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Herd Immunity Theory Has Been Repeatedly Disproven
Opinion - - by Marco Cáceres Published May 30, 2017 by NVIC, The Vaccine Reaction

Several years ago I wrote about the theory of “herd immunity” and explained why it is a myth when applied to a vaccinated population. The herd immunity theory was formulated based on observations during the early 20th century of how an infectious disease appeared to lose its capacity to infect and spread after more than half of the people in a community had been infected with the disease and developed natural, life-long immunity to that disease.1

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Antibody titers and immunity: Are they related?
The most important factor in a fully-effective immune response is general good health characterized by a clean bloodstream coupled with a nutrient-rich diet. Immunity to pathogens is dependent upon a complex response of the body’s cells which may —or may not— include the production of antibodies.

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Leading Edge Master Analysis of the Vaccination Paradigm, Part 3
Most human children acquired measles before they reach puberty. Many studies have been done of the epidemiology of measles. One such study was done on measle patterns in Baltimore, Maryland on cases from 1900 to 1931. It was concluded that when 68% of children less than 15 years of age were immune to measles, epidemics did not occur. This is basically the concept behind "herd immunity". It is interesting to note that despite the fact that in the United States measles vaccines are given to 98% of the population, measles epidemics still occur at three to four year intervals, uninfluenced by vaccination patterns. The fact that these epidemics always occur, despite 98% vaccination compliance, means that the vaccination against measles in ineffective and a fraud. Why, then, do they continue to promote the vaccine when it is useless? Why do the epidemics continue to occur? Why did they vaccinate for measles in the first place?

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FluMist: An Investigation By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Some believe that by vaccinating these people, a type of "herd immunity" will occur that will protect the very young and the elderly who are excluded from getting ...

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[PDF]outbreaks proof that whooping cough vaccines don't work
Jan 11, 2011
Officials believe that vaccination rates of at least 93 percent are needed to ensure so- called herd immunity against pertussis. So with 98 percent of California’s children receiving all of the CDC recommended vaccines, herd immunity should be maintained and blaming the unvaccinated for the outbreak is not logical.

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Book: The Vaccine Religion by Walene James
This book effectively dispels the myths of herd immunity, the germ theory of disease and the current 'one size fits all' mass vaccine program aggressively ...

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Book Review: IMMUNIZATION: History, Ethics, Law and Health
By: Catherine Diodati, M.A.
She discusses the concept of "herd immunity" and how artificial immunity is meant to imitate natural infection plus differences between artificial and natural immunity.

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Walene further elaborates about the idiocy of herd immunity and the concept of this “one size fits all” mindset in her last book, The Vaccine Religion, ...
We refer to our immune system as our defense system, our security system, our ‘protection’ against hordes of vicious viruses, marauding invaders, unseen enemies, voracious adversaries. ...

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Another component of immunization theory is “herd immunity,” the notion that when enough people in a community are immunized, all are protected. As Myth #2 showed, there are many documented instances showing just the opposite—fully vaccinated populations have experienced epidemics. With measles, this actually seems to be the direct result of high vaccination rates.44 In Minnesota, a state epidemiologist concluded that the Hib vaccine increases the risk of illness when a study revealed that vaccinated children were five times more likely to contract meningitis than unvaccinated children.45

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Introduction to Measles and Measles Vaccines
It appears that the decline in the percentage of children having measles may have begun much earlier than generally thought as revealed by a study of measles epidemics performed on the years 1900 to 1931 that led a researcher named Hedrich to observe epidemics of measles only occurred when less than 68% of children had developed a natural immunity to measles. This observation lead to the theory of herd immunity. [more] Hedrich's observations of the natural cycle of measles may have been unrelated to his theorized herd immunity as herd immunity has never been proven. A large number of measles cases occurred each year in the study period yet most children had measles only once before age 15. This suggests that many children were exposed to measles several times before exhibiting signs of classical measles. Individual immunity is not an unchanging value, but changes day to day and only when the amount of toxins in an individual's body builds beyond a critical point will the child's body require an acute detoxification that is carried out by fever, rash, mucous, etc. Without this high level of toxins to constitute "susceptibility" multiple exposures to so called "pathogenic virus" would occur without symptoms. It is possible that less than 100% of children were experiencing measles in the 1920's and possibly even earlier. If measles case reports in the 1920's already represented less than 100% of the theoretical susceptible population, then a bias is created that means we over estimate measles incidence not only for the 1920's but also for the 1960's.

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Herd Immunity - links on other websites
The Deadly Impossibility Of Herd Immunity Through Vaccination, by Dr. Russell Blaylock
– February 18, 2012
That vaccine-induced herd immunity is mostly myth can be proven quite simply. When I was in medical school, we were taught that all of the childhood vaccines lasted a lifetime. This thinking existed for over 70 years. It was not until relatively recently that it was discovered that most of these vaccines lost their effectiveness 2 to 10 years after being given. What this means is that at least half the population, that is the baby boomers, have had no vaccine-induced immunity against any of these diseases for which they had been vaccinated very early in life. In essence, at least 50% or more of the population was unprotected for decades.

If we listen to present-day wisdom, we are all at risk of resurgent massive epidemics should the vaccination rate fall below 95%. Yet, we have all lived for at least 30 to 40 years with 50% or less of the population having vaccine protection. That is, herd immunity has not existed in this country for many decades and no resurgent epidemics have occurred. Vaccine-induced herd immunity is a lie used to frighten doctors, public-health officials, other medical personnel, and the public into accepting vaccinations.

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“Herd Immunity.” The flawed science and failures of mass vaccination, Suzanne Humphries, MD
– July 5, 2012
The oft-parroted sound bite – “we need herd immunity”- implies that if ninety five percent of the population can become “immune” to a disease via vaccination, target immunity levels will be met and diseases will either be eradicated or controlled. This sound bite is the most commonly pulled weapon used by the vaccinators, only second to “smallpox and polio were eradicated by vaccination.” “Herd immunity” is the trump card for the defense of vaccination on TV, Internet, medical journals and newspapers as to why we should be vaccinated over and over throughout our lives, with an ever-increasing number of vaccines.

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Herd Immunity: Myth or Reality? Written By: Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD
April 5th 2014
Herd Immunity, a Flawed Concept
Although the evidence for vaccination-based herd immunity is yet to materialize, there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. Just a single publication by Poland & Jacobson (1994) reports on 18 different measles outbreaks throughout North America, occurring in school populations with very-high vaccination coverage for measles (71% to 99.8%). In these outbreaks, vaccinated children constituted 30% to 100% of measles cases. Many more similar outbreaks, occurring after 1994, can be found by searching epidemiologic literature.

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Is the theory of "herd immunity" flawed?
By Sandy Gottstein
"Herd" immunity is a theory which purports to explain how an entire group can be protected from disease. It is thought to result in protection of everyone once a magic percentage of vaccinated or otherwise immune individuals is reached, by preventing transmission of the virus to those who remain "unprotected", either because a vaccine didn't happen to work for them, or was too risky in their case.

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Junk Science Week: Vaccinating the ‘herd’
Lawrence Solomon | June 19, 2014
Mass vaccination advocates rely on ‘herd immunity’ to make their case. But it doesn’t exist ...

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