-1 vaccine concoction, deliberately mixed in one syringe, which destroyed their daughter. Read rest of story here: New Film Exposes Shaken Baby Syndrome Myth – Opponents Want to Silence it at Film Festivals
June 4, 2015A new film exposing the corruption behind much of the Shaken Baby Syndrome diagnosis used to remove children from the custody of their parents, and in some cases put parents behind bars, is currently making its way through the film festival circuit. Read rest of story here: Parent of Two Children in Dr. Andrew Wakefield Lancet Study Speaks Out – Isabella Thomas
– Isabella Thomas
June 4, 2015I, as a parent of two children in the Lancet study, have had to speak out about the vicious attacks on Dr. Andrew Wakefield by his own government, the US government and the media blaming him for the measles outbreak in Wales. Read rest of story here: |