Leading Edge Master Analysis of the Vaccination Paradigm

Some Things to Ponder

A few interesting facts and questions to ponder: much of the oral polio vaccine (OPV) produced in the world is prepared using ground up kidney cells from African green monkeys, at least for the last 30 years. It was Albert Sabin himself who detected the SV-40 virus in polio vaccine. Why did he cover it up? The very first mass oral polio vaccination campaign took place in Ruwanda and parts of the northeastern Belgian Congo (Zaire) from 1957-1958. Over 250,000 were given the oral vaccine. Today, this area is rampant with AIDS. This same OPV, produced by Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, was used in Leopoldville (now known as Kinshasha, Zaire, site of the earliest HIV sample), capital of the Belgian Congo. Interestingly, Zaire was also the site of the 1995 outbreak of Ebola. Ruwanda was the site of the mass murder and genocide perpetrated by the mentally aberrant Tutsi's on the Hutu tribe, resulting in the death of 250,000 people, hacked to death and dismembered, in 1994. Could the aggression have been created by generations of virus-laden experimental vaccines producing post encephalitic problems? In 1967, 31 vaccine technicians and laboratory workers contracted Marburg virus after working with tissue from African green monkeys, which also contains simian virus 40 (SV-40) and other toxic organisms too expensive to screen out, such as simian herpes (B virus). It might be mentioned that SV-40 has been linked to leukemias and degenerative brain disease. Yellow fever vaccine is grown on chicken embryos contaminated with avian leukosis virus, a retrovirus causing cancer in chickens. In 1986, the World Health Organization (WHO) advised that it was permissible for the vaccine to continue to contain avian leukosis, since it was difficult to obtain leukosis-free chicken embryos. In the August 20, 1987 issue of Nature, page 660, a new leprosy vaccine made from armadillos was described, in addition to the fact that the vaccine also contained "foreign proteins, DNA and unknown retroviruses that may produce delayed harmful effects."

The Bottom Line on the Bottom Paradigm

When you taken into consideration the fact that many viruses, including cytomegloviruses (CMV) are parasites of virtually every animal species, and a major feature of CMV parasitism and many animal viruses is the latent state in which they exist after the primary infection is resolved, and that they can be reactivated in the body (in vivo) under the influence of various stimuli (primary examples being environmental chemicals (especially those derived from petroleum), heroin, cocaine, nitrates, nitrites and inhalant drugs of abuse, or other vaccine injections of foreign proteins, toxins, bacteria or viruses), the use of animal cell lines to make human vaccines is criminally negligent, never mind the fact that injection of foreign proteins and toxins directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the natural defense systems of the body is also criminally negligent. The evidence suggests that a methodical system has existed for knowingly and selectively transferring slow and difficult-to-detect diseases from other species into the human race. As a method for population control, to weed out those considered to be "useless eaters"? To produce disease and then profit from treatment which is just as deadly as the disease? You decide. Isn't it interesting that Burroughs Wellcome company in England is the source for both immune-system-destroying amyl nitrate "poppers", used in bath houses by homosexuals and promoted as "air fresheners" by media magazines, and the preferred "AIDS treatment" AZT, which is a deadly cellular toxin and also destroys both the immune system and the human being involved?

It is interesting to note, therefore, that since humans have been receiving animal viruses in vaccines, and viruses (including CMV) are present in immune deficiency syndrome ("aids") in humans, and known animal viruses and viral components are oncogenic (cancer-causing), and can cause all the "symptoms" of AIDS, and this has been going on since the 1940's (when polio vaccine cell cultures were first contaminated with simian virus 40 (used as a genetic carrier in all genetic biotech products having viral particle components), and this was well known in the medical field but suppressed from public knowledge, and ultimately the same people who politically control the pharmaceutical, biotech and vaccine companies also control the medical establishment, as well as benefit from fund-raising (i.e., American Cancer Society ,etc.) for "diseases" that never get resolved, you have a very large conspiracy that is worth trillions of dollars to keep from public scrutiny. That's the real bottom line. Research bears all of this out. You are now informed, and if you don't believe that something of this magnitude can be possible, do the research and you'll see that it is absolutely the case. If you comment on this without checking it out, which might involve a little work, there is nothing credible you can say. I haven't been putting in over 80 hours of research a week for more than a year for nothing in order to put this together.What is being done to the world population constitutes criminal negligence of genocidal proportions. Creating a clean biologically harmless, yet effective vaccine is not possible - it would be just too laborious and expensive, over and above the fact that the paradigm of vaccines is 19th century technology brought into a 20th century illusion. It is also fraud.

Study of the Polio Plague - Sugar and Salt Consumption, and Ripping of DNA/RNA

The incidence of polio as a rampant plague increased 400 percent, according to Dr. William Koch, after the process of injection with serums, vaccines and penicillin in the 1950's. In addition, the further sociological encouragement of the spread of the disease was found by several medical researchers to parallel the mass marketing of sugar-related products for consumption. Sugar is extremely bad for the body, and prepared the bodies to function as more efficient breeding grounds for the polio epidemic soon to arrive. This was brought out briefly in 1948 by Dr.Sandler at a Veteran's Administration Hospital in North Carolina; release of this information was curtailed after its initial announcement brought down the incidence of polio in North Carolina by 90%. Afterwards, people resumed their previous habits and the incidence skyrocketed. Sandler was censured therafter.

Between 1977 and 1980, an article came out in a major medical journal that detailed the effort to raise $10 million in funding for internal pressure on the Surgeon General of the United States in order to stop him from revealing to by public, by virtue of package labeling, that the combination of salt and sugar in virtually all pre-prepared foods cause replicative and structural failure in DNA and RNA within the human body. Since the rate at which DNA and RNA balance is maintained in the body is slightly higher than the rate at which the DNA and RNA are being ripped apart in consumers, the cause of conditions resulting from this are not immediately obvious to the public. This information to the public was also curtailed; this was never corrected, since the medical system was reaping large profits in "polio dollars", along with the tacit cooperation of the Department of Agriculture, who was in bed with the food industries, sugar companies, pharmaceutical industries and the Federal Drug Administration, not to mention other ancillary agencies and the entire political community in power then and even to this day; this relationship and problem will continue until the public rectifies it and brings to justice all who commit and condone this continuing crime against the population.


Rubella is a rather innocuous (benign) infectious disease caused by a virus. Most of the population contract this condition as a matter of course and develop a life-long immunity to the effect of the virus without recourse to the paradigm of synthetic immunity via injection of viral components. Side effects from naturally contracting the virus are extremely rare, although fetal development is subject to genetic deformity if a female contracts the virus during the first trimester of pregnancy. The fact that it can cause birth defects in newborn babies was seized as the justification for a rubella vaccine, which was licensed in 1969, even though there are indications that not all pregnant women exposed to the virus give birth to children with congenital defects. It is estimated that as of 1980, over 83,000,000 doses of rubella vaccine have been injected into the population. The number of cases seems to remain stable at about 30 to 40 per year, out of a population of 250,000,000. Despite the use of the rubella vaccine, the number of infections in women of childbearing age has remained the same, indicating a defective paradigm.

According to statistics, it would seem that rubella vaccine has been ineffective in eradicating the disease. Re-infection has been noted in patients with supposed vaccine-induced immunity. The use of rubella vaccine has pushed the effective age of rubella contraction upwards into age groups (>15) where the presence of rubella is undesirable.

The first signs of human intolerance to the rubella vaccine surfaced soon after its introduction in 1969. Skin rashes and abnormalities of the lymphatic system, as well as transient episodes of arthritis in children have been documented, as well as pain in the wrists, hands and knees. In 1970, the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare reported that as much as 26% of children receiving rubella vaccination in national testing programs developed arthraligia and arthritis. Many had to seek medical attention and some were hospitalized to test for rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis. In New Jersey, this same testing program showed that 17% of all children vaccinated developed arthralgia and arthritis. An estimated 340,000 children in New Jersey were crippled as a result of the rubella vaccine. The HEW also admitted that in 1969, before the rubella vaccine was used, only 87 congenital rubella syndrome cases were reported in the entire U.S., and that 12 of these were in New Jersey.

Inflammation of the nerves and spinal cord in 36 children was reported in 1972 following a mass rubella vaccination campaign The highest incidence of these neurological problems was seen in preschool children and appeared up to 42 days after injection with any type of rubella vaccine. Laboratory analysis consistently confirmed the presence of an abnormal nerve conduction velocity.

Recurrent problems with the joints in children 6-8 months of age became apparent after receiving the HPV-77 rubella vaccine cultured from dog kidney, and this problem appeared within two to seven weeks, with recurrent attacks lasting one to seven days appearing at one to three month intervals.

As with other vaccines in the paradigm of synthetic immunity by injection, bypassing the natural defense systems of the body, the concept that a group of vaccinated prepubertal children will prevent the spread of rubella appears to be invalid. In 1971, there was a rubella epidemic where over 1,000 preschool and elementary children in Casper, Wyoming contracted rubella. Over 83% of the elementary school children and 52% of the preschool children had been "vaccinated" against rubella virus. It is a well known fact that the appearance of infectious diseases after the introduction of vaccines for that disease is chronically under-reported in the United States, mainly because such reporting would constitute a conflict of interest. It is considered "unethical" by the medical profession to report problems that would reflect badly on the medical profession. Strangely, it is not considered "unethical" to suppress symptomological data indicative of hazards from ones work that would constitute knowledge that would benefit the population.

Incredibly, the medical profession insists on vaccinating pregnant women with the rubella virus vaccine. Despite the fact that pregnant women are viewed as the "high risk" group as far as exposure to rubella virus is concerned, between 1979 and 1982 there was a great effort in the United States to inject women of childbearing age with the rubella vaccine. Interestingly, there was a parallel increase in cases of congenital rubella syndrome in women of childbearing age from 1981 to 1982. In 1975, a review was published regarding the general experience with the rubella virus vaccine since its introduction in 1969. It was claimed that there was a decline in reported cases of rubella and congenital rubella syndrome, and that the vaccine provided protection. Curiously, it was also admitted that those "vaccinated" could suffer reinfection from the virus, and that there was a "small but significant incidence" of adverse reactions and a "potential" risk to women who are vaccinated during pregnancy. The fact that these supposedly "intelligent" human beings can't understand that reality undercuts their own paradigm is absolutely incredible, especially when it is known that natural rubella infection is almost always benign and confers better immunity than the vaccine, and that rubella vaccination is not justified in young children, who have undeveloped nervous systems that are extremely sensitive to vaccine components. The rubella virus has been recovered from peripheral blood leukocytes two years after vaccine injection; many are sero-positive more than 8 years after vaccination. A 1985 study investigating the mechanism of "vaccine failure" in Canada concluded that there was "a generalized lack of understanding of the nature and significance of altered immunologic responses caused by rubella vaccine programes." But, they'll continue them anyway.

In 1983, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization in Canada recommended that "the rubella vaccine should be given routinely to all children of both sexes at 12 months of age or as soon thereafter as possible, preferably in combination with measles and mumps vaccines, and should be given to all female adolescents and women of childbearing age. There are no known adverse effects following administration of vaccine to immune women." Rubella vaccine was contraindicated in pregnant women.

These statements seem to disregard known scientific information. If you inject a person with one of these vaccines, loaded with foreign proteins, non-human viral particles and carcinogenic substances, and these substances lie around latent in the system for years, doesn't this present a potential hazard for an unborn child to come? Of course, but these facts are deliberately disregarded, and the public just stands by, mute and hypnotized by this incredible line of pseudo-scientific jargon. Again, why the emphasis on injection of human females, if in their eyes the human females are the most susceptible to damage - unless the upper echelon of the medical community, who has the knowledge of the effect of latent viral particles, the actual content of the vaccines, etc., is deliberately making the attempt to cause long-term degenerative disease in generations to come, thereby assuring the long-term existence of the pseuo-scientific 19th century medical paradigm. Yes, the "reptilian bastards" are at it again.

In 1984, there was a study of the impact of rubella vaccination done in Australia that indicated that after 13 years of rubella vaccination, there was a notable increase in the proportion of rubella sero-positive pregnant women. Rubella vaccination of girls 12-14 years old started in 1971. Interestingly, the study showed that 61% of girls were already immune to rubella before vaccination and that 76% of men were immune at 18-23 years of age. The deliberate injection of vaccines was unjustified within their own paradigm as indicated, yet it was done anyway. A study done in 1983 on doctors, nurses and other hospital personnel indicated an average of 53% were not vaccinated against rubella. Over 22% of doctors in general and 9% of obstetricians had not chosen to be vaccinated with the rubella vaccine. The majority of screening hositals did not take measures to make general vaccination mandatory, regardless of the category of employee. Interesting. Do the medical personnel understand what we do and the general public doesn't?

In 1991, it was established that rubella virus, both natural and vaccine-introduced, has been found to play a major role in chronic fatigue syndrome. Try and explain that to the hundreds of millions infected with the rubella vaccine. Also in 1991, the Institute of Medicine released a report on the adverse effects of pertussis and rubella vaccines. It indicated a "casual relationship" between rubella vaccine and acute arthritis in 13-15% of adult women. However, they said, "the evidence does not provide for reliable estimates of excess risk of chronic arthritis following rubella vaccine." Excess risk? Why take any risk at all? The measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine continues to be administered and continues to cause problems in the population. In a 1991 issue of Doctor Weekly, congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) was reported in two babies of mothers who were vaccinated as teenagers with rubella vaccine.

Orthodoxy on Rubella

According to standard orthodox immunological description, "rubella infection may be associated with significant morbidity (diseased states) in adults and is associated with a high degree of fetal wastage or anomalies if contracted in the early months of pregnancy. Because there is no evidence that persons who have previously received the vaccine or had rubella are at any risk of local or systemic reactions from receiving live rubella vaccine, testing for susceptibility before vaccination is unnecessary." Obviously, these statements are inaccurate, based on the evidence, and constitute fraud.

Orthodoxy on Adverse Effects of Rubella Vaccine

"Vaccinees can develop low-grade fever, rash and lymphadenopathyafter vaccination. As many as 40% of vaccinees in large scale field trials (experiments) have had joint pain. Arthralgia and transient arthritis occur more frequently and tend to be more severe in susceptible women than in children. Transient peripheral neuritic complains, such as paresthesias and pain in the arms and legs have occurred. There is no increase risk of these reactions for persons who are already immune when vaccinated. The vaccine virus is not transmitted from vaccinees to pregnant susceptible contacts. Rubella vaccine should not be given to women known to be pregnant, not should a vaccinated women become pregnant within 3 months of a vaccination, because of theoretical risks to the developing fetus from rubella vaccine infection. Based on studies conducted in the U.S. and abroad, the U.S. Public Health Service believes the risk to the fetus of vaccine-associated malformations is so small as to be negligible. Rubella vaccination during pregnancy should not ordinarily be a reason to recommend interruption of pregnancy."

"Replication of live rubella vaccine virus may be potentiated in patients with immune deficiency diseases and by the suppressed immune responses that occur with leukemia, lumphoma, generalized malignancy, therapy with corticosteroids, anti-metabolites and radiation. Patients with such condition should not be given live rubella virus vaccine, however, rubella vaccination can be considered for susceptible HIV-infected travelers, regardless of symptoms."


Measles is a viral disease which is truly universal and present everywhere on the planet. It is characterized by a self-limiting infection of short duration, moderate severity, and extremely low fatality which has maintained a remarkably stable biological balance over centuries. The period from first exposure to the appearance of symptoms is about 10 days. The characteristic feature of measles infection is the development of multinucleate giant cells, both epithelial giant cells (which appear in the respiratory lining) and what are called reticuloendothelial giant cells, which generally occur in lymphatic tissues, including the tonsils, lymph nodes, thymus and the spleen, for up to five days before the appearance of an external rash. The second stage of measles is characterized by this rash, which seems to occur about the 14th day after exposure, appearing first on the trunk and then extending to the lower extremities.The rash then fades and disappears, and improvement starts within two or three days as the antibodies disappear in the blood. The acute phase of the disease last for about 7 days. About 90% of all measles patients were 5 to 9 years old before the introduction of measles vaccines. By 1955, before the introduction of vaccines, the death rate from measles had declined 97.7%, and measles was beginning to disappear.

Most human children acquired measles before they reach puberty. Many studies have been done of the epidemiology of measles. One such study was done on measle patterns in Baltimore, Maryland on cases from 1900 to 1931. It was concluded that when 68% of children less than 15 years of age were immune to measles, epidemics did not occur. This is basically the concept behind "herd immunity". It is interesting to note that despite the fact that in the United States measles vaccines are given to 98% of the population, measles epidemics still occur at three to four year intervals, uninfluenced by vaccination patterns. The fact that these epidemics always occur, despite 98% vaccination compliance, means that the vaccination against measles in ineffective and a fraud. Why, then, do they continue to promote the vaccine when it is useless? Why do the epidemics continue to occur? Why did they vaccinate for measles in the first place?

Co-factorial Subversion of the Human Immune System

It is also a well-known fact that naturally contracted measles is an important phase in the maturation of the human immune system. Why would anyone want to create a vaccine to stop or delay an important and well-documented phase of human immune system development acquired through natural contraction of a mild disease? In 1963, several kinds of "vaccine" were introduced with the intention of preventing naturally contracted measles. These vaccines included live attenuated measles virus and measles virus that had been "inactivated" with formalin, administered to almost 1,000,000 people between 1963 and 1967. Soon after the introduction of these vaccines, vaccinated children began to contract atypical measles, which is an especially vicious form that resists treatment, as well as a milder form of the virus with little or no rash which has the effect of causing children to develop chronic diseases, including cancer, later in life. It is a curious matter of record that cancer patients appear to have a particularly small number of infectious childhood diseases in their medical history. In 1985, studies found evidence of a relationship between measles with a lack of rash and increased incidence of degenerative and autoimmune diseases.

An interesting study began in 1961 in Cincinnati which followed 386 children who had received three injections of vaccine containing "killed" measles virus. Of these 386 children, 125 had been exposed to measles and 54 of them developed the disease. A study in 1967 described the manifestation of atypical measles in 10 children who had received inactivated measles virus vaccine five to six years earlier. Nine of the children developed pneumonia which resisted all treatment. Serious reactions occurred in children first injected with inactivated virus and then re-injected with live virus vaccines. Despite the continuing episodes of serious local and systemic reactions to measles vaccines, and the obvious lack of effectiveness, medical officials continued to declare that measles vaccines were safe and effective. This constitutes fraud and criminal negligence.

Medical authorities blamed the reports of vaccine failure and atypical measles on "improper storage" and "children vaccinated at too young an age", refusing to believe that the vaccine was the problem. Those in upper echelons knew what was happening all along, but the majority of the medical community suffered from deliberately suppressed information, as did the general public.

In 1973, reports of severe neurological disorders due to measles vaccination began to roll in. One such report described 80 cases of neurological disorders which began within 30 days after injection with measles vaccine. The fact that 45 of these children experienced neurological problems between 6 and 15 days after injection was a clue to the fact that more than a "casual" link between the vaccine and the neurological problems existed. Interestingly, this "two week" period seems to also apply to DPT and polio vaccines, as far as symptomological response is concerned. This is why the cut-off period for reporting adverse effects from vaccines has been established - to avoid the period when most adverse events actually occur. Measles vaccine can cause fatal conditions such as ataxia (lack of coordination), retardation, hyperactivity, aseptic meningitis, seizures, paralysis, and generalized encephalitis. It is generally thought that the myelin around the nerves actually ends up becoming an antigen when it is dissolved during the encephalitic process, and intensifies the inflammatory process, but the mechanism is not fully understood. Prior to 1900, encephalitis from childhood diseases was almost negligible.

Those who socially manuvered themselves to be declared "medical authorities" continue to voice the "benefits" from alleged "protection" given by "vaccines", yet they are indifferent to the fact that measles epidemics continue consistently in fully vaccinated children. In the 1970's adults began contracting measles for no apparent reason. This never happened before the introduction of measles "vaccines".

In 1978, the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health announced "a new effort to free the United States from measles by 1981," and a new vaccine initiative was launched. You will remember that the typical age of the measles patient before the introduction of measles vaccine was 5-9 years old. After the introduction of vaccines, 64% were older than 10 years of age. The average age during the outbreak at the University of California was 20-24 years - 91% of those had been vaccinated against measles. After 1981, the United States was hit repeatedly by major epidemics, thanks to the new vaccine "initiative," and most epidemics were in fully "vaccinated" communities, with atypical measles presenting itself as a continuing problem. Adults, and now babies under 2 years old, thanks to the vaccines, were contracting measles. Furthermore, compulsory measles vaccination programs were always done with vaccines which had always been found to be ineffective during outbreaks of measles. As has been the consistent pattern, medical authorities sought a semantic solution to the paradox. In 1984, they declared that a child that is in the state of being immunologically sensitized, but not immune, is in a state of "inadequate immunity." Ironic, isn't it? The answer to a failed vaccine, and a failed vaccine concept, was to vaccinate more. This circular logic persists to this day, because people can't join together and "just say no."

In 1985, medical authorities had the audacity to state that "sustained transmission in a totally vaccinated community has not been demonstrated" and "the major reason for failure to achieve elimination of measles appears to be the fact that some persons for whom vaccine is indicated have not been vaccinated." This was a deliberate falsehood, and they went unchallenged. Meanwhile, the measles virus vaccine continued to do its part undermine the general immune system of the population.

Now, since natural immunity to measles and its contribution to the development of the human immune system had been thwarted, and generations of children with this so-called "inadequate immunity" would grow into adults with no placental immunity to pass on to their children, who would contract measles at an age when babies are normally protected by maternal antibodies.