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Leading Edge Master Analysis of the Vaccination Paradigm
Copyright 1995,1996,1997,1998 Leading Edge Research Group
Part 1
- Advisory and Disclaimer
- Introduction
- Natural Human Pathotropic Immunity
- The Concept of Vaccination and Synthetic Immunity
- Classification of Vaccines
- Viral Vaccines
- Natural vs Invasive Viral Entry Processes
- Normal Processes of Viral Penetration
Part 2
- Serial Passage of Vaccine Components Through Animal Cell Lines
- The SV-40 Virus Contamination of Vaccine Cultures
- SV-40 an Integral Part of Genetically Engineered Products
- The Use of Animal Cell Line Substrates for Human Vaccines
- Known Simian Disease Epidemics
- Vaccination and Genetic Change: Mobility of Genetic Material Between Life Forms
- Malignant Cellular Transformations Caused By Foreign DNA
Part 3
- Some Things to Ponder
- The Bottom Line on the Bottom Paradigm
- Study of the Polio Plague, Sugar and Salt Consumption, and Ripping of DNA/RNA
- Rubella
- Orthodoxy on Rubella
- Orthodoxy on Adverse Effects of Rubella Vaccine
- Measles
- Co-factorial Subversion of the Human Immune System
Part 4
- Measles Infection and Mitigation with Vitamin A
- Racial Sensitivity Differences to Vaccines and Subsequent CNS
- Orthodoxy on Measles
- Mumps
- Orthodoxy on Mumps
- Diphtheria
- Tetanus
Part 5
- Pertussis or Whooping Cough
- DPT and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
- Pertussis Vaccine Trials
- "Doctored "Pertussis Trials and Possible Bacterial
"Doping" of Vaccines
- Sensitization of the Immune System by Repeated Vaccination and Production of Systemic Invasive Bacterial Infection
- The Connection Between Pertussis Vaccines and Hib Influenza
Part 6
- The 1990 Workshop on Pertussis Vaccination
- Harvard Medical School and Federal Drug Administration Tests on DPT Vaccine
- DPT Trivalent Vaccine Composition and Physiological Action
- Promotion of Disease Processes By Chemicals in Vaccines
- Total Annual DPT Statistics for the United States
- Efforts at Population Control Using Tetanus Toxin as a Carrier, 1995
Part 7
- The WHO "Special Programme" in Human Reproduction